Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/689

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Rhazes, physician X-124d; XV- 430a; cold water, use of X- 1315b

Rhea, deity IV-6S4a; V-334C

Rbeda, and Westphalia, Treaty of XV-604a

Rhedastus, See of VI-738b

Rheginus, inetropolitan. at Coun- cil of Ephesus IV-59Ub

Rhegio, Michele Angelo Guattini da Ill-349a

Rhegium (.Reggio di Calabria) VI-444b: and Beliaarius VIII- 57Sd

— Julii. S,'e Reggio di Calabria

Rhegius, Urbanus, apostate II- 7ob; at Hagcnau V-35d

Rheims. .sVr lUnins

Rheinau, Alil.>-v of IH.iOa: VII- 384b; C' I\--'<tsc

RHEINBERGEP, JOSEPH GA- BRIEL XlII-lsc; \l-3Ulc; Church music X-lJoSd

Rheinbund. See Rhine, Confed- eration of the

Rheinfels, and French VII-300b

Rheinische Gesellschait, society VII-540d

— Merkur, periodical VI-653a

— Missionsgesellschaft, Africa I- 18Sa; IV-611b

Rheinischen Volksblatter, period- ical xi-Grsc

Rheinische Volkshalle, periodical XI-67SC

Rheinpfalz, periodical X— 14'2b

Rheinstein, Castle of (ill.) VI- 4S9

Rheita, Schyrl (Schyrlseus) de, astronomer VI-45IC

Rhenana. See Rlieinische Ge- selLschaft

Rhenanus, Beatus IX-450a: and Erasmus V-290a; and Rcisch, Gregor XII-731b

Rhendina, See of VI-73SC

Rhenish Towns, League of IX-

.').■) Ic

RHES^NA, Sec of XIII-18d

Rhethynina (Rhethymnon). See Rhithymna

Rhetor, Zacharias, Bishop of Mitvlone X-I07b; Church his- tory VII-37:ic

Rhetoric, in Alexandrian educa- tion I-761b; in Apostolic .Schools XIII-587a; Aristotle I- 718c; St. Augustine I-762a; St. Bonaventure I-763c: in Chris- tian education XIII-5.53d; and Comenius I-764b; Greek edu- cation, ancient I-761a: St. Isadore I-7f.2b; .lesuits I-764b; Petrarch XII-7C,()a; Priscianua on XII— 429b; Renaissance I- 764b; Roman edxication, an- cient I-7filb; 7(ilc; in Seven Liberal Arts I-738b; 760b; symbolized I-7()2c; St. Victor Richard of I-763d

Rhetoricians, in Asia Minor I- 787a

Rheus Agathopus, and St. Igna- tius of Antioch Vn-644c

Rhind Papyrus V-3.50b

Rhine, bridge II-339a

— Confederation of the, Frank- fort Diet XV-200a; George- William of Schaumbiirg .VIII- .524a; N'apol.M,! Vl-.'iOsd: X- 602a; Saxe-W.iiirir XIII -l9,-,d; Saxonv .XIII .'.(Kid; .-<,h,.nl..,rn VI-50.")a; Wurtumburg XV- 716c

— Palatinate. See Palatinate, Rhenish

Rhini, Francesco Maria VI-286c Hible I-.518d; .")19c;


Rhinocolunis, river, Palestine VI-431b

Rhipidia, in Apostolic Constitu- tions I 571c

Rhipsime, Saint, church, Etsch- miadzin V-.-.72b; legend VII- 24b; relics \'-.572a

RHITHYMNA (RHETHYM- NON), Sec of XIII-19C; and Milopotamos X-318a

Rhizares (brothers) founders VI- 74 Id

Rhizarion, Greek Seminary VI- 74 Id

Rhizokarpaso, episcopal residence III-374C


Rho, VII-30.5d

— GIACOMO XIII-19d; in ("hina Xni-,^20d

—Giovanni III-143d; XIV-226d

Rhodanic Republic XIV-lSc

Rhodanius, Hi.-?hop of Toulouse XlV-ry.Jd

Rhodanus (Reudan) of Lorrha Vlll-lOOd

Rhode, E., animism I-.529a

—Paul Peter, bishop XII-20Sa; in America VII-6.57C

—ISLAND XIII-20a; XV-l,57d; A. P. A. I-426d; area XIII- 20a; Baptist churches II-279d; Brown University II-2S0a; capital punishment, abolition of XII-569C; charters XV-105b; Church and State XI - G17c; 617d; education XIII-22c; French Americans VI - 273a; French Canadians XI-273d; French societies VI-27(jb; Greek Catholics VI -747b; incorporation XIII -23b; in- dustries XIII-20b; history XIII-20C; legislation and relig- ion XIII-22d; liquor traffic laws XIV-4»la; marriage and divorce XIII-23C; population XIII-20b; publications, Catho- lic XI-fi92c; Ruthenian Greek Catholics VI-748a; seal of (ill.) XIII-20b; slavery, abolition of XV-lG9b; statistics XIII-20b; XV-176b; .Syrian Greek Catho- lics VI-751d; taxation XIII- 23b; temperance movement. Catholic XIV-491b

—Island College II-2,S0a

Rhoden, Johann Martin von, church of S. Alfonso XIII- 17()c; tomb III-225C

RHODES, island XIII-24C; V- 598c; and Adrian VI I-160b; Apollo, temple to VII-290a; conquest VII-47Sd; history I- 790d; and Hospitallers IV- 553a; Mohammed II IV-5.55a; Prefecture Apostolic in I-79Ic; Roman rule I-78(ja; siege (14S0) n-C.7d; Soliman I IX- 47a; XV-9sb; stations XV- 570a; St..ic school .\IV-299c; and Turks Ill-(.27b

—ALEXANDER DE Xin-24b; III-67.5b; VI-172b; VII-774d; in Ispahan VIII-192d; and Laval I.X-45d; in Persia XI- 723c

— Aime, Sisters of Loretto IX- 3(1 la

— CecU John XIII-2.5b

—Knights of VII-479b; XIII- 24c: XIV-l95b; at Tclmessus XIV-478d. See Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem

— Mary, Sister of Loretto IX- 361a

■ — Bequest, Newfoundland X- 783a

RHODESIA XIII-25b; evangel- ization XIII-2,5d: Irish in VIII-l.Wc; missions XIII-26b; population XIII-2.5C; tribes XIII-2.->d

Rhodez, c.nv.iit lT-.30»b

Rhodia. .^.•. HliM.lopolis

Rhodian Laws I.\ 73d


RHODO (RHODON) XIII- 2(ic; I-.5fl3a; VI-601b; IX- fil8a; 649a; school XIII- 167c

Rhodomannus, Laurenz, writer IX-31d

Rhodon, Greek colony III-42Sb

— Biahop of Paleopolis .\I-41Sd

Rhodope, Province of VI-7(tOb

Rhodri Mawr. .See Rhydderch Mawr

Rhdne, department, France, map Vl-facing ISS

—river, bridges II-78ld

RHOSnS (RHOSSUS) XIII- 2C.C; .\IVM02a; and Antioch I-.V.Sd; Chrislianity XIV- 402c: Sc-rapion V 70d

Rhoudemeh of Tagrit XIV- 410d

Rhugius, convent XI-120d

Rhuys,'abbey XII-612c; church VI-673d: St. Gildaa VI-557d; XV-271(i Rhydderch Mawr XV-534c; 584b Rhygyfarch, writer IV-641a Rhyme, and Celts VIII-121b; 124c; in Hebrew poetry XII- 177c; Irish poetry VIII-121b; in Sequence \ll-484b; in S>Ti- ac hymnody XIV-407c; Vic- tims! Paschali XV-407b RHYMED BIBLES Xni-26d — Chronicle, Danish IV-730b Rhyndacenus. Sec Lascaris, Jan-

Rhys, John, Jesus College XI- 36Sd; on St. Tcilo XIV^73d

— Thomas ap Ivanap, bard XV- 536a

Rhythm, and a-sthctics I-17,5a; of .\mlirnvi:in iiic'lodics I-.390b; in Latm. .■r,.l,.M.,.tir,l IX-21d;in Seciu.ii.r Xll-ls;ic


— Psalter VII-596C

Rhythmus, hymn I-154d

Ri VIII-297C; 322d

Rialto, Venice XV-335C; Cam- pagna III-220b

Riano, Antonio, Bishop of Antio- qiiia. at fbarra VII-013C

Riant, Paul Edward Didier, on relics XII-738a; Soci^td de rOrient Latin IV-544a

Riario, Cesare, Bishop of Pisa Xll-llld

— Francesco Salviati, cardinal. Bishop of PisaXII-lUd

— Francesco Sforza IX— lOnb

— Galeazzo, and Imola VII-693a

— Girolamo, cardinal, and Colon- na VIII-362b; (ill.) XlV-fac- ing 32; and Imola VII-69.3a; in plot VI-109a; and Sixtus IV XIV-33a; 33b

— Giulio, prothonotary, Melozzo da Forii X-170b

— Pietro, cardinal (ill.) XlV-fac- ing 32; Mende episcopate X- 180b; monument XVI-64a; and Sixtus IV XIV-33b; Tre- viso episcopate XV-39a

— Raffaele, cardinal, conspiracy Xlll-loOd; conspiracy, Leo X IX-165d; conspiracy, Pazzi XIV-32d; Erasmus IX-163d; palace I-290a; Pisa episcopate Xll-llld; Porto episcopate XII-290d; tomb XIII-170iJ

— Palace, and Chri.stina III-723C: chancery, papal XIII~1.50d; (ill.) XIII-1.50C

Rlbadeneira, Jose Antonio XV- 2.59b

—PEDRO DE XIII-29C; VII- 107a; IX-332b; XIV-199d; Alegambe I-281d; in England XIV-91C; portrait XIII-29d; Spiritual Exercises XIV-225d

Ribadeo, episcopal residence X- 477b

Ribagorza, Countship of, Spain III-412b

Ribalta, Francisco de, artist Xin-31b

RIBAS, ANDRES PEREZ DE -Xlll-.iOc; on Mayo Indians X-.S9d

Ribaud, Dr., hypnotism VII-608d

Ribault, Jean VI-116C; Timucua Indians XIV-734C

Ribbeck, Otto, at Leipzig IX- 111a

Ribbon S oc i e t y (Ribbonmen), Irisli \II-:t20c; VIII -lOdb

Ribbotti, al liiiiiiiii XIlI-.5sb

Ribe, Lutheran diocese IV -723c

RIBE, .■<ee of XVI-70b; IV-724c; VII-HIb: IX-43.3d; pilgrim- age XVI-70d

RibeirSo do Carmo (Mariana) IX (iiiOb


Ribeiro, Bemardim, Portuguese writer Ill-543b and early Por- tuguese literature XII-30Sb; work of XII-307d

— Hintze XII-.30.5a

—Thomas, poet XII-310c

Ribemont, Mauriat monastery X-71a; Treaty of VI-lS7a

Riber, Jens, in Faroe Island V- 7S9c

Ribera, musician XVI-64b


— Fadrique Aian de, Marquis of Tarifa V— 111c

— Francis IV-160d; XIV-87d; on Chaldaic translation II-167d; on Micheas XV-464d

— Giovaimi Battista, and St. Charles III-b20a

— Juan de. Blessed, Archbishop of Valencia VII-28Sb; XV- 252b; and Corpus Christi Col- lege XV-253C

— JUSEPE DE XIII-31b; VI- 367a; X-6S3c; XV-23b; Blind Sculptor (ill.) Xlll-facing 32; Christ, Head of (ill.) Vlll-fac- ing 384; and Giordano VI- 564b; St. James the Less (ill.) Vlll-facing 2S0; St. Jerome (ill.) Xlll-fiicing 32; Mag- dalen, Rapture of the (ill.) XIII -facing 32; St. Mary of Egjpt (ill.) IX-763; St. Paul (ill.) Xl-lacing 572; St. Peter (ill.) Xl-facing 750; St. Sebas- tian (ill.) Xlll-facing 32; Vat- ican works XV-283b; Wadd- ing. Luke (ill.) XV-522a

— Lazaro de, on Reductions of Paraguay XI1-699C

Riberao Preto. See Kibeirao Preto. Diocese of

Riberio III-670d

Ribert, Saint, Abbot of Condat XIII-341C

Ribet, thedogian XIV - 620d; 62 Id

Ribhanas, in writings of N&ve



Ribier, priest, fotmds order IX- 476b

Ribiero, Diogo, philologist XIV- 292d

Riblah. See Rebla

Ribnikoff, writer XIII-274d

Ribnitz, monastery, Mecklenburg .X-109a

Riboli, Timoteo, Freemason IX- 7S3d

Ribon, Francisco Aguilar, at Uni- versity of .Sville X1II-746C

Ribot, Augustin Theodule, paint- er XIII-32b

— Theodule Armand, association- ism II-4c; character, divisions of III-585d; character, study of HI-584d; on images VII- 673c; on personality XI-728b; and positivism XII-33d; 313c; and substance XIV-323C

Ribourde, Gabriel de la, mission- ary VII-216C; XI-662a; death Vill-636a; geographic research VI-I51d: and Kaskaskia In- dians VIII-608d

Ribs, in English architecture VI- 676c

Ricard, Pascal, missionary X- 390b

Ricardo, cardinal XIV-180d

— David, political economist I- 22Sa; XII-214a; 2I,5c; 237a; on private property XII- 463d


— Anglicanus, physician XIII- 32d

Ricca, Giovanni Antonio, archi- tect XV-9.5a

Riccabona, Benedetto de, bishop, at \atican Council XV-305b; at \'erona XV-362b

— Charles Joseph von. Bishop of Passau XI-.52flb

Riccardi, Giuseppe, Bishop of Boiano II-(.22d


— Chapel, works of Benozzo Gob- zoli in XI-.399b

— Palace, works of Gozzoli VI- 6SSd

Riccardo, Bishop of Fano V- 785a

Riccaz, Alexis, Bishop of Nagpur X-3(;8c; 669b

Ricci, Amico, on Gentile da Fabri- ano VI-422a

— Antonio, Bishop of Reggio di Calabria XII-717C

— Catherine de. Saint. See Catherine de Ricci

— Costanza XV-218a

— Flavianus, edition of Rciffen- Btuel XII-72.5a

— Francisco, and Carrcfio III- 378a

XVI— 43

Roman numeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.