Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/690

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XIV-8i;c: and Ganganelli IV- 35a; and Pius VI XII-131b; portrait XIII-33C

— MATTEO XHI-34C; III-670b; 672d; 673a; VIII-e33b; IX- 559a; 746c; as astronomer IX- 492b

—China VIII-712d; XIII-520b; cartographic survey of VI- 451b; in Kiang-si Vin-635a; mission founded XV-347a; missions, development of tlie XIII-36a

—Chinese Rites XIII-37a; and Holv See XIII-37a; Jews, mission to III-679d; as mis- sionary IV-441d: as Orientahst XII-656c; portrait XIII-35; rites, question of III-671C; work, results of XIII-39d

— Pier Francesco de IH-444C

— Pierre Andre, Abbot-General of Citeaux VII-692C

— Scipio, bishop Xll-llSa; and Anfossi I-476a; anti-papal re- forms XII-131d; Breviary re- vision II-776c; ecclesiastical policy II-6Sd; Pistoia, Synod of XII-UGc: Pius VII XII- 134a; submission II-69a; the- ologian IX-474b

Ricciardi, Mariano, Bishop of Reggio di Calabria XII-717d

Ricciarelli, Daniele da. See Volterra, Daniele da

Ricci CoUege, Pisa XII-UOc

Riccio, Kabbalist VIII-591b

— Aloisio, Bishop of Cajazzo, at Vatican Council XV-307b

— Andrea, work in II Santo, Padua XI-3S5d

— Domenico, painter XV— 362b: stvle V-7S8a

RICCIOLI, GIOVANNI BAT- TISTA XIII-4Ua; cartographer VI-453a; and Grimaldi VII- 34d

Ricciulli, Gaspare, Bishop of Reggio di Calabria XII-717C

Rlcco, Alberto, Bishop of Tre- viso XV-39a

Riccobono, Giliforte, Bishop of Palermo XI-42UC

Rice, in Eucharistic Host VII- 494a; in Vedic sacrifice XIII- 3U9d

— EDM0ND IGNATIUS XIII- 4Uc; III-710b; XIlI-576d; por- trait Xni-4Uc

— Joseph J., Bishop of Burlington XV-357b

— Mary Spring IV-763a

—Nathan L., and Elder V-373a

— R. E. v.. President, Niagara TuivcTsity X-367b

Rice-Feasts, of Dyaks I-52Sc

Ricemarchus. See Rhygyfarch

Riceputi, Filippo V-788c

Ricercar, origin VII-139d

Rich, and almsgiving I-32Sd

—Caleb XV-181d

— Claudius James, Assyrian re- search II-9a; XI-3U3b

— Hugh, martyr XIII-63C; and "Nun of Kent" II-319C

—Mabel V-294d

—Reginald V-294d

—Richard \-295a

—Richard, Baron XIV-692a

— Thomas, Vicar of Buckland XIV-694d

Richaire, brother of Ragnacaire IV-71a

—Bishop of Li^ge IX-236c; XII- 719d

Richard, Saint, veneration at Orleans XI-319d

— King of the Angles IX-406b; XV-64 Id

RICHARD I, King of England XIII-4 1c; III- 703a; IX -531b; Ambroise,

?oom of XI-106a; Benedict of eterborougli ll-472d; corona- tion XV-650b; Crusade III- 692a; IV-549a; and Cyprus IV-589d; and Eleutheropolis V-380b; France, war with Vm 14d; and Gnutier de Cou- tancos XIII-2(19d; and Gaza VI-4()lb; and Giraud dc Bor- ncil VI-570b; and Glanville VI- 677a; and Henry VI V-13Sa: VI-»92b; VII-234b; and Hu- bert Walter VII-508d; and St.


Hugh of Lincoln V^37a; VII- 520d; imprisonment III-479a; and Innocent III XI-454b; and Joppe VIII-268d; and Leo- pold V II-123b; and Philip II IV-549a; XI-105d; Xll-la; St. George, arms of VI-454d; St. Thomas of Canterbury, Order of X-305d; and Scotland XIII- 616a; and Sozusa XIV-167a; statue, Westminster (ill.) XIII- facing 42; at Tours XV-3c; V^zelay, negotiations at XIII- 719b; and Wireker XV-660c — n, King of England, and Arch- bishop Arundel 1-7 65b; and Beaufort XII-148d; and Chau- cer III -643a; St. George, arms of VI— 154d; and Gower VI-6S5a; mortmain statute X- 580b; and Simon of Sudbury XIII-799C; Thomas of Dover, canonization of XIV-694C; tomb XV-599b —in. King of England, and Al- cock I-274a; and Bourchier II— 717a; and Isabella of Castile VIII-177C; and WilUam of Wayneliete XV-64 la; and St. Winifride's Well VII-50Sd — Brother, in Hungary XII-

36SDd RICHARD, Friar Minor XIII-

41b; jeton X-113b — missionary XIII-327d — priest, and Blanchet II-594a —Trinitarian VIII-164b — Abbot of St. Alban's. and Geof- frey of Dunstable VI-427d — Bishop of Andria I-475C — Earl of Arundel and Richard II

I-765b — Count of Aversa. See Richard,

Prince of Capua —Duke of Burgimdy XIII-718d — .\rchbishop of Canterbury III- 299d; 301b; and Benedict of Peterborough II-472d; and Odo of Canterbury XI-211d; and Peter de Blois XI-765d — Prince of Capua III-319c; VII-73a; Gregory VII VI- 793c; and Nicholas II XI-55b; 56a; and Roger I of Sicily X- 685b; and Victor III XV-410d —Abbot of Chester III-649d —Earl of Chester VII^38c — Earl of Cornwall, and Alexan- der IV I-2S8a; and Conrad of Hochstadt IV-259a; and Egypt IV-531a; in Germany V1-493C: and Marisco XI-671C; and Matthew Paris XI-499a; and Rome XIII-169a; and Sicily, crown of VIII-17d — Prior of Dover. See Richard,

Archbishop of Canterbury —Abbot of Floreffe VI-105C — .\tibot of Fountains VI-161a — King of Germany. See Rich- ard, Earl of Cornwall — Duke of Gloucester. See

Richard III, King of England —Bishop of Linkoping XVI-53d — Abbot of Marseilles XV-411C — I, Duke of Normandy and ^thelred VIII-428a; and chuiches XI-104d; Fecamp, Abbey of XIII-210d; and Har- old Bluetooth VII-141b; and Louis IV XI-104C; and Mont- St-Michel X-551b; and Raoul of Ivry XI-105a — n, Duke of Normandy, and Edward the Confessor XV- 643a; and Eudes of Chartres XI-104C; Jerusalem, pilgrim- age to XII-92b; and monastic reform XI-104d; and pilgrims

— of Ossory XV-676a

— King of the Romans. See Rich- ard, Earl of Cornwall

— Bishop of St. Asaph XIII- 333a

— Venerable, Abbot of Saint- Vannes de Verdun XV-351d; and Fulbert of Chartres VI- 313a; Palestine, pilgrimage to IV-545c; and St. Poppo XII- 275a; Reims, veneration at X1I-729C

— Saint, Abbot of Soignies III- 21Qc

— Bishop of Toscanella XV- 4S9a

— Venerable, Abbot of Vaslogc. See Richard, Venerable, Abbot of Saint-Vannes de Verdun

—Bishop of Verdun VII-519b

— administrator of Waldsassen XV-530d

— Duke of York, and Bourchier ll-717a; and Roses, Wars of the II-716d

—Duke of York (Son of Edward IVj II-717a; Perkin Warbti!; as VII-700b


— Francois M., Bishop of Belley. See Richard de la Vergne, Fran- Cois-Marie-Benjamin

— Gabriel, missionary III-653C; IX-490C; X-282C: XIV-329d; 330a; 759d; at Boston II-705b; Congress II-415b; X-281a; XV-559C; Detroit IV-758d; Detroit, schools in XIII-560b; in LouisviUe IX-388a; at Mackinac Island IX-6S9d; Mar^chal IX-651b; Michigan, University of X-280c; founds newspaper XI-692c; portrait (ill.) IV-759C; United States, education in XIII-5S0b

Richarda, Saint XIII-345C

Richard a Media Villa. See Rich- ard of Middletown

— Bere, Blessed, martyr XIV- 689c

— Coeur de Lion. See Richard I, King of England

— DE BURY XIlI-12d; on books IX-231a; as Bishop of Durham V-211d; and Fitzralph VI-87a; and manuscripts IX-619a; and "Philobiblion" XII-366d; seal of (ill.) XIII-43a; and Thomas of Bradwardine XIV-693d

— de Ferrariis, prior of Norwich .XV-fi3.)b

— DE LA VERGNE, FRANCOIS- MARIE - BENJAMIN XIII- 43c; II-415C; Christian Doc- trine Society XI-493d; and Cross of Jesus, Congregation of the IV-539b; and Leo XIII I-498c; Montmartre, church in XI^88d; as Archbishop of Paris XI-484d; and Tamisier M. M. B. XIV^42a

— de MorviUe, and St. Thomas of Canterbury VIII-644d

— de Wendover, Bishop of Roch- ester, England XIII-102b

— DE WYCHE, SAINT XIII- 43d; III-657d; reUcs XII- 738c; .shrine destroyed III-658a


— Holtby, Blessed I-296a

Richardie, Armand de La. See La Richardie, Armand de

Richard Kirkman, Blessed XV- laib; anil Dymoke V-221b

— of Burgundy, Bishop of Ili- baluc lll-lMOb

— of Chichester, Saint. See Rich- ard de Wvrhe, St.


—OF CORNWALL XllHoa; St. Francis, Rule of VI-213a

—of Ely, Achard de St. Victor XIII-3S9a

— of Ilchester, and Odo of Can- terbury XI-211C

— of Mapham, dean of Lincoln I.X-477C

—OF MLDDLETOWN XIII- 45b; XII-766a; the earth's mo- tion Xll-SOd; epithet V-74d; Old Franciscan School, disciple of XIII-610b; on Lenten Last IX-153d; and St. Louis of Toulouse IX-385d; theology XIV-591b; vacuum XII-50c; worlds, plurahty of Xll-Slb

—OF ST. VICTOR XIII-loc: XI-495b; on the Blessed Virgin IV-632a; Dante, influence on IV-631b; X-106C; and faith V- 755a; on grammar I-763d; on Mass, obligation of saying X- 22d; as m.vstic VII-353c; X- 664c; Paris, University of XIII-388C; on pen.ance I-63b; as theologian XIV-606b; theol- ogy, ascetical XIV-618b; theol- ogy, mystical XIV-622b; and St. Thomas of Canterbury III- 294c; treatise attributed to

VII-678d; Trinitarian teaching XV-52d

— of WalUngford, clockmaker II- 458c

— of Ware, Abbot of Westminster VI-551d

Richardot, Franfois, Bishop of Arras I-7.52d; at Douai V-138b

Richard Reynolds, Blessed V- 47Sa; VIII-465d

— Rosso. See Richard of Corn- wall

— Rowse. See Richard of Corn- wall

— Rufus. See Richard of Corn- wall

— Ruys. See Richard of Corn- wall

Richards, Ann V-372d

— B., in New Orleans XI-12a

— James IV-406d

—John XI-23b

— John Morgan IV-466d

— WUlaxd X-572C

Richard Sans Peur, Duke of Normandy. See Richard I, Duke of Normandy

Richardson, Benjamin Ward, on Laennec's work Vni-737c

— Isabella, Benedictine nun IV- 355b

—Richard, Rosminian XIII-201C

— Samuel \'— ir.f'ic

—(ANDERSON , WILLIAM, VENERABLE .Xlll-Jfib; V- 47lic; ilc;ith V-47Td

Richard the Fearless, Duke of Normandy. See Richard I, Duke ol Normandy

— the (iood, Duke of Normandy. See Richard II. Duke of Nor- mandy

— the Lionhearted. See Richard I, King of England


Richardton, North Dakota, Bene- dictme .\bbey II-452d

Richardville, Indian chief X- 272c

RICHARD WHITING, BLES- SED .Xlll-ifid; ll-462d; VI- 581a; XlII-47b; seal, effigy on V-I50a

Richarius, Abbot of Prijm. See Richaire, Bishop of Liege

Richarz, Petrus von. Bishop of Augsburg II-76d

Richbod, Bishop of Trier XV-42d

Richbold of Reims \I-6S2b

Riche, Sulpician writer XIII- 380b

Richelieu, town, France, Lazarist foundations X-359a; 360c

—Alfred, Bishop of Lucon XIII- 47c

— Alphonse Louis du Plessis de, cardinal, as Archbishop of Aries I-2;!Sb; as Archbishop of I.voiis IX-174b

— ARMAND-JEAN DU PLES- SIS, CARDINAL, DUC DE XIIH7C; and Academy, French I-89a; VI-195C; Aiguil- lon. Duchess of I-23.3d; and Ardilliers' shrine I-700d; XII- 88c; Argeuson on VI-103b; Arnauld the Great I-742b; Aubignac II-67a; .\udran II- 71b; Benedictine reform XIII- 4Sd; Bernard, Claude n-496d: and Campanella III-221c; Can- ada I-256c; ni-232a; and Causain III-467a; and Cham- pignv XV-4a; and Cistercians III-<S3b; as titular Abbot of Cluny IV-74a: Corneille IV- 374d: and Desmareta de Saint- Sorlin IV - 751d; Duvalism Xin-4Sd; and Gabriel Sionita VI-331C; and Germany VI- .503b; and Huguenots VI-171C; VII-533C; XIII-»Sb; and Jan- senism XIII— ISc; as Jesuit student XII-0.i6d; and Le- clcrc du Tremblay IX-lOSb; lOSc; XIII— (Sa; .and I.emercicr IX-147c; on Louis XIII. reign of IV-443a; as Bishop of Lucon I.\-41.3b; and Maria de' Medi- ci X-122a: and Mazarin X- 9'2a; Mission, Congregation of the X-360C; at Montauban X-.524d; and Morin X-.')-Ob; and Pavilion XI-.59-IC; triple portrait (ill.) Xlll-tacing 48;

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.