Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/700

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Rory O'Conor. See O'Conuor,

Itoderirk Rosa, Antonio della, Bishop of

Policiistro X!I-212b — Francisco Martinez de la. Sec Martinez df la Rosa, Francisco — Giovanni, hospitals of, Rimini

Xm-5Sc — Giulia Greca XIII-lS3d — Michele X-413a — Persiano XI I- 19b — SALVATORE XIII-183d; VIII-2olb; Laval University, Quebec, work in IX— 4Sd; por- trait Xin-lS4a; and Ribera Xni-32b; S. Giovanni dei Fiorentini. work in XIII-174C; Trapani, work in XV-23b — Tommaso della. Bishop of

Policastro XII-212b Rosafa. See SergiopoUs ROSALIA, SAINT XIII-184c; ahriiic XI-419d; tomb, beads Il-3(jld; XIII-1S5C Rosalie, fort I|I-560c; X-709d Rosalline Point, lace VIII-731a Rosamunda, daughter of Cuni-

niund IX-33Sa Rosapha. See SergiopoUs Rosari, Lotario, Bishop of Pisa

Xll-llld Rosario, tort, Africa XIII-230a — mission. Lower California III-

180a; XIV-513d; 547c — periodical, Portugal XI-G89b Rosarius, Bishop of Sorrento

XlV-l.ilc Rosa rorans bonitatem, hymn

XVI .54a Rosary, church. Goa VI-604d —church. Lourdes IX-3S9d ROSARY XIII-lS4d; IX-35fid; Alanus de Rupe I-246b ; Apos- tleship of Prayer I-633a; Arias on I-711a; in art XIII-172d; XV - 282a; Basilian monks XIII-188a; beads for II-362b; blessed XlV-lb; blessing of II-601b; Carthusian V-113a; communions in honour of IV- 774d; Crosier indulgence IV- 517a; devotion of IV-773d; XII-275C; St. Dominic XIII- 184d; 186a; Dominicans XIII- 509d; Dominic of Prussia V- 112d; Formbv on VI-139c; in Greek Church XIII-187c; Hail Marys I-487a; Henrv of Kal- kar VII-236C; Hindu II-734d; and indulgences VII-783d; Jo- seph 1 1 forbids use of II-127c;in Lamaism XII— 409c; month of X-542d; XII-275d; XV-464C; mysteries of the II-290a; no- vena in honour of XI-143d; origin of name XIII-lS7a; Portiuncula of the XIII-189C; prayer-books on XII-352b; Ritualist devotion Xin-92d; in Russian Church XIII-18,Sa; of the Seven Dolours XII- 276a; XIII-737a; Welsh ode XV-.53od — Association of the Living VIII-


Xl^-l^sb; Vll-.-.!l(;c —CONFRATERNITY OF THE HOLY Xlll-is8d: I-.591a; XIV IL'ild —FEAST OF THE HOLY XIII- l,s9b; IV-55.-)d; XV-415b; XV- 464c; Pius V institutes XII- 131a — Our Lady of the. See Our Lady

of the Rosarv —Perpetual XIII-189a — Seraphic. .See Crown, ?>an-

— Magazine XI-696a

Rosas (Rhodon) in-428b

— Anton von X-141b

—J. W. de, Arceuline dictator I- 7l)4a; ll-749b


Rosati, Joseph, Bishop of St. Louis I-726b; X-366c; XI- 11b; lie; 290d; XIII-358C; 3.5Sd; 360a; XIV-548c; and do Andrcis X-36fid; at Barrens, Missouri Xni-3l,llb; in Chi- cago ni-(;,-,:(c; V-209c; inlllini.i.* Xlll :i:.'.la:.inrl Kcn- drickVlll til(lb:XI-20SC;and Portior X-411a

— Rosato, arcliitect XIII-170d Rosay, nation. University of Glas- gow VI-578d Roscairbre. See Ross, Diocese of Roscarbery, Mercy Convent

XIII-578C ROSCELIN XIII-lS9d; IX- 326c; XII-38b; XIII-54SC; 5o0a; and Abelard I-37a; 38b; condemned II-378c; on ideas VII-631d; logic IX-326c; Nom- inalism XI-92b; XIII-189d; and Robert of Melun XIII- 97d; Tritheism XV-61d Roscher, Wilhelm, political econ- omist XII-213C; Bid II- 5.59c; on ancient Greece I- 227d; .at Leipzig IX-141a; on Miiller X-027C Roschildia, Ancient See of. See

Roskihle Roschlaub, Johann Andreas X-

134a Rosciate, Alberico de. See

liosate, Alberico de Roscoat, Josephine Zee du, su- perior of Sisters of Providence Xn-.507d Roscoe, William, historian I-

29.3d ROSCOMMON XIII-190d; Mercv Convent XIII-578c; School of art V-394d — Dillon Wentworth, fourth earl,

p,,..t VlII-151d Rosconi, J. H. S. X-5.50a Roscrea, abbey IV-.51.5a; VIII-

«41c; X-.5.52d; XVI-2.5d Ros de Olano, Antonio, writer

XIV-20i)b Rose, flower, in Bible XII-156b;

in legend V-390d — liturgical colour IV-134d — golden. See Golden Rose — Saint, Abbess of Ervauville

XI-319d — Blessed, foundress IX-750c — George. See Sketchly, Arthur — Guillaume, Bishop of Senlis

IX-99b — Henry John, theologian, on St. Matthew, Gospel of X- 63d; in Oxford Movement X- 371d; and Pusey XII-582c —James I1-799C — WilUam Stewart, poet I-712d ROSEA, See of XIII-191b ROSEAU, DIOCESE OF XIII-

191b Rosebery, Primrose Archibald Philip, fifth Earl, and Lord Acton I-lHc; and Le Play XII-16.3d Rosebud, South Dakota, Catho- lic Mission XIV-23b; Indian Reservation XIV-22C; 24b Rose-Chretienne de la NeuviUe,

Teresian martjT XIV-ril7b

Rosecrans, Sylvester Horton,

Bishc.p .if f..liimhus Ill-774b;

IV-U'id: XI h'.i.-.b; XIII-192a


Xlll r.ilc; Xl-L'JIlc; VI-3S4b;

XV-172b; portrait XIII-191d;


Rosecroft, Maryland. Sacred

Heart Convent VII-134C Rosecroix, in Masonic symbolism

IX-77nb Rosegger, Peter, writer VI-

.527d Roseland, Visitation Convent

XV-4S2C Roselia Foundling Asylum, Pitts- burg XIV-29a ROSELINE, SAINT XIII-192b;

III-:i92a; VI-270C Roselli, Nicola, cardinal I-156d;

V-73.5d — Salvator M., Thomist XIV-

703a Rosellini, Ippolito, Orientahst

in~.5<,9a: XI -304c Rosemary Convent, New Zealand

XV-61.5b Rosen, Kunz von der, portr.ait


192b: Il-13nc; Vl-721d Rosenbaum, J. J., philosopher

VII ^-sd —Julius X UOd Rosenbergs, fin.iilv XI-328C Rosenblatt, Wibrandis III-26b RosenblUt, Hans, dramatist VI- 520c

Rosenborg, casllc, Copenhagen (ill.) IV-729

Rosendus, Saint, Bishop of Mon- dofiedo X-477C

— Saint, Bishop of Compostela IV-18Sd

Rosengarten, epic VI-519a

Rosenkrantz, Neils. See Styggr, Neils

Rosenkranz, Johann Karl Fried- rich, philosopher VIl-194a

Rosenkreus, Christian, founder XIII-103C

Rosenkreuzer XII-709C

RosenmuUer, Ernst Friedrich Karl, Biblical commentator lV-ir.2a; Xll~332c

— Johann Georg, Biblical coni- m-ntator lV-l(;2a; XV-4r,4Db

Rosenthal, David August V-152a

— Isidor, phv.sioloKist I-SU(lc; II- .571c

— Johann, .lesuit IX-537b

Rosentreter, Augustinus, Bishop of Culm IV-.5r>7a

ROSE OF LIMA, SAINT XIII- Ifl'Jc; II-:iii(ic; XlI-:!GSHc; XlV-i;:«]d; l.ratilicatii.n II-

iOSb; chur.'h acdi<-atcd to.

Australia XI-.566a; cultus of II-597d; Rome, patroness of XI-733d; statue XIII-767b; tomb IX-255d; and St. Tori- bio Alfonso Mogrovejo XIV- 781a

—OF VITERBO, SAINT XIII- 193a; XlV-642a; death XV- 4.S8a

-point, lace VIII-731a

— Polytechnic, Terre Haute, In- diana VII-739b

Roser, Isabel VII-64.3b

Roses, Sunday of. See Sunday of the Roses

—War of ll-.59c; 376a; 716d; V-44()d; XV-641a

Rose Sunday (Lsetare Sunday) VI-()2<.ia

Rosetta Stone III-.569a; XI-304b

Rosetti, Costa, writer XI-191a

— Nicolo, Bishop of Boiano II- 622d

— Vincenzo, .lesuit XIV-92a

Rose Water, in Greek consecra- tion ser\-ice I-3.59d

— Window. See Window, Rose

Rosh XII-133d

— hashana, in Talmud XIV-437a

ROSICR0CLANS XIII - 193b; XIV-72b; in Pennsylvania VI- 475c

Rosier, Bernard du. Archbishop of Toulouse XIV-796b

Roskell, Richard, Bishop of Not- tineham XI-133d

Roskilde, town. Denmark IV- 723d; Harald Bluetooth at Vll-Hlc; Manuale Curatonmi XIII-S9b; peace (1658) IV- 72Sd: IX-43.3d; 435b; XIII- .544a; nival residence IV-72Sa

ROSKILDE, Ancient See of XVl-71b; IV-724C; cathedral III-3()7c; IV-731d; XVI-71C; Catholic population IV-723d

Roskosius, Bishop of Kamenetz IX-46.5b

ROSKOVANYI, AUGUST XIII- 194b; 11-13.5C; X-77,5b; XV- 525b

Rosier, Augustus, author XII-

Roslin, Eucharius X-134d

Rosmadec, Sebastien de. Bishop of Vannes I -539b

Rosminiane Xll-509a

ROSMINIANISM XIII - 195b; DO bciuK XIII-195C; conscience Xlll-197a; cosmoloo' XIII- 196c; on education Xni-197b; ethics XIII-196d; on Eucharist V-5S9d; on evil V-651d; on existence V-545d; free will XIII-lfl6d; God, theory of XIII-Hir.d; intuition XIH- 19.5c; on i...tifi.ali..n VIII- 577d;m>.ralitv XIll-197a: dn- tologism VI 61l>d; XI-257C; psvchologv XIII-196a; on rea- son XHI-195d; on sin XIII- !97a: on the soul XV-1.5fl; on Supernatural order XIV-.33Sb

ROSMINIANS XIlI-19Sb: in Fmsland VI- I2:ia; founded XIll-l»ld;hist..rvXlII-200d; novices XIII-200b; organiza-

tion XIII-199C; provost gen- eral XIII-200c; S. Carlo al Corso, Church of XIII-170d; de Vit XV-484C; vows XIII- 200b ROSMINI - SERBATI, A N - TONIO XIII-194C; VII-172a; IX-322b; B.allerini on XVI-6c; on Beatific Vision VII-17.3a; Buroni on X-364a; on con- science XIII-197b; and Gal- luppi VI-370d; and Gentili VI-422d; Gioberti on VI-563C; Institute of Charity XIII- 198b; Kraus on VIII-700a; on life XIII-196b; on logic XIII- 195d: Manzoni IX-I3.34C; and Melia X-lC..5a: philosophy, definition of XIll-l'.t"'b; policy XIV-26.5d; portrait Xlll-193; and Providence of the Institute of Charity, Sisters of XII- 509a; Trinitarian teaching con- demned XV-52d Rosnat, monastery VI-583a Rosnavia (Roszovo) II-136c Rosner, Benedictine XI-.534b —Karl, architect IV-7e9d; VI-

50b Rosny, M. de. .Sec Nicole, Pierre Rosologiacum VI-336C RospigUosi, Giulio. See Clement

IX —Palazzo XII-771a Ross, legist II-753C — town. Scotland, Irish popula- tion VIII-1.54b —Alexander, po,t XIII-02Gd —Alexander, u.-neral lX-7i;0c —DIOCESE OF, Ireland Xlll- 201d; and Clcyne IV-72d; founded XIII-61.5C; map VIII- facing 114; St. Tarkin XIV- 45Sb —SCHOOL OF XIII-202b; St. Fachtua Xni-201d; XV-585b — William Charles, painter XI-

369b — WilUam G. III-452C Rossa, Francesco Bartholi della

XII-2S6d Rossadowski, Anthony, priest

XII-205a Ross-AiUthir (Ross) XIII-202b Rossaeus. .See Reynolds. William ROSSANO, ARCHDIOCESE OF XIII-203a; evangeliarium V- 641c; XI-396a; (ill.) IX-621C; Xlll-facing 202; manuscripts, illuminated III-96b; monas- ter)' II-323b; 323d; IX-617b Rossbach, battle (1757) VI-507b;

IX-664d; XII-o23d —Castle, Killarney (ill.) VIII-

facing 100 Rosse, William, 3rd earl. See Parsons, WiUiam, 3rd earl of Rosse Rosseau, Oblate XIII-666C Rossel, institutions V-523b ROSSELLI, COSIMO XIII- 203c: and Bartolommeo II- 318a; of Christ (ill.) Vlll-facinf! 384: painting. Vat- ican XV-279d; portrait XIII- 203d ROSSELINO, ANTONIO XVI-

72c: 64 a —BERNARDO XVI-72d: XIII- fi45c; Bruni, tomb of Ill-lld; (ill.) XIV-774b; St. Peter, plan of XIII-370C; Piccolomim Palazzo (ill.) XII-12Sb Rossello, Fontana del, Sassari

XIII-4S5a Rosserk, monastery VIII-641a Rosset, Michael, theologian IX-

71td Rosseter, Cliristina VI-271b —John IV-694a

Rossetti, Benedictine. Prefect Apostolic of Maryland III- 194b — Alfonso, Bishop of Ferrara VI-

47a —Carlo, Cardinal, Bishop of Porto XII-290d; in England X-564C; XV-219C — ^Dante Gabriel, poet and pamt- cr l-175d; on Dante IV-632e; paintings, religious _XI— J02b; and Patmore XI-.547a — Gabriele, writer VIlI-252d Rosshirt, Conradus Eugenius,

canonist IX |-..5d Rossi, family lX-105d; XII-234b

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrationB.