Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/703

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Rue, Ordinance of IX-371a

— Pierre de la, composer X-tiOla;


Elder Xin-2L'llb —ANDREAS, the Younger XIII-

220b —HANS XIII-220a Rueda, Lope de, dramatist XIV-

19Sd Rue des Postes VIII-729a Ruef, Johann Caspar, jurist VI-

269b Ruegg, Ferdinand, Bishop of St.

GaU Xin-3Sllc Ruelin, Etienne IX-2o2b Ruessium iSt. Paulien) IX-lSda Ruete, Christian Georg Theodor,

ophthalmologist X-141a Rufi, Leonard, autlior XV-.i77a Ruffert, Baroness von \'I-3r.7d Ruffin, Saint, martvr XV-.'iSsb RUFFINI, PAOLO XIIl-220b Ruffino da Piacenza, canonist

XI-3S7b Rufifo, Archbishop of Cosenza

lV-403a — Fabrizio, cardinal, and Napo- leon X-096d — dei Teodoli, Giovanni Xl-lfiOd RUTFORD ABBEY XIII-220d Ruffo-SciUa, Luigi, nuncio, and

n.illinKor V-94d RufiUus, Saint, Bishop of For-

limpopnli II-r)22d ROTINA, SAINT, martvr. Cap-

parlncia XIII-221C —SAINT, martyr. Capua XIII-

221c — SAINT, martjT, Rome XIII-

221b — SAINT, martvr. Spain XIII-

221b; XI-700C; XIV-177a;

(ill.) XIII-221C —daughter of St. Paula XI-582d —Claudia Xl-Uld RuBnella, villa. Frascati VI-243b Rufini, Filippo de*. Bishop of

Tivoli Xn"-7t7d Rufiniana, (ouiicils III-3.5.5a Rufinianus, Saint XIII-222a —Saint, Bishop of Baveux II-

35Sc —Abbot ot St. Peter's II-83C Rufino, Francisc.Tn. See Rufinus RUFINTJS, SAINT XIII-222d —SAINT, confessor. Capua XIII-

221d — SAINT, confessor. Mantua

XIII-221d: Bishop of Sarsina

XIII-47Sd — SAINT, mart\T, Africa (April

7) XIII-221d —SAINT, mart>T, Africa (Nov.

16) XIII-222a — SAINT, martvr. Alexandria

XIiI-222a — SAINT, martyr. Galatia XIII-

22 Id —SAINT, martyr, Rome XIII-

22Id — SAINT, martyr, Soissons XIII-

221d — SAINT.martjT.SvracuseXIII-

221d — Byzantine minister I-386a — Decretist IX-62d — Donatist XIV-710a —Franciscan I-213a; VI-22.3C —SAINT, Bishop of Assisi. mar- tvr XIII-221d; I-801b; relics

I-SOlc — Saint, Bishop of Marsi. martvr

IX-718d —Bishop of Tabs; XIV-t23a — Bishop of Thacia Montana

XIV-5.53a — of Aquileia. See Rufinus Ty-

— of Samosata, monk X-2nc — TYRANNIUS XIII-222a; III- 730b; VII-374b; 42Sc; (ill.) XIII-222a; on Apostles' Creed l-629d: 6.30a: 631b; 6.32a; on Arabia I-«67d; on St. Athana- sius 1 1 -3.3d; on churches, .sub- urbicarian XIV-324C; on St. Clc.ncnt IV-14b;onCrossIV- .■i20b: on Didvmus the Blind IV-7S4a; and St. .lerome VIII- .343b; Latin literature I.\-2.ib; and monasticism X-47.3a; on Old Testament canon III- 272c; and Origenism XI-310d: 437b; and Palladius XI-425d; 426a; and Poemon V-3.53a; on

St. Pontian's sj-nod XII-230a; on soul, origin of XV-15a; and Theodore XIV-575C; on vir- ginity of Blessed Virgin XV- 44Sc

Rufo, Agapito, Bishop of Camer- ino III-217a

Rufugio, church. Texas XIII- 425b

Rufus, name X-674a

— SAINT, disciple of Apostles XIII-222d; ir-159c; IX-676C; at Tortosa XIV-785C

— SAINT, martyr, Armenia XI II- 222c

—SAINT, martjT, Capua XIII-

— SAINT, martvr. Damascus

XIII-222d —Saint, martvr. Naples X-6S6d —SAINT, martvr, Rome (Nov.

2.S) XIII-222d —SAINT, mart\T. Rome (Dec.

IS) XIII-222d; Xll-Sa —SAINT, martjT. Tomi XIII-

222c — SAINT, Bishop of Avignon

XIII-222d —Bishop of Cyrene IV-592a —SAINT, Bishop of Metz XIII-

222d — Bishop of Octodurum XI-.53b — Archbishop of Thessalonica

VIII -lib; XIV- 633d; and

Boniface I II-659d; and Pope

Celestine III^78a; and Julian

of Eclanum VIII-558a — Annius, Procurator of Judea

VIII-3.50a — Galafrid, Bishop of Durham

V-21Id — William, King of England. See

William II Riigamer, on Leontius Bvzan-

tinus IX-180d Ruganda, language XV— 413c Rugby, England IV-109b Riigen, island. Church in 11-

.il2c; XVI-71b; 71c; 72b;

Lund in l-6()b Riige's House V-644b Rugg, John, Blessed. See John

Ruge — William, Bishop of Norwich

XI-122b Rugge (Rudia;) IX-108a Ruggieri, Michele, missionary

in-l.72d: \lll-3ld; death

Xin-36a: in Kwane-si VIII-

712b; and Kicci Xin-33a — Pietro, Bishop of Ruvo XIII-

2S0c Ruggiero, Christian name. See

Ruggierone, Count, and Ren6 of

Anjou XV-2(;4d Rugila, King of the Huns, and

Ai-tius I-177C Rugii iRugians), at Pavia XI-

.5n2d: in Pomerania XII-225C Rugotin, George, higumeno XIII-

262a Rugs, for altar I-3.51b Ruha, and Xasoraeanism X-707a Rudhard, Abbot of Hersfeld VIII-

7.i8a Ruhn, missionar\- XI-4.Tld Ruinante. See Rramante RUINART, THIERRY (THEO-

DOREi XIII-22.3a; II-462C;

VI-16b: VII-108a; X-70d;

XII-768b; at Reims XII-

729d; on Thehan Legion I-

205d; on St. Theodotus XIV-

.579d Ruitz, Scotist XIII-612d Ruiz, Minorite IX-177c — Augustin. See Rodriguez.

Brother Augustin — Casper, theologian X-440d — Didacus, theologian XIV-.i94b — Feman Xni-74.5b — Ferrantez Vlll-40b —Francisco, colonel XIV-5.50b — Francisco, missionary in-362c — Juan, .\rchpriest of Hita. poet

XIV-197b —Juan. See Ruiz de Matanzas — Leopold. See Ruiz v FI6rez

— DE alarc6n y mendoza,


IflSa; 2n2b; 21 13a — de Cabanas, Juan Cruz, Bishop

of Guadalajara VII-4.3a — de Leon, Francisco, writer


— de Matanzas, Juan, Spanish

Rite X-612b: Xl\' LSla — DE MONTOYA, ANTONIO XHI-22od: 446b; I~703d; VII- ilid: 47a; IX-.579b — DE MONTOYA, DIEGO XIII-

224b — y Florez, Leopold, Archbishop of Linares IX-266a; L^on episcopate IX- 177c — y Rodriguez, Manuel, Bishop

of Pinar del Rio Xll-lOlb Riijm el-Bahr XI-646C Rule, Religious. See Religious

Life Rulers, honour due VII-462b — of Synagogue XIV-381b Rule of Faith. See Faith. Rule

of Rules of Law. 5..- RckuI.t .luris — of the Chancery X1I1-1.51C —of the Fathers lIMa Rtim (Asia Minor, l-7.s.-.b Ruma, inart\r l-(.71c Ruma (Ed-D6mei \l-444b RUMANIA Xlll 221d. ar.;i V~ liOsd: .\lll-227c: Hasilians II-32;jc; Bulgarians XlV-iOd; Christian Brothers VIII-OOc; commercial code VIII-236d; Fanariots XIII-226b; geog- raphy. Bukarest III— 45b; geography, Jas.'iv VIII-325b; illegitimacy VII-650b; inde- pendence XV-9Sd; Jews VIII- 399c: Lembrrc IX-U.'ia: litur- gical laniMia-. \"l-7.".0c: XIII- 6sc ; 'c; 7Nd; ^2c; marriage lX-i.:i2d: iiiariiaii.-al.le age I- 20Sc: Middl.- Aixes Xni-225c; population V-G08d; Xlll-227c: present conditions Xlll-227c; Prop.aganda Xll-457d; pun- ishment, capital Xll-569c; religious statistics XIV-27Sa; and Tomi XIV-775d; union XIII-227a Rumanian Byzantine Rite VI-



-Church VI-76Sd; liturgy II- 321d

—Orthodox V-232c; VI-755b; XI -330a; XV-140d; arch- bishop I-692d; Holy Synod VII-432b

— protopope XII-.504a

— Vniat III-45b; VI~753b; 755d; XIIl-227d; archbishop I-691d; Propaganda XII-457i); rosary XIII-LSSb

Rumanians XII-626c; in Bul- garia XIV-.50d; Greece III-

97c; Greek Catholics VI-745c;

7.anb: in Ilunnarv II-121b;

Rii^Mi Mil ."3.-)C; Turkish

Emiar.' \\ H « lb Rumbus XI Iliad Rum Cay, island, statistics II-

204c Rumeau, Joseph, Bishop of

Angers X-549c Rumelia, Eastern III— 47a; XIV-

51c; XV-9,Sd Rumeh-Hissar, fortress IV-30.5b Riimelin, Gustav VI-269b; XV-

S4b Rumengol, Notre Dame de. See

Notre Dan.e de Hun.cncol RuilLford, Benjamin Thompson, V-423b; XII-67a Rumi X-1.59C Ruiniantze£f,Petr., general XIII-

248b; 248d Rumianzoff Museum, library.

Moscow Xin-242b Rumie, seminary VI-.548C Rumilliers, Dechamps's tomb

IV-665d RumiUy, convent II-o07c Ruminahui, soldier XII-6I5C;

XIII-61d RQmm&neb (Adadremmon) VI-


— (Rhemmon) VI— i44b Rummel, Francis F. von. Bishop

of Vienna XV-410d — Pass, inscription IV-2ri.".b Rumo (Tiber Xlll-166a RUMOHR, KARL FRIEDRICH

XIII-22sd; and Hio Xlll-

61c — Theod. Wilb., writer IV-731b Rumold, Saint V-172C; X-104a Rumon XIV-467a Rumoridtis, bishop XII-611d;


Rump, Herman XI-67Sd

Rumpharius, Saint, Bishop of Coulanees lV-155d

Rumsik, John. See John of Freiliurg (Kumsiki

Runes I Runic inscriptions) ,Clavus I-121b; Denmark IV-730b; Dighton Rock 1 41Sc; .^t. Paul XIII-3G7b; Sweden XlV-.353d

Rungato, Setebo eliiel XlV-25a

Runjeet Singh, Sikh leader XIII- 7,s9b

Runner of the World. See Cursor Mundi

Ruimymede, conference at V- 438c; IX-.')31d

Runsen Indians X-372a

Ruodlieb, epic poem \'I-517d: IX-30d; XlV-473a

Ruotger, on St. Bruno III-13C

Rupati, Indian prince XIV-719a

Rupe, Alanus de. See Alanus de Kupi-

Rupee, coin VII-735d; XI-156b

Rupella, John of. See John of liupella

Rupert, Saint, exegete IV-160b

— King of Germany II-671c: VI-196a; Xl^lSd; Xin-784d; death Vlll-434c; and Gregory XII-lc: and Heidelberg Uni- versity Vll-196c; 197c; and Matthew of Cracow X-66a

—Bishop of Bamberg ll-243b

—Bavarian heir (1504) XI-416a

— Abbot of Deutz. on alb I- 251d; on altar I-346a; on Communion Antiphon IV- 170b; and Gerberon VI— 470a and impanation VII-694d liturgical writings Xni-72a on neums VI-716b; on vest- ments 1-25 Ic; on Virgin Mary XV-468C; 468d

— Bishop-elect of Freising X- 63 Id

— I, Abbot of Ottobetu-en XI- 358b

— I, Count Palatine XI-415C; Heidelberg University VII- I96b

— n. Count Palatine Xl^lSd; and Matthew of Cracow X- fi6a

—in. Count Palatine. See Ru- pert. King of Germany

— Count Palatine of Zweibrucken XII-704d

—II, Bishop of Ratisbon XII- 65Sb

— SAINT, Bishop of Salzburg XIII-229a; 411c; in Bavaria II-456a; VI-485d; church XI- 566a; in Karinthia VIII-607b; at Ratisbon XII-657d; at Worms XV-708a

—See Robert

Ruperto-Carola, university VII-

Rupertsberg, convent VII-351d

— Hildegard of. See Hildegard. Saint

Rupert's Land, Indians in III- 229d

Rupert von der Pf'az, Archbishop of Cologne IV-117a; 118c; at Stra.sburg XIV-314a

Rupescissa, John de. See John of lioi|uet,aillade

Rupp, Julius, preacher V-644C

Ruppel. print, r VII-92a

Riippell, Eduard, traveler II- liila: IX .'.l."m

Rupprecht, Gottlieb Friedrich Eduard, exegete XI-6.54d

— Theodore, jurist XIII-737b

Ruprecht. See Rupert

— Knecht III-728C

Rural banks, ecclesiastical juris- diction over XIII-140a; I41d

— Dean. See Dean. Rural

Ruremonde. .See Roermond

Ruric, King of Novgorod XI- I16d

Ruricius, prefect I \ -296b

Rurik lX-4R4a; Xni-243c


Rusal'nyja, songs XlII-266a

Rusca, Franchin IV-1.83C

Ruscelli, G'lrolamo, cartographer I\' lilb

Rusch, Adolf, printer X-19RC

Rusconibus, Antonio de. Friar Minor VI-2.H5b

Ruselte, See of VII-.39d; 4Qa

Rush, in Bible XII-152a

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a. b, c, d. quarter of page.