Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/706

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S., abbr. I-25c; 27b

Sa* Christopher de, and Nobili

IX-560a — MANOEL DE XIII-285a; IV-

160d; as Probabilist XII-442b;

on Psalms, authorship of XII-

537c Saa, Leonard de, missionary III-

370d — Manoel de. See Sa Saadia (al Fayyumi, ha Gaon),

Jewish exegete IV-lS8d; VIII-

392c; Bible, versions XV-369d;

and Caraitcs III-329c; as

grammarian Vll-lSla; in Ju-

dsEo-Arabic literature XIII-

419a; work V-702b Saal, Margaret van der, and Phil- ip the Magnanimous IX~455b Saalfeld, Abbey of, Thuringia

XIV-713a Saananim VI-444b Saar, and Metz X-24Sd —Abbey of, Hungary XlII-194b Saarbriicken, and Metz X-24?Sd Saarburg, and Metz X-248d;

monastery IX-364b SaarimVl-144b

Saas, Jean, and Tassin XIV-463b Saavedra, Alvaro de X-783b;

Marshall Islands discovered

IX-718C — Andel de. See Saavedra Re-

mirpz de Baqucdano —FAJARDOG, DIEGO DE XVI-


— Hernando Arias de. See Arias de ^A-.ivfdr.i. Hernando de

— Juan Martin de, Duque de HivasXlII-.'Sob

—Guzman, Antonio XlV-203a


Sab., abbr. I-25c

Saba., abbr. I-2ijc

— in Ethiopia XIII-285c; name, origin of I-664C; and Sebha I- 664c

— son of Regma I-664C

— Queen of, in Abyssinia I-76a; kingdom I-665d; legend V- 668c; palace II-163C; and Solo- mon XIII-28.5d; XIV-136d

— and Raidan, Kingdom of XIII-

— AND SABEANS XIII-285c; 7"9a; l-0lj.5d; 1 1- 163b; V-56Sb; astrology II-24b: at Axum II- 163d; explorations I-663d; re- ligion XIII-286b

Sabsism. See Saba and Sabeans

Sabaites, and host, Eucharistic Vn-490b

Sabaka VIII-655c

Sabama VI-444C; X-410a

Saban. See Sabama

SABAOTH XIII-286C; amulets I^43d; angels as I-47Sc; and Archontics I-697b; in Gnosti- cism VI-595d; 59Ba

Sabaria II-136C

Sabarim, town, Syria VI-444C

Sabarjesus, Nestorian catholicos XI-722d

Sabart, Notre Dame de. See Notre Dame de Sabart

Sabas, Saint. See Sabbas

Sabatacha I-664c

Sabath. .See Shebhat

Sabatha I-664C

Sabatier, Charles - Paul - Marie, St. Francis, study of VI-230a; XIV-641b; and Portiuncula indulgence XII-2S7a

— Louis-Auguste IV 496a; VII- G86b: on Agnoslicisin 1-2 1 (;b; and Becan II-3S(ib;<.n Iiil.liial inspiration Vlll^l«b; ..n church organizal inn II! 7.".0c;

on dogma VII ^ta t i.ln-.

sians. Epistle li> \ is'i^ (;,„|, intuition of \ II I ^ 'ili, .n.l Modernism X H.".(i. H'.ibiand mysticism X-6(i4d; St. Paul, coQversion of XI-5B9b; on

Pauline theology XI-573d; worship, theory of XV-710C

—Paul. See Sabatier, Charles- Paul-Marie

Sabatiers. See Waldenses

Sabatini, Francesco, AlcalA Gate, Madrid Ull.) XlV-facing 190

Sabatius, and Justinian I VIII- 578d

Sabatra. See Sauatra

Sabaudia (Savoy) XIII-492b

Sabazios, deity X-660C

Sabbadius, Bishop of Buxentum XII-212b

Sabbaghian, Patriarch of Con- stantinople 1-79 Id

SABBAS, SAINT, the Elder XIII-286d; V-385c; and Di- vine Office IV-315b; and John the SUent VIIM9ob; hfe, by Cyril of Scythopohs IX-180b; monastery, founded IX-39C

— Saint, the Younger XIII- 287a

— Saint, martjT under Aurehan XIII-287a

— Saint, martyr under Valens Xni-287a

— Bishop of Athens II-45b

— Bishop of Cinna III-776d

— Saint, Bishop of Daphnusia XIV-714b

— Bishop of Laranda IX-3c

—Bishop of Paltus XI-434d

— Saint, MetropoUtan of Servia X-529d; XIII-2S7a; 732d; establishes church VI-766d

— Abbot of Studion XIV-317a

— Bishop of Theodosiopohs XIV- 577d

Sabbatarian Baptists. See Sev- enth-Dav Baptists

SABBATARIANS, SABBATAR- IANISM Xlll-2s7a; Subbot- niki XIl-t;.-,Ob

Sabbatati. .s\v: Waldenses

Sabbateion XIV-380a

SABBATH XIII-287d; in Abys- sinian Church I-76b; 78c; of Adventists I-166d; in Agrapha I-226b; in Armenian church XIII-79b; Babylonian III- lS8c; Caraites III-329d; dese- cration XI-649c; XIII-314b; early Christians I-195a; and Essenes V-546C; Ethiopians V-570d; Jewish VIII-403b; New Testament XIII-289a; observance XIII-288c; origin of II-556d; XIII-288b; reckon- ing XIV-341d; religious aspect XII-743a; Scripture readings XIV-454d; of Seventh-Day Baptists II-281c; and Sunday III-159a; XIV-33oc; in Tem- ple, Jerusalem XIV-503b: trading XIII-287d; week, rela- tion to XV-575d; in West- minster Confession V-760a; and witchcraft XV-674C

Sabbath-house XIV-380a

Sabbatia iSavona) XIll-4S9d

SABBATICAL YEAR .\in-2S9b; II-.i.Ma: .-)."j7a; VIII-.W4b; XIV-43C.d


Sabbatini, Andrea, painter XI 11- 396c; 397c; and Caldara III- LMc

— Lorenzo, painter, and Calvaert III-I90C; Vatican painting XV-279d

Sabbatius, name X-674b

— Saint, foundation XIII-232b

Sabbatum in Albis II-273a; and .^gnu^ Dei I-220C

— in Traditione Symbol!, in Am- l.rosinn Kite I-398b

Sabbioneta, Targum XIV-456a

Sabee VI 444c

Sabel, Saint, martyr III-.">.'i4d

Sabellianism. See "Monarchians

Sabellicus, Marcantonio Coccio, and Cites III-492d; and La- tus, PoTuponius Vni-738b

SabelUs, Cencius de. See Hon-

orius III. Pope

SabeUius, heretic, VII-361a; X-

449d; XV-7.56d; condemned


Saben, Diocese of II-136a; 739d

Sabert, King of the East Saxons.

See Sebert Sabhall. See Saul Sabhall-Padhraic. See Saul Sabhla, in Manicha!ism IX-592d Sabhrisho 'ibn-al-Masih, Cathol- icos of the Nestorians III-559C Sabianism (Sabians). See Naso-

Sabina X-674b

—Saint XIII-290d; and Am-

brosian Mass I-402b — martjT (Rome) XIV-37b — martyr (Smyrna) XII-lOSc —martyr (Spain) XIV-177b — Duchess of Bavaria, and Eg-

mont V-327d —DIOCESE OF XIII-290d; II-

I45d; XIV-324b; and Farfa

V-7S6d; map Vlll-facing 244 — John of. Cardinal. See John

of Sabina — Poppaea. .See Poppsea — Langobardica XIV~233c Sabine, Michel de, founder XI-

637b Sabines, tribe Vni-224b; on

Quirinal XIII-166a; territory

XIII-291a Sabinian, Saint, monk of Condat

XIII-341C — Bishop of Perrha III-557C Sabiniana, martyr IV-3S9C Sabinianus, Saint, at Troyes

XIII-422a —Saint, in Vercelli XV-349a SABINIANUS, Pope XIII-291C;



— Bishop of Termessus XI V-517d —Bishop of Zara XV-752a — Bishop of Zeugma XV-7.57C Sabinilla, and St. Valentinus

III-517C Sabinin, G., hagiographer VII-

107c Sabinus, Saint, Bishop of Assisi,

and Avellino II-149d; martyr- dom I-SOlb; XI-420b — Saint, Bishop of Canosa, oil of

XI-229d; relics II-295d — Bishop of Coptos IV-354d — Saint, Bishop of Cremona IV-

4S3d — Bishop of Emerita IV-oS7b —Bishop of Heraclea VII-243a;

IX-220C; as Church historian

VII-373b; and Pneumatomachi

XII-174C — official of Maximinius XI-708d — Bishop of Otranto XI-352a — Bishop of Panopolis XI-445d — Bishop of Piacenza, and St.

Ambrose, works of III-,520d —Bishop of Seville XIII-744b — U, Bishop of Seville XIII-744C —Bishop of Stilo XIV-239b —Bishop of Terracina XIV-olSc — Flavias, epitaph III-513d — Titus Flavins, Prefect of Rome

III-.il3d; IV-14a Sabiona (Saben) II-793d Sabis, deitv .XIV-741C Sabisquiri VIH90a Sable, Geoffrey de, founds abbev

IX-U4b Sabler, Carolus Vladimirovitch,

Procurator of Holy Synod

XIU-263C Sablon, Josephine du, foundress

IX-47t)b Sabonde, Raymond of. See Ra.\-

111.. u.l of Sal.undo Sabor, and Pragmatic

SaTicli..n IV-,->l2c Sabora im, r:,liiin.l XlV-43Sb Sabran, Uisl,,,,, ,,i \iv I-2.3Sb - LOUIS DE XIU -"'Id SABRATA (SABRATHA) XIII-

2«2a; W; 60a Sabtah. See .Sabatha

Sabunde, Raymond of. See Ray- mond of Sabunde

Sac, abbr. I-25c

Sacajawea, Shoshone Indian X- ol7a

Saccani, martyr III-671c; IX- 748a; XIII-7.52b

Saccarelli, Gaspare, Church his- torian VII-376d

Saccas, Ammonius. See Am- monius Saccas

Saccati VII - 2Sld; X-lS5a; founded IX-717b

Saccellarius XI-417b

Sacchetti, Franco, writer VIII- 248c

— Giulio, cardinal, and Alexander

VII I-294b; and Berrettini 11- 516a; and Cozza IV-464a; ex- eluded V-677C

— Palazzo XIII-444b

Sacchi, cardinal, conspiracy XIII- l.iOd

Sacchi, Andrea, painter, and Ma- ratta IX-63Hc; and St. Teresa, painting XIII-174C; S. Carlo ai C.arinari, church of XIII-170d; Vatican painting XV-2S3b

— Bartolomeo. See Platina. Bar- tolomeo

— Gaspare, painter Vn-693b

SACCHONI, RAINERIO (REI- NERi Xni-292b; on Cathari III^36b

Sacco, Catone, and Pavia Uni- versity XI-594a

Sacconi, confraternity, Rome XIII-165a; XIV-122d

— Congregation of. See Oblates of iNIary, Viterbo

— R., canlinal. and South Ameri- can College, Ron.e I-426a

Saccophori \n-260c; IX-595C

Saccds IV-GOOc; V-400d

Saccudium, monastery II-323a

Sacculum III-o64a

Saccus, Petrus Ill-342d

Sacerdotal functions XII-406d

— Holiness, League for XIV- 127b

Sacerdos, Saint, Bishop of Li- moges VII-319d; IX-264a; XI-668d; at Cahors III-141c; at Siguenza Xin-78Sa; at Tulle XV-87b

— Saint, Bishop of Lyons IX-472d

Sacerdos XII-406a

Sacer Mons II-136c

Sachacha VI— 144c

Sa-cha-Iee-stick, Indian Scrip- tural instruction Xni-666a

Sachau, Eduard, Jewish docu- ments XIII-710C

Sachlikis, in Byzantine literature III -mid

Sa-cho-thu-go*tinne, tribe VII- 136c

Sachs, Hans, poet \T-521b; and Pauli XI-583C; portrait VI- 522b

— Michael, Bible version XV- 373a

Sachsenhausen Appeal, of Louis IV VI-247b

Sachsen-Lauenburg XVI-70b

Sachsenspiegel I\-292c; VI- 519b; on electors VI-492b

Sack-bearers. .See Sjiccati

Sackbut !I-o51d; X-657a

Sackcloth, in penance I-196b; 776c; symbolism VII-113d

Sackingen, m(>naster\' II-194c; and St. Friilolin VI - 303d;; XIII-.W9d

Sackville, Lady Margaret, on Soutliwoll .\n- 164c

Saclan Indians, misi-ions X-372a

Sacra Archeologia, Society di Conferenze di. .See Cinforenze di Sacra Archeologia

— Congregatio, Decree of I'rban

VIII XI-14(ib

— Congregatio Christiano nomini ^ropagando. Sec Propaganda,

Sacred Congregation of

Large type indicates titles of articles; other tj-pes, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations. 690