Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/745

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Sarcophagy V-578c Sard, in Bible XIV-308C Sarda, See of XIII-467d Sardagna, Carolus, theologian XI\-59oa

Sardanapalus, and Asshurbanipal ll-17a; Del;icroix, painting IV-6HI)b; legendary tomb XIV- 461b

Sardanas, dance XIV-lDlc

Sarda y Salvany, Felix, writer H-290c; XI-690d; XIV-201C

SARDES (SARDIS) XIII-472a; VI - 444d: 750c; VII - 204c: XIV-306b; in Apocalj-pse I- 59ljb

Sardhana, Church in I-225b

Sardi, Thomas XII-366d


—COUNCIL OF (343) XIII- 473a; 693b; 72Gh; l-709d; III- 46a; 282b; 493d; IV-117d; VI- 762b; VIH7ob; VIII-561C; IX-218d; XI-49b; XII-164d; XIV-214d; XV-361d; XVI- 2oa; Acaciua of Caesarea I-81b; on appeals to Rome I-594b: XII-267c; St. Athanasius at II-39a; British bishops III- 493d; XV-o82c; delegation, canonical IV-696c: on aiocese V-ld; and intercession, epis- copal VIII-72d; Julius I IV- 427c; Ma-'dminus of Trier X- 77b; papa! legates IX-118d; Photinus Xll-43a

Sardinarius, Bishop of Lamego Vin-761c

Sardinha, Pedro Femandes, Bish- op of Sao Salvador de Bahia de Todos os Santos XIII-4G6a

Sardini, Giacomo, papal delegate XII-77d


—Church ill I-28.3d; VIII-241C; XIII-474C; .\frican bi.ihops XIII-706c; Benedict XIV II- 4.3.3c; catacombs III - 427b; monasteries, suppression of X- 45.5a; as papal fief XII-78a; XIV-5I.3a; St. Pontian XII- 230a; Poor Clares XII-254b

— education XIII— 174b

— geography. See Italy; Geog-

—Hut^: III-139C; XIIH74c; Alberoni I-260b; battle (1352) XV-337C; Concordats (1727) IV -203d; (1741) IV -203d; (1742) IV-20.3d; VIII-2.33d; XIII^76d; (17.50) IV-203d; (1770) IV-203d; (1817) IV- 204a; (1841) IV-204C; XII- 136a; and Egypt V-340c; and Genoa VI-420C; Inquisition VIII-35a; Italian annexation XIV-267a; kingdom XIII- 476a: and Lombardy X-700d: Marcia XV-lOSb: neo-Punic inscriptions XIII-710b; Pied- mont XII-77a: Revolution of (1821) XIII-47Gb; Saracens VIII-232b; and Tarentaise XIV-4.54b; and Tortona XIV- 783b; Vandals in XV-268c; and \'igevano XV-*26b

SardiniaJl Chapel, London III- 577a; XV~.593b

Sardis. See Sardes

Sardon, Saint. See Sacerdos

— fleitv XIIH74C

Sardonyx, in Bible XIV-308a; 3ft'*c: and carnelian XIV-306b; and onvx XIV-30.8b

Sardot, Saint, Bishop of Lyons IX-472d

Sardus, deitv. See Sardon

— Germanus, artist XIII-737C

Sare I-.552b

Sarea. See Saraa

Sared, town. See Sarid

—son .>f Zahulon XV-7.39c

Saredatha. •'>'--• S.irthan

Sarehourdiya, society X-423a

SAREPTA Xin-.176d; VI-444d: XII-41b; Chanaanitc woman Xin-«77a; Elias at V-381C

Saresberia, Johannes de. See John of Salisbury

Sarfend, Khirbet .\III-477a

Sargas X-644b

Sargasso Sea II-lRSa

Sargeant, Mother Josephine, foundress XII-397d

Sargent, family IX-605b

— Caroline IX-60Sb

—John IX-605b: XV-620b

—John Singer, artist XIV-62Sd

—Mary XV-620b

—Sophia XIII-283d

Sargon I (of Akkad), King of Babylonia Il-lSla; XI-656d: XIII-707c; inscription (ill.) II-181a; legend II-lS8d; "Na- mar-Beli" Il-19c

-IT, King of Assyria II- 13d: Vin-199d; IX-227C; Aramaic states XIII~70Sb; Azotus 11- 169b; VIII-657c; Dur Sharru- kin II-7d; and Jews III-3I5d; IV-775d; Phcenicia Xll-lld; in prophecy III-474c; Samaria I-779c: XIII-416b: and Sen- nacherib XIV-753a; treatises V-49a

— Castle of. See Khorsabad

Sargonid dynasty II-14a

Saric, mission XIV-14.5b

Sarid VH44d; XV-740a

Sariel, archangel XII-640b

Sarighta, John, Syrian patriarch XIV-4iHa

Sarion VI-444d

Sarkander, John, Blessed. See John Sarkander

Sarkis Ter Abrahamian, Apos- tolic Administrator of Tiraspol XIV-739a

Sarlat, See of XI-668b: mortuary chapel III-577b; seminary X- 361c

Sarmani, Giovanni Francesco, Bishop of Montcfeltrn X-528d

Sarmatian, monk I— 103d

Sarmatians XIV-57.Ha

Sarmatio, bishop XII-Glld; 771d

Sarmentero, Bartolomeo, Scotist Xlll-fiiaa

Sarmiento, writer XIV-200d

— Jose Manuel Enfracio de Qui- roga, Bishop of San Juan XIII- 447a

—Lope de XV-105d

— de Mendoza, Francisco. See Mendoza, Francisco Sarmien- to de

— de Sotomayor, Bishop of Mon- dofiedo X-477d

Samanus, Constantine, Scotist Xlll-eilc: 612d; XIV-591d 594b

Samdli, Angelo, Baron I-337d XIII-477b

— JANUARTUS MARIA XIII- 477b; XII-fiS7a; and St. Al- phonsus I-.340d

Samen, college X-643d; 644a

Samo, Diocese of. See Cava and Sarno

Samowski, Stanislaus, Bishop of Wloclawek XV-681d

Sarocchi, Tito XII-601b

Sarohen VI-444d

Sarolta, Duchess of Hungary II- 122d

Saron, Galilee VI-444d

— (Sarona) VI-444d

Saros, in astronomy II-2.5C

Saroukhan, Sultan of Magnesia XII-41a

SARPI, PAOLO (PIETRO) XIII- 477d; VIII-233C; Almici's work I-32.Sa; and Bellarmine II- 413c; and Do Dominis V-113c; 113d; and Jesuits XIV-S6d; and Monita Secreta X-487c; and PallaWcino XI— 427a; and Paul V XI-582b; as physicist .XII-60d; and Venice IIH,12d; writings VIII-251C

Sarpy, Louis X-732a

Sarrancolin, prior>' XIV-453C

Sarrasin, Jan,senist XV-44.5d

— Quapaw chief. See Saracen

Sarria, convent XIV-112C; Jesuit institutions XIV-17.5C

— Tommaso de. Bishop of Trani XV 17b

Sarria Vincente de, missionary X-532C: and Duran V-20nc

Samif, Ignatius, Melchite Patri- arch X-160a

Sarsa Dengel, King of Ethiopia V-5R9a


Sar Shalon, Gaon, Targtim XIV- 15.5c

SARSINA, DIOCESE OF XIII- 47Sc; and Bcrtinoro II-.52.3b

Sarsitero, Diocese of II-<)96d

Sart, rare XII-626C

— town. See Sardes

SarUch, Ruler of Kiptach XIII-

217d Sartain, Samuel, steel engraver

V-327b Sart-Dame-Aveline, Protestant- ism in II-401d Sarteano, Albert Berdini. .See

.\lbert Berdini of Sarteano Sarthan (Sarthana) \'I-444d Sarthe, department, France, map

Vl-facing ISS Sarti, Giuseppe, musician III- 64Sc

— Mauro, historian III-206a

Sartiges, de. Minister to Persia XI-724a

Sartine, Antoine de, chief of police V-420C

SARTO, ANDREA DEL XIII- 478d; XI-4(lla; .l.ili[i ll.c Bap- tist (ill.) VIll -f;if ne l^S; .Ma- donna of the Il;irpis (ill.) XIII - facing 478; Piacenza, paintings XII -70b; portrait XIII-179; Reumont's life of XII-79,Sd

— Giovanni Battista XII-137a

— Giuseppe Melchiorre. See Pius X

Sartorio, Jorge Jose, writer XIV- 203b

Sartorius, pastor of Aachen XII- 251b

— Augustinus, writer III-786a ; VI-65a

Sarua Vni-340b

Sarug fSaruch), patriarch III- 732d; VI-410d

Sarugh, James of. .Sec James of .'^arugli

Sarum, Diocese of. See Salisbury

—RITE XIII-t79d; 615c; III- 494a; IX-312C; 797b; Breviary XIII-lSOc; Bre\-iary, Aberdeen II-777b; Canon III-261a; and Carmelite Rite XIII-73c; cere- monial XIII— 180d; colours, se- quence of XIII— 181b; on con- suetudinary IX -430b; con- secration crosses IV-535d; feasts, local Xlll-lSla; hair cloth VII-114a; Holy Week XIII-t81c; marriage IX-7(Mb; 70,5c; 705d; XIII-48Id

—Misml X-356d; XIII-480a; Gloria VI-,584a; Gospels XIII- 481a; Postcommunion XII- 318d

—and St. Osmund XI-340c; Palm Sunday procession XIII- 481c; Primer XII-42,5a; and Roman Rite XIII-480a; St. Paul's, London IX-348b; Scot- land I-686d; Sepulchre, Easter XIII-lSlc; Tcnebra; XIII- 481c; XIV-S06C; wedding ring IX -706b

Sarvena (Thermae Basilicse) XIV-629C

Sarvia, sister of David I— 14c; and Joab VIII-40a

Sarzana, Diocese of. See Luni- Sarzana-BruEnato

— n (Fiesella) IX-436b

— L., monuniento Pius V (ill.) XII-130b

Sarzec, Gaston C. E. de, Ass.yrian research XI-303d ; explorations n-9a; at Tello II-180d; IX- 227c

Sasbach, Germany, institute II- 199d

SASIMA, See of Xin-182a; and Gregory of Nazianzus VII-llc

SASKATCHEWAN Xin-482a: Iwmnd.iries and area XIII- 4S2b

—Chureh in: Catholic Indians X- 3S4a; ecclesiastical organiza- tion XIII-18.3a;, be- quests for X-30d; Ruthenian Greek Catholics in VI-750a; statistics III-242a; Vicariate Apostolic of Xin-330b

—Education III-240d; .XIII- 48.3b; school attendance XII- 600a; schools in XIII-570d; statistics III-231b

—History XIII-4S3d; 484c; im- migration III-229C; marriage age I-208d; physical character- istics Xlil-I82b

—Population XIII-482d; re- sources XII-427d; Xin-482c; See Alberta


— Rebellion. See Red River Re- bellion Saspach, Konrad, invention of

press \II-90c Sassabasar. See Zorobabel

Sassan, ancestor of Ardashir Pa- pakan XI-715a

Sassanian Dynasty, and Arsacidae I-753d; and the Avesta II- 152b; and Jews I-779c; and Zoroiistrianism II-154a

SASSARI, ARCHDIOCESE OF XIII-4S.5a; XII-78d; and Am- purias I-440c; map Vlll-facing 244

—Province of XIII-474b; Sar- dinian dialect XIII-474a

Sassetta, painter IX-358d

Sassetti, Francesco, in art, Roa- sclino XVI-72C

— Chapel, Church of Santa Trin- ita, Florence VI-546C

Sassi, revolutionist, assassination II-3S7C

—tribe II-590d

— Joannes, Oblate, writer I-405C; on Rogation Days Xlll-llla

Sassitelli, Giovanni, in papal military service VIII-693b

Sasso, Lucio, cardinal. Bishop of Ripatransone XIII-62d

Sasso Ferrato, town, Sylvcstrine monastery XIV-37.3a

SASSOFERRATO, GIOVANNI BATTISTA SAL VI DA XIII- 485b; in Lateran Gallery. Rome XIII-165C; Madonna of the Rosary XIII- 173d; self-por- trait XIII-485C; Virgin of Sor- rows (ill.) XV-464Ed; work of, Vatican XV-283b

Sassone. See Saxo

Sasso Rosso, castle of I-213a

Sassovivo, monastery, Foligno II-446b; VI-125b

Sassu, port, Sardinia XIII-473C

Sassulio, Vera, Nihilist XI-76a

Sastrzenbiec, Adalbert, Bishop of Poscn XV-555C

SATALA, See of XIII-485d

Satan. See Devil

Satanael, in teaching of Bogomili I 1-6 12a

Satank. See Setangj'a

Satankulam, town, India XV— lib

Satanta. See Settainti

Satara, Goan chapel at XII-236a

Satebo, .Mexico, mission XIV-13a

Satellites, and Galileo XII-57C; motion and attraction of XII- 62b; of outer planets XV-186d

Sathas, C. VI-772a

Sathianadan, periodical XVI-38d

Satiate, and the Himgry, The, Nihilist publication XI-75d

Satibeg, Chinese prince X— ISld

Saticula, town. Rome XIII-454b

Satillieu, pilcriniage Notre-Dame de Chillons .\V-494c

Satire Menippee ^'I-194b; and LeaEuc IX-WOb; Pithou, Pierre XII-lKIa

Satis cognitum, encyclical of Leo XIII V-414a

Satisfaction, Abelard's teaching II-57b; in absolution from cen- sure III-.532a; abstinence as I- CiSb; almsgivmg as I-330b; St. Ans.lnrs l.a.liing n-.56d; by mil, II, ,1- ii, I'l'.iice I-409a; for I! : • I : :.7>d;.ifter death

I ; , , -I ^iiMiamental arti-

(I, \ I ;_n,i ni Hebrew sacri- fice .Mil .il4b; .and indul- gences VII-784C; and merit X- 203b; necessity of XI-623a; Penance, ParriHnciil of XIV- 587a; i; " ' IJrdemp-

tion Xn ' 1 iration

XII-77 .,XII-

789a; r,i l-770d;

for sin A I ■•--c. .\ll-575d; XIV-«b; teachuiK, false II- .58c; teaching. Protestant XI- 620b; teaching. Scholastic II- .57d; teaching. Wes.sel XV- 590b; theory of XIV-585a; vi- carious, and Redemption XIV- .58.5a; Sec Penance

Satni-Khamois, story of V-349d ; 350a

SATOLLI, FRANCESCO, car- dinal Xni-4,sr,a; 362c; II- 2.34d; IX-120b; 171b; XV- ,5,59b; and A. P. A. I^27a; on Biblical Commission II-557c;

1 numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.