Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/750

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inthians, Epistles to IV-305b;

on Synoptica XI\'-393a; on

II Thessalonians XIV-632b

Schmiederer, Maria XIV-211a

Schmier, Benedict, canonist IX-

65c; and Bucelin's history III-


— Francis, canonist XX-65c; XI-

35Sc Schmitt, J., poet III-123b — Joseph Damian, Bishop of

Fulda VI-315a — Wilhelm Josef, obstetrician X-

Ulc Schmitt-Mainz, politician XVI-

23c Schmitz, Johann Wilhelm, Pro-

thonotary of Cologne IV-llOc Schmuriow, archteologist VIII-

64c Schmuzer, Franz, artist X V-59 Id — Johann, artist X V-59 Id — Joseph, artist X V-59 Id —Matthias, artist X V-59 Id Scbnaase, Earl, art historian III-

95d; Xnr-042b Schnabel, Johann Gottfried VI-

522d — Michael Alexius, missionary

IV-o70a — Tilemann, Augustinian VII-


Xm-o46c; on Banez II-24Sc;

at Maria-Laach IX-65SC Schneid, Matthaus, neo-Scholas-

tic V-366b; X-749b Schneider. See Agricola, Jo- hannes — Eulogius, apostate, at Bonn II-

674a; IV- 119a; at Straaburg

IV-116a: XIV-314C — ^Johann Alois, Vicar Apostolic

of Saxony XIII-501C — H., Egyptologist XI-305a — Konrad Viktor, physician XV-

679b — Theodore, missionary, in New

Jersey X-792b; in Pennsyl- vania VI-477C; XI-793d — Wilhelm, Bishop of Paderborn

I-514b; XI-385a Schnell, Anselm, writer XV-576d Schneller, Joseph, Jesuit XIV-

90c — Joseph, priest I~257b — Joseph A., editor, in Brooklyn

II-800a; and Dr. Power XI-

23d; Truth Teller XI-693a;

Weekly Register and Catholic

Diary XI-693a Schnepf, Erhard, theologian XV-

S3b Schneuder, J., statistician XIV-

274d Schnewly, Peter, provost XIV-

363c; and Peter Caniaius XI-

759a Schnitter, Johannes. See Agri-

i-ola, Joh;imi.'S Schnorkhali, Nerses. See Nerses

Schniitgen, Alexander, editor XI-

680b —Collection, Cologne X-647c Schobel, C, cxegete XI-654C — Emmanuel Johann, Bishop of

Lcitmeritz IX-141d Schoch, Johannes, architect VII-

197d Schock, Prefect Apostolic of the

Transvaal XV-20b Schoeffer, Augustin, martyr VII-

776a; XIV-SOc Schoelzig, Amandus, Abbot of

Mjirifiniiliill IX-661b SCHOENBERG, MATTHIAS

VON xni-:.l6d —Our Lady of, shrine VIII-332d Schoenmaker, missionary X-

3S9b Schoenwerd, Henry de. Abbot of

Muri X-64.ib Schoepf, Peter, sculptor X-083d SchGffenkollegium, Nuremberg

XI-16yb Schoffer, Ivo, printer XIU-547C — John, printiT XlII-547b -PETER, the Elder XIII-547a;

Vn-'.12a; XIV-(i66b: and Fust

Vl-:i26d; portrait XlII-547b — Peter, the Younger, printer


Schofield, Casper VI-476a Schokzians, tribe XIV-50b Schola XIV-29c; individual choir

XII-145a — ^gidiana VII- 18c — Anglorum, Rome II-428a; VI-

78Sb — Canonica s. Externa, in Chris- tian education XIII-555C — CANTORUM XIII-547C; III- 618d; in earlv Church XIV- 29c; French III-696c; of St. Gregory III-693d; leader III- 306a — Claustri, in Christian education

XIII-555C —Dei, near Parma III-391b Scholse Dialectics IX-327c Schola Francorum 1 1 1-6 16c — Major, in Christian schools

Xni-556b — Minor, in Christian schools

XIII-556b — palatina. See Palace school Scholarius, George, Patriarch of Constantinople. See Genna- dius II Scholars IV- 109a; of Cambridge University III-213b: patron XI-566c: .Sef Fellows Scholastica, Saint I-7c; in art, Houdon VII-499d; and St. Benedict ll-4li7c; 471d; relics IX-144a; tninl, X-.'-)27a Scholasticate Xlll-i;94b SCHOLASTICISM XIII-548a; Abelard. Peter I-36d; Absolute, the I-60c; on absolution I-63a; on accident I-96c ;97b ; on active intellect I-74c; acts, human I-115d; acta, indifferent I- 116c; actus et potentia I-124c; actus primua I-125C; actus purus I-125d; Adelard of Bath XVI-ld; on adoption I-149b; Mlerni Patris I- 177a; age of XIII-549C; Albertus Magnus I-266b; Alexander of Hales I- 298a; 299a; on angela, fall of the IV-765a; on Animiam I-527a; Anselm of Laon I-550b; anti- Scholastics XIV-673b; and Arabian philosophy I-676a; Arabian tradition XII-48d: and Aristoleleanism I-718a; XII-162a; XIII-551a; and atomism II-54b; on Atonement II-57c; St. Augustine II-93a; and Averroes II-151c; Averro- ism Xni-549b; and Avicenna Il-157d; Brother Azarias II- 167b; Barber, Paulus II-288d; body XIII-551c; St. Bonaven- ture II-651C; XIII-549b; and Bruno. Giordano III-17C; Bur- idan. Jean III-78c: categories III-433C; on Catholicity III- 451c; on causahty III-461a; 466b; and Claudianus Mamer- tus IV-8a; on cognition V- 171c; on confession XI-626b; on confirmation IV-219d; on conscience IV-270c; on con- subatantiation IV-322d; on contrition IV-338b; cosmology IV-115d; on creation IV-471b; Creationism IV-476a: on cru- elty IV-542b; decline of XIV- 591d; 699b; XV-195a; and de- duction IV-674C; defence XIV- 608c; Denys the Carthusian IV-735d; dialectic IV-770d; 771b; XIII-548C; Duns Scotua V-198d; XIII-549b; Durandua of St.-Pour^ain V-208a; dyna- mism V-223c; early Christian XIII-548a; epistemology V- 507c; Erasmus V-511d; essence and existence V-543d; ethics V-559a; XIII-551d; exegesis V-704a: on extreme unction V- 724d; "Father of" (St. Anaelm of Canterbury) XIV-590a; Francia of Vittoria VI-232c; God. existence of VI-609d; Godfrey of Fontainca VI-626a; on good VI-637C ; good, ethical VI-038d: on grace VI-699a; on habit VII-102d; on happiness VII-132b; XIII-552«; Henry of Ghent VII-235a; Hirscher XIV-608a; Hugh of St. Victor I-736c; VII-522a; and Human- ism XII-701d: 769a; idealism VII-634d; on ideas VII-631d; induction VII-7S2d; on infinity

VIII-Bc; on instinct VIII-52c; on intellect VIII-67c; intel- lectualism XIII-551a; on intui- tion VIIl-83d; in Italy XIII- 766a; keva, power of the VIII- 632c; Kleutgen VIII-667b; on knowledge VlII-674d; and Leo XIII I-88a; on Hfe IX-239b; on Umbo IX-257b; on liturgy XIII-70a; logic IX-326c; on lying IX^70b; Maimonides, man IX-582a; 582c; on matter X-56b; and mechanism X- 100b; and medicine X-126d; metaphysics X-227a; method XIII-549c;550b; Middle Ages XII-32a; XIV-590a; on mind X-321a; on miracles X-341c; modern XIV-596b; Monism X-i86a; Moses IX-540d; and MotacalUmin I-675a; and na- ture X-715d; and necessity X-733b; neo-platonism I-S3d; X-745a; Nominalism XI- 92b; ontology XI -259b; on passion XI-534C; period XIII- 548b; Peter of Poitiers XI- 773b; philosophy XIII-549c; Platonism XII-162a; Pluralism XII-28b: and preaching, me- dieval VII-444d; preaching, modern VII-44.5a; on predes- tination XII-383d; psychology XII-545d; on quantity XII- 591c; on quantity, eucharistic V-683b; Rationalism XII-29a; XIII-550a; Realism XIII- 551a; on reason XII-674a; on reason and revelation I-676b; and Reformation II-58b; 211c; on relativity of sensation XII- 733c; restoration XIV-757c; revelation XIII-5.50b: revival XIV-702a; Roger Bacon on XIII-11.5C; 549b; Sanseverino, Gaetano XIII-453a: saved, number of I-47Sd; and scepti- cism Xin-517b; and science VI-148C: on sense perception II-4d; soul XIII-551b; XIV- 155a; 155d: on soul, faculties of V-750C; species XIV-210b; on spirit XIV-221b; and Spirit- ualism XII-28d: XIV-230C; on the State XIV-76b; Suarez XIV-319C; on aubatance XIV- 322d; Summffi XIV -334a; synderesia XIV-384d; system XIII-551a; terminology XIII- 550d; theology XIII-549C; Xn'-582a; theolog>', pastoral XIV -612b; St. Thomas Aquinas XIII-549b; XIV- 663c; Thomism XIV-ti9Sb; on time XIV-726d; 727d; on truth XV -73c; Urraburu. Juan Jos6 XV -225b: and Valla. Lorenzo XV-257d; vir- tue, definition XIII-552a; Wer- ner, Kari II-131d; the will XV- 624c; William of Ockham XV- 636b Scholastics, Jesuit I-766d —the Last of the II-5,59a Scholasticus III-351c; V-399b; XI-495c; monastic XIII-555d — canon ascribed to III-256d — Gennadius. See Gennadiua of



-John, Patriarch of Constanti- nople. See John Scholasticua

SchoUa I-701b

Scholion, Scriptural V-700d

SchoUaert, Belgian minister IV- 234d



Scholten, Johaim Hendrick VIII- .8(ld

Scholz, Anton XIV-7.i2b

—JOHN MARTIN AUGUSTINE XIII :.r.:la: (n.^'I IV-l(iOd; .loaa: \' L".lla; MV-.'.:i2b; in- trii(lucti(.n Vlll-Sla

Schomberg, Gaspard de XIV- 70(id

— Mar^chal de, member of Com-

Fftgnie du Saint Sacrement V ls4b — Nicolo, cardinal. See Schon-

berg Schomberg - Kerr, Heni;, mis- sionary XV-l76d Schtin. See Schongauer

Schonatch-Carolath, Emil zu. Prince, poet VI-328a

Schonbach, Anton XV-545C

Schonberg, Gustav Friedrich XV-S4b

— Nicolo, Cardinal, as Archbishop of Capua III-319d; and Coper- nicus IV-353b; VI-344b; XII- 54b; tomb XIII-172d

SCHONBORN, family XIII- 553c

— chapel, Wurzburg, cathedral XV-718d

— Damien Hugo Philipp von. Bishop of Speyer XIII-553d

■ — Franz, Cardinal Archbishop, III-34d; XIII-553d; death II-134a

— Franz Georg von. Archbishop of Trier XIIl-55.3d; XV-J4a

— Friedrich Karl von, Bishop of Bamburg and Wurzburg II- 244d; XlII-553d; XV-720a; 720d

— Johann Philipp, Archbishop of Mainz Vl-oWd: lX-.552b; Xni-5.Wc; XV-720a; at Wurz- burg XI\'-656c

— Johaim Philipp Franz von, Prince-Bishop of Wurzburg V- 273d; XIII-353d

— Lothar Franz von, .Archbishop ot Mainz IX-552b; XIII-553d; and Bessel II-528d

Schonbrunn, treaty of VII-664b; VIII-697d: X-24.';b; 693c; Na- poleon and Austria \T-509a

Scbdneck, Emerich of. Bishop of Worms X\-70Sb

■ — Henry HI von. Bishop of Augs- burg II-74C

— Ulrich n von. Bishop of Augs- burg II-74C

Schonenberg, Johann VH von, Archbishop of Trier II-803c; XV-43d

Schdner, Johaimes, cartogra- pher XV-531b; and Coperni- cus IV-353C

Schongauer, Caspar, the Elder Xni-553d

— Caspar, the Yoimger, goldsmith XIII-553d

—Georg, goldsmith XIII-553d

— Ludwig, painter XIII-553d

—MARTIN XIII-553d: portrait

—Paul, goldsmith XIII-.i.i3d



—JOSEPH Xin-3,i4c

Schonlein, Johann Lukas, physi- ologist X-139d

Schdnthal, John Philip of. Arch- bishop of Mainz \ IH39C

School Attendance Acts XIII- 559b

—BUI, Bavaria XVI-22d

' — Boards, England, established XV-595a

— Controversy, New York XIII- 560b

— Controversy, Stillwater, Min- nesota X1II-560C

Schoolcraft, Henry Howe, and In<liaiis 1-4 I6c; on Totemism XI\-7.sUb

School laws, Oldenburg XVI- 23d

— of Athens, Puvis de Chavannes XII-,3SC>a; Raphael XII-643C

—of Mines, Golden IV-I29d

—of the Persians V-498b

—of the Prophets, Mount Carmel III-3.Wa

SCHOOLS Xin-554d; Alsace I- 344b

— Australia XIII-562b; contem- porary XIII-562c: history XIII-562b

— Austria Xin-.i.")Sd; Belgium XIII .'>.".9a; l.ishnps, authority Il-5S(>b; lilissim; ot II-601C

— Catiaila .XllI-.Mllia; bilingual XlIl-,W4d; Hriti.-li ColuMibia Xlll-571b; ManilulKi XIII- 56'.ld; New HnmsiMck Mll- ,568d; New Foumllan.l MII- 571c; Nova Scotia; Ontario XIII-563b: Prince Edward Island XIII-569C; Quebec XIII-56i)C; 568a; Sas- katchewan and Alberta XIII- 570d; separate Xlll-SOla;

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) ^ illiutrstioiu.