Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/763

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SEVERUS, ALEXANDER, Ro- man Emperor XIII-743a; IX- 672a: acclamation I-97d; Arose, (emple I-GS7c: architectural pe- riod XIII-176C: and Adashir Papakan XI-715a; and Chris- tianity III-512d: XV-209b; and Maximinus Thrax X- 78a; at Palmyra XI -433d; Syncretism XIV-383d — Flavins Valerius, Roman Em- peror X-73d; and Galerius VI- 341b: and Maxentius IV-296a — Gabriel, Archbishop of Phila- delphia VI-771d: XI-793b — Lucius Septimius, Roman Em- peror, edict III-386a; VI-29a; XI-707a: at Palm>Ta XI-433d; persecution XI-707a; XV- 756c — Sextus Julius, general VII-

104d: VIII-390b — Sulpicius. See Sulpiciua Sev-

erus — bar Shakalco, Bishop of Mosul

Xn"-413a — of Ashmunein V-353c — Sozopolis V-3S5a — SANCTUS ENDELECHUS

XIII-743C — the Deacon, inscription III- 421d; IX-430d: on Pope St. MarceUinus IX-637d Sevier, John, governor X-704d;

XI-108b: XIV-509b



DE XIII-743d; IX-372d: and

Anselme I-5o0d : on Bourdaloue

II-717d: on Colbert IV-9Gb:

on St. Genevieve, pageant of

VI^14c; on Harlay-Chanval-

lon VII-138b: homo XII-773b;

and Mme. de La Fayette VIII-

738d; and La Fontaine VIII-

740a: "Lettres" VI-196d; and

Mme. de Maintenon IX-549a;

portrait XIII-744; and Port

Roval .\"n-29r,b

—Henri de XIII-743d

Sevilla del Oro (Macas) III-249C

Sevilla-Nueva (SeviUa d'Oro)

VIIN271d Seville, province, Spain I-4G5b:

46.5c: XIV-171d — town. Academy VII-295c; XrV-189b: Alcazar I-51od; Alcazar (ill.) XIII-746; cap- ture (.583) VII-276b: capture (1248) III-07d: Inquisition Assembly XIV-783b; insane asylum VIII-40b: and Moors I-165d; III-150d; painting XV-270b: Press congress XIV- 189d: territorial court XIV- 172b: Torre del Oro (ill.) XIII-745: treaty XI-505d: Vespucci at XV-385a: Zur- baran's work III-16d; XV- 77na —ARCHDIOCESE OF XIII- 744b: XIV-173C; 182c; Ba- siUans II-324b —Cathedral XIII -744d: Cam- pafta's works III-221a: danc- ing, religious XII-742d; St. Ferdinand's tomb VI-42c; Rer- rera's work VII-295C: (ill.) Xlll-facing 744; stalls XV- 700b —Congress (1902) XIV-189d —Courmh: (.590) XIII-744d: XIV-38C; (619) V-773c; VI- 31.5d; 723c: VIII-186d; (690) XIII-744d: (1512) III-73a — Discalced Carmelites XIV- Slfib: English College XIII- 572b; XIV-91d; Hieronvmites VII-34.5b; Gratian VI-7.30a; Holy Week XIV-191d; Irish College VIII-159b: Jesuit in- stitution XIV-17.5d; Icgali nati IX- 119a; map XIV- facing 200; Magdalena IX- 524b; Paschal feasts XI- 516d; priests, confraternity of Xll-t21a: sactas XIV-191d: seminary XI-7.30C: XIII-746b — John of. .SV« John of Luna — Leander of. See Leander of

Seville —UNIVERSITY OF XIII-746b; 600a; 74.M; XIV-175b: Im- maculate Conception dogma


Sevilleta, mission XI-3b Sevinus, Bishop of Sens. See

Seyerin, Saint Sevitianus, Saint, Bishop of Bour-

gP3 II-720b Sevrieres Bible VII-5.30b Sewall, Arthur XV-177d Sewanee, university .\IV-510c Seward, mission I-2.')(lc —William Henry VII-517b Sewel, William \I-3(Hd SeweU, family, Maryland II-

22Hb —Charles I-776d; II-22Sd; 229c;

229d: 231a — Jane III-194b — Jonathan, statesman III-235d Sex, Berenger of Carpi on I— 159c: and co-education IV -91b; equalit\', in Christianity I- iy4a; and .uKcnirs X\'I-39c; and hrr.Miiy \II L':,lb: ine- quality 1 l.:ic; :iT]d person- ality .X\"-C.s7d; W.isiiiann on VII-2.^)4c Seiag., at)br. l-2.")d SEXAGESIMA Xlll-747a; Aqui- leian Rite XVI-Sd; Byzantine Rit.- IV-315d; Greek Church lll-ir,r,c SEXBURGA, SAINT XIII-747a; X\-.3Ssc; and St. Werburgh .W-5S8b Sexestein. See Sexton Sexhelm, Bishop of Chester-le-

Street V-211d Sexi, colony, Spain XIV-176C SEXT XIlI-747b; XI-219d; in .imbrosian Office I-lOOa; St. Caesarius Ill-137b; Formulae Xlll-747d: 74Sa; in Galilean Rite VI-3r.(lc: in Greek Divine Office l-loilc; hynm I-393c; K,%Tie p;;ieison VIlI-71(ia; les- sons IX-19sd; Mozarabic Rite X-618b; origin XIII-747b; prayers XlII-747d; Ps.alms XIV-51ob: Rector Potens, V.rax XIl-<37ed; and T.r,-.' Xl\- .-,ltd Sexta \ 11-3 17a: .\V-3G7d Sextapay. St:e .San Antonio de

Padua, mission Sextein. See Sexton Sexten, Hilarius of. See Hilarius

of Sexten Sextians, School of V-276c; X-

74oc Sextius, Quintus, philosopher V-

276c Sextodecimans, in Celtic Church

IIl-49.5b SEXTON XIII-748a: in eariy

Church VII-324a — Edmund, martyr V-478a — ^James XIV-644C Sextus, canonical collection IX-

63b — Saint, martyr XV-2o0a — Empiricus, pliilosopher V-

142b; Xll-29a; .Xlll-517b ■ — Julius Africanus. See Julius

Africanus Sexulf , Saint. See Sexwulf Sex Viri, of Cambridge Univer- sity in-21.3a , Sexwulf, Saint, Bishop of Lich- field Vll-2,)5b: IX-232d Seybold, Christian Friedrich,

scholar XIII-224b Seychelles, Vicariate of I-189d; Propaganda XII-457d; Prot- estant missions I-I87d Seyers, J. Xlll-563d Seyffrid II, Bishop of Chichester

Ill-!3.J7c Seyfried, Ignaz von I-270b Seymour, Edward, Duke of Som- erset, Protector VI- 144b: and Arundel VI-84d: at Pinkie X1II-618C; and Pole XII- 203b; and Protestantism I- .501c; Xni-0.51c: religious pol- icy \-4t3d — Sir Edward lllH)S.5a — Horatio VIII I127a —Jane lX-7i;i.c —Truman VI 117a Seyne, Conrad de, .\bbot of Vil-

lers XV-432a Seynt Graal. S,e Grail, Holy Seyssel, Claude, Bishop of Mar- seilles lX-71l,c Seyyid (Sidi) el-Battel, Sheikh

X-f.R7c Seyyid el-Ghazi (Nacolia) X-667c

Sezze, Diocese of. See Terraeina,

Sezze, and Piperno, Diocese of

Sfan, Celydd, Bible translation

XV-373d SFONDRATI, CELESTINO .XIll-74Sc; XIV -59.5a; and Gallicaiiism VI - 355c: and Thomism XlV~702d: on uu- baptizcxl infants i!-2fi7a — Francesco, cardinal 111— 167c:

Vll-4b; Xl-16:ia; Xlll-7ISc — Niccolo. .S'rr Ciregory XIV — Paolo Emilio, cardinal VII~td; XIII-74Sc; St. Cecilia, relics of III-473a: at Cremona IV-4S3d Sforza, family IV-66Sa; VI-420b — Alessandro, Bishop of Parma

.Xl-50yb — Alessandro, podestd of Pesaro

Xl-730a: .Xm-726a — Ascanio Maria, c;irdinal, and Alexandir \'I I-JS'.ld; 290d: at EInc XI 7(llib: ami Martyr d'Anghi.ra lX-74l>b: in Pavia XI-593C — Attendolo IX-725c —Bona, Queen of Poland IV- 576a; IX-566C: and Ivrzycki VIIl-702d — Catherine VII-693a — Costanzo I, podestri of Pesaro

Xl-739a — Costanzo H, podest^ of Pesaro

.\l-739a — Francesco, Duke of ]Milan VI- 44b; X-30()a; XIV-514C; at Brescia Il-760b: in Cremona IV-183d; hospital VII-483C; in Osimo XI-.338d; at Pescia XI- 740b: in Todi XIV-754c; in Venice XV-33Sb; at \'igevano XV-426b — Francesco Maria, Duke of Mi- lan 1X-.340C: X-300b; and Mo- rone X-575b: Vigevano XV- 426b: da Vinci's portrait of XV-142d — Gabriele, Archbishop of Milan

X-301a — Galeazzo Maria, Duke of Milan X-300a; and Piccolomini Am- mannati Xll-74b • — Gian Galeazzo, Duke of Milan X-30(Ja: XlII-405c; Forii VI- 137a — Giovanni, podestA of Pesaro I-

291a: .XI-739a — Guide Ascanio, cardinal XI-

579d — Hippolyta IX-lOc • — Ludovico (il Moro), Duke of Milan IX iililc: Xl-134d: and CajetMii III ur,a: :,iid Charli-s VIII ll-77'.id; and Pacioli XI- 383a; and Sixtus IV XIV-3.3a: and Solari XIV-133a: XV- 426b; and da Vinci XV-441b; 44 2d; 443a — Maximilian, Duke of Milan IX-34flc: .X-300b; and Sehin- ner XIll-52Sd: XIV-264C: da Vinci's portrait of XV^42d • — Seraphina. .See Seraphina

Sforza, Blessed — Sisto Rlario, cardinal. Arch- bishop of Naples X-687b Sforza - Pallavicini, Alexander, Count of Piacenza, and images, crowning of VIl-67l)c; and Martinuzzi IX-73.5d Sforzesco, Castello, Milan X-


Sgambati, John I-S,Sc Sglau (Sglou; Slavs) XIV-42C Sgraffito III 1.5.5c: .S'ee Graffiti Sguanin, Caesar, theologian XIII-

737b Shaalabbin. .Sec Salebim Sba-Amurri, son of Aberamn II-

lS6b Shaanhaar. .Sec Sennaar Shabas-Sounkour (Shabas as-

Shoada; Shabas-Sanhoul) III-

12.5d Shabaka, Pharao V-.342a; XI-

7Ksd: anil Hanon, King of

(iaza VI 400b Shabataka, I'liarao XI-789b Shabattu XlIl-2S8b Shabbath, in Talmud XnM37a Shabbethai Donalo, astrologer

11 21d Sbabelskaja, Alexandra, writer

Xin-274c Shabistari, Mahmud, poet VII-



Shabitku, King of Cush IV-575C

Shackamaxon. treaty IV-695C

Shadday X~676b

Shadrach. .S,-.- Sidrach

Shaddf \- :i:i2b

Shaddai .\I 2.i2b

Shadwell, Thomas, writer IX-

321c; and I Iryden V-I68d Shaefer, pri.'st lll-653d Shifat L\-7s9c Shafiites Vlll-inod; X-425b Shaftesbury, Abbey of, abbess I- 9a; St. Edward the Martyr, tomb V-201b — Earls of. See Cooper — Conspiracy, and Ireland XII-

170c Shafts, in church windows XV—

654b Shahan, Thomas Joseph, encyclo- pedia VH117a: on medieval corporations VI 1-7 19b Shahaptin Indians. See Sahap-

tin Indians Shabarbarz. See Shahrbaraz Shahazimah. See Sehesima Shah Jahan, Mogul Emperor

VIII-742d; XlII-206d Shahlufa, bishop, in Persia XI-

720d Sha-ho, battle (1904) IX-586c Shabpiihar n, Sassanian King,

redaction .,f Avesta II-152C Shahrbarz i Shaharbarz), general

VIlI-:i.-.!id; XI\-403c Shairp, Catherine IX-715a —Sir Stephen lX-71.5a Shaka, feast Vlll-30,ic Shakako, James (Severus) bar.

See Severu.s b;ir Shakako Shakala School .\\ -319a Shak Banaria. ,s.f Shikka Benar Shakers I\-lslc: X I \-6Ub; con- tinence R'-3;ila; at present XlV-70a Shakes, tribe VI-329b Shakespeare, John Xlll-740a SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM XIlI-748d: V-463c; and anaes- thetics I-148b; astrologj- II- 23b; on beads II-3S3d; on Anne Bolcyn V-445C: and Combe V- 457b: and D'Avenant I V-639b; and Don Quixote III-544C; in France VI-18d; Geoffrey of Monmouth VI— 12Sa ; Henry VIII I-626d: V-145c: Miller's statue of X-310C; portrait V- 460; Roman {jlajs I-145b; XIV-559d: and Spanish drama III-156C: sonnets V-463a Shallum. .Sec Sellum Shalmaneser. See Salmanassar SHAMANISM XIII-750b; in Alaska I-24Sb; Araucanian I- 679b; of Arawaks I-6Sld: Az- tec II-170c; 171a: and Bud- dhism I-773a; Chibcha III- 653a; Indian I-^lOd; 753a; Vll-1.36d; of Lillooets IX- 254d: and Totemism XIV- 79 Id Shamash, deity II-17b; 177d; ls7b: Vll-125d; XI-198a; 264d: Xll-oUb; temple II- lS4c Shamash-shum-ukin, King of

Babylonia II-16a: 16d Shameful peace (1328) V-321b Shamir. See Samir SHAMMAI XIII-751d; IV- 158a: XII-618b; and Hillel VII-35.5a: school of VIII-201a Shamokin, Greek Catholics in

Vl-747d Shamrock, periodical XI-692d:

and Kickham XVI-49d — plant XI-555d Shamsh, deity XIII-286b Shamsbi-Adad I, King of Assyria

Il-lla — n. King of .\s.syria Il-lla Shamshi-Ramman, King of As- syria 1 1-Sb; 12b — li, King of A.-^syria II-13a Shamsiyeh V 2.i4b Shanah lll-ir,7c Shanahan, Jeremiah F., Bishop of Harrisl.urg Vll-14.3a: in Phila- delphia XI 79.5c —John l-257b; II -800b; and

Aleniany XI 1 1-44 lb — ^John Walter, Bishop of Harris- burg Vll-143b: XVI-55C-, in Philadelphia XIII-582d Shanakeel, monaatic cell II-758b

Roman aumeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.