Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/766

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Sicelioti (SicUians) XIV-395d

Sic et Non, Abelard I-38b; VII- 522a; XIII-550C

Sichar VH45b

Sicharbas, King of Tyre XII-41d

Sichard, Johannes, jurist XV-S3b

Sichel, Julius, ophthalmologist X-Hlb

Sichelbarth, Ignaz, artist III- 674a

SICHEM XIII-771b: VIII- 198b: IX-5S4b; altar I-51b; 360a; as city of refuge XII- 712a; Hebrews visit VII-I84C; monastic foundation XV-537b; Theodotus on X1II-420C

Sichemites Xni-794b

Sichomovi, pueblo, inhabitants (1910) XII-555b

Sichor, name X-078a

Sichrowsky, Benignus, theolo- gian I \'- 128a

Sich's Graduale XIV-312d

Siciatl Indians. See Sechelt In- dians

Sicilia CattoUca, periodical XI- 684a

Sicilian Congregation, Third Or- der XIV-042d

Siciliano, Angelo, statue of Pius VI bv Mil.) XII-131d

Sicilian Vespers. See Vespers,



) Sicilies

Sicilies, Two. See T


—Church in VIII-241C; XIII- 774b; ambo I~382d; "Apos- tolic Legation" VII-48c; archi- mandrite I-695d ; Augustinians VII-282b; 282c; Basil, liturgy of II-321d; Basilians II-323d; 324b; catacombs III-427b; concordat (1741) IV-197c; VIII-233d; Fraticelli VI-246b; Galilean Rite VI-358d; Immac- ulate Conception, feast VII- 680c; Minims in X-325a; Monarchia Sicula X-451b; and the papacy VII-459b; patri- monies, ecclesiastical XIV- 2oSa; patron saint I— 472c: XI- 64b: Retreat, Houses of XIII- 796c: Society of Jesus XIV- 103a

— education XIII-772C; emigra- tion VIII-225b

— Geography. See Italy: Geog- raphy

—History XIII-772c; Adrian IV I-157d; Alberoni I-260b; Alle- granza's work I-318b: Amico'a work I-429b: Arabs III- 107b; lOSd; and Aragon III- 412c; XI-420a: XIV-181d: Belisariua VIII-378d; Boniface VIII II-663a; Burigny's work III-79a; Prankish devasta- tion XIII-774b; and Frederick II I-127d; VI-255C: 797a; and German Empire VII-57d; Greek-Carthaginian wars XIII- 772d; Henry VI VI-492b: VII- 233d; 234b: Hohenstaufen pos- session VIII-232C: Honorius IV VII-459d: and Italy XIII- 776d; in Lombard League VI- 254c; Louis IX IX-369d: and Naples X-6S5b; Neo-Punic inscriptions XIII-710b; Nor- man conquest VII-73b; X- 68.5b; XIII-775b; Otto IV VIII-14d: papal army in VI- 796d; as papal fief XIV-513a: Roman dormnation XIII-774a: Saracen conquest VIII-232b; XIII-774d; and Savoy IV- 30b; Sicilian Vespers XV-384a; and Urban IV XV-21.'!b: Van- dals in XV-268C; William I I- 158a

— Italo-Greeka in VI-753C; VIII- 208a; Mohammedanism X- 42.ia: population XIII-772C; products Xni-772b

—Sea of VIII-209b

Sicinini, Basilica Xin-169d

Siciolante, Girolamo da. See Sermoneia

Sick, anointing, .Jacobite Church XIV^U9a: hlcasing ll-601a: care of XII-240d; 696a; ex- treme unction V-726a: and fetishism Vl-57c: hosts for I- 304c; Mass, Bobbio Missal III- ,TO2b; oil of, vessels for III- 698a; priest, services of IV-

661a: XII^lSc; Unction of, Celtic Rite III-503c; Visita- tion of. Book of Common Prayer II-681a; XIII-654d; Visitation of, Celtic Rite III- 503c

— Communion of the. See Com- munion of the Sick

Sickel, Theodor von VIII-63c; on Liber Diurnus IX-216a: and Muhlhacher X-625d: and Vat- ican Archives XV-2S6d

Sickingen, Franz von XII— 49Sc; and Bucer III-26a; and Luther IX— 144c: and CEcolampadius XI-213b: political enterprise XII-49Sd; and Trier XV-43d; and Worms VI-499b

— Reinhard of. Bishop of Worms XV-70Sb

Sickinger, Gregoire Vlll-filiOc

Sick Poor, Society for the, Paris XI-492a

Sico. See Sicco

Siconulfus, Prince of Salerno XIII-396C

Sic ter quatemis trahitur, hymn XII-783a

Siculi, race XIII-772C; XIV- 747b

Siculus, abbas. See Nicolo de' Tudeschi

— ^Julius Firmicus Matemas. See Maternus

— Petrus XI-5S5a

Sicut cervus. Tract X-2a

— Judajis, Bull of Callixtus II XlV-7(i2a

Sicyon VI— 445b

S. I. D., abbr. I-27b

Sida, town, Palestine I-438d; VI-445C: council (383) XII- 609b: council (388-390) X- 212b; and Greeks XII-234C

— Amphilochius of. See Amphi- lochius of Sida

Siddim 1-44 lb; VI-445c: battle I-441b: XI-646b

Siddons, Sarah Kemble VII-717d

Sid-Druim (Cashel) III-401a

Side, town, Palestine. See Sida

Sidereal Month II-25c

Sidereus, Aloysius. See Caraffa, Vincent

Sidero, C. (Salmone) VI^44c

Siders, Jesuit college XIV-363C

Sidetes, Philip X-755b

Sidgreaves, Sir Thomas XIV- 309d

—William II-27c

Sidgwick, Henry, philosopher XII-33C; on free will VI-263a; psychical investigation XIV- 223a; and Utilitarianism XV- 212d

Sidi-abd-el-Kader-el-Djilani X- 422b

Sidi Ali Pasha, Bev of Tunis XV- 9ila

— Mohammed, Bey of Tunis XV- S9d; noa

Sidi-Mohammed-ben-Aissa X- 423b

Sidir, castle I-669a

Sidmouth, Henry Addington, Viscount. See Addington

Sidnacester, Sec of IX-266C

Sidney, Sir Henry V-293d

— Sir Philip, ".Arcadia" V-464a: and Bolton II-643c; and Bruno III-I7a: and Campion V-293d: Rhymed Psalter XIIl-27a: sonnets V— 463a

—Thomas XV-543b

— Sussex College, Cambridge III 213c: 21.5b

SIDON, Pamphylia XIII-777d; IV-fi64d

SIDON, S\Tia XIII-776d; XII- 41b: XiV-399c; 402d; Asar- hadilon destroys II-15d: and Assyria II-12c: and Egypt II- 184a: Maronite diocese IX- 684a; Melchite diocese X- 161a; XIV-404C; and Persia XI-713b; Sennacherib II-14c; avnud (512) V-38Sb

Sidon, son of Chnnaan III-570C

Sidonia VI-457b

Sidonius, Saint XIII-2Ha

— Bishop o{ Constance IV- 287b

— Bishop of Maim IX-550c; and Fortunatus VI-149a

— Bishop of Meraeburg XIII- 500a

— APOLLINARIS XIII-778b I-617b; IV-54a: VIII-790a XII-613c: birthplace IX^74d on confessor IV-215a; and Consentius of Narbonne IV- 284c; in Gaul VI-396a; Latin literature, influence on IX- 25c: at Lyons, School of IX- 472d; and Mamertus, Claud- ianus IV-7d; 8a: and St. Mam- ertus IX-680a; on Rodez, Dio- cese of XIII-107d; Sirmond on XIV-28a: and Theoplastus of Geneva IX-42a; works XIII- 778c Sidotti, Abbe, missionary VIII-

307c Sidqa, King of Askalon II-14C Sidrach IV-620b Sidra de Yahya, Naaorsean work

X-706C Sidra Rabba, Nasoraean work X-

706b Sidronius, Saint XIII-719d Sidus, Bishop of Dora V-133b SIDYMA, See of XIII-778d Sie, De la, abbey II-374d Siebenbiirgen, principality IX-

735c Sieben Zehnten XIV-15b Siebert, P., editor XI-670a Siebold, Adam Ellas von, ph^■si-

cian X-Ulc — C. T. E. von II-r.75c — Edward Kaspar Jakob, physi- cian I-50a: and Semnielweis Xni-712c — Karl Kasper, surgeon X-133b Siecle, publication X-700d Siedliska, Frances, foundress

Vll-4lisd Siegburg, pallium XI-429a Siegen-Hilchenbach, Protestant

territory XV-604a Siegfried, husband of St. Bertha

II-ol9b —Biblical scholar IV-502d: on Ecclesiastes V-245b; on Philo Judajus XII-24a —in "Nibelungenlied" VI-518d:

IX-121b — Bishop of Augsburg II-74b — Archbishop of Bremen II-757b:

VII-121d — Metropolitan of Cologne XIII-

219a — Count of Lutzelburg IX-466d — Archbishop of Mainz VI-794a ;

IX-365b :662c —Bishop of Paderbom XI-384b —Count Palatine IX-122d — Bishop of Ratisbon XII-658a — Bishop of Stavanger XVI-65c;

76b —Abbot of Zwettl XV-771d — F. P., priest XIV-335a — ^John, missionary XVI-Sla —Walter, novelist VI-528C — of Ballenstadt IX-65Sa — of Feuchtwangen, Grand Mas- ter of Teutonic Order XIV- 54 Id —of Walbeck, Count V-i7d — of Westerburg, ,\rchbishop of

Cologne IV-Uec; 118b Siegualt, Jean Rene, physician

X- 13.5a Siegwart, Miiller XIII-117b:

52Sb Siemers, Clemens, philosopher

VII-27.8d Siemiaszko, schismatic bishop

XII-188a Siemienski, Lucyan, poet XII-

199c: 200b Siem-reap, province VII-767a:

772c Siena, town, Italy V-181d: Bar- tholomew of Pisa II-316C: Dante IV-628d; Donatello V- 116b; Duomo XIH18a: and Florence III-771c: VI-106c: Fonte Gala XII-601a; and Grosseto VII-39d; guilds VII- 72a: hospital III-598c: inde-

Fendence XV-103d: Lorenzetti X-358a: and Milan X-299d; name III-771d: painting, school of V-lSld; 2,5;ib; XV- 471d; palace VI-678C; VIII- 226b; pcatilence (1630) III- 323d: Piccolomini library XII- 104b: Porta Romana (ill.) Xlll-facing 780: Querela XII- 601b; and Tuscany X-513b; Twelve. Party of lll-147a;

University VIII -429d; XII- 112c: XIII-600a: 781d

— Ambrose of. .See Ambrose of Sienna

—ARCHDIOCESE OF XIII- 779a; Assumption, octave of II— fid: St. Bernardine at II-505b

—cathedral V-181d: XIII-779b; Agazzari I-206b; architecture VI-678b: VIII-226b: carved desk XV-701b; holy water font Vn-134d: (ills.) XlV-facing 242; XIII-779d; facing 780; pulpit XII-564d; reredos V- lS2a: rose window XV-653c; Toaldo's work XIV-749a

— St. Catherine, feasts of III- 448a; council (1423) II-334c: VI - 101b : IX - 376c ; 725d ; Xni-781c: Dominican convent l-388c; St. Francis of Assisi at Vl-226b; interdict (1266) I- 388c; map Vlll-facing 244; Most Pure Heart of Mary, feast of X-600b; St. Dominic, Church of (ill.) Xlll-facing 780; St. Francis, Church of (ill.) Xlll-facing 780; St. Mary Magdalen, Church of I-388c; Visitation, feast of XV-481a

Sienese on the Crusade (Vanni) XV-273a

SIENI, CYRIL Xin-782c; at St. Augustine VI-118d

Sienkiewicz, Henryk, novelist XII-201a: communism XII- 208a

Sienna. See Siena

Sien-tien, diagram III-667d

Sierra, Diocese of. See Santa Cruz de la Sierra

— Jose Agustin de la. Bishop of La Serena XIII-726d

— dos Tapes Xll-fiOOa

—LEONE, VICARIATE APOS- TOLIC OF XI!I-78.3a; IX- 21fid; map I-faiing ISO; Mo- hammedans X-426a; Presby- terian missions I-187c

Siesta XI-764d

Siestrzencewicz Bohusz, Stanis- laus, Bishop of Mohileff IV- 3Sb; X-429a; XIII-256d; XV- 432d

Siete partidas, code XIV-LSGc; 197a

Sieverians, tribe XIII-233C

Sievemaja Ptchela, periodical XIII-272C

Sievers, Edward, Caedmon theory lll-132b; on Hebrew metre XII-541d

Sieyes, Emmanuel-Joseph IX- 776b: X-6S9b; on Poland, Constitution of XII-198b: and TallejTand de P^rigord XIV- 435a

Sifatians, Mohammedan sect X- 425c

Sifrit, .Archbishop of Mainz IV- 25Sd

Sig., abbr. I-25d

Sigebert I, King of .Austrasia VI- 239c; IX-715C: XI-S3b: and Chilperic VI-173d; and Fortu- natus VI- 149a; and Fridiburga VI-347a; and Gregory of Tours VII-18d; and Nicetius of Trier XI-53b

— n, King of Austrasia VI-240a

— in, Saint, King of .\ustrasia VI-240C; and St. .\rbogast I- fi86b; death IV-l,38b; patron of Nancv X-6Sla: in St. Did XIII-345b: Sigebert of Gem- bloux on XIII-783d

—Bishop of Bordeaux II-682b

—SAINT, King of East Angles Xin-783c: XI-121d: and St. Cedd III-473a; and St. Fur- sev VI-32.5b; foimdation III- 8,5b; V-47a

Sigebert, Bi.ihop of Mindcn X- 32;3b: Xll 051d

■ — of Cologne I\'-71d

—OF GEMBLOOX XIII-783d; V1-1.5C; 40Sb; \II-37.5d; IX- 411d; 7li2a; X-I'.79d: XV-fi34c; ■■Chronicon" I-.5.!2c; .53ob; ■■Ordines" Ill-.5:!sb: andMari- anus Scotus I-535b: on Wein- rich of Trier XV-5S8a

— Sec Sebcrt

Sigebod, Arrhbishop of Narbonne XIV-5esd

Sigeburg, siege (c, 776) III-613b

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated: (ill.) ^illustrations.