Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/818

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Tibriz, school I-739c

Tibur. Sea TivoU

Tibuion Island, Indians VII-

756a Tibuxtina. See TivoU Tibiirtinum Patrimonium XIV-

23Sa Tiburtius, Saint, martyr, brother- in-law of St. Cecilia III-171d;

conversion III-472b; relics

III-473a — SAINT, martvr, son of Chro-

matius XIV-720d; tomb III-

515a — Bishop of Amelia I-406d Tiburtus, Temple of XIV-7-l"b Ticao, mission in IX— 600a TICELIA, Titular See XIV-

721a ;


721b —Case, Hawkins in VII-lSBc Tichbourne, Peter, martjT V-

47Sa TichitoU, Joseph, missionary X-

366c Tichon, House of (Bib.) IV-445C;

VI-446C Tichonius. See Ticonius Ticino, Canton Vni-234b; peri- odicals in XI-691C; Napoleon

at XIV-360C — Diocese of, Switzerland II-

341a; XIV-304a; Rite I-393d Ticinum (Pavia) XI-592C Ticknor, George, on Encina V-

411c; on MacCarthy, Denis

Florence IX-lSob Ticonderoga, battle VIII-14Sd;

XV-159C; capture of XV-335d;

French at XV-355b; Mont-

calm-Gozon at X-526b TICONI0S, donatist XIV-721b;

I-194a; V-129b; VII-272d;

and Ambrosiaster, commentary


habitation VII-75Sb; (ill.)

XIV-722a —poison XIV-722a Tidal. See Thadal Tide XII-55b; Alexandre. Jacques

I-299c; Bacon Xlll-llob;

Galileo VI - 344a; XII - 57c;

Kepler XII-58b; tidal wave

II-27a Tidfert, Bishop of Hexham VII-

318c Tidfrith, Bishop of Dunwich XI-

121d Tidhelm, Bishop of Hereford

VII-255d Tidings, periodical, Loa Angeles,

CaUforma XI-695d Tieck, sculptor, and Christian

Frederick Achtermann I-104C;

Copernicus, monument to IV—

333d Tieck, Johaon Ludwig, poet VI-

507d; 525d; at Heidelberg VII-

198a; and Schlegel XIII-542b Tiedemann, Friedrich, as anato- mist X-137b; physiological re- search X-139a — Johann, Bishop of Liibeck IX-


XIV-722d Tiele, Comelis Petrus, .\nimism

I-528d; as Orientalist XI-

304a; on religious X-718a; on

Shamanism XIII-750d; on

worship XIIl-751d Tiempo, periodical, Mexico XI-

6S7b — lUustrado, periodical, Mexico

XI-687b T'ien, deity IV-225b; XIII-37a;

in Chinese philosophy III-

6B7c; sacrifice to III-66Sb Tien-chu, deity III-672b; 079c;

XIII-37b T'ien-hwang-ta-ti, deity XIV-

44Sb T'ien Ming, rciKn IX-5Sf)b T'ien-shin, ilfitv III-r>79c Tien Tou Hwei Ill-Ofl.'-.d Tien-tri, Kinperor of Annam

Vn-77.')d T'lEN-TSIN, China XVI-85b;

IH-084a; Italian concession

VIII-24.5C; massacre (1870)

III-607C; 67Ib; 084b: Treaties

XII-490a; Treaty (1858) III-


66Sc; 671a; 676d; 683d; 6S6b; XIII-250a; (1861-63) III- 6S4a; (1884-85) III-684C; as treaty port III-686b

T'ien Tsung, reign IX-586b

T'ien-tze, Ciiinese emperor III- 665d

T'ien-wang, in Chinese legend Ill-oslb

Tien Wu, death in-680c

Tiepolo, Boemondo, conspiracy XV-:i37c

—GIOVANNI BATTISTA XIV- 723b; XI-401d; XV-340b; at Bergamo II-490a; St. Dom- inic UU.) XIV-723d; St. Lucy (ill.) IX-414; in San FeUce, Padua XI-38,3d; in Udine Ca- thedral XV-lISb; in Vicenza XV-404d


Tierce. See Terce

Tierceron VI-676C

Tierhogar (Portarlington), synod aU4U) Vin-i.i39a

Tieman, Charles, in Baltimore II-231d

— Frances Christine Fisher VII- 405a

—Luke, in Baltimore n-231c

TIERNEY, MARK ALOYSIUS XIV-723d: on Archpriest con- troversy XVI-4d; on Gunpow- der Plot V-449d; and Oath of Allegiance XI-178b; on penal laws XI-613b; and Rock, Daniel XIII-105a; and Wise-



— Michael, Bishop of Hartford VII-145d; 546b; and "CathoUc Transcript" XI-694d; Holy Ghost, Daughters of Vll^lSa; La Salette, Missionaries of IX- 9b

Tierra Austral del S. Espiritu. See New Hcljn.iea

— de Campos, Spain IX-17Gb; battle XIV-17'.)d

— del Fuego III-37a; aborigines I-410b; climate III-660d; lan- guage I-411c; population III- 661a; Spanish colonization I- 412d

Tiers, Adaline X-303a

Tie-sie ni-669d

Tietbald, abbot, death V-370C

Tifemate, Gregorio, and Blessed Baptista II-276b

Tifemum Metaurense XIII^o9c

TiSah, in Bible Xll-lola

Tigellinus, Sophonius, execution XI-351C; as Roman prefect X- 753b

Tiger, in Bible I-52ec

—mosaic X-585d; (ill.) X-586a

Tighemach, Saint. See O'Braein, Tigernach

Tiglath-pileser. See Theglath- phalasar

Tignosi, Angelo, Bishop of Tos- canella and Viterbo XV-489a

Tigrai, dialect V-S71a

Tigranes, King of Armenia I- 736d; at Damascus IV-612a; and Nero X-752d: in Parthia XI-714a; in Syria XIII-691a

Tigranocerte. iSee Araida

Tigre (Aium) V-568b

Tigriiia V-571a; dialect XIII- 709c

Tigrini, Francesco, at Pisa XII- 112b

Tigrinus, Paulus Vll-699d


—Saint, Bishop of Gap VI-37Sa

— river, in Bilingual Creation story IV^07a; in ethnology XIII-707a; and primitive man I-777C

Tiguez Indians, and Padilla, Juan de Xl-IiS.'ib

Tigurinus, Consensus. See Con- sensus Tigurinua

Tiha, Passion Sunday XI-535b

Tihany, Hungary. Benedictine abbey II-451a ; IX-734d ; Bene- dictine Abhev (ill.1 VIT-.'i.Wb

Tihon of Vyatka, in Russia XIII- 262a

— Petchengski, Blessed, in Russia XIII-262a

Tihul, Siamese coin (ill.) XI- facmg 152

Tiisvilde, Zealand, St. Helen of Skiifde, tomb VII-204a

Tijd, periodical, Holland VII-

391b; XI-681C —en Vlijt, association, and Thijm,

Peter Paul XlV-636d T'i Jen-ko, Chinese secretary III-

666a Tikhon, Russian Orthodox bishop

VI-772d Ti-kwei, Chinese emperor III-

681b Tilbourg, Holland, monastery

XV-721d — Gervase of. See Gervase of

Tilburv Tilden, DougUs XIII-647d — Samuel Jones, Democratic

leader XV-174C; and Kernan

VIII-627a; New York Public

Librarv XI-32d; O'Conor on

XI-203b; will case XI-37a Tileman, of Hussen, Lutheran

Bishop of Schleswig XIII-543d Tiler, in masonry IX-777a Tiletanus, Jodacus. See Rave-

Til-Garimmii. See Thogorma

Tilhere, Bishop of Worcester XV-704a

TiUjae Indians XI^02d

TiUng, in masonry IX-772C

Tilius, Jean du. ' See Tillet

TiUamook Indians XIII-791d

TILLEMONT, LOUIS-SEBAS- TIEN LE NAIN DE XIV- 7LMb; on Ahcrcuis, Inacriptir.n of I-40a; on «t. I- 3S6d; Mabillon IX-480a; por- trait XIV-724b; at Port Royal XII-29od; on St. Saturninus XIII-186C; Virgin Mary, tomb of XIV-775b; Virgin Marj-, death of XV-47ac

Tillet, Jean du. Bishop of Meaux ni-371d; X-98c; and Calvin IU-196a; Capitularies III- Sllc; Caroline Books III-371d; and St. Guillaume Pinchon Xni-340b; Version of the Bible XV-371a

Tilli, Gian Lorenzo, Bishop of Borgo San Sepolcero II-686C

— Lorenzo, at University of Pisa XII-112C

Tillmaims, Joseph, Divine Char- ity, Society of V-51d

Tillo Paulus, Saint, oil of XI- 229d

Tillotson, John; .\rchbishop of Canterbury IV-349b; and Aus- tin II-11.3C; and Drvden V- 465d; and Sergeant, John XIII-727a

Tilly, town, France, "La Mis^ri- corde" II-359a

— Catherine le Gardeur de I- 235d

— Francois Joseph Paul, Count and Marquess de Grasse. Sefi Grasse

—JOHANNES TSERCL.ff;S, COUNT OF MV-724C; 654b; VI-41C; X-7l.a: and Billuart II-.Sll7a; (loath VI-42a; Den- mark IV-728C; in Heidelberg VII-197C; at Leipzig IX-139d; at Magdeburg IX-524d; por- trait XIV-724C; in Thirty Y'ears War XIV-650a; 650c; 652b; 053b; tomb XI-.520d; and Wallenstein XV-538C; and Wartenbcrg XV-557a

Tilmann of Bonn, at Maria- Laach IX-05Sb

Tilmon, monk, vision V-<)72b

— pioneer priest in Ontario XIII- 5r.3d

Tilney, Elizabeth XI-102a

- Sir F. M 1(i2a

Tilpin, of Reims. See Turpin

Tilred, Hiahop of Chester lo Street V-2nd

Tilsit, Treaty of (1807) IV-729b; .\ r,92b: XIII-249a; Ionian Islands lV-:»3a; VIII-91d;

t.rnis XIl-526b Tilting 1 762c Tilton, town, England, leper

hosiiital IX-184d Tilurus. .SVe Cetina Timseos, King of Egypt V-338C Timieus. See Timeus. Timahoe, round tower (ill.) VIII-


TIMBRIAS, See of XIV-725d

Timbu Indians I-703c

Timbuktu I-lS3a

TIME XIV-726a; Aristotle I- 714d; 71(;b; in art, Claude de Lorrain IX-362b; category III-433C; Chinese division III- 687b; cosmogony, Indian IV- 410a; cosmogony, Phoenician IV^Old; creation IV-^74d; definition XIV-737a; and eter- nity V-552a; 552d; Kant I-216c; III-465C; Mithraistic worship X— 402d; Spencer I- 217c; Old Testament reckoning II-29d; in "Trionfi" of Pe- trarch XI-779d

Time bargain, market term XIV-

Times, periodical, Buffalo XI- 693d

— periodical, London VIII-113a; IX-345C; XV-672d; 674b

Timesitheus, and GordianusIII, Emperor of Rome XII-21b

— Bishop of Antioch IX-409b

Timeus IX-676C

— of Locri, on Metempsychosis X-235C

Timgad, ruins of (ill.) I-facing 190; (ill.) I-facing 192

Timmer, Albert Oderic, Vicar Apostolic of Southern Shan-si III-677c;XlII-752c

Timmermans, Peter XIII-359d

Timmorah. See Palm tree

Timnath. See Thamna

Timocharis, astronomer II-25d

Timoleon XIII-773d; XIV-396C

Timon, deacon XIII-741C

• — John, Bishop of Buffalo II- 415b; III-3Sd; 39b; VI-480a X-306d; 7 10c; XII- 124b Central Verein ni-534a; Holy Infancy, Brothers of the VII- 41Sc; and Odin XI-208C; por- trait III-39c; and Rosati XIII- 3eia; in Texas VI-372b; XIII- 425b; XIV-54SC

Timoneda, Juan de XIV-199b

Timoney, Michael Vlll-I24a

Timoni, Andrea Polycarpo, .\rch- bishop of Smyrna X\-170d

Timon of Philius XII-5S7a

Timotean Indians VII-75Sb

Timotheevitch, and Ivan the Terrible XlII-246b

TIMOTHEUS, SAINT martjT XlV-727b: tomb of III-513b

Timothcus, Athenian naval com- mander XIV-7S1C

—poet IX-616a; 620d

• — I, Patriarch of Alexandria I- 301b

• — n. Patriarch of Alexandria X- 490b; 492c; and Agnoetes V- 030a; John I Vin-J21c

— Patriarch of Constantinople III-103C; IV-479a; V-3S5b; VI-762C; VII-471a; 663d; X- 491a

— I, Patriarch of the Nestorians I-673b; IX-6S7a; as mission- ary XI-722a; writings XIV- 411c

— n. Patriarch of the Nestonans, on marriage ceremonies IX- 709d; writings XIV-413b

Timotheus, Nestorian Metropoli- tan of Tarsus and Cyprus III- 5,59d; XI-722d

Timotheus of Berytus, Church historian VIl-373b

Timotheus (pseud.). See Salvianus

—See Timothy

Timothy, Saint, in apocrjphal literature 1-6 13b; as arch- bislutp 1-69 la; in Areopagitica V-14a; authority VII-337a; at Berea XIV-630b; in Britain V-379b; celibacy II - 561b; Charismatic office VII-332b; circumcision M-.33Sd; and C-,,; I :. to IV-134a;

(, - XVI-29d;

jii I ' i.i : in Greece

VI i -I I.uke IX-

421c p.-ilniriai;.' Xl-,565a; and St. Paul IV-364d; VII-335a; 1X-178C; XI-570d; 571c: in Testament, New XIV-727C; in Thcssalonica XIV-031b

— Saint, martyr, and St, Nova- tus XI-141d

— Saint, martyr, at Hcims XII- 72ob

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrstiona.