Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/862

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WatervUet, town, New York, St. Patrick's church I-257b


Watford, town, church of the Holy Rood II-l83d

Wathen, Jonathan, ophthalmolo- gist X-135d

Watkinson, Robert, martyr V- 476c; XlV-721b

—Thomas, martvT V-476b; XIV- 70Qc

Watling's Island. See San Sal- vador, island, Bahamas

Watson, Biblical commentator IV-103b

— Christopher, martyr V-478b

— Frances XIV-244C

— John. .See Maclaren. Ian

— Joshua, Oxford Movement X- 372b

— M., works II-119C; 120b

—Thomas, philosopher VII-194a

— Thomas, Bishop of Lincoln IX-2()7a; 2U7b; death V-478a

— Thomas E., politician XV-17Sa

—William, and Mary Tudor XI- lOSa; and Ward, Margaret XV-oolb

Watt, James, at University of Glasgow VI-579a

— Joachin von. See Vadianus. Joachin

WATTEAU, JEAN ANTOINE XV-568a; Xin-107b; and Claude III Audran II-7Id; Pastoral scene (ill.) XV-5li8b

Watten, abbey at XII-230b; XIV-92a

Wattenbach, Wilhelm, on .■\lbert of Aachen I-261d; on Aicuin I-277c; on palimpsests IX- 627c; on Richer's history XIII- 49d

Watterson, John Ambrose, Bish- op of Columbus IV-150a; at Mount St. Mary's College X- COSc

WatteviUe, Johann VII von, Bishop of Lausanne IX-41b

Wattman, Joseph von, surgeon X-142b

Watton Priory X-4.53a

Watts, George Frederick, sculp- tor X-WUc; Xin-I)47a

Watzelrode, Lucas, Prince Bishop of Ermland IV-352C; V-522C

Watzl, researches at Vatican VIII-65b

Wauchope, Robert, Archbishop of .\rmagh I-731a; denounced V~ 14oc

Waudru, Saint, and St. Ghislain VI-.547d

Waukon, town, Nebraska, Pres- enlatK.n Sisters in XII-398b

Waulsort, Abbey of, founded X- Ii79d; St. Poppo at XII-275b

Waupun, town, Wisconsin, State Prison XV-666b

Wauters, .\bbot XI-504a

Wave, in Hebrew peace sacrifice XIII-.3'24d; length, Cauchy on III-4.57d

WAVERLY ABBEY XV-568C; V-43.ia; VI-552C; XVI-25C; bell II-422d

Waw, Hebrew letter VII-176C; XIV-527a; 529b

Wax, antimensium, in consecra- tion of I-348C; blessing of I- 220c; liturgical candles I-347c; as offering in early Church IV- 105b; seals of XIII-049b; symbolism of I-220d; on tab- lets V-22d

Waxholm, fortress, Stockholm XIV-297b

Way, Spiritual. See State or Way

—■WILLIAM, VENERABLE XV- .'■)«8d; marlvr.loni V 47(ia

Wayedhabber XI i;47b

Wayland, J. A., editor XIV (iOd " ■ uty. Heaver Dam, VVis-



Wayne, Anthony VIII-1.39a; at Kallen Tiiiiliers XI-220a; and I'lagct VI -93c; and Miami XV ItiGa; and Moylan, Ste- phen .X-(il)9d

Wayneflete, Bishop of Winches- ter ,\V-('vl2a; and Bourchier II-7ir)d; at Magdalen College XI-3(i9a

WAY OF THE CROSS XV-5(i9a; 57Ic; XIV-269a; ancient prac-

tice XV-569C; in art, by Fuh- rich II-131a; Association of the Living XIV-123d; Christ's Passion XV-569b; in churches XV-571a; confraternities XIV- 123d; crosses IV-535C; XV- 57Ic; custom XV-570c; devo- tion XV-569b;571d; feast of, in Franciscan Rite Xni-76d; and Franciscans VI-293b; XV- 569c; 671a; Holy Land XV- 569c; indulgence XV-569d; 571a: indulgence, attached to crosses IV-536b: in Jerusalem XV-570b; meditation XV- 571c; object XV-569b; origin VIII-337a; XI-529d; XV- 569c; prayer XV-571C; privi- leges XV-571a: regulations XV-571b; religious practice XII-275d: representations XV- 569d; 571c; Via Sacra XV-569C

Wayrinsky, Edward, in Temper- ance movement XIV-483a

Wayside Chapels III-579a

Way to Bethlehem (FOhrich) II- 131a

Wayyiqra XI-647b

Wazo, Bishop of Lijge IX-236d; 363c; and Anselm of Lidge I- 550b: Cathari Ill^SSd; here- tics VIII-28b

Wea Indians VII-661a; X-271c; XI=-662d; settlement X-271d

We'-Adar III-167b; 168a

Weadock, Thomas X-282c

Weakland, John, in Pennsylvania I-368d

Weakmindedness IX-545b

Weale, James, on Memling X- 172d: 174a; on Van der Wey- den XV-270a

■WEALTH XV-571d; accumula- tion of I-453d; and avarice II- 148a; and honour VII-4b2c; called Mammon IX-580d; in Middle Ages XII-214d; misuse, punishment of XV-572a: obli- gations XV-572a: ownership XV-571d: in political economy XII-214C: precept XV-572b; and Wyclif, heresy of XV-723d

Wearmouth, town, school of calig- raphv IV-83b

—ABBEY XV-572b: IV-82d: Bede at II-384b; St. Ceolfrid III-536C: Codex Amiatinus XV-518b; founded II-441d; library of IX-229c

Weas Indians VII-739d: VIII- 601b

Weasel, in Bible I-526C

Weasel Bear and Family (ill.) XIV-21d

Weather Bureau, Philippine, es- tablished IX-601a

Weatherford, town, Oklahoma, Normal school at XI-231b

Weather-forecasting, Pernter, Jo- seph Maria XI-fi97c

■WEATHERS, ■WILLIAM XV- .572d; r,95b

Weather-shooting, experiments XI-697C

Weavers, craft guild VII-67c; patroness of XI-566C

■WEBB, BENJAMIN JOSEPH XVI-86a: XI-694d; on Arch- deacon I-694C

—James, trial XIII-124C

—John. .See Wall

—Sydney, Socialist XIV-67c

— Thomas, Captain, Methodist preacher X-239c


Weber, missionary, and Hanxle- den Vn-131a

— missionary, Madagascar IX- .•illa

— Albrecht, Orientalist V-S5b; VII-3.';9b: Nl-ve X-777d

— BEDA XV-573b; on Buddhism ni-33b; "Deutachland" XI- 67Sd: at Marienherg IX-669a

— Dreizchnlinden. .See Weber, Fne.iri.'h Wilhelm

— Ernest Heimich, physiologist X- 139a: at Leipzig IX-141a

— Franz Anton von XV-.^j74d

— FRIEDRICH WILHELM XV- .'•)7:!c: VI~.^.27c; ,\-i:j9a


— Johann Chrysanth. .Sec Welicr, tieda


XV-575a; and Vogler XV-501C — Theodor, philosopher VII-S7b — Valentin, on Epistle to Gala-

tians VI-339b — Wilhelm Eduard, physicist X-

139a; XII-64C; 547a — William, spiritistic investiga- tion XIV-222C Webley, Henry, martyr IV-660C;

V-476a; X-5S2C — Thomas \-475d: and Thomas

Allield .\IV-663c Webster, Arthur, and Sykes XIV-

36Sa — Augustine, Blessed. See Au- gustine Webster — Daniel, statesman XV- 165d; and Taney XIV-S43b; tariff speech XV-l()8a — Frances, martyr V-478b — Margaret, martyr V-47Sb — Thomas, at Battle Abbey II-

350c —William. See Ward — Dictionary, work of Bloom- field II-119d Webtree, hundred, Wales XV-

533b Wefel, Bishop of Olmiltz XII-

339b Wechselburg, town. Saxony, an- cient pulpit XII-564C Wechter, at Buffalo III-3Sd Weckert, Franz von. Bishop of

Passau XI-520b Weddell, captain. Canton River

III-682d — ^James, traveler, on cinchona VIII-373a; on Tacana Indians XIV-427a Wedderburne, James, ballads

XIII-625d —John, ballads XIII-625d —Robert, ballads XIII-625d Wedding. See Marriage ■ — Garment, parable of XI-465b — Journey, bv Moritz von Schwind (ill.) Xlll-facing 598 — Mass. .See Mass. Nuptial Wedekind vom Berge, Bishop of

Minden X-323d Wederig, abbot, and .\fflinghem

Abbey I-179d Wedgwood pottery, and John

I'laxMian XlII-647a Wedl, Karl, anatomist X-137c Wedmore, treaty I-507a Wednesday, in early Church I- 19.5b: 314b: in Ethiopian Church V-570d: fast, in By- zantine Rite IV-315d: in Di- dache IV-779d; Passion of Christ, Commemoration of XV-575d WEEDALL, HENRY XV-575b: XI-335d;andPuginXII-559a; at Chad's Cathedral II-579a — Chantry, Oscott XV-575c Weedon Abbey, founded XV-

5SSc: St. Alnoth at I-331b Weeds. See Cockle Wee Frees, party VI-258a Week III-158d; ancients III- 740d: Egyptians V-333a; Jew- ish III-167a: and planets II- 19a; Roman V-109c —Holy. See Holv Week —LITURGICAL XV-575d; 712b Weekes, priest, and Duckett,

James V-lS3a Weekly Freeman, periodical,

Dublin XI-224a Freeman, periodical, St. John's,

New Brunswick I-504d — News, periodical XIV-329a — Register, periodical V-99c: X- 798c; XI-674d: See Catholic Standard — Register and Catholic Diary, periodical, New York XI-693a Week of the Palms, in Greek

Church X1-.W.-)C Weeks, Feast of. .s,,- Pentecost We'elleh shemoth \1 i;47b Weelocke, Abraham X\'-54fla Weenan, mas^aere X\'-7G6d — Maria I.\ 377d Weepers. .Sec I'lentes Weeping Penelope, statue, Vat- ican .Mu.'ieum XV-2S2b Weert, Brigiltine monastery II-

TSCd Wegelin, Georg, at Weingarten .\V-57fid

Wegner, Polish historian XII- 20()c

Wegtaixfen, practice, in Hungary II-135C

WegtatJimg Decree VII-5o8b

Wehrle, Vincent, Bishop of Bis- marck XVI-lOd

Wei, Chinese kingdom III-664c; 68 Ic

Weichbild IX-339c

Weichseibaum, Anton, therapeu- tic research X-140a

Weida, town, Catholic school XIII^96d

Wei Fang-tsi. See Noel, Fran- (.'ois

Weigand, Joseoh, in Hungarian language VII-546b

Weigel, Valentin, Protestant mvs- ric X-664d; XII-709c: on Pietism XII-80d

Weight, of atoms II-52b; Car- dano, theory of XII-55c: Ger- many VI-513a: Jordanus de Nemore, work of XII-50b

Weigl, Joseph, and Albrechts- berger I-27Ub

Weigle of Stuttgart, organ builder XI-300b

Wei-hai-wei, town, China III- 664d; EngUsh in III-685a; Japanese in III-684d

Weihenstephan, mountain, Bene- dictines at X-631b

Weiher, Martin, Lutheran Bishop of Stettin XII-226C

Weihnachtslieder, earliest III— 72Sb

Weih-St-Peter, Priory of, Ratis- bon, founded XIII-590a

Weikamp, G. B., missionary IX— 690b

Wei Kwang-kwo. See Martini, Martino

Weiland, on Donation of Con- stantine V-120a

Weiler, missionary, in Nubia XI-148b

— Petnis von, at Cologne Uni- versity XI-Oi)d

Weilnau, Heinrich V von, Abbot of Fulda VI-314b

Weimar, town, Saxon.v XIII- 495d: Catholic parish estab- lished XIII-496b: Catholic school XIII-496d: conference (1560) V-37a: court of, Goethe and Schiller at VI-507d; dis- putation II-79a: Lutheran the- ologians X-153a

— Chart, and St. Brendan II- 7o8d

Weinberg, Russian poet XIII- 273d

Weinel, Heinrich, philosopher IX-163b: on the Third Gospel XV-450a

Weiner, .\bbot of Kremsmtinster VIII-701C

Weingarten, Hermaim, on Saint .\nthon.v I-5o5b ; on Gnosticism VI-592d: on Saint Pachomiua XI-381C

—ABBEY XV-o76b: 717a; Hol- bein the Elder at VII-385C

Weinhart, Jesuit, geodetic re- search \'I^52d

Weinheim, town. Heidelberg L^ni- versity at VII-197d

Weinlo of Sens, Archbishop, and Prudentius of Troyes XII-518d

Weinsberg, town, battle of VII- 57b

— Conrad O von, .\rchbishop of Mainz IX-551d

Weir-Mitchell, physiologist X- 140c

Weis, ethnological classification Xn-62tid

— NICOLAUS VON XV-.577a; XI-t37,sb: anil 1-iebermann, Bruno F. I.. lX-235d: and .Molitor X^42a: and Rass XII-t;:)(ld

Weise, Christian, writer VI-522C

Wcisen, imlitioal party Vll-lOlia

Weishaupt, Adam, and lUuminati socielv Ml l-.lilb; lill2a; XIV- 2.^2b; at Ini_'..l«taat \11I-Sc


Weismann, August ll-.i75b; on evolution \ il.'isa: on heredity Vll-2.'i4b; life, theory of origin of I.\ 243c: ontogenetic ex- periment V-670a

Largo typo indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated: (ill.) = illustrations.