Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/863

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J7eiss, Adalbert, and Herder VII-252d

—A. M. XIV-620d; on Biblical Commission II-oo7c: on Kir- rhenlesikon VIII-611d

—Bernard, exegete IV~495d: XIV-Mlb: 532c; 534b; on Acts l-121b: Biblical inspiration, theory of VI1I-49C; Biblical introduction VIII -SOd; on Fourth Gospel IV-19Gb; St. Matthew, Gospel of X-64a; New Testament V-292b; XIV- 534b; on Pastoral Epistles XIV-731b; on Scripture IV- U)2b; on Sx-noptics XIV-392a: 393c

—George M. XII-711b


—Joseph, editor XI-6S0a

—Leonard, Abbot of Wessobrunn XV-.Wld

— Otmar, and Obcrammergau l\i--Mn Pl;iy XI-n.f4b

Weisse, Christian Felix, educator Xl-787a


Weissenbach, John V of. Bishop of M-isscn X-U9b

Weissenburg, battle. Sf^e White Mountain

— Alba Julia) VI-123a; monas- tery I-127c; XII-275b

— Otiried von. See Otfried of WeisscnburE

— R., maps V-308b

Weissensee, battle VII-26od

Weissentbal, convent at XV- 377d

Weisskircblitz, Haaak at VII- 147b

Weissmann, Eberhard, Church historian VII-377b; XII-81d

Weistner, on mixed marriages lX-714d

Weit, at Brcalau II-762a

WEITENAUER, IGNATIUS XV- .-.7-vb: Bible, revision of XV- 3 7 2c

Weitspekan Indians VII-754b

Weitzenbeck, Gottfried II von. Bishop of l'.asaau Xl-520a

Weizer, John, Hungarian Catho- lic Association \'II-.546c

Weizsacker, Julius, at Tubingen University XV-S4b

—Karl XIV-53Ib; on Acta I- 121b; on Cajetan IX-443b; on Epistle to Gaiatians VI- 33t)d; on Saint Peter in Rome I-641b: on Synoptics XIV- .392a; on II Thessalonians XIV- r)32b; at Tubingen XV-84a

Wekerle, Alexander \II-S58c; e.-clfsiastical policy II-135C

Weland, conversion XI-104b

Welbore, Susannah V-392C

Welboume, Hercules, mart\T V- 47sb

—THOMAS, VENERABLE XV- r,7>c: mart\rcli,in \-476c

Welby, Catherine Xll .5.5Sc

— Selina XII ."..iOb

Welch, Edward H. ll-706c

Welcker, Friedrich Gottlieb, an- ihropologi.-t XIl-tl2.3c

— of Baden, liberal leader VI- .=.l()a

WELD, family X\-57Sc -ALFRED .\V-579a; 746d —CHARLES XV-.i79a

— Edward \\ ->^h& —Francis X\' ."i79a FREDERICK ALOYSIUS XV- .i7'.lb; and Stonvhurst XIV- 3(IOd; and Woods, Julian Ed- mund Tenison XV-7n3a


—HUMPHREY XV-o79a; 579b

—JAMES XV-579a — John XV .=.7Sd

—JOSEPH X\-579a

—THOMAS, cardinal XV-578d; and Jesuits XIV-309b; and Bishop Macdonell VIII-659a; and McCloskev, John IX- 486a; portrait XV-578d; Saint Marcello. Church of XIII- 171d; at Stonyhurst XIV- 309d; and Trappists X-ir,7d

— THOMAS, philanthropist X \'- 578d; and Cistercians XVI- 2Sd; and Plowden, Charles

XII-167b; at Stonyhurst XIII- 3fiBb

Welden, Ludwig Joseph von, Bishop of Freising X-ii32b

Weldon, Professor, on Barlow II-298d; on Mendehsm X- 182b; on Preston, Thomas XII-402C

— John. See Hewett, John

Welf, Henry, foimder XV-o7tic

Welf (Guelph), House of VI- 491a; VII-57b; ecclesiastical principaUties VI-501b; and HohenstaufenVII-57a; and the Orsini XI-325C

— HI (Guelph), Duke of Bavaria, and Henry 1 11 VlI-230a;Wein- garlcn XV-."i7r,c

— rV iGuelphi, Duke of Bavaria X-oOb; XV-21(lc; in Crusade IV-547a; and Freising X-631c: and Gebhard III of Constance VI-402a; and Henry IV VII- 230d; and Precious Blood, relics XV-570d; and Thermio of Salzburg XIII-412b; and Urban II XV-210C

Welfesholze, battle VII-232d

Welfische Lande iGuelph Lands) Vll-127d

Well, St. Brigid's. See Saint Brigid's Well

— Saint Winefride's. See Saint Winefride, Well of

Well-Anchored, The. See An-

Wellby, M. S., c;iptain. in Thibet XlV-719d

WELLE, PREFECTURE APOS- TOLIC OF XV 579d; XVI- <J9c; IV-23.5d; map I-facing 180

Welles, John, at Croyland IV- 54 Id

WeUesley, Arthur, Duke of Wel- lington, and ,\rchbishop Curtis I-732b; Catholic emancipation Vlll-lOSb; XIII-12.5a; ISOb; Irish policy V-454b; and Na- poleon X-698d; and O'Connell. Daniel XI-202a; portrait by Goya y Lucientes VI-687b: Spanish War of Independence XlV-lS.ia; tomb, St. Paul's, London IX-344d

— College, Massachusetts, found- ed IV-llOd

Wellhausen, Julius IV- 162b; S02d; XIV-529a; on Aaron I- 5c; on Bible V~2S9a; VIII-80d; on Christianity and poetry I -674b; Deuteronomy XI- 658a; high-priesthood XII- 408b; on Islam I-C73b; on Kings, Book of Vlll-6.",0b: St. Luke, c; i ih1 .,1 \\ ll'.id;

on parablt ■ -I ^ 1

XI-463d; ■ I ' !i I\-

494a; XII- !1 .b; I'l- -:I: '-nd- XI-658b; on primilivo ethics IV-688C; on Psalms XII-339b; on theocracy XIV-5GSc; on Zacharias XV-743b

Wellington, town, India VII- 724b

-town. New Zealand XI-40d; histoo- XV-.580b; school III- 21.5d "

—ARCHDIOCESE OF X V-o80a ; Redemptorists in XII-6SCC; seminaries XIII-700b; 700d; statistics XV-580d

— Duke of. See WeUesley, Arthur

— Monument, bv Alfred Stevens Xlll-647a

WeU of Job. See Bir Eyfib

Wells, Ancient Diocese of. See Bath and W.lls

— Amos Russel, non - Catholic commentator on the Bible IV- 161b

—Gilbert XV-581a

—Henry XV-.Wla

— Herbert George, Socialist XIV- 67c ; Utopian scheme XV- 244a

— Horace, dentist I-448c

— Hugh de. Bishop of Lincoln IX-267a

— John, Bishop of I.landaff IX- 316b

— Mary Mompesson, martyr X\'- .58 la

— Simon Fitz Robert of, Bishop of Chichester III-fi.57d

— Spencer, Ca^sarean operation X-142a; and Nussbaum, Jo- hann von XI-171C


.5S0d; i;l Id : mart yrdom V-476b — Thomas X\'-.")S(id — Wilham, of Rochester

England X111-102C —IN SCRIPTURE XV-581b;

pool of Bethsaida II-536C — of Poison, in Manichfeism IX—

592a Wellsted, W. R., captain, Arabian

expedition I-6G3d Welsen - Klaumbach, Arnold,

Count XIV^73a Welser, family, commercial en- terprise II-75a; in Venezuela

IV- 122c — Anton XV-."iS2a — BARTHOLOMEUS XV-5S2a — Marcus, and Gretser, Jacob

VIl-29c; and .Scheiner XIII-

52(ia — Philippina II-125d — and Company, merchant house,

Germany XV-.i.S2a Welsh Calvinistic Methodist

Church \-241a; Xll-.i93c —CHURCH XV-582b; St. Au-

niann- ' '- '. • li:

St. lllu'. ■■. >. .-;!,;: .w

S84d; Kin;; l.unu,-, ..l l;iilaia XV-5S2d —Monastic Joumlntions XV- 5S5a; Bangor Iltvd XV-5S6b; Bangor-is-Coed XV-5S6a; St. Cadoc XV-58SC; St. Daniel XV-586C; St. Da\dd XV-586d; St. Dubric XV-.5Sfid; St. Iltvd

XV-S85d; St. Kcntieern XV- 586c; Llancarviii \\ i^.ib: Llianelwy X\ -■ ' I ' ! ■! XV-585d; rul. \\ ■ I i- tisties XV-5SGC, -iuii'-. -\\ 586d — Pelagius XV-.583b; Roman period XV-582b; Saxon eon- quest XV-5R3b; Saxon and Norman period XV-5S4b; ver- sions of the Bible XV-373d —Presbyterian Church, America

Xll-394d WELTE, BENEDICT XV- 5S7a; S4a: IV -49:3c: XI- 67Sa; on Ecclcsiastes V-247c; encyclopedia V-417a; on To- bias, Book of XIV-752C; and Weber XV-574C; and Wetzer XV-607d Welter, H., chronicler VI-351b Weltmann, poet XIII-272b Wemding, Capuchin college V-

36Gh Wemmers, Jacob XI-302d Wemyss, Sir John de XV- 724b WENCESLAUS, SAINT. Dnkc .,f H..hrin.a X\-.-.^7b: \11 3:!Sb; clnirciirs XI :.l.:,h-. and St. Ludmilla IX-41(ia; mur- dered II-613d; prayer-book XII-3.50d Wenceslaus II, King of Bohemia I-213d; II-664d; IX-551C; X- 562b; XIII-21Sd; and Albert I VI-494a — m, King of Bohemia X-562b —IV, King of Bohemia. See Wenceslaus, King of Germany — Duke of Brabant III-22C; and

Froissart VI-308d —King of Germany I-267d; II- 124a; 124b; 671c; 762b; VI- 495d; IX-432C; Xni-784c; 784d; end Gregon,- XII XII- 342d; and Saint John Ncponiu- cene VIII-4n7b; and Martin V VII-.586C; and VII- 584d — Provost of Meissen VIII-467C -Bishop of Olmiitz VII-.-)S6b — Clement, Prince Bishop, at Augsburg II-76b; on Dillingen IV-796d; and Sailer XIII- 32Sb; at Trier VII-401C; IX- 260b; XV^4a Wen ch'eng, Chinese Princess

XIV-719a Wen-chou, treaty port 11I-686C WENDELIN OF TRIER, SAINT

XV-.-i^7c Wenden, Boldewin von. Arch- bishop of Bremen ll-7.57b Wendrock, William. See Nicole,

Pierre Wends, tribe ll-123c: XlV^3d; 44b; Adalbert I-126d; Boso II-


697d; conversion V-538d; X-

148d; and Danes IV-727b; ethnological classification XII- 626c; in Germany X-107c; XV~404b; Henrj- I of Germany VI-4S7d; in Pomerania XII- 225c; statistics XIII-501b; See Slavs Wendt, Hans Hinrich, exegete, on

Acts I-121b; on Synoptics

XIV-393C Wenger, Bible revision XV-374a Wen Hwa-tien, Chinese secretary


VIER X\-.587d; X-304a; cate- chisms V-81b: S2b; and Klin-

kowstrom VI1I-6C8C Wen-li, language 11I-679C Wenlo XV-656d Wenlock, niona.-itery I-.508d WENRICH OF TRIER XV-

.',SSa; and Henry IV VI1I-86C Wensing, Henry .\1V-If)2a Wen-ti, Chinese emperor III-

68 Id Wentworth, Thomas, Earl of

Strafford Il-69d: and Cressy

IV-486C: .-nd Cigl v IV-791b;

in Ireland lX-3.3(ic" Wentz, Joseph VI-481a Wen-tze, philosopher III-668a;

XIV-447d Wenwadahronb^, Huron chief

vn-oS2a Wenzel, goldsmith. SeeWerinker — of Hirschberg IV-466a — of Lebus, Duke of Liegnitz,

Bishop of Breslau II-7G2C —See Wenceslaus Wepfer, Johann Jakob, anatom- ist X-132d Werbarga, Saint. See Werhurgh Werbeck, Protestant missionary

VlII-309a Werboczi, Stephen I-640b WERBURGH, SAINT XV-58Sb;

I-331b; Il-4G3b Werczynski, Jesuit X!Il-2.59c WERDEN iWERDA, WER-

DENA), m.iiiaM.rv XV-.i89a;

V-2.-i9d: IX-4).M; X-t.37a Werden, John of. See John of

Werden Werdenberg, Johaim H, Count of.

Bishop of Augsburg II-75a:

78d Werebode X^-588b Wereburg (Wereburga), Saint.

•See Werburgh Weremouth, church XV-462c Werenfels, S. V-692C Wereszczak, Marya X-283a Wergild l-.509a; II-57a Weric, Abbot of Floreffe VI-lOSc Werinher, goldsmith XIV-473b Werinolf , Abbot of Oettingen XI-

21.5b Wer ist's V-417d Werl ^We^le), principality X-

IDSb; XV-(i02c Werl - Arnsberg, Heinrich n.

Count of Xl-3S4b Werlhof, Paul Gottlieb, physician

X-132C Wermbold of Roskoop, preacher

IX-233b Wemekcn, Francis XI-21d Werner, Archbishop of Magde- burg IX-525C; and Bruno the

Saxon III-18d —Bishop of Minden X-323C — I, Bishop of Strasburg X-643b:

XIV-313C; and Alexander II

I-286d — n. Bishop of Strasburg XIV-

313c — Franziska, foundation V-388b — FRIEDRICH LUDWIG


129a: VI-52Gb; portrait VI-

o25d ^Hermann, Bishop of Paderborn

XI-384d — ^Jakob, Vulgate revision XV-

519a -Karl, theologian II-131d; VII-

S7b: XIV-.596a: on SuArej

XIV-319C — of Falkenstein, Archbishop of

Trier XV-43b — of Habsburg, Bishop of Stras- burg. See Werner I, Bishop of

Strasburg Wemhart, Bishop of Sankt Polten


Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.