Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/105

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vants of God Venerable as soon as their processes Canonization (cf. C. E., II-969b). — ^Thoiigh only

of beatification were introduced before the Congre- two miracles wrought through the intercession of a

gation of Rites, now the title is to be given only blessed after formal beatification are required for

after the publication of the papal decree declaring canonization, three are necessary when the beatifi-

that they have practiced virtue in a heroic degree cation has been merely equivalent or virtual, that

or that the fact of their mart3nxlom iias been es- is in cases where the Holy See has approved of the

tablished. It should be remembered that the title honor paid to holy servants of God since at least

"Venerable'* never authorizes public veneration. To the year 1540 (C. E., 1. c, n. 6). In conclusion, it

establish reputation for sanctity, the fact of martyr- should be noted that no writings relating to the

dom, and the working of miracles through the in- causes of beatification or canonization of servants

tercession of the servant of God, at least eight of God may be published without leave of the

witnesses are required. In ancient causes, in which Sacred Congregation of Rites. Code, can. 1999-2141.

te'i^.'VZ?^Sr:ri?,^!^;?IP!If^.r!^°fc _ Bwnyals. Dxocesk op (Bellovacom; cf. C. E,

members of his order. "'^z P^** *•»« ^.?.^. Y" ^,1? PH^^ *"1

After a cause haa been introduced and the re- "emmanans were mobilized from this diocese, of

=!? Ift^veSLa^io?-^^'^ A'irAS dio^tL^^rthTiSonrH'irr. tl' I'o :!??

^Kh^ m^Kd Se^S workTthS^ ±^^^^ f^ZtJ ^f§^o.1lt f^.T two yeare from the date of reception of the lettere; ^^^'f ^^ ^^ ^'"""^^ "'** ^"^^ ^" *"'*^'>' ^^

^^^rA^^^a'^^^7^hJ^l°^i t^thS Tie iwpulation of this diocese number 411.000,

Wnlv^ » Hi*««n r™^™inr?hp^^liHhv rrf divided among 36 deaneries and 600 parishes, and

S^M^atiSr^d the AncSc S^cS?tek« t^e 1920 statirtics credit it with 540 sioular and 16

SfofiSThe n^nce of tKriUrST^^ aS «P^ ""ergy. The educational institutions include

?w! J?W r«^«^f nf .l,« rS^S^tinn of ^^ the lower seminary at Beauvais. the secondary

S^Av ^^SS^ Lh of thfTrSinal L^™ School of Our Lady at Ponfc5ainte-Maxence. the

tSSete^ 4e^nrothT^tfry Ad^S^ thl^ K^^ College of St. Vincent at Senlis. the College of the

i^^^SSSr o^tCS^d thfalbDromfter Holy Ghost at Beauvais. and the international

S STddon ta rlnd^S' by^hS'cSSTS agricultural institution, also at Beauvais.

mentioned. In the third or general meeting, to Beaven, Thomas D. See Springfield, Dio-

discuss the degree of virtue practiced by a con- cesb of.

fessor or the fact and cause of his martyrdom n-jn-,, t>^^„ q^^ Tv>rTaaT«,wr nr^i^^^ Amr^i,^ r.^

(C. E, 1. c, n. 16), the consultors. prelates,. and „^*^*"' ^^""'^ ^^ Mission, Congrboation of

cardinals have only a consultive vote, the decision ^^^*

being reserved to the Pope. Beirut, Mabonitb Archoiocbsb of (Berytensib

MiBACLBB.^-As in estaDlishing the practice of Maronitarum; cf. C. E., II-392b), in Phoenicia,

virtue in an heroic degree three formal meetings On 1 September, 1920, France proclaimed the region

for discussion are held, so there are the ante- of Mount Lebanon a Christian State, independent

preparatory, the preparatory, and the general meet- of the rest of Syria, with the capital at Beirut. The

ings for the proof of miracles wrought through the proclamation was the result of the joint efforts in

intercession of the venerable. I^aris of the patriarch and the present Archbishop

In the ante-preparatory meeting two specialists, Ignatius Mobarak of Beirut. A Maronite cleric

physicians or surgeons, who have oeen selected by assisted by prelates of other commimities drafted

the cardinal relator after consulting the general the constitution.

promoter of the Faith, report whether a cure has There are five parishes within the city and 95 been wrought, and whether the fact can be ex- without, with a total of 110 churches and a mimstry plained by natural causes; the postulator of the of 150 secular and 50 regular priests. There are 18 cause, who formerly was allowed to name one of monasteries, 1 seminary with 25 seminarians, 1 col- the experts, must not be informed now who the lege for men in Beirut with 20 teachers and 300 experts are, and ordinarily they should not be students, 60 elementary schools with 120 teachers Idiown as such to one another. If the two experts and 2,000 pupils of both sexes. The Catholic in- consulted in the ante-preparatory meeting have up- stitutions are supported by the government. Con- held the miracles, only one expert is called in the ferences for the clergy are held oi-monthly, and a preparatory discussion; if, however, they did not monthly magazine is published for them. For the agree, the opinion of two new experts must be laity there is a Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary obtained. The cardinab may, however, always in- with a large membership of both sexes. There are crease the number of experts, and the advocate many dailies and periodicals which have proved of the cause may call another in replying. As in zealous defenders of the Faith. During the World deciding the fact of mart3rrdom and the heroic War about a third of the Maronites died of a practice of virtue, so here the decision in the famine brought about by the Turks, general meeting re^rding the miracles rests with Archbishop Joseph Debs (1879-1907), was a man the Pope alone. When the decree approving of of great energy, his zeal being attested by many the miracles has been issued, a discussion as to handsome churches within Beirut, among which is whether or not it is safe to proceed with the beatifi- the present cathedral, a college for men, numerous cation is held in presence of the Pope, who, after pious works existing even to this day, together with hearing the opinions of the consultors and cardinals, a large number of liturgical and historical works, renders the decision. He was succeeded by Archbishop Peter Chelbi