Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/110

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450 nuns, 30 ecclesiastical students, 2 high schools case the power to bless may be delegated to any with 4 teachers 1 for boys with attendance of 58, priest. The consecration of a church bell is, how- and 1 for girls with an attendance of 28, 2 academies ever, reserved to the bishop. The bells are under for girls with 10 teachers and 105 students, 2 train- the exclusive jurisdiction of the ecclesiastical ing schools with 4 teachers and 22 students, 74 authorities. They should not be used for purely elementary schools with 4,000 teachers and 10,650 secular purposes except in case of necessity or by students. Missionary work in the diocese is con- leave of the ordinary or in accordance with a lawful ducted by the Diocesan Mission Society and the custom or with conditions laid down by the donors Holy Childhood Association. There are 2 homes, of the bells. 1 orphan asylum, 8 hospitals and a National Catho- lic Community House. The St. Clair County Jail, BeUuno-Feltre, Diocese op (Bellunbnsis ht St. Clair County Farm, State Hospital at Anna, Fsi/rBBNBiB; cf. C. E^ n-424b), in Venitia, Ital3r. and Southern State Penitentiary admit the priests suffragan of Vemce. Rt. Rev. Giusseppe Foschiam. of the diocese to minister to them. The various ^^o ca°^e to this see 3 July, 1910, d. 5 October, organizations of the diocese are: the Priests' Purga- ^^13, and was succeeded by the present incumbent, tonal Society, Priests' Eucharistic League, Clergy- R^- R®v. Giosue Cattarossi, b. at Comale, 1863, ap- men's Aid Society, St. Francis de Sales Educational pomted Bishop of Albenga, 11 April, 1911, and trans- Aid Society, the People's Eucharistic League, ferred to this see 21 November, 1913. The diocese National Council of Catholic Men, Catholic comprises a Catholic population of 187,650; the Women's League, Catholic Junior League. The 1922 statistics credit it with 95 parishes, 470 churches, "Messenger" and the "Schoolmate" are published 165 secular and 72 regular clergy, 3 convents of in the cBocese. On 2 July, 1913, Bishop Janssen men and 20 of women, 142 sisters, 2 seminaries, 46 first bishop of the diocese died, and was succeeded seminarians, 2 secondary schools for boys with by Rt. Rev. Henry Althoff, D. D., who was conse- 250 students, and 3 for girls with 400 students, crated 24 February, 1914. Within recent years the All public schools, both elementary and secondary, diocese also lost its vicar general, Rev. H. J. are dependent upon the State, as well as all the Hagen, D. D. charitable institutions. During the World War the On 4 Januaiy, 1912, the Cathedral of Belleville clergy and laity of thk diocese took an active part was destroyed by fire and in October, 1913, a new in all patriotic and charitable works. A mutual cathedral was completed. In 1919 the National aid society is organized among the clergy, and Catholic Community House of East St. Louis was Catholic organizations among the laity are formed; opened, and on 1 December, 1920, the fourth dio- a Catholic periodical, "Amico del Popolo," is pub- cesan sjrnod was held. During the World War the lished here.

diocese sent three chaplains and an organized Dio- Btf mont Abbey, a Benedictine foundation estab- cesan War Council took an active part m all ,. *•'»****••' **""'^^» » ijci«:\*ivi,iuic tuuuuauAvu ^^^^ nafriftfii. wnrfc * i*" -^ »" ovwvc h*"" *" »" \iBhed at Bclmont, near Hereford, England, in 1859, patriouc worK. ^^^^ ^^ invocation of St. Michael, as a central Belley, Diocbsbof (BiSLuauM; cf. C.E.,II-415c), novitiate house of studies for the English congre- coextensive with the civil department of Ain in gation. The priory church was the pro-cathedral France, and suffragan of BesanQon. Rt. Rev. Fran- of the Diocese of Newport, the bishop and canons Qois-Auguste Labeuche, who came to this see 13 of which were chosen from the English Benedictines. July, 1906, d. 18 March, 1910, and was succeeded When, in 1916, that diocese became the Archdiocese by the present incumbent, Rt. Rev. Adolphe Manier, of Cardiff, the church was raised to the rank of b. at Foug, 1851, ordained 1875, appointed bishop a cathedral. The archdiocese was to have two 13 April, 1910, and consecrated at Autun, 11 Jime, metropolitan chapters, a regular chapter at Bel- following. During the World War 251 priests and mont and a secular chapter at Cardiff, but on the

51 seminarians were mobilized from this diocese; of petition of the Abbot President of the Englidi this number 14 priests and 20 seminarians were Congregation, who intimated his willingness to re- killed or wounded, 8 were decorated with the linquish the privilege of the cathedral and the Ligion (Thonnevr, 10 with Midaille Militaire, 3 catnedral chapter at Belmont, the Holy See an- with Midaille des ipidemies, 4 received foreign nounced that the Belmont chapter should be dis- decorations, and 165 received the Croix de Guerre solved and the priory raised to the rank of an or other citations. By latest statistics the Catholic abbey. After the publication of the Apostolic population of the diocese numbers 342,482, and is Letter in 1920 effecting this, the Belmont corn- divided into 442 parishes. The diocese comprises munitv elected as first Abbot of Belmont Dom 442 churches, 1 Trappist abbey, 553 secular and Aelred Kindersley, formerly prior. The election 30 regular clergy, 8 convents of women, 1 seminary, took place 30 June, and immediately afterwards

52 seminarians, 3 secondary schools for boys with the newly elected abbot was escorted to the abbey 50 teachers and 300 students, 12 secondary schools church, where he was enthroned by the Abbot for girls with 48 teachers and 400 students, and 15 President, Dom Cuthbert Butler, Abbot of Down- elementary schools with 30 teachers and 500 pupils, side. On 15 July, 1920, the solemn blessing of Ten diocesan missionaries conduct charitable works the new abbot took place in Belmont Abbey and various institutions, including 25 hospitals, 2 Church, when Cardinal Bourne performed the cere- lunatic asylums, and 10 centers for monthly retreats mony, assisted by the abbots of the English con- for the clergy are established. An association for gregation with a laree attendance of bishops cmd deceased clergy, an association for the fathers of prelates of the Benedictine Order. The Abbey has families, and the "Soci^te d'6mulation scientifique, a community of 22 religious, of whom 12 are litteraire, historique," are organized ; the Journal de priests, 4 clerics, 5 novices, and 1 postulant. I'Ain." and "Croix de I'Ain'^are published here. Belmont Abbey Oollege—Belmont, North Caro-

Bells (of. C. E., II-418d).'-To summon the faith- lina, formerly known as St. Mary's College, is one

ful to Mass and other services, every church should of the oldest Catholic institutions of higher leamins

have a bell that has been consecrated or at least in the Southern Atlantic States, and was founded

blessed. If the bell is the property of exempt re- by the Fathers of the Order of St. Benedict in 1878

ligious it may be blessed by a higher superior; other and chartered with full collegiate powers on 1 April,

bells may be blessed by local ordinaries; in either 1886. The faculty numbering 14, is composed ex-