Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/144

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several secondary schools for girls, a boarding house Including the district governed by delegation^ for boys and four for girls, who attend the public the diocese contains over 3,700,000 Catholics, mostly schools, the first conducted by priests, the latter by of German descent, with a small minority of Poles, tho Sisters. Besides these the various religious con- There are actually employed in the diocese 1660 duct schools for day pupils which are well attended, secular and 170 regular priests, assisted by a total A mutual aid society, St. Carlo society, and a co- of 339 lay brothers. There are 11 monasteries for operative association are established among the men and 8 for women, 1 abbey for men, 20 con- clergy, and various circles of good works are f onned vents for men and 687 for women, 3 imiversities, among the men and women of almost every parish. 6 colleges for men and 10 for women, and 19 normal Hospitals, homes, and orphanages, although imder schools. The prince-bishopric is divided into corn- municipal administration, are conducted bv the Sis- misariates and archipresb3rterates, in which there ters. A number of weekly, fortnightly, and monthly are 1052 cures of various kinds (parishes, curacies, periodicals, are published in the diocese. and stations). Besides the theological faculty of Breslau, Princb-Bishopric op (Vratiblavibnsis; *^ UniversiV of Br^lau, the diocese po^esses as cf. C. E., U-761a), is dependent directly on the episcopal institutions f or the traming of the clergy Holy See. This immense diocese is divided into ^ preparatory seminaries for boys, 1 home (recently thr^ parts each with distinct administration: much enlarged), for theological students attending (1) the province of Prussian Silesia (part of district *{?© Univereity of Breslau, and 2 seminanes with of Oppehi has been ceded to Poland), with the 50 seminari^. . exception of a few districts attached to dioceses The statistics of the houses of religious orders in of Prague and Olmutz in Czechoslovakia, counting t^e dioceaeare: Benedictines, 2 hous^; Domin- noi8) over 2-566.000 Catholics: (2) the PrincinaUty 19*^ 1» Franciscans, 10,1 Jesuits, 4; Piarists, 1;

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CzechoslovakiranS^TesclhenTM'ivid^^ ^««, ^2: Sisters of St. Elizabeth, 6; Magdalen

of Versailles between Czechoslovakia and Poland. Sister^ liUrsuhnes, 7; Sisters of the Good Shep- The Catholics number 362,000 (1918); (3) city of ^e^* 5: Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo, from the Berlin and the two provinces of Brandenburg and mother-house at Trebmtz, 226, from the mother- Pomerania, excepting two districts which are at- ^^use at Tner, 5: Servants of the Sacred Heart of tached to the diocese of Posen (Poland), and con- J^sus, 3; Sisters of the Poor Handmaids of Chnst, tain 443,000 CathoUcs. This territoiy is adminis- iL^^^^^^f^^^, ^^.^ary, 85; German Doimnican tered by a delegate who is always the provost of Sisters of St. Cathenne of Sienna, 16; Grey Sisters St Hedwig'fl in Berlin °' St. Ehzabeth, 223: Sisters of St. Hedwig, 25;

The seat of the diocese is the city of Breslau, Sisters of Mary, 69; Poor School Sisters of Notre on the River Oder in the Prussian Province of Dame, 23; Vmcentian Sisters, 7; Sisters of the Hob- Silesia. The present bishop is Adolph Cardinal ^Jtoot, 1; Sisters of St. Joseph, 2. In the above Bertram, b. at Hildeaheim 14 March, 1859, student mentioned monastic houses for men there are 509 at Hildesheim, Wiirzburg, Innsbruck, and Rome, reugious, in those for women 7547 rehgious. The ordained at Hildesheim 31 July, 1881, elected Bishop government partly supports the Cathohc schools, of Hildesheim 26 April. 1906, transferred to Breslau There are 2 associations for the clergy and a great 27 May, 1914, succeeding Cardinal Kopp deceased, JP^ny ^^r the laity. Among the penodic»ls pub- named member of Prussian House of Lords in ^^^^ are 4 Catholic weeklies of note. Smce this January, 1916, created cardinal in petto 4 Decem- article went into type word has been received of ber, 1916, and received the hat with title to St. *"© erection of a see at Berlin and the appomtment Agnes-Outside-the-Walls, of which he took posses- of a bishop in the person of Rev. Dr. Kaas. sion 21 December foUowing. His predecessor, Bressanone (or Brixen), Diocese op (Bbixi- Georee Cardinal Kopp, Prmce-Bishop of Breslau, nbnmb; cf. C. E., II-793d), formerly a Prince- who had struggled long to safeguard and pr^rve Bishopric of Austria, embracing the greater part peace between Church and State, died 4 March, of Northern Tyrol and Vorarlberg, suffragan of 1914. Mgr. Valentine Wolciuh, chancellor of Bres- Salzburg but now the diocese is directly dei^dent lau, was elected titular Bishop of Danaba and on the Holy See. Part of the diocese, including auxiliary of the diocese 8 March, 1920. the episcopal see, was ceded by Austria to

Among the clergy recently deceased are the fol- jtaly as a result of the treaty of St.-Germain. lowing of note: Auxiliary Bishop Charles Augusti^ Bv a decree of 27 April, 1915, the parochial church b m Dioc^e of Breslau 1 November, 1847, elected of Montichiari was erected into an abbatial church, titular Bishop of Diocesaraea and auxiliary of the ^th a mitred abbot as pastor. Rt. Rev. Francis diocese 10 March, 1910, and d. 26 September, 1916; Egger, appointed to this see 6 November, 1912, filled Prelate Adolph Franz eminent m lettere and j^ until his death, 17 May, 1918. After a vacancy prominent in administration of the diocese; Prelate of three years he was succeeded by Rt. Rev. John Hugo Laemmer, professor at the University of j^fin ^^ ^t Roppen, Austria, 1858, ordained 1883, Breslau and author of many books; two laymen, ^lade an honorary chamberiain 6 April, 1910, ap- CounciUore Dittnch of Breslau and Horn of Neisse, poj^^ed 28 April, 1921, consecrated 19 June foUo^ who assisted most commendably in the temporal ^ He is assisted bv an auxiliary at present (1922), affairs of the diocese^ied recently j^^ ^^^ Sigismond Waitz. titular Bishop of Cib>Tra

Durmg the World War many of the clergy were ^^j admimstrator of Vorarlberg, The population '^ ^u^ ^"^^ administering to the spirituaT needs ^f ^^iiB diocese is almost entirely Catholic, the 1920 of the soldiers, while those left at home sent com- statistics counting only 150 Protestants against forts and necessities to the .fightmg men and ^^q^^^ Catholics. These latter are divided among attended to the welfare of their families and the ^ deaneries, 398 parishes, 72 fillial parishes, 2^ wounded m the hospitals. The laity gave them- vicariates, and 71 ^condai^ parishes, Vared for by

assigned to the Republic of Poland was placed Brldgetinnes (cf. C. E., II-785d) .— This order, under the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Breslau. founded by St. Bridget of Sweden at Vadstena in