Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/151

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nde. In September, 1914, she signed a secret con- the procession attending the transfer of the remains

vention with Austria-Hungary providing for a joint of the Cid, and it may really be said that all Spain,

attack upon Servia and for the territorial rewards irrespective of class or creed, took part in the cele-

to Bulgaria. In October, 1914, she declared war brations, even the newspapers least favorably in-

upon Servia. The next day Great Britain declared clined toward the Church publishing special editions,

war against her, and France, Russia, and Italy fol- Bnrial, Christian (cf. C. E., III-71).— Ecclesias-

lowed suit. Serj'ia was overwhelmed by the Bui- tical burial consists in bringing a corpse to the

^an armies. In January, 1916, they crossed mto church, and after the funeral service has been

Albama from Southern Seryia and occupied El held there, interring the body in a place blessed

Bassan. In the spring of 1918. while the Aurtro- and lawfully appointed as a resting-place for the

German troops were making their supreme effort dead. Nobody may be buried in churches, even

m the west, the aUiM t<M)k advantage of the thin basement or lower churches, except popes, royal

Bulgarian hne m Macedonia, and. reinforced by personages or cardinals, or residential bishops, or

the Greeks, began on 14 September their great abbots or prelates nullius, who may be interred in

offensive against Bulgana They had taken Pnlip, their own churches. The Catholic Church has a

Babuna Pass fehtib, and Strumitza, when BulgMia nght to have its own cemeteries. If this right is

TOddenly sued for peace. On 4 October, 1918, King violated and the majority of those who are being

Ferdinand abdicated m favor of his son. By the interred in a cemetery are Catholics, local ordinaries

^^*y^*^^^. ^\ NeuiUy near Paris, 27 November, ghould see that the public cemeteries are blessed,

1919, Bulgaria lost most of the territories which or at least that a part is reserved for Catholics

^e had appropnated m the Balkan Wars and all and blessed. Where this cannot be done each grave

her conquests in the Great War. Dobrudja went must be blessed as often as there is a burial. The

to Rumania: the greater part of Macedoma to canonical regulations concerning the interdiction,

Servia; and the Thracian coast to the allies. On violation, and reconcUiation of churches apply abo

22 September, 1920, Bulgarias great national poet to cemeteries

and novelist, Ivan Vazoff, died at the age of Every parirfi should have its own cemetery unless

seventy-one. Two of his books, the^ '^^^.i?, ^^ the ordinary allows one in common for two or more

Igoto (Under the Yoke) and Virgm Soil" have parishes. He may allow moral personalities and

been translated mto English. private families to have their own places of in-

Burgos, Archdiocesb of (BtmoENSis; cf. C. E., terment away from the general cemetery. The

III-65d), in Spain. It is at present (1922) under faithful may erect private burial-places of vaults

the administration of His Emmence Cardinal Ben- for themselves and tneir families in parochial ceme-

lloch y Vivo, who succeeded Archbishop Cadena. teries. with the written consent of the ordinair or

d. 6 June, 1918. Bom in Valencia 1864, ordained his delegate, or in the private cemetery of an

1888, he was appointed titular Bishop of Greater association, with the written leave of its superior.

Hermopolis 16 December, 1901, transferred to Urgel These private burial-places may be alienated with

6 December, 1906, and promoted to Burgos 7 the consent of the ordinary or superior. The graves

January, 1919. On 30 April following the Pope of priests and clerics should, if possible, be separate

entrusted the new archbishop with the tadc of from those of the laity and should be located in

founding a seminanr for foreign missions, an enter- a more respectable place; furthermore, if it can be

prise which was nrst started by Father Gerard conveniently done, the ^aves of priests should be

Villota. Or 7 March, 1921, the archbishop was apart from those of the inferior clergy. The ceme-

created a cardinal-priest, receiving the hat in Kome tery, should be enclosed and carefully guarded, and

16 June following. By 1920 statistics this territory the proper authorities should see that no epitaphs,

has a Catholic population of 324,685, divided among inscriptions, or decorations imworthy of our religion

1295 parishes, supervised by 47 archpriests and 1125 are allowed therein. If possible there should be,

priests. There are in the diocese 1295 churches, 800 in addition to the cemetery that has been blessed,

chapels, 66 convents with 425 religious, and 175 an enclosed protected place for the interment of

Sisters. those who have not been allowed Christian burial.

In July, 1921, the old city of Burgos celebrated No burial is to be permitted, especially in case of

the seven hundredth anniversary of the foundation sudden death, until after a lapse of time sufficient

of its famous cathedral, the finest example of to remove all doubt as to the reality of the party's

Spanish ogival art. Its cornerstone was laid 20 death, and no remains that have received dennitive

July, 1221, by KingSt. Ferdinand, who also founded Christian burial may be exhumed without the ordi-

the Cathedral of Toledo. To the many treasures nary's consent, which must never be panted if

preserved here, a relic of its founder, who is buried the body cannot undoubtedly be distinguished from

in the cathedral of Seville, and the remains of the the other corpses.

Cid, Spain's great hero, were added on the occasion When a Catholic dies his remains should always of the celebration, which lasted for fifteen days, be brought to church for the prescribed funeral The transfer of the relic of San Fernando was a services, unless there is a serious reason for omitting great religious and patriotic event; infantry and them: anv practice contrary to this is expressly cavalry troops garrisoned in the city took part in reprobated. The services are to be held in the the procession, and the cardinal pontificated, accom- parish church of the deceased; if he belonged to pamed by the Apostolic Nuncio, many Spanish several parishes they are to be held in whichever bishops, the Archbishop of Valencia and numerous of the parishes he died in. If the person died out- prelates. The Minister of Public Instruction and side of his parish, his remains should be brought the Civil and Military Governors took part in the to his own parish church, if it is within walking name of the Government, and the populace entered distance ana if this can be done conveniently ; into the festivities with enthusiasm. In the after- otherwise the services should be held in the church noon the royal family arrived from Santander to of the parish where he died. It devolves upon the attend the pontifical Mass, celebrated the follow- ordinary to judge if it would be really incon- ii^ morning bv Mgr. Tedeschini, the papal nuncio, venient, and if the parishes belong to different who also read the papal Brief granting the title dioceses it is the ordinary of the place where and privileges of a basilica to the cathedral. The the death occurred who decides. The family, the king himself, surrounded by his royal escort, led heirs, or other interested parties may always bring