Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/155

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Oabrltees, Fran(;oib-Mabib-Anatolis ob Rov^rib her to Rome to open a pontifical school, and then DB, Cardinal, Bishop of Montpellier, b. at Beaucaire, in view of the increasing tide of Italian emigration Gard, France, on 90 August, 1830; d. at Montpel- to North and South America he counseled her to lier on 23 December, i921« He was a pupil of the ^o to their aid. Within a few months she was noted Fer^ d'AUon in the College of the Assump- m New York where she took charge of a school in tion at Nimes: he entered the seminary of Saint- St. Joachim's parish for the chudren of Italian Sulpice in October, 1849, and was ordained at Nimes immigrants. Kecognizing the necessity of aiding on 24 September, 1853. In turn director of the her countrsnnen in other ways, she ventured on College of the Assumption, private secretary of opening a hospital in 1892, Columbus Hospital, Mgr. Plantier, canon and vicar general, he was New York, which from a lowly beginning is now appointed by Pius IX Bishop of Montpellier on a large hospital of high standing. The number of 16 January, 1874, and was consecrated by Mgr. adult Italians who were brought back to the prao- Plantier on 19 March following. He was appointed tice of religion by contact with the Sisters, in- an assistant at the pontifical throne by Leo XIII, spired her to add the hospital work to that of who sent him the pallium on 15 July, 1890, an teaching. Jn 1905 a Columbus Hospital was honor very seldom conferred on simple bii^ops. foundea in Chicago and soon the Sisters were to In 1911 he was made a cardinal priest, and at the be found throughout the country. Nothing could time of his death he was senior by years and cool the ardor or daunt the spirit of Mother service in the ranks of the entire episcopacy and Cabrini, her principle was not to discuss the feasi- 1^ age in the Sacred College, where he was at- bility or manner of assisting the immigrant, the tached to the Congregation of Religious and of sick, or the ignorant, but to begin the assistance Ceremonies. Cardimd de Cabri^res, the last scion forthwith, trusting to Providence; and the manner of a noble family was a scholar, a brilliant writer, in which apparently insurmountable difficulties dis* a statesman, a royalist by tradition and inclination, appeared before her was evidence of Divine assist- and a great churchman. He played a prominent ance in her work. When this zealous apostle of part in the relipious life of France during his forty- the immigrant passed away, she had established seven years episcopacy. Where religious principles over seventy houses of her institute, with over were at stake he Knew no compromise. As early three thousand of her religious to carry on her as 1877 he denounced the de-Christianizing tactics work. Mother Cabrini crossed the Atlantic twen- of the politicians of the Third Republic. He elo- ty-five times, and personally made foundations in quently and emphatically proclaimed to Gambetta Peru, Chili, Argentina, Brazil, and Nicaragua, that the clei]^ had a right to defend themselves While the greatest developments of her sisterhood in the political arena when they were assailed, bas been in the United States, her daughters are He protested vigorously in 1880 against the school at work in France, England, and Spain also. When laws of Jules Ferry, upholding the right of Chris- Italy entered the war, she placed all her hoiises tian schools to complete freedom from State autoc- and her communities there at the service of the racy. When Leo XIII informed French Catholics Italian Government, and three large military hos- of their duty to accept the Republic, he gave his pitals were confided to them, adhesion at once, but proclaimed aloud that this cvif*a4i8)" m-tJ* ""^ *^^ '^°"'** ^ "^^ C^^<^^ ^oHd, <iid not imply acceptance of the anti-Catholic policy \ )» - »

of the Government, a declaration which led the Cadiz, Diocese of (Gaditana bt Ses^ensis; cf. Government to deprive him of the pension which C. E., IH-lSlc), with the united diocese of Cueta. by the Concordat they were pledged to allow is suffragan of Seville, Spain. This see was filled him; and when the sectaries were exerting all by Rt. Rev. Jos6 Maria Kances y Villanueva, from their efforts in 1901 to drive the congregations into 1898 imtil 14 Jime, 1917, when he was succeeded exile, he pronounced a magnificent eulogy of the by the present incumbent. Rt. Rev. Martial Lopez religious life. Yet when the World War threat- Criado, b. in Cordone 1868, ordained 1891, prelate ened the existence of France the union sacrie had of the Holy See 1903, appointed 18 May, 1918. no more fervent adherent, a devotion recognized These two dioceses cover an area of 4073 sq. by President Millerand, who when he visited Mont- miles, and by 1920 statistics comprise a Catholic pellier in 1921 conferred the Cross of the Legion population of 208,190, the remainder of the popu- of Honor on the aged Royalist cardinal who had fation being made up of about 300 Jews and Moors, come to pay him homage. Cadiz contains 25 parishes, 190 priests, 58 chapters

0* « ^ m, T^ ^ ^^*^ 1^ religious, and 343 Sisters. Cueta, situated

OaDrfiii, MoTHEB Fbances Xavibr, foundress of at a point northeast of Africa, comprises 2 parishes, the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, 21 priests and 6 chapters. b. at Sant' Angelo near Lodi, Italy, on 16 July,

1850, of parents belonging to the Lombard nobility; Oassarea, Diocese of (C-esabiensib; cf. C. E., d. at Chicaeo on 22 December, 1917. From early III-133c), a residential see of the Armenian Rite, childhood she gave evidence of great energy, a in Cappadocia, Asiatic Turkey. Rt. Rev. Matthew spirit of piety and religious zeal which character- Sislian, appointed to this see 1901, was retired and ized her later life. Impressed by the lack of facili- transferred to the titular see of Ammedara 3 Decem- ties for the education of the Italian poor, she or- ber, 1909. After a vacancy of about a year and ganiied a small community for the instruction a half, the present incumbent (1922), Rt. Rev. of poor children and the training of teachers. With Anthony Bahabaman, b. in Angora 1867, ordained four Sisters she opened her first house at Codo^o 1892, was appointed 27 August, 1911. This diocese in 1880. Soon there was a demand for similar comprises 1500 Armenian Catholics, 50,000 Schis- houses from many places and Leo XIII invited matics, 600 Protestants, and a number of Mussul-