Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/191

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The privy chamberlains partecipanti cany out laced; that of the chamberlains of honor being their duties imder the supervision of the papal blue with the interlaced initials C. H. N. icamerarius majordomo and the maestro di camera. honorariua di numero); (6) an ebony-handled sword

They comprise both cler^ and laymen. The with a black patent leather scabbard, hanging from first in rank among them is the papal almoner, a black velvet belt; (7) a black velvet cap oma- who is always an archbishop; his tenure of office mented with a black ostrich feather, continues diujng a papal vacancy but terminates The other dress comprises a black cloth coat with after the election, if he is not re-appointed. After a standii^ velvet collar and velvet cufits, a cravat, him in rank come the secretaiy of Briefs to rulers, a white vest, and long black trousers with gold the secretaiy of the Private Code, the Regent of the braid on the outer seam. The velvet, red in the Datary, the secretary of Latin Letters, the Pincera case of chamberlains of honor and blue in the case or cup4)earer who assists the Holy Father at table, of privy chamberlains, is embroidered with golden the Secretaiy of the Embassy, the Master of the olive leaves. The city dress comprises: (1) an Wardrobe, and the Prefect of the Apostolic Sacristy, open red cloth swallow-tail coat, fined with red

In 1921 there were about 1,160 supemimieraiy Buk. The cuffs and standing collar are black velvet, privy chamberlains, all clerics, ranking as mon- embroidered with golden olive leaves and buds, signori. They are appointed from all over the The buttons are gilt and have a tiara and crossed worid, the title being generally accorded as a re- keys in the center; (2) a white cravat; (3) a white ward for seal and virtue. The members of the cashmere vest with similar but smaller buttons; College of the Masters of Pontifical Ceremonies, (4) long black cl9th trousers with gold braid seam; excepting the prefect, are supernumerary privy (5) a sword with gilded guard, mother-of-peal chamberlain^ their office does not cease with the handle, susi^ended from a golden galloon cincture, death of the pope and during the vacancy they The Si)anish costume is worn only in the chapels act as chamberlains partecivantu The honorary and during solemn service, at which times the chamberlains of the violet robe number about 500: chamberlain wears his triple chain with its sus- they are all clerics, and have the same insignia and pended white enameled tiara and ke3rs. When the privileges as the supernumerary privy <mamber- other service costume is worn the chamberlains lains, but rank lower at court. Their dignity ceases cany white kid gloves in their hand. Except when on the death of the pope. Finally the honorary the chamberlains are in presence of His Holiness chamberlains extra vrbem, 47 in number, all clerics, or in service, the city dress is de riquevr. However, have the same insignia and titles as the chamber- it is now customary for chamberlains of sword and lains of the violet robe, but they may enjoy these cape when in Rome, if not engaged at the Vatican, only when residing outside of Rome. Their office to wear a black coat with the golden chain and also ceases on the death of the pontiff. the tiara and keys. By a special concession of

The privy chamberlains of sword and cape were Pius X supernumerary chamberlains, both privy instituted m the sixteenth century. They are all and of honor, may wear an oval jnedallion enameled laymen. Four of them are chamberlains di numero red or blue respectively, with the name of the and take charge in turn of the antechamber to the pope in golden letters. It is only half the size of pope's private room, where they are assisted by the medallion of the chamberlain di numero. The the supernumeraries (who numbered about 380 in distinctive insignia of the chamberlains di numero 1921) m regulating the admission to audiences with is worn on the right breast of their official costumes the Holy Father. There are also honorary cham- and of their frock coats; the supernumeraries may berlains of sword and cape who rank below the wear theirs onlv on their frock coats and on the precedmg classy and in 1021 comprised 5 chamber- left breast. When there are no solemn receptions bJns di numero and 130 supernumeraries; the latter at the Vatican the chamberlains in service wear a but not the former lose their office and dignity on black coat and the chain as just mentioned. When the death of the pope.^ The privy chamberlains of a chamberlain comes to Rome and wishes to go on sword and cape partecipanti are the Quartermaster duty, he arranges with the maestro di camera for Major of the Sacred Palaces;*who is second in com- a week's service. At the end of this period he is mand to the papal majordomo and who has care received by the Holy Father. The supernumerary of the buildings and the furnishings; the Master privy chamberlains and chamberlains of honor of of the Stables, whose office terminates on the death sword and cape are employed by the papal major- of the pope; the papal Postmaster; the colonels domo to keep order in the galleries or corridors of and higher officers of the Noble Guard, and the the chapels or the pontifical apartments. They may colonel of the Swiss Guards. be called upon by the papal maestro di camera to

The chamberlains of sword and cape have two assist in the antichamber to the pontifical apart- court dresses. The first is a sixteenth centuiy ment. They do so uncovered, the privy chamber- Spanish dress comprising: (1) a black cloth tunic lains doing dutv in the privy auticlmmber and the reaching to slightly above the knee; the skirt is others in the throne room. They aid the maestro pleated and has a bank of black velvet reaching di camera in receiving the persons about to have from the neck to the extremity and running roimd an audience with the sovereign pontiff. the lower end; the cuffs of the tunic are trimmed - • * ^

with lace. The collar is of batiste a la Henri IV; Ohambery, Archdiocesb op (Chamberium; cf. (2) short black cloth trousers, closed below the C E., III-666d), in the Department of Savoie, knee with a black rose centered with a large France, is imder the direction of Most Rev. Domin- aquamarine button; (3) black silk stockings with ique Castellan, who was promoted from the see patent leather shoes, having a black velvet rose of Digne on 26 May, 1915, to succeed His Eminence DOW with a aquamarine button center; (4) a Frangoia-Virgile Cardinal Dubillard, Archbishop of black velvet mantle lined with black silk, attached Chambery, from 1907 imtil his death, 1 December, over the left ai^d under the right shoulder; (5) a 1914.

gilt silver triple chain united by ten enamel medal- The diocese now (1921) shows a record of: 171 uons, with an enamel tiara and keys hanging from parishes, 2 monasteries for women, 2 abbeys for the middle. The distinctive enamel medallion men, 1 convent for men, 334 secular priests and 30 of the privy chamberlains is red with the letters regulars, 1 higher seminary and 1 lower with 45 C.S.N, (camerarius secretus di numero) inter- grand seminarians, 4 colleges for boys with 60 pro- 12