Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/202

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fessional school. Charitable institutions such as charities here and abroad. The Peter's pence col- homes, hospitals and asylums are established in all lection alone amounting to $130,000, a level, says the principal centers. One society is organized the archbishop's pastoral letter, never before at- among the clergr and two among the laity; two tained by any church in Christendom. The latest periodicalB, La Sveglia" and II popolo/' are pub- census, taken in 1900, coimts the Catholic popula- lished. tion of the archdiocese at 1,150,000.

A comparison of some statistics published after

Ohlcago, Archdiocese op (Chigagiensib; cf. C. the great fire, 1872, with those of 1921, shows the

E., III-653b), comprises 3,620 sq. miles of the rapid growth of the Church in the city. There

State of Ilhnois, U. S. A. Most Rev. James Edward are now 227 churches where there were only 28;

Quigley, promoted to this see 8 January, 1903, died 202 parochial schools against 23; 130,000 pupils in

10 July, 1015. He was succeeded by the present these schools, against 10,000; 643 diocesan priests

incumbent, Most Rev. George W. Mundelein, b. against 138; 350 priests of religious orders against

in New York, 2 July, 1872, ordained in Rome, 8 31. The 1SC21 statistics also credit the archdiocese

June, 1895. made chancellor to the Bishop of with: 111 country churches with resident priests,

Brooklyn, prelate of the Holy See, 21 November, 19 mission stations, 50 chapels^ 144 diocesan ecclc-

1906, appomted titular Bishop of Loryma, 30 June, siastical students, 5 seminaries for rehgious with

1909, and auxiliaiv to the Bishop of Brooklyn, 206 studenti^ 1 preparatory seminary with 450

promoted 9 December, 1915, and made an assistant students, 12 colleges and academies for boys with

at the pontifical throne, 8 May, 1920. 7,291 students, 25 academies for girls with 5,375

The rapid growth of the Archdiocese of Chicago students, 22 hi^h schools with 2,172 students, 72

in recent years has been very remarkable. "Cm- country parochial schools with 19,488 pupils, 1

cago. Yesterday, To-day, To-morrow, published school for mutes with 118 pupils, 4 training schools

by the Chicago Association of Commerce, says, and orphanages for bovs with 1,705 pupils, 5 indus-

'^It's system of charity under the direction of Arch- trial schools and orphanages for girls with 1,120

bishop George W. Mundelein and the Associated pupils, 3 infant asylums caring for 267 children.

Catholic Charities, is one of the best and most 1 working boys' home with 445 inmates, 3 working

effective, and its educational plans are as far-reach- girls, homes with 365 inmates, 5 homes for the

ing as is the vision of the greatest industrial and aged, 18 hospitals, and 2 communities nursing the

commercial leaders." sick.

Archbishop Mundelein made a notable departure from precedent, in appointing Jesuit professors for Ohlcontlmiy Diocesb of (CHicounMiENfiis; cf. C. ' his School of Philosophy, at St. Mary of the Lake, £., in-658b), Canada, is under the direction of Rt. to be opened in September, 1922. This will be the Rev. Michel-Thomas Labrecque, appointed 8 April, only theological school in the countiy under dioc- 1892, made an assistant at the pontifical throne 14 esan contr<u, in which Jesuits teach. The presi- May, 1917. During recent years the diocesan semi- dent will be Rev. John B. Furay, S.J., former naiy and the Cathedral of Chicoutimi were de- president of Loyola University, Chicago, and the stroyed by fire, but they have both been replaced administration will be in charge of diocesan priests by fire-proof buildings. With the death of Mon- from the Quigley Memorial Seminary, Rev. Gerald signor F. X. Belley on 1 October, 1919, Chicoutimi A. Kealy, D.D., acting as rector and prefect of lost a prominent cleri^man who had been at one discipline. The school will open with the first year time vicar-^eneral of the diocese, of philosophy, with an enrollment of fifty students. A most important event occurred in 1920 when

On 21 November, 1921, Bishop Alexander Joseph the industrial congress of Chicoutimi was held McGavick, titular Bishop of Marcopolis and aux- from 19-21 July. The success of this congress iliary of Chicago, since 2 December, 1898, was was largely due to the efforts of Mgr. Lapomte, transferred to the see of La Crosse. While in the Abbe Fortin and Abb6 Hubert, and a decision was Chicago diocese Bishop McGavick accomplished a made to form a national confederation of Caholic work for the Holy Name Society and for welfare workin^en of Canada. The object of this con- organizationis, particularly amon^ the boys of the federation is: (1) To establish a central body Big Brother Movement, which is probably unsur- to lend support to, and to study the interests of passed. He increased the Holy Name Society from different groups of workers aflUiated with the con- thirty-three branches, in 1915, to 200 with a mem- federation. (2) To assist organized Catholic move- bership of 90,000, and some twenty junior branches, ments as far as possible by means of an open press The Big Brother Movement was developed so that and salaried organizers. (3) To render all possible each parish now has a Big Brother committee, and assistance to groups affiliated to the confeaeration some 20,000 Catholic boys have been advised and by the foundation of food and credit centers and assisted, while 1,200 from other sections of the pensions for the aged, whenever their particular country have been helped back to their homes, circumstances show them to be deserving, in times An employment bureau, a legal aid society, and a of sickness or enforced idleness. This confederation lecture bureau composed of priests, and profes- will have representatives in various public organi- sional and business men, have been organized, and zations and start negotiations to obtain an annual the interests of the Catholic press, greatly advanced, allotment of money toward its support. The execu-

A new auxiliary was appointed to the archdiocese, tive committee was charged to prepare a constitu-

21 November, 1921, in the person of Rt. Rev. tion and by-laws and to submit them on 15 March,

Edward Hoban, appointed, at the same time, titular 1921, to aU groups of workers eligible to be affil-

Bishop of Colonia. He is a native of Chicago, iated. This constitution will be fully enforced

educated in the parochial schools and St. Ignatius upon its adoption at the next convention.

College, making his ecclesiastical studies at St. At the present time (1921), the diocese com-

Mary\ Seminary, Balitmore, and the Gregorian prises 97,500 French Canadian Catholics and has:

University, Rome. At the time of his appointment 64 parishes, 69 churches, 10 missions, 1 monastery

the new bishop was serving as chancellor of the for men, 7 convents for men and 30 for women, 1^

archdiocese. secular priests and 17 regulars, 85 brothers, 780

During the past year (1921) the Catholics of religious (women), 1 seminary with 600 students

Chicago contributed over one million dollars to in the higher and 50 in the lower seminary, 15