Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/231

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niagros, his coadjutor, titular Bishop of Havara for the bishop was constructed at Saigon, and in

from 1912 until his death, 21 March, 1921. 1913, on 16 April, the five hundredth anniversaiy

During the World War 18 missionaries were of the foundation of the seminary was celebrated,

mobilised from the vicariate, some of whom re- This mission lost one of its greatest benefactors

turned to France, others remaining here; two were through the recent death of Madame Laphab Dab.

decorated with the croix de guerref and many wcm By latest statistics (1921) this territory counts

other citations. The (1922) statistics credit this a Catholic population of 78,672, comprising about

territory with a total popidation of 2300,000, of 6,000 French, 71,1^ Annamites, 800 Indians, and

whom 68,880 are Catholics (Annamites and Bahnar 700 Chinese. These Cathohcs are divided among

natives). The vicariate comprises 56 parishes, 489 72 parishes and 162 missions, served through 234

churches, 518 missions, 121 secular priests, 3 brothers, churches, 1 monastery of women, 1 convent of men,

8 European' and 260 native sisters, 2 seminaries, 5 of women, 129 secular priests, of whom 92 are

132 seminarians, 82 elementary schools with 1,480 natives, 37 catechists, 41 Brothers of the Christian

pupils, 2 schools of catechists with 169 pupils, 168 Schools, 442 Sisters, 2 seminaries, 117 seminarians,

catechists in emplojonent, 1 hospital, and 2 printing 2 secondaiy schools of bo3rB with 55 teachers ana

preflses. A monthly bulletin is published. 1,409 pupils, 7 secondary schools for sirls with

28 teachers and 346 pupils, 1 normal school with

Ooddn Obina, Nobthebn, Vicariatb Afosiouc of 2 teachers and 20 pupils, 199 elementary schools (CoGENONNiE SEFTENTBiONALis; cf. C. E., VII-777d), with 219 teachers and 10,003 pupils, and 1 industrial comprising part of the distnct of this name in school with 1 teacher and 19 pupils. Among the Indcv-China. It is under the administration of Rt. charitable institutions estabhshed are: 1 home for Rev. Eugene-Marie-Joiseph Allys, b. in Paimpont, the aged with 49 old men, 12 hospitals in which France, 1§52, ordained 1875, appointed titular Bishop 15,341 cases were treated (1920-21), and 24 nur- of Phacusa and vicar apostolic, 30 January, 1908. series caring for 4,486 baptised children. The In recognition of his work in this mission. Bishop priests are allowed to minister in all the govem- Allys was decorated Chevalier of the Legion of ment hospitals, and the children in the schools Honor, 5 February, 1921, and on 16 April of the attend catechism classes in their parishes. A society same year the Emperor of Annam conferred on of apostolic works is organised among the clergy, him the decoration of Kim-Khanh hors claase in and mutual aid societies are established in almost acknowledgment of the work the bishop had been all the parishes for the laity. The religious orders doing in the kingdom of Annam for over forty represented in this territory include: Christian years. This honor was likewise recently conferred Brothers, Carmelite Sisters, Sisters of St. Paul, and on Marshal Joffre. Among the religious orders rep- Native Sisters. A press for the printing of reli- resented in this territory are : Brothers of the gious literature has been founded, and a "Semaine Christian Schools, with 10 European and 18 native Religieuse" is published in Annamite. members; Sisters of St. Paul with 15 members, The progress which is being made in this mis- conducting schools, hospitals and orphanages; and sion is oest shown by the following statistics which Carmelites with 11 members. Besides these must were published for the year (1920-21): Baptisms be counted 419 native women who live under a of adults, 1,244 (714 dying); baptisms of children common rule, but up to the present time have of Christian parents, 2,781; baptisms of pagan chil- not taken any vows. They teach in the parochial dren, 4,487; confirmations, 2,087; annual confes- schools, baptise dying children, and take part in sions, 42,784; confessions repeated, 300,936: Easter other ^ood works; these women are of great assis- communions, 42,260; communions of aevotion, tance m the mission. 701,769; extreme imctions, 1,242; ordinations, 2

The statistics published for this vicariate (1920- deacons, 2 priests, 1 subdeacon, 5 ezordsts, 5 lectors

21) credit it with a Catholic population of 66329; and 5 porters. 26 quasi-parishes for Europeans and 48 for natives,

306 mission stations, 36 missionaries and 79 native Code of Canon Law (cf. C. E., IX-56d).— For

priests, an upper seminary with 34 students, a many centuries a multitude of ecclesiastical laws

lower seminary with 78 students, 42 schools for had been enacted, not a few of which had in the

hays with 2,080 pupils, 37 schools for girls with course of time been abrogated or had fallen into

1,683 pupils, 4 orphanages with 144 hoya and H9 desuetude, while others had become either difficult

cm-Is, and 2 hospitals, one of which cares of lepers, to enforce or less useful for the conunon good,

llie following statistics i^ow the spiritual progress These laws, moreover, were tp be found only in

of the mission: Baptisms of children of Christian incomplete scattered compilations, so that many

parents, 1^50; of pagan children, 1,735; of catechu- of them were unknown even to the learned. Pius

mens, 1,447; annual confessions, 39,209; annual com- X, realizing how helpful it would be for the restora-

munions, 38,342; communions of devotion, 464,925; tion and permanency of Church discipline to end

confirmations, 2,478; viaticums, 708; extreme this inconvenience, decided in March, 1904, to

unctions, 757. codify the ecclesisstical lawsL abolishing obsolete

decrees, adapting others to the needs of the age,

Oochin China, Western, Vicarutb Apobtouc of and enacting new ones where expedient. The arch-

(CodNaNNifi oociDENTALis; cf. C. E., Yn>-777c), bishops of the entire world were directed to confer

one of the ecclesiastical divisions of Cochin China with their suffragans and the other ordinaries who

in Indo-China. Entrusted to the Foreign Missions are obliged to assist at provincial synods and to

of Paris, it is at present (1922) under the adminis- inform the Holy See what modifications and col^

tration of Rt. Rev. Victor-Charles Juinton, b. in rections of the laws they deemed especially neces-

Carelles 1866, ordained 1899, appointed titular sary. The work was carried out under the direc-

Bishop of Laranda and coadjutor to the vicar tion of Cardinal Gasparri, and a commission of

12 December, 1912, succeeding as vicar apostolic cardinals was appointed to examine, modify, and

upon the death of Rt. Rev. Lucien-Emile Mossard, correct the proposed canons. The five original

12 February, 1920. members of the commission were Cardinals Ferrata,

During the World War two of the missionaries Gennari, Cavicchioni, Vives y Tuto, and Cavagnis,

and about ten Catholic laymen of the vicariate ¥rith Cardinal Gasparri as ponena; these five

died on the battlefield. In 1911 a new residence scholars having died during the course of the