Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/252

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in these suits, which, in general, follow a procedure with a yearly record of 6,887. The priests of the similar to that of matrimonial cases, including dioceses are permitted to minister in all the public appeals and the sentence of nullity. institutions, out no support is received from the

Oonserans, Diocese op. See Pamiers. Government in supporting the Catholic institutions.

Oracow (Poubh, Keakow), Diocbsb ow (Cbaoovi-

Ooatancas, Diocese op (Ck)N8TANTiEN8iB; cf. C. enbib; cf. C. E., IV-464c), in Poland, directly sub- E., IV-455C), suffragan of Rouen, comprises all of ject to Rome. This see, founded in the tenth cen- the department of La Manche, Fra^ce, and carries tury, is now (1022) filled by Rt. Rev. Adam Stephen the umted title of Avranches (Abrincensis). Since Sapieha, a member of the Polish nobility, bom in

28 November, 1888, this see has been fiUed by Rt. Krasicsyn in 1867, studied at the Gregorian Col- Rev. Joseph Guerard, born in Louddac 1846, or- lege in Rome, and ordained in 1893, served as vice- damed m 1869, and served as titular chancellor of rector of the Seminary of Lemberg, made a private Rennes, where he was later consecrated. The chamberlain in 1906 and appointed 27 November, activity and generosity of Bishop Guerard dunng ign^ to succeed Cardinal Pusyna (d. 8 September, his long admimstration have been largely re- 1911 ). He is assisted by an auxiliary, Rt. Rev. sponsible for the complete restoration of the ancient AnatoHus Nowak, titular Bishop of Irenopolis, ap- cathedral. In 1903 the choir was repaired according pointed 17 December, 1900. In 1920 the population to Its ongmal form, the hieh altar, ^lls and epis- of the diocese numbered 975,525 CathoUcs, about copal throne were restored, a new floor was laid 3^4g9 Protestants and 64,811 Jews. The territory and the beautiful tower in the center took on its ig divided into 18 deaneries, 184 parishes, and 34 old beauty. Two years kter the Chapel of St. ^m^ parishes, and comprises 557 secular and 313 John, abandwaed since 1755, was o^ned and given ^^^1^, clergy, an upper and a lower seminaiy at the Utle of Chapel of the Sacred Heart, and 1916 Cracow, 42 convents with 712 religious, and 1,499 saw the r^oration of the chapel and the devotion gigters distributed through 119 religious houses, of Notre I^me des Puits. An unused apartment orato, Diocbsb op (Cratensib), erected by a De- in the south wing of the cathedral was converted cree of 20 November, 1914, which divided the into a chapel for relics, and new windows were Diocese of Fortalesa, in the State of Ceara. added and bl^. In 1919 the restoration was Brasil, and took the southern portion to form completed with the repairing of the great or»n, the new diocese. It is bounded on the east by coMtructed in 1720 and ongmaUy belongmg to the the boundary lines of the States of Ceara, Rio Abbey of Sangny-le-Vieux. The same year, on 3 Grande, Norte, and Parahyba; on the south by July, the Government gave permission for the prac- the limits of the States of Ceara and Pemambuco; tice of rehmon in the abbatial bwihca, which had on the west by the boundaiy lines of the States of been demed this privilege for thirty years. On Ceara and Piauhy. These limits were slightly

29 Januanr, 1917, upon the request of Mct. Lemon- changed on 24 January, 1919. The diocese com- mer. Bishop of Bayeux, the authenticity of the pHaes 21 parishes and a cathedral dedicated to

  • Ki-^ifT^ in?o the episcopal chancellery was Qur Lady of Penha. It is under the direction of

estaWished. In 1?13 the Upper Seminary was trans- jts first bishop, Rt. Rev. Quintin-Rodrigues de

♦rt^^ ^"^ ^®i7A i?a°'??^l ?^ ^^J^^'"^ of the Catholic journal, "La Crus," named an hon-

«^t- fef^o^"?^ 476,119 Cathoha, 16 first class ^vate chimberliin extra wbem, 27 January,

K!^,?J S!L^^T^ frt^' ** ^ vicariates 1912: a*nd appointed to the see of Piauliy, which he

formerly supported by the state. declined 17 Februarv, 1913, and again appointed

Oovlngton, Diocbsb op (Covxngtonbnbib: cf. C. Bishop of Crato, iO March, 1915. Statistics are not

E., IV-462C), Kentucky, comprises an area of y^^ published for this diocese.

17,286 sq. miles and a Catholic population of Oraighton VnlTerslty (cf. C. E., IV-480b), a free

some 60,600. chiefly of German or Irish descent, institution located at Omaha, Nebraska, U. S. A.,

Upon the death of Rt. Rev. Camillus P. Maes, and conducted by the Society of Jesus. In 1913

third BiBhop of Covmgton, 11 May, 1915. Rt. Rev. a summer school was opened in connection with the

Ferdmand Brossart was consecrated his successor imiversity: in 1920, the College of Commerce was

25 January, 1916. Bishop Brossart was bom in established and in 1921 two new buildings were

Bavana, 19 October, 1849, but was brought to this completed, to be used for law and dentistiy. The

countiy in his infangr and made aU his studies institution is steadily growing, the total registia-

here, spending all of his priestly career m the tion for 1921 being 1,230; 707 men and 523 women.

Diocese of Covingfton. Before his appointment as under a faculty of 161 membera, 21 religious and

bishop he was. vicar general of the diocese for 140 lay professors. A high school with a registrar

twent^-eisht years. During his administration he tion of 415 boys, is conducted in connection with

hsB liquidated the debt on the. old cathedral and the university. The president is Rev. John F.

raised large sums for the erection of the present McCormack, S.J. cathedral.

The diocese of Covington at present comprises: Orsma, Diocbsb op (Crbmbnsib; cf. C. E.,

64 parishes, 81 churches, 17 missions with 25 sta- IV-481b), in the province of Cremona, Italy, suf-

tions, 84 secular priests and 10 regulars, 4 lay broth- fragan of Milan. Rt. Rev. Bernardo Pizzomo, now

ers, 584 religious (women), 23 seminarians, 1 high titular Bishop of Flaviopolis, filled this see from 4

school with 50 bojrs, 10 academies with attendance January, 1911, until he retired 6 December, 1915.

of 2,130, 2 normal schools for sisters with 10 teach- He was succeeded by Rt. Rev. Dalmazio Minoretti,

ers and an attendance of 46, a hospital training- bom in San Dalmazio in 1861, professor in the

school with an attendance of 24, 44 elementary Seminaries of Monza and of Milan, appointed 6

schools with 226 teachers and an attendance of December, 1915. The statistics of 1920 credit the

8,413. Among the institutions are: 1 Good Shep- diocese with 66,900 Catholics; 53 parishes, 70 secular

herd home with 105 penitents and 59 children, 2 and 4 regular clergy, 44 seminarians, 4 Brothers,

orphan asylums with 192 children and 2 hospitals 150 Sisters, and 78 churches or chapels.