Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/271

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College at Pueblo was forced to close because of He was educated in the Lyc^e Louis-le-Grand, lack of funds to support it, and where fprmerly Bonaparte, and Versailles, studied law and was there were 10 aq^idemies in the diocese there are called to the bar in 1870. Shortly afterwards he now 5, the others having given way to, or been enlisted in a regiment of zouaves, was taken transformed into parochial schools. prisoner at Sedan, escaped and returning to Prance At present the religious ordere established in the was made a chevalier of the Legion of Honor, diocese are: Men: Jesuits, Benedictines, Francis- After devoting a number of years to literanr per- cans, Dominicans, Redemptorists, Servites, Thea- suits, he entered politics and foimded the League tines, and Augustinians. Women: Sisters of of Patriots, an association noted for its hostility Loretto, Charity, St. Joseph, Mercy, the Good Shep- to Germany. In 1883 he went to Russia to further herd. Third Order of St. Dominic, St. Francis, St. a Fhmco-Kussian alliance, and later supported Benedict, Charity of the B. V. M., St. Francis of the General Boulanger during his temporary nse to Perpetual Adoration, Missionary Sisters of the Sa- power. His anti-Semitism was marked during the crea Heart, St. Benedict, St. Joseph, St. Francis Dresrfus case. In 1890 he was a member of the of Assisi, Little Sisters of the Poor, Servants of Chamber of Deputies, and ten years later was Mary, Holy Cross, Presentation, Capuchin, Third banished for having tried to substitute the Re- Order of St. Francis, School Sisters of St. IVancis, publican Plebiscite tor the Parliamentary Constitu- and School Sisters of Charity. There are 119 secular tion. He was pardoned in 1905. During the last and 78 regular priests in the diocese, 101 churches years of his life M. D^roulMe was a fervent Cath- with resident pastors and 148 missions with chapels, olic, and died fortified b^ the rites of the Church. The various educational and charitable institutions His literary productions include the popular "Songs include, 5 academies with 855 pupils, 36 parochial of the Soldier" (1872), "More Songs of the Soldier" schools with 8,778 children, a theological seminary (1875), "Marches and Alarms" (1881), "The Tower with 29 students, 19 of whom are from this diocese, of Auvergne," "Military Songs" (1888), a patriotic a Jesuit college for boys with 281 students, 5 drama "L'Hetman" (1877): other dramas, "The orphan asylums with 873 children, an industrial Moabites" (1880) prohibited by the censor, "Mes- and reform school with 248 inmates, a home for the sire Duguesdin" (1895), and "The Death pf Hoche" aged with 120 inmates, a home for girls and busi- (1897), "Sons of the Peasant" (1894), "The Most ness women, and 13 hospitals with 22,189 patients Beautiful Girl in the World" (1897), "Writings by annually. The Cathohc population numbers 113,722. the Way" (1907), "More Writings by the Way"

De Boaldte, Arthtjr Washington, surgeon, b. ^ A e .

at Opelpusas, Lomsiana, 25 January 1849; d. m j,^^^ DiocESSi op (Dbrriensio; cf. C. E..

New Orlean^ 12 June, 1918. He ^^fJ^V^^ tvS IV-742d), in Ireland, suffragan of Armagh, is at

France >y the Jesmts and graduated from the ^^ ^^^^ administered by Rt. RevT Charles

Umvereity of France in letters m 1865 and in arts ^facHugh, b. 12 August, 1852, in the diocese, rector

in 1866. Three years later he received hw degree ^^ ^j^^ seminary vicir general, prelate cf the Holy

m medicme from the University of Louisiana and g^^ g December, 1906, consecrated bishop, 29 Sep-

in 1870 from that of Paris. During the FVancoH ^^^^^ ^^^^ succeeding Rt. Rev. John KejJs

German war he was assistant surgeon with the o'Doherty, b. 25 September, 1833, d. February, 1907.

6th International Ambulance Corps, was mentioned ^he population according to 1911 censui was

for bravery and subsequenUy decorated with the 213373 of whom 122,528 were Catholics. There

Cross of the ^Le«^S^ ^J^ ^o^o^; .„?%i,^'^„^ are at present (1922) 39 parishes, 82 churches, 120

surgeon with the R^ Cross during the ^^ncn ^^^^^ ^^^ g convents, 200 nuils of various com-

Commune, and m 18^ returned to New Orleans, j^^^^ i seminary, high class boarding-schools,

where from 1880 to 1883 he ^^sm charge of the National and primai^ whools are unde? clerical

CharityH^italofLouifflana. Ial88»I>.DeRoald^^ management. The charitable institutions include,

founded the Eye, Ear. Nose, and Throat H^pital 3 j^^ ^ of which are for young girls and old

of New. OrleMis, of which he ^^s trustee and ^^ ^^^ ^j^^ ^^1^^^. ^^^ ^^^ ^^J ^,^ ^^

surKeon-m^hief until his death. He was ementus ^^^ ^ ^j^^ gj^^^ ^^ Nazareth, 1 home kept by the

professor of diseases of the ear, nose and throat gj^^^ ^^ ^^^ q^^ Shepherd, for penitents and

at the Post Graduate Department of Tulane Uni- ^ preservation shelter. In county hospitals and

versity, Louisiana, a member of many med^ca^ all the institutions supported by public votes, the

congresses and an officer j£^. numerous medica^ ministiy of priests is unrestricted,

societies. ^^ J^P^^e R-omssive Union of New ^j^^ ^^^^^ ^^ 3 i^j importance in the diocese

Orleans awarded I> De Roald^ the Pi^^e ^^, ^y^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ ^j^^ Church of St. ColumciUe;

Lo^g Cup for the most mentonous services ^ ^y^^^^y^ ^^ Maghera, the laying of the cornerstone

rendered the community, during that year the ^^ ^^^ church If Our Lady- o? Lourdes, and the

French Government offering at the same time a purchase of extensive grounds for charitable pur-

ma«mficent Sevres vase to his foundation, which ^j^^ foundation of a diocesan society for the

subsequently received . like gifts from Italy, Spam, support of sick priests and the promotion of various

Germany, and Russia for gratuitous services ren- diocesan interests, dered their mdigent sick. In 1906 he was promoted

to be a commander of the Legion of Honor, Desecration (cf C E rV-749)— A fixed altar

and Pope Pius X conferred on him the title of ,^g ^^ consecration if the table is separated from

►mmander of the OrdCT of St Gregoiy the Gre^^^^ the support even momentarily; in this case the

I®* yf^*u ^Jt^J * 1 ^'^f ^ ^^-7 f«J^Tilo«,a ordinary can permit a priest to reconsecrate it by

ittht of the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus. ^. ./. r^^„u . i^ifki.^^ -« ^,^;«««r *^.,ir.^ i

f-Ti5 u "V- " - kI:" «- . X:.^^*orL iTrr relics are removed or the sepulchre

lished by him was begun as a memorial to him. ^^ amoved, unless when the cover is removed by

3>6roiildde, Pattl, poet and politician, b. in Paris the bishop or his delegate in order to repair it or to 2 September, 1846; d. in Nice, 30 January, 1914. examine the relics— this exception being an innova- 17