Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/295

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parish there are from 1 to 3 common dementary that, if he wishes, he may assist personally or by

schools with 50 to 70 pupils. In the cities and in proi^ with the regular superior, and, if he assists,

outlying districts throughout the diocese there are preside. The ordinary confessors of the nuns may

30MM) hospitals and 16 day nurseries. not act as the assistants referred to above. In case

The following societies exist among the clergy: 1 of the election of a mother general of a congrega-

diocesan imion, 4 Marian Congregations, 1 scientific tion the local ordinary of the place of election is to

association for all Bavaria. Amon^ the laity there preside personally or by proxy, and may confirm

is an association for Catholic workmgmen in everv or rescind the election as he thinks proper if the

city, 1 Catholic Men's Association, 8 Journeymen's congregation is diocesan.

Associations, 30 boys' clubs. Parents' associations EUaabeth, Sisters op Saint (cf. C. E, V-388b).-

J^wSwT°rllnv ^I^.^^'^VpWpV^^^ To facilitat^ its management the cinir^egati^ was

tabhshed m many places. Twelve Catholic news- ^^ided into 10 provinces by resolutions of the gen-

Sfn^i^iS?^ rr»±W wp Jhn^t'^.n'H m^nv""^^ ^^ <^^P^^> 1* November, 1898. The principal

Since 1907, 9 churchy were built and many were province hai its mother-house and novftiate at

enkrged and repwred 8^^^^^^ Breslau. Other provincial houses with provinces

^^TPKi^^^^^TitKl^i^^^^^^^ ^^' Konigsberg (East and West Prussia): Halle

?^ S^^u *^?o^H. u ?* V^®^-. H^jC^ u (Saxony and Thuringia) ; Stockholm (Sweden and

gel, O. S. B., b. at Rohrbach, Havana, 9 December, ^^ZT^) . chrisSama (Noiwav and Denmark) •

l^^f^^B^v^ri^'S^^^^^ ^^lit^^?^^^ BrdTnbuS-P^SS;

«^«f i/^^ f?r ilt n?^^^^ (Schleswig.Holstein); Polen (Gnesen-

Einsiedelxi, Abbet of (cf. C. E., V-367b), a Bene- pointed 1 September, 1920. The congregation has

dictine monastery in the Canton of Schusys, Swits- 403 settlements and 3456 members. Besides their

erland. Eighteen of the priests care for 9 parishes original task of nursing the sick, the Sisters have

which are mcorporated in the monAstery, 14 are other spheres of activity, listed in the following

spiritual fathers and confessors at various convents statistical record.

and institutions, 8 are custodians of the monastery In 1920 they were in charge of 44 hospitals and property, while those who live in the monastery infirmaries with 1006 patients; 39 orphan asylums are engaged in teaching, dlonnected with the mon- and houses of refuge with 1836 inmates; 1 asylum astery there is a theological school for the Benedic- caring for 23 mentally deficient girls; 20 homes tines, also a gymnasium with a lyceum (8 classes), accommodating 1442 working women; 18 houses for attended by ^0 students, 250 of whom are boarders, communicants with 1087 wards; 24 pump-rooms and Lately an agricultural school has been established, convalescent houses caring for 2237; 213 kinder- Tlie present abbot, Rt. Rev. Thomas Bossart, b. at gartens with 8631 children; 44 schools for house- Altiimofen, near Lucerne, 16 September, 1858, was keeping and needle-work with 1847 pupils; 61 as- ordained 20 April, 1884, elected 30 May, 1905, blessed sociations of maid-servants and working women 11 July, 1905, and published 11 December following, with 3060 members; 10 creches with 359 infants;

aeetloa (cf. C. E., V-374).-If the right of elec il^.'! °Sf AH,'^,,^^ tion belongs to a coU^e. and the president neglects I'tuT, ^U^^!,^J\^,^Jffu^ U J^^ to notify Sore thanln^third.of the electors, the £^^oorwiS±*p°UTbo3^ t^

election is thereby invalid, unless those who were rZ»ff^ ~t,t^ S,^?t;,^/Jr»,f .nH nri^S^l^^nm neglected have taken part in it. Convocation of ^°i5!5>^'|i"^rt^J°£° *lP"t^V"™^^ t^electora before the vacancy of an office which "?^*?"8 .I'l; Ji"lf«tir.tfe„ /^^tlfj i?V^{? is to be held for life is null in canon law. Voting ^^^jt?^^ " i^%'^,"1„ il5j^^ 7?M9 l^ n},^ by letter or by proxy is foibidden, unless there ii flfu^°P^*5L^,:{°Jl w ^T^'lJtk^fi^'lL"^ a private law authorizing this pn^cedure. Voting "» *'^}J °^^^}}\f^nd^i}^,i^^'^^t^ A^^ mJst be free, secret. anS unconditioned; no oni *,"?^'*?^ ^^r^hJ^Zh^^fchJ^^^^ can vote for himself validly. After each scrutiny ^^""">"/ „^°i ^'^7#;I!^!'f • -n^TTZ or each session, if more than one ballot has been ^^P ^^ 8^^"? *" j^Ii*^ persons. There were taken, the votes must be burned. The party elected ^^ ^^'^ »ven to the poor and poor sick, must signify his acceptance or refusal within eight El Paso, Diocbsb of (Elpasensis), in Texas, U. days after receiving notification of the result, other- S. A., suffragan of Santa Fe, which was erected by wise the election is null; formerly the period al- Decree of 3 March, 1914, covers an area of 68,394 lowed was one month. Unless common law or a sq. miles, comprising the counties of El Paso, Cul- private statute expressly declares otherwise, the berson, Hudspeth, Presidio, Jeff-Davis, Reeves, decision of a collegiate body is to be obtained as Brewster, Terrel, Pecos, Crane, Ward, Loving, follows in order to have the force of law: when Winkler, Ector, Andrews and Gaines in the State the invalid ballots have been eliminated an absolute of Texas, and the counties of Grant, Lima, Dona majority of the votes decides the election^ if two Ana, Otero, Eddy, and a part of Sierra and Lea polls have failed to secure an absolute majority, a in the State of New Mexico, relative majority suffices at the third poll; if that The material condition of the diocese is some- has resulted in a tie, the presiding officer may cast what difficult, owing to the moderate fortune of a deciding vote; if he should be unwiUing to do so, the Catholic Mexicans. The moral condition is the candidate among those who have obtained the generally good, and greater progress is anticipated highest^ vote and who is senior in orders, or by first for the future. The number of priests has increased, profession, or by age, is selected. and their growth in holiness of life gives confidence The election of the mother superior of a monas- of a bright future. During the past five years there tery of nuns (monUUea) is presided over by the have been erected more than 45 churches and local ordinary or his delegate with two assistants chapels, 10 parochial schools, and 2 orphanages, to count the votes, who muist remain outside of the without increasing the diocesan debt, due to the enclosure. If the nirns are subject to regulars, the generosity of the people, who are generally poor, regular superior presides; however, in this case Five vears ago tnere were only 13 canonically timely notice should be sent to the ordinaiy, so erected parishes; there are now (1922) 2Q parishes,