Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/323

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Bible aid for the combatants. He was decorated to the assembled cardinals in such a way that it

with the Grand Cross of Sts. Maurizio and Lazarro was hard to determine in which respect he excelled,

15 October, 1919. On November 5 following he the thoroughness of his knowledge or the form in

celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary^ of his en- which it was presented. His power of persuasion

thronement at Milan, on which occasion he was was such that he won his case almost as soon

presented with a purse of 330,000 lire, which was as he began to speak.' He was so well known for

later increased to 1,500,000 lire and was devoted this, that the postulators of the causes for beatifi-

to the founding of the Caaa del Populo for the peo- cation and canonization were always anxious to

pie of Milan. Shortly before his death his long have him to defend their case before the tribunal,

dreamed-of Catholic Universitv became an actuality. His ability was so marked that office after office

In the course of the Church's history there have was assigned to him from 1900 to 1913. No one

been few death-bed scenes comparable to that of knows whether Cardinal Ferrata received any votes

His Eminence Cardinal Ferrari. Prolonged for over as successor of Pius X for Benedict XV kept the

three months, quite consciously dying from a proceedings of the Conclave a profound secret. At

cancer in the throat, the successor of St. Ambrose all events, Benedict chose him as Secretary of

and St. Charles received the daily pilgrimage of State on 4 September, 1914, but death came shortly

thousands of his flock. The suffering prelate would after. The Cfardinal had to undergo surgical oper-

allow no one to be turned away. I>uring this ill- ation for some intestinal trouble and in October he

ness he wrote a pastoral letter of farewell, many was in lus coffin.

imrtnictions. directions, repliw, and he died on Hanarantsom Vicabut. Apobtouc (db Piana-

Candlemw Day. IWl. leaving behind him two g^^^o^ ^f. C. E.. XVI-83c), in Madagaecar, previ-

monumenta which show his d«p mter«tmreli- ^^ ^^^^^ j^e southern part of lie V <£riate

S.Tq.'^^^'^L'"/^;! *w. ^i'nirfnn^^Svfl AportoUc of Central Madag^. but was erected the Sacred Heart, and hw wonderfully connived j *:^ separate vicariate 5n 10 May, 1913, and

o^Jt^v^^t '^"^KH.KSf kfl't'^^KJ^h"!^!- entrusted to the Jesuite. The present (1922 and Several books were pubhshed by him which will ^j^ g^ ^ apostolic is Rt. r/v. Charles Givelet. perpetuate the memoiy of one of the greatest of g j ^j^ ,^ bishop of Gindaris. b. 18 July, 1887, in Italian cardinals, including: "Breve trattato della |eiis, studied at Vaugirard in Pari^ Md at the religione," "Summula theologi© dogmatic* gen- fl seminarv of Reims novice at St Acheul in enSa," "Ambroeiona," "Dopo la visits pastorale," {ot^ .^ S^ In Pmrhi^n X^nm af^nt^mh^r and "La Vita sacer^otale lUcondo U vSiigelo." a }^' ^SeTof stSls^ orJwSrof vaS S beautiful manual of meditations. Amid scenes of g-^P holes in 19M '^^noSLd bXo and extraordinary emotion throughout the city and dio- vf^'^ooSdic ofFia^iUt^a 16 Mav 19^^^^ con-

^' ft' f^^'^LrrJ^i '"hilniJSLSi°Tt' B^^ateWKon 2oS^ ihJtZe S'and rifc* J^ t£^ Jif predecessor, St. proclaimed 28 May, 1914. There are in the viairiate

Charles J5orromeo. t„,.„ t» (1920 statistics) 110,000 Catholics, 36 missionary

Samdkl Fowut Tblfair, Jr. ^^^^^ ,3 lay broth4r8, 12 Brothera of the Chrii

Ferrata, Domsnioo, Cardinal, b. at Gradoli, 4 tian Schools with 2 colleges, 24 Sisters of St. Joseph

March, 1847; d. in Rome, 10 October, 1014, re- of Cluny, 637 catechists, 577 stations with chapels,

ceived his classical education at the Jesuit College S2 schools with 5300 pupils, 1 dispensary, and 1

of Orvieto and from there went in 1860 to the leper hospital.

t'hrS^orfan'in RfrS^Thei.'he'SotS Cself .ofed'CS^S^^tEe'^'^ir'^Bti^ to theology and to canon law at the Appolinare. "°*?? ^'^^^J^t'S' Kathenne Hareis Bradley He beciS^ profMsor of canon law at the latter and her mece, Edith Emma Cooper, produced many

te.'Vh'J?eti3 t^i^JXTS^^^Z SSer^Tte'j^ThraSnXaToL'^rpV^^

^^n^'aLd^1eamrLld^lToTSXt o{ ^{^f^l^l,^i^:^t^\I^J^h^

fn 1877 he was made Consultor to the Congrega- »/ ^bs 1 terary j^artnerekp was^ t^^

tion of Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs. His ^*«? „„"¥*: which hke Brutus Ultor (1887) is

secretary, Mgr. Csaski soon perceived his unusual. ^?«* rl±f' ^li'^?i?'-n^^"^^i^T' ^°^^lf-Ji ability and when sent as nuScio to Paris in 1879 ^iss Cooper and Miss Bradley wrote romantic he tobk FerraU with him as auditor and cameriere R^^rV t,'^.. J^^^l Rosamund and "Wilham

the most im^rtant of wBich was tLt to Switzer- !^ ""F,."*?^ rr!°fT**T' *^^i, '"'"A *"*4U°" fend, where he had to rearrange the division of !°tered the Catholic Church. Thereafter their dioceses and settle the politick strife that was V^^^ f^^^?* ^" ^^^ religious.spint, reflecting raging there. On his retSm he was advanced to ^J* f°»' «( *^^ «||M"* as appearam their "Poems offier ecclesiastical honors and in 1885 was made jL^^.^Jr'*"'^ ?S !S^l ""k .Hy»0P." and Nuncio to Belgium to repair the damages done to ..Myst'^ Trees" (1913). the latter being almost en- religion by Frire-Orban, who had broken off rela- W /"»'?,*'»« ?f° °\^^ ^J^xjf- ^las Cooper tioM with the Vatican, iroB consecrated Archbishop ^ed m I^cember. 1913. and Miss Bradley at of Thessalonica and then passed four years at Brus- Hawkesyard, England, on 26 September following, sets. We find him next as nuiicio at Paris, an Fiasole, Diocebb of (F^ulanbnsis; cf. C. E., exceptionally difiScult post because of the unfriendly VI-70b), in the province of Florence, Central Italy, attitude of the Government, but he met with such suffragan of Florence. By a special decree of the success that the Republic adced to have him made Consistory, 24 August, 1917. the boundaries of the cardinal. He received the red hat on 22 January, diocese were modified. The bishop bears the title 1896. of Count of Turicchi; the see is filled by Rt. Rev.

According to Cardinal Mathieu, Ferrata was the Giovanni Fossi, b. in Gambellara in the diocese