Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/377

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leyans 2500, Baptists 2000, Methodists 1500, Seventh tian districts, but in general the Christians are

Day Adventists 300. scattered, 26 churches and chapels, 17 of which

are blessed, 1 preparatory seminary, 2 seminarians, Hajdn-Dorogh, Diocesb qpCHajdu-Doroghbnsis; 21 European and 3 native priests. The State re- ef. C. E., XVI-35d), Greek Rite, suffragan of serves all jurisdiction over primary schools, and Esztergom, Hungary. The episcopal see is at obliges all other schools to teach the classics, but Hajdu-Dorogh, but the residence is at Debreczm; the universities are allowed comparative liberty, the liturgical language is ancient Greek. The first However, there is 1 Catholic school for boys which and present bishop is Rt. Rev. Stephen Miklossy, ig tolerated because of the almost deserted r^on b. at Rakoez, 22 August, 1857, ordained 1884, pastor in which it is located, and in this there are 12 of Satoraljanjhely, diocese of Munkacs, dean of pupils. There are three schools for girls under the countship of Zenplen, elected bishop 23 June, the Sisters of St. Paul of the Cross, which follow

1913, and consecrated the following October. In the official program and which are practically self-

1914, an assault having been made upon the bishop, supporting; 1 of these schools is situated at Hako- he transferred his pesidence to Nyires^haza. In 1913 date with 162 pupils, 1 at Morioka with 230 pupils, there were in the diocese 73,225 Catholics, of whom i at Sendai witn 220 pupils. Various charitable 14,220 were Rumanians. institutions include, 1 orphanage under the Trappist

Fathers with 14 children, 1 under the Trappistmes

Hakodate, Diocbsb op (Haoodatensis; cf. C. E., with 35 children, 3 dispensaries conducted by the VII-116a), in Japan, is suffragan to the Archdiocese Sisters of St. Paul of the Cross which cared for of Tokio. On 12 February, 1915, this diocese ceded 46,224 cases in 1921, and two farms. During the part of its territory to the Prefecture Apostolic of past year (1^1-22) there were in this diocese 116 Sapporo and part to the Prefecture Apostolic of baptisms of pagans, 78 of whom were at the point Nygata. It now (1921) comprises 1 province and of death, 146 baptisms of infants at the point of 4 departments; Oshima, of which province Hako- death, 67 Christian children, 1128 first comessions date is the capital, Aomori, Iwate, Niyugi, and and 1111 first commimions. Fukushima, and extends from 37** to 42** north lati- tude, and from 139' to 142** east longitude. The Hallcz, Archdiocese of. See Lwow. total population numbers 4,500,000, all Japanese Halifax. Archdiocese op (Halifaxiensis; cf. C. with the exception of a few famUies of Russian ^ vil-117c), comprises the peninsula of Nova refugees and a few foreign business representatives, q^^^i^ ^th the exception of three counties, and . ^u® ^° aborigines, who were originally found t^g Bermuda Islands. There are 300,000 inhabi- m this diocese, belonged to the territory which is ^^nts, 55,000 Catholics, 74 secular priests, 26 regu- now a part of the Prefecture of Sapporo. The 1^^, 32 seminarians, 37 parishes, 86 churches, 10 present incumbent and first bishop of Hakodate, chapels, 2 congregations of men and 4 of women, Rt. Rev. Alexander Berhoz member of the Society 30O religious, and 4000 children in the Catholic of Foreim Missions, to whose care this dioc^ IS schools. The present archbishop is Most Rev. ^trusted, was born m the Diocese of Chamb^ry, Edward J. McCarthy, consecrated 1906. On 15 France, 1852 ordained 1875, went as a mi^ionary December, 1920, was celebrated the centenary of to Japan, 1879, appointed titular Bishop of Calinda the diocese; the actual date of erection was 1842, and Vicar Apostolic of Hakodate 24 Apnl 1891, ^ut the Acadian territory was separated from and made bishop of Hakodate 15 June following, Quebec in 1817, and the first vicar apostolic, Mgr. consecrated at Tokio, 25 July, 1891. gu^ke, was consecrated in 1818.

The two pnncipal events of the diocese dunng

recent years have been the return of the mis- Hamburg (cf. C. E., VII-121b).— A city in the

sionaries who were mobilized during the World former empire of Germany and now called the

War, and the visit of the papal delegate, Mgr. Free City of Hamburg in the Republic of Hamburg.

Fumasoni^Biondi, in August, 1920. This event hap- According to the census of 1919 there were 1,064,000

pily coincided with the celebration of the tcrcentary inhabitants in the state and 999,000 in the city,

of the sending of Hasekura Tsunenega in 1620 In 1910 there were 51,200 Catholics and 19,500 Jews

as envoy from the Japanese court to the .courts in the state. The state of Hamburg consists of

of Spain and the Vatican, where he was baptised, the Hanseatic Free City itself and 4 Landherren-

The papal delegate was invited by the civil authori- schaften: 1 Landherrenschaft der Geestlande, 2

ties to participate in this celebration, which was Landherrenschaft der Marschlande, 3 Landherren-

religious as well as patriotic, since the seventeenth- schaft Bergedorf, 4 Landherrenschaft Ritzelbiittel.

century hero thus honored was called upon to pub- The Protestant population is divided into 5 church

licly defend the Faith, and his son died for it. districts with 33 parish churches, 6 chapels and about

A most prominent member of this mission, and 100 clergymen. The Catholics in the Vicariate

a noted botanist as well, Rt. Rev. Urbain Faurie, Apostolic number 50,000. There are 8 Catholic

(q.v.), d. in the Island of Formosa, 4 July, 1915. He parishes, the oldest of which is St. Ansgar, which

was one of the pioneers in the study of Japanese dates from the seventeenth century and is generally

plant life and was held in high esteem by the known as Little St. Michael's. Next comes St.

personnel of the Botanical Garden of Tokio, as well Boniface's Church, dating from 1910. About 25

as in other countries to which he sent s|>ecimens. priests are engaged in caring for the needs of these

The religious commimities established in this dio- churches. Until 1920 the State refused to support

cese, in addition to the members of the Society the Catholic schools. According to the new consti-

of the Foreign Missions, are: the Trappi^ with 54 tution the state is compelled to contribute to their

religious, Trappistines with 60 religious, the Sistera maintenance, which it does in a considerable mea»-

of St. Paul of the Cross with 18 religious, and the ure, the deficiency being made up by the Catholics

Cistercians with 60 religious; all of these orders of the vicariate.

have a number of native members. By present TTiere are altogether 173 elementary or public

statistics the Catholics of the diocese number 2718^ schools (Volkschtuen). and of these 11 are Catholic

showing a slight diminution since 1919, owing mostly parochial schools. The secondaiy schools include

to emigration caused by the poverty in this terri- 1 Catholic high school for boys, 1 Hokere Schide

tory. There are 17 parishes, 17 distinctly Chris- (9 year curriculum, mainly classics, for boys); 1