Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/407

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Alton; a colony for epileptics has been established community in the parish which he had founded,

in the town of Dixon. Fr. Venissat endeavored to secure religious from

Lbgislativb Changes. — The Legislature passed an France to instruct the young children of Labadie-

act in 1915 authorizing the construction of the lUi- ville. After many fruitless endeavors he, with the

nois Waterway. Of greater importance is the new consent of Archbishop Perche, resolved to found

administrative Code Bill (1917), consolidating the a commimity bearing the ncune Sisters of the Im-

many boards and commissions of the State govern- maculate Conception, and composed principally of

ment into nine departments. The same Legisla- virtuous young girls and pious widows of Louisiana

ture passed the constitutional resolution which who would strive to imitate the humility, purity,

placed the proposition of the calling of such a and perfect obedience of the Immaculate Queen

convention before the voters in 1918. Li 1917 at Nazareth. The foundress, Miss Elvina Vienne

was created the Department of Public Welfare, of New Orleans, La., a woman of great ability and

with one man as director over all the charities, the sanctity, was a pupil of the Ladies of the Sacred

three penal institutions and the courts of Paraons Heart and had had a private school in New Orleans

and I'aroles. prior to becoming Superior General of the new

_,.. _, . order of the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception.

Illiteracy. See Americanization. The chief work of the community lies in the educa-

Images, Veneration of (cf. C. E., VII-664).— ^^9^ ^^^^.' }}^ religious inculcate solid Christian Extraordinary images may not be exposed in any principles m the young children confided to their church or other holy places unless with the approval c^e, preparme them also to earn a livelihood, of the local ordinary; he must not, however, IV. VemMatsdeare to establish an orphwi a^lum authorize for public veneration images out of har- at Labadieville has not yet been realized, due to mony with the approved custom of the Church.? ^f^k of finances. To-day the Sisters are found If the images represent erroneous dogma, or are ^ LabadieyiUe, New Orleans, which is the mother- unbecoming, or might lead the unlearned into dan- ^^^* Lockport, White Castle, and Church Pomt. gerous errors, they must be forbidden or removed. ^^V. Missionary Sisters or the Immaculate The blessing of images exposed for public venera- Conception, founded m 1902 at Notre Dame dea tion is reserved to the orSnary, but he may dele- Neiges, near Montreal, by Abb6^ BouraMa, and gate this power to any priest. Images, noted for If^cted into a religious community m 1904 by M^. their antiquity, art, or as objects of devotion, if Bruchesi, Archbishop of Montreal, with the exposed in churches or public oratories for the approval and blessing of Pope Pius X. The veneration of the faithful, must not be restored or specific aim of the institute is the conversion of renovated without the written consent of the ordi- EW^ nations throu^ a life of prayer, of love of naiy, who before granting it is to consult with the God, and zeal for His gloiy, fficrifice and labor persons of good judgment and experts in art. Such f^L , ^r^^^^S-^^ salvation of sou s, especially images cannot be validly alienated or transferred i^^els.^ The Sisters undertake the following works perpetually to another church without leave of the ^^ ^^^ infidel countries: formation of Chinese reli- Holy See gious: formation of virgin catechists who go among

  • ^ ^, ^ the families in the districts teaching Christian

Immacnlate Conception, Congregations op the.— doctrine; organization of 'laaptizers," who go every-

I. Mission Priests op the Immaculate Concep- where baptizing the dying, especially children in

tion (cf. C. E., VII-681b).— This congregation, danger of death; nurseries, caring for babies found,

called the Missionaries of Rennes, has ceased to ransomed, or entrusted; orphanages where orphans

exist since the dissociation of religious orders in are given religious instruction and education;

France. houses of refuge for aged women, blind, idiots,

n. Servites op the Immaculate Conception cripples, etc.: schools wnere there are taught the (cf. C. E., VII-681c).— The second general superior elements of letters, sciences, and arts; instruction and successor of the foimder, Peter Carisciarian, of catechumens and neophytes; assistance of the was Stephen Ghiorogadz^, who was succeeded in dying, pagans or Christians; hospitals, dispensaries, 1905 by Benedict Vardiz6, now pastor of Our Lady lazarettoes, etc.; workrooms where domestic econ- of Lourdes in Constantinople. The fourth and omy, trades, and arts are taught. In Christian present general superior is Pius Balize, elected in countries the Sisters spread the devotions to the 1911, to remain superior until the rule of the con- Childhood of Our Lord, the Blessed Eucharist, the p-egation is approved by Rome. The congregation Holy Ghost, and the Immaculate Conception; is considered Oriental and b consequently not sub- endeavor to obtain members of the Associations mitted to the Latin Code of Canon Law, although of the Holy Childhood and the Propagation of most of its members are Latins, Rome not having the Faith; circulate publications making known the yet decided what Rite they must follow. Distin- missions; procure resources for the missions by guished members deceased are: Fr. Michael Tas- the reception of alms and gifts, and by certain siarati (d. 1911), historian; he published in French industries, such as the making of Church vestments, the history of the Georgian Church. Fr. Dominic sacred linens, and artificial flowers; conduct schools Mughasasvili (d. 1912), editor of the first Catholic for pagan children; give courses of religious in- paper in Georgia; Fr. Anselm Mghetrisvili (d. struction for pagans; and assist those dying. 1921), a good preacher; he built a beautiful church The Sisters &ve the following foundations in at Batoum, and translated the "Imitation of Christ" Canada: at Outremont, near Montreal, are the into Georgian. There are fifteen members of the mother-house, novitiate, procure for the missions, congregation, and they have imder their care 4000 diocesan office of the Holy Childhood, workrooms parishioners of the Latin parish of Ferikeuy for painting and the making of Church vestments (mother-house) in Constantinople, three parishes for the maintenance of the mother-house and in Georgia, and two in Russia. novitiate; at Montreal are a school for Chinese

III. Bisters op the Immaculate Conception, children of both sexes (foimded 1916) and a hos-

f ounded at Labadieville, Louisiana, in the Assump- pital for the Chinese (founded 1918), and the Sis-

tion parish 11 July. 1874, by Fr. Cyprien Venissat. ters also eive language and catechism courses for

Zealous for the advancement of the kingdom of Chinese adults, and visit the Chinese sick in Cath-

God and aware of the great need of a religious olic and Protestant hospitals, when they are called,