Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/418

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Then come the canton chiefs and sub-chiefs and Edvcation. — There are 14 grammar schools (1920) the communal coimcils. The resident general, who with 4967 pupils. The University of Hanoi, represents the French Government to the king, founded on ^ April, 1918, includes schools of presides over the co-mat, and also directs the great medicine and pharmacy, education, science, engi- public services depending upon the French adminis- neering, agriculture, forestry, maritime engineering, tration (agriculture, customs, and excise duties, navigation, and veterinary science, post and telegraph, public works, etc.) . He is Economics and Agriculture. — The enormous lime- assisted by a conseU de protectorat; he is the mas- stone quarries made possible in 1917 the large ex- ter of the budget of the protectorate, and himself portation of 67,567 tons of cement. In the same defines the receipts and expenditures. He also year 290,000 tons of hard coal were exported. In oversees the native provincial administration 1919 186,685 tons of rice, valued at 117X)45,(XX) through his intermediaries, one of whom is placed francs, were exported, chiefly to Hons-Kong. The at the head of each of the thirteen provinces, principal port,, Haiphong, was visited in 1919 by several being French delegates. Annam has a 588 steamers (187 British), mixed Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture. For Catholic statistics see Vicariates Apostolic of

Recent History,-— In, 1908 occurred the revolt of Central, Maritime, Southern, Western, Eastern, the "Tondus" against the excessive taxation, and Northern, and Upper Tong-king. in 1916 that of Duy-Tan against French rule. The Cambodia, a French protectorate, has an area of latter ended in the dethronement and exile of the 45,000 sq. miles, and is divided into 42 provinces, king, who was succeeded by Khai-Dinh, a cousin In 1919 the population was estimated at 2,000,(X)0, of Thanh-Thai. Under his rule the country pros- of whom 1100 were Europeans, 100,500 were Azma- pered ^eatly, and during the European War the mites, and 140,000 were Chinese. The chief towns Annamites showed their loyalty to France by send- are Pnom-Penh (population 85,000), the capital, ing soldiers for the great struggle. Annam has its Battambang, and Kampot.

own budget, which is drawn up by the resident GovemmenU — ^The present king, Sisowath, is general and approved by the conseil des ministres, assisted by a council of five ministers and of The assessed taxes include chiefly those payable on thirteen assistants. Each province is ruled by a alcohol, mineral oils, matches, opium, salt, and the governor, each commune by a municipal council, customs revenues. The budget for Annam in 1919 presided by a mekhum. France is represented by was 5,723,139 piastres (1 piastre equals about 2^ the resident general, who presides over the Council francs). of Ministers and the Council of Protectorate, pre-

For Catholic statistics see Cochin-China, East- pares the budget and sees to the execution of the ERN, ViCAMATB Apostouc op; Cochin-China, laws. The bud^t for 1920 balanced at 6,500,000 Northern, Vicariate Apostouc of. piastres, includmg a sum of 525,000 piastres,

Laob has an area of 98,000 sq. miles. In 1914 allowed for the civil list of the kin^ and princes, the population was 640,877. In the country there There are 60 schools with 4000 pupils, are three protected states, Luang-Prabang, Bassac, . Economics and Agriculture. —The chief product and MuoM-Sing. The king is assisted in his gov- w nee, of which 300,000 tons are exported yearly, emment by a French administrator (resident Pepper is extensively grown in 61 villages by 4800 superior), who resides at Vien-tian and is assisted planters, the production being 800,000 kilogrammes by twelve commissioners. Each province is admin- annually. In 1920, 4236 vessels of 179^74 tons istered by the tiao-munong, who is assisted by three entered, and 10,806 vessels of 312,166 tons cleared mandarins. The canton is ruled by the tasseing, *^e ports of Cambodia. The export trade is carried and the commune by the phoban. The cost of the on mostly through Saigon.

Laos administration is borne by Cochin-China (six- 'or Catholic statistics see Cambodia, Vicariatv thirteenths), Tong-king and Annam (five-thir- Apostouc of.

teenths), and Cambodia (two-thirteenths). The Kwang-chau-wan, on the eastern coast of China, local budget for 1918 was 1,747,000 piastres. The was leased from China by France in 1898. In 1900 prevailing religion is Buddhism, with traces of i* ^as placed under the authority of the govemor- Brahmanism in court circles. The temples are not general of Indo-China and divided into 3 adminis- so numerous as in Cambodia, the priests are more trative districts, the CDhinese communal organization ignorant, and in practice Buddhism is reduced to being, however, maintained. It has an area of external signs of deference to the priests and sacred ^^ *!• niiles, and a population of about 168,000. places. For Catholic statistics see Laos, Vicariate The port is a free port. The budget for 1918 was Apostouc op. 404,960 piastres. The French have developed the

ToNO-KiNG, French protectorate, has an area of resources of the territory, and when (^hina recovers 46,400 sq. miles, and is divided into 21 provinces. Kwang-chau-wan she will get back a country The population in 1919 was 6,470,250, of whom grater m value than the temtory she leased to 6875 were Europeans (exclusive of mihtary forces). France. At the Washington DiSjarmament Con- The chief town is Hanoi, which had, in 1919, a J^rned the temtones which they had leased from population of 109.500. ference in 1922 the French offered to return the

Government.— The chief French official is desig- ^^^"^"^ ^^ China, provided the other powers re- nated as resident superior, and is assisted by a ^"^^*

Protectorate Council composed of the heads of Indulgences (cf. C. E., VII-783). -All matters re- ro^^™^ o«*i^^A • ^Jt ® "^J*"^ Chambers of lating to indulgences are now under the jurisdiction Commerce and Agriculture. He represents the of the Sacred Apostolic Penitentiary. No one but f^JT^'^f ^S^^i ^'^ ""^'^l^ °^^^£ execution of the pope can (a) grant others the power of con- the laws and decrees. The ^nch judges with ceding indulgences, unless that privilege has been extensive powere sit at Hanoi, Hai-fong, and Nam- conceded expressly by Apostolic indult; or (b) grant dinh. The resident of each province exercises the indulgences applicable to the dead; or (c) wmex junsdiction of a magistrate, but he takes cognizance indulgences to Pnv pious act, thing or sodality only of cases m which Europeans, French subjects, membership to which other indulgences have been and foreignere are concerned. The local budget for granted by the pope or other person, unless new 1921 balanced at 13,131,390 piastres. conditions to be fulfilled for gaining them are im-