Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/450

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Immaculate (St. Boniface), and 12 Grey Nuns (St. year was $12324,620. In 1919 there were 129

Hyacinthe). There are 11 churches with 16 out- national banks in Kentucky, with an aggregate capi-

atations; 1 Indian boarding school at Cross Lake tal stock of $16,256,(X)0, an aggregate surplus of

with 10 Oblate Sisters and 95 pupils, 1 at Lac La $10,102,000, and incUvidual deposits amounting to

Plon^^ with 8 Grey Nuns and 60 pupils; a general $131367,000. There are 446 state banks and trust

hospital under the Grey Nuns with 30 beds; a companies with a capital stock of $19,706,000, an

boarding school at Ile-la-Crosse with 4 Grey Nuns aggregate surplus of $9^239,000, and deposits aggre-

and 40 pupils; a French-English school at Le Pas gating $163,921,000.

with 8 Sisters of the Presentation of Mary and 160 Mining. — ^The total mineral output for 1917

£upils, and 2 other day schools at Cumberland and amounted in value to $77,177,421.

AC Caribou with 45 pupils imder lay teachers. Agbicultubb.— Of the total area of Kentucky in

KsUy, Hugh, M. A., LLJD, merchant, b. in Chi- J***' ^»™* !»?<*« occupied 864 per cent, and ol this

eaco Illinoia. 24 SeWmber 1858- d in New York. **•' P*' '^^^ *" improved. More than 70 per

30 OctoSr 1908^n of JamS' and Sw^ S <*«»* «^ ^ f«'™« "« operated by owners of the

S-Sien) LR'siig^ct'St^, I^la^Ed?.^ ^^'^-Jfrll^ '^ '^^^ T'?^*^^^ '""^^ *T tion: public schools and College of the City of w«W47,167 acres: m wheat 839,987 acres, moats New Vork. He began his business career in 1871, ^'^ »<^«», in hay 2,084,909 acres, m tobacco and was successively in the employ of Gomes an<i ?f?'°?<'; ""ISL ^^ ^.^±S "^r^^ principal Monjo; Gomez, Konda and fco ; Rionda. Ben- "«»P8 "^ \«20 was $348,654,000. Kentucky pro- jaminiiid Co., commission merchants, and in 1883 he ^f 'Jf'f'y^»'i ^ a^P'^^^^^J^u ^'"^ formed a partnership with Manuel Rionda, engag- 5*»*«*' "^L^^f ■**®?SSS** ^? *J^ P"^"'* •^i*'/5 ing in the West InSian trade. In the same yeSr decreased that m IJBO only 721 acres were phmted he married Mary E., daughter of Thomas McCabe; P *> ^^\. Kentuclpr, formerly the fir* State associated with Frinklii Farrel, establishing th4 S % Production of tobacco, is now superseded by house of Hugh Kelly, sugar merchante oFNcw North Carohna, not onhr m acreage, but also m

York and Havana, Cuba, 1884. He became school ^»'"? "Lv^^rPI?*"**; .^"iY*? *'T*?!""?t*^

commissioner and trusted of the city and normal gfe-^ourth of the total production of the Umted

coUeges of New York (189&-1898); president of States. ]talM0, 660,000 acres were planted and

the Maritime Exchange, 1896-1898; State commerce ^i'^^'^ 4fflfiOOfiOO pounds of tobacco, worth $70,-

commissioner, 1898-1900; member of the board of *^:?^'j*-^!2L**^,S„5S^°® '"^^ °* tobacco

managere. Central Islip State Hospital, 1906-1908. Produced m 1918, $190,236,000, , ,. ,

He divoted much of his time to the study and GR*nNa.-On account of the climate the large

research of sugar-cane culture and modern sugar Production of gram^ and the excellence of the

house engineering, and was considered one of the Pa"*™?©. »tock raisiM is very extenavely earned

fnrpmnst Bcipntific pnirinppni in that ir«liitrt.rv At on. The total Value of live StOck m 1920 was $165.-

Board of Directors of the Cathouc Encyclopedia, g°^ ^^^^^' $23,896,000; other live stock, $57,- the United Fruit Co., the Seventh National Bank, l*g' * * • j x • i

the Third National Bank, the North American Manufactoriw.— A companson of mdustn^ Trust Co., the City Trust Co., the Oriental Bank, ^^J'^*^ "^ ^^i^ /°^ ^^^^ «^^^? ^ increase m the trustee of: the Emigrants' Industrial Savings Bank {^JfT y^ar of 43X) per cent in capitel mvoted, St. Patrick's Cathedral, the New YorkTatholic 1 10 m wages paid and 71 m value of output. Th^^^ Protectory, the Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum, Z^J!*."L^ ^^^ ^^ manufactunng establish- President of the Parvenir, Central Teresa and Cen- °i®?^«%?S^^«*™^"' ^^ an invested capitol tral Ansonia sugar companies, West Indies: a mem- 2L*£?'^'^- ^^^ ^^^'^^ °^ products was $395,-

ber of: Xavier Alumni Society (president two ^rwT^J—w*™-. ^^, m. ^ito -i * i

years). Catholic Club, New York; Society of the T^ANSPwrA-noN. -There were 4118 milw of rail-

Kiendly Sons of St. Patrick, Catholic Historical ^9,^* ""^^SJ^'v**^?, ^7??.^ ^""^ ^'"^^^fe^-^T" Society, Catholic Benevolent Legion, the Educa- ^/^^ ?°^ Nashville, the Chesapeake Mid Ohio, the tional Alliance, Lebanon Hospital Association, g^^^.^^J^^V ^""^ the Southern. There are over United Trust Co., Boston, and honorary member ^^^^^^^ ^ ?« I^o^wk"^?;; i u t^ a . of the Marine Society of New York, a life mem- . Enu^^mN .-In 1921 the total number of student ber of the Catholic Summer School. ^ ^^ departments m the University of Kentucky,

at Lexington, was 2284, and there were 110 pro-

Kentncky (cf. C. E., Vin-020b).— Population fessors and assistants. In 1916 a State Board of AND Wealth.— According to the federal census for Education was created. The Legislature of 1920 1920 the population of Kentucky was estimated at established in each county a county board, con- 2,416,630, oi whom 40,053 were of foreign birth sisting of five members, and a county superinten- and 235,938 negroes. Thirteen other States have a dent, which has general supervision over all educa- larger negro population, and the increase in this tional matters in the county. The county is race is materially less than among the whites, required to levy a tax on the general, school district. There are 57 Indians, and the number of Chinese not exceeding 39 cents on every $100 of the assessed and Japanese is probably less than 100 in the entire value of property in the district, to meet the re- State. ^ quirements of the County Board of Education.

The 1920 census shows an increase in the popula- According to the last school census the total num- tion of 126,725, or 5.5 per cent since 1910, making ber of cnildren of school age was 648,307. The it the fifteenth in the United States in size of actual number enrolled in the public schools was population. The largest cities are: Louisville, 234,- 535,332, and the average daily attendance was 891; Covington, 57,121; Newport, 29,317; Paducah, 342,669. In 1920 there were 27,981 Catholic children 24,735; Owensboro, 17,427; Henderson, 12,160; attending the Catholic schools of the State. For Lexington, 41,534; Ashland, 14,729. public school purposes, exclusive of eiroenditures

Material Resources. — The total assessed valua- for the state university, normal schools, schools tion of property in 1919 was $1,997,446,000, of which for the blind, deaf, and dumb, $8,628,475 were ex- $1,028,128,532 was real estate and $969,318,159 was pended in the last fiscal year by the State and personalty. The net revenue of the State for that local taxing districts.