Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/473

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Lescher, Francsi Mart, educationist, b. in 1825; purpose of raising funds in behalf of war orphans,

d. in 1904. She entered the Institute of the Sisters and all the allied consuls assisted; the Syrians sent

of Notre Dame of Namur, in which she was known large sums to England, France, and the United

as Sister Mary of St. Philip. She was thirty years States to be used for charitable purposes. During

old and she had been a mother to her brothers the whole war period starvation was very prevalent

and sisters after their mother's death, when she on the Kroa coast and in order to save its numerous

entered religion. She became a brilliant teacher school children the prefecture was obliged to incur

and it was chiefly through her remarkable ability a debt of £2000.

that the ^ool which she founded and over which u^y^, Vicariaib Apostolic op (Lybi^; cf. C. E.,

she presided at Mt. Pleasant achieved Its reputation. xV-^8d), in Africa, erected 23 Febniary, 1913,

I-eslna, Diocese op (Pharknsib; cf. C. E., IX- tl^^ *^e prefecture apostolic of TripoU to which

191b), with the united titles of Brazza and liasa it corresponds, with Mgr. Ludovico Antomelh as

(Brachiensis et lissensis), in Dalmatia, Jugoslavia, p^ Vwar Apostohc. FoUowmg his transfer to

suffragan of Zara. Rt. Rev. Jordan Zaninovic, O. P., the , episcopal see of Bagnorea, Mgr. Giacinto

appointed to this see 7 January, 1903, died 22 T'^^"^?? OF M., formerly Vicar General of the

October, 1917, and was succeeded by Rt. Rev. Luca Apostolic Dele^tion of Syria and late supenoi'

Pappafava. Bom in Lesina in 1851, he served as general of the Franciscans of Constantinople was

pastor dean of San-Pietro-Brazza, was appointed ?PP?*^^^^ Vicar Apostolic of Lybia m October,

Bishop of Sebenico 27 November, 1911, and was }^' H? ^^^^^.i^^H^^^ l!i ^^^ early part of

transferred 14 September, 1918. By 1920 statistics ^^i equipped with thirty yeara' experience in the

the Catholic population of the diocese numbers mission work of the Otient. The newlv appointed

59,028, divided aipong 60 parishes served by 82 ^icar apostolic instilled new life into the vicariate,

secular and 18 regular cler»r. Four new stations were founded: Zuara m Tripoli,

^ ^ Cyrene-Maraa Susa, Merg-Tolmetta, and Tobruk

iMMJier, VicroiRB, in religion M^re Ste. Angele, in Cyrenaica. He advanced the scholastic institu-

foundress, b. at Mortain, Normandy, on 24 Octdber, tions, erected new parishes, rejuvenated the exist-

1778; d. at Paris, 1859. She was the daughter of ing religious orgamzations for the young or else

an inspector of the Due d'Orleans domain at Mort- founded new ones, installed religious instruction in

main and studied at the convent of Barenton. the public schools, and distributed with equity the

During the Revolution, her father having become responsibilities of the different parishes. The vica-

warden of Mortmain prison, Victoire seized her nate is at present occupied with the obligation of

many opportunities to exercise her charity. At raisins the necessary funds for the building of the

the age of twenty-eight she joined the Dames cathedral church and presb3rtery, towards which the

Augustines du Trft&^aint Coeur de Marie, who had Pope donated 100,000 libellas.

chjwge of the hospital at Saumur. In 1816 she was The World War greatly retarded the progress of

mistress of novices, and in 1823 superioress. Owing the mission. Ten of the priests served with dia-

to the persecution of the local civil oflBicials, the tinction as chaplains in the army, and three were

Sisters had to quit the hospital, and by the favor cited and decorated for bravery. Among the re-

of Archbishop de Qu61en of Paris they reorganized cently deceased of note are: Sister Mary Simplicia

in the capital under the name of Augustinians of Veccniotti, of Cremona of the Franciscan Mia-

the Holy Heart of Mary in the Rue de TArbalfete sionary Sisters of Egypt, d. 12 April, 1916, aged

(1828). Eleven years later they moved to the thirty years, after a hfe of unusual sanctity; Valen-

Rue de la Sant^, where provision was made not tino Cagnocci de Faltona of Arezzo, O. F. M., died

merely for the aged and sick, but for young widows 30 July, 1921, after forty years of untiring labor

and girls without protection. The institute received among the missions of Lybia ; founded and directed

papal approbation after Mfere Ste. Angle's death, the mission at Homs, where he built an imposing

and new foundations have been made, as at St. chm-ch; Bonaventura Rosselti, O.F.M., from 1907

Leonard's in England and Angers and Nice in to 1913 Prefect Apostolic of Lybia, later Prefect

France. Apostolic of Rhodes, where he died 9 August, 1921 ;

Besnajio, Vie de ta Rivirende Mire Sainte AngUe (Paru, Brother Paul Liekens, whose death in November,

^•^•)- 1921, crowned a life of unselfish devotion to duty;

Lottonia. See Latvia. Giovanni De Martino Italian senator and governor

of Csrenaica, devoted to furthering the mterests

Liberia, PREFEcruRB Apostouc of (Liberiensib; of the Church and a true benefactor of the vicariate,

cf. C. E., IX-216d), in the province of Liberia, died 23 November, 1921.

West Africa, with residence at Monrovia. This The Catholic population of 20,000 is increasing territory was first entrusted to the Fathers of the daily, and is largely made up of those of Italian Company of Mary, and in August, 1906, transferred or Maltese descent. Mohammedans and Jews are to the African Missionaries of Lyons and again in numerous. There are 3 secular priests, 20 Fran- 1911 it was made over to the Irish branch (Cork) cisan priests, 12 Franciscan lay brothers, and 11 of the African Missions. The present prefect apos- Christian Brothers; 7 parishes with 7 churches, tolic is Rt. Rev. Jean Og^, bom at Ettendorf, Alsace, 4 missions, 18 chapels, 6 stations, 2 convents foi in 1868, studied at the seminary of the African Mis- men and 13 for women, 1 college for girk with 3 sionaries of Lyons, ordained in 1890, served for sev- teachers and 30 students, 6 elementary schools for enteen years in the mission of the Gold Coast, was boys and 11 for girls with a combined total of 35 named superior of the native seminary of Ibadan teachers and 1400 pupils, 1 hospital, 3 orphanages, (vicariate of Benin), and appointed Prefect of 7 day nurseries, 1 refuge for poor girls, 5 classes Liberia 3 January, 1910. By the 1920 statistics the of catechetical instruction. The numerous Catholic territory counts a total population of 1,700,000, of primary schools are flourishing, and are under the whom 2400 are Catholic, and 5594 catechumens; direction of the Vicar Apostolic, who supplies the these are served by 12 European priests, 2 churches, teachers and some of the poorer pupils with 6 principal stations, 6 missions and 10 subnstations, the necessities of life. The Government contributes 10 elementary schools with 15 teachers and 1200 also to the support of the Catholic institutions, pupils and 5 dispensaries. During the World War There are other Catholic schools which are sup- religious meetings were held at Monrovia for the ported by the Italian National Association for the