Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/486

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was 2617; wage earners, about 98,344; capital in- had 36 instructors and 1027 students; Lafayette In* vested, $463,860,000; value of products, $676,190,000. dnstrial Institute had 21 instructors and 931 stu-

Recbnt Hibtobt.— The Constitutional Convention ^^5^?.^*^^ Southern University for colored youth of 1913 was so Hmited in power that aU it accom- *^ad 564 students.

plished was to take the constitution of 1898 and State laws relative to private and parochial insert in its proper place each amendment that had whoob are as follows: No funds rwsed for the been adopted smce that time, the continuous text support of the public schools of the state shaU be thus prodnced being the constitution of 1913. Re- appropnated to^ or iwed for the support of any cents amendmentTlimit the state tax rate to 3 pnyate or sectanan schools (Art. 253) ; aU bmldings mills and the local tax rate to 5 mills, and require ^^ property used exclusively for colleges and other every parish and the city of New Orieans to levy *55^*J?^J?^ shall be exempt from taxation pro- a tax of one and a half mills annually for public y^^ed that the property so exempted l^ not leased schools. In a decision of the Supreme Court of 23 ^A^'-P^^JPSf^ ?L^ pnvate or corporate profit or mcome March, 1915, reading of the Bible and recitation <Art, 230) ; the state board may prescnbe teacher of the Lord^s prayeFin the opening of the public training courses for public and pnvate school doing schools in Caddo Parish was prohibited. The case work two years m advance of high schools. Graduate was brought by the Catholics and the Jews. In of normal schools offering a two-year course and 1916 a State Board of state affairs was created, operating a practice school with sufficient teaching More recent legislation has dealt mainly with prob- force may be certified without examination; the lems rising from the World War. Louisiana's con- DrajchM of spellmg, reading, wntmg, drawing, tribution was 65,988 soldiers or 1.76 per cent of the arithmetic, geography, grammar United States his- United States Army, stationed either m the 39th toiy, the laws of health, including the evil effects Division at Camp Beauregard, Louisiana, or in the of alcohol and narcotics, shall be taught m.eveiy 87th Division at Camp Pi£e, Ark, The summary of ^^B^""^^ SP*""^^' i^^ teaching of German is for- casualties amon^ the Louisiana members of the bidden m aU schools, coUegea, and universities. American Expeditionary Force was as follows: dc- Louisville, Diocesb op (Ludovioopoutanbnsxs; ceased, 27 officers and 796 men; prisoners, 1 officer cf. C. E., IX-386b), comprises 22,714 sq. miles in and 26 men; wounded, 71 officers and 2098 men. In the State of Kentucky. Rt. Rev. William August, 1918, Louisiana ratified the national prohibi- George McCloskey, who came to this see in 1868, tion amendment, the fourteenth state to do so. The as its fourth bishop, died 17 September, 1909. He state refused to adopt the federal suffrage amend- ^as succeeded by Rt. Rev. Denis O'Donahue, bom mend 15 June, 1920. The Constitutional Conven- jn Daviess, Indiana, 1848, ordained 6 September, tion met in 1921 to revise the State Constitution. 1374^ consecrated titular Bishop of Pomario and

PsiNaPAL Resjgious Dbnominatioits.— The latest auxiliary at Indianapolis 25 April, 1900, and trans- available statistics of religious denominations are ferred 7 February, 1910. The year 1912 witnessed ?;iven in the United States Census bulletin for 1916, several important events in the diocese: in April rom which we take the following figures, except the centenary of the Sisters of Loretto at the Foot the number of Jews which is taken from the "Jewish of the Cross was celebrated, in August, the national Year Book" for 1920: Catholics, 509,910; Baptists, convention of the Federation of Catholic Societies 213,692; Methodists, 88,566; Jews, 12,723; Prot^tant met here, and in October the Sisters of Charitv of Episcopalians, 11,632; Presbyterians, 11,820; Luth- Nazareth celebrated their centennial. The one hun- erans, 8247; German Evangelicals, 4,009; Disciples, dredth anniversary of the dedication of the old 3615; Congregationalists, 1765; all other denomina- cathedral (St. Joseph's Church) at Bardstown took tions 4662. place in 1916, and in 1920 the Sisters of Charity

Cathouctsm.— The State now comprises the Arch- of Nazareth celebrated the centenary of their diocese of New Orleans and the Dioceses of Alex- academy, St. Vincent's, in Union County, Ken- andria (formerly Natchitoches) and La Fayette, tucky. I)uring the World War 5 priests of the The Catholic Directory for 1921 gives the following diocese served as chaplains, 3 of them going over- figures: 1 archbishop; 3 bishops; 1 abbot; 188 seas.

secular and 205 regular priests ; 197 churches with By latest statistics the Catholic population num- resident priests; about 235 missions, stations and bers 120,289, chiefly of Irish or German descent, chapels; 1 preparatory seminary with 44 students; with a small number of Italians. The diocese com- 11 colleges and academies for boys with 3216 stu- prises 108 parishes, 163 churches, 55 missions, 3 dents; 18 academies for young ladies with 3266 monasteries for men, 1 abbey for men, 4 convents students; 110 parishes with parochial schools. The for men, 9 mother-houses of religious congregations Catholic population is 537,851; the baptisms in of women, 114 secidar and 96 regular clergy, 32 1920 were 21,0^. seminarians, 1 college for women, 4 high schools

Education.— Educational statistics are as follows: with 44 teachers and 907 boy students, 14 academies Educable youth: white 335,854; colored 228,939; with 227 teachers and 605 boy and 2266 girl students, total, 564,793. Enrollment in schools: white, 223,308 ; 88 elementary schools with 388 teachers and a total colored, 99,757; total, 323,065. Teachers employed attendance of 15,972, and 2 industrial schools with in public schools: white, 6732; colored, 1500; total, 40 teachers and 308 pupils. The charitable institu- 8232. Teachers employed in agricultural schools: tions include 3 homes, 3 asylums, and 4 hospitals, white, 16* colored, 21. Pupils in agricultural and a number of the public institutions permit the schools: wiiite, 237; colored, 323; total, 560. Num- priests to minister in them. Six schools taught by ber of public schools: white, 2113; colored 1168; Sisters receive financial assistance from the State, total, 3281. Number of private colleges: white, 7; A Clerical Aid Society is oreanized, and a diocesan colored, 2. Receipts from public school funds in paper, "The Record,'* is published. 1919: $7,849,779; the non-revenue receints were Lonrdes, Diocbsh op. See Tames and LoxmnKS. $3,332,090: disbursements. $6,465,549. The Louisiana / r ^ n tv «n. x

State University has 73 instructors and 1860 stu- l-ouvaln, Univbrbitt of (cf. C. E., TK-^lc),— dents Tulane University, with an endowment of The destruction of the Umversity of Louvam is one $5 162543 has 348 instructors and 2908 students, of the outstanding features of the Great War. On In 1919 tie State Normal School had 36 instructors the night of 25 August, 1914, the invading Germans and 1649 students; the Ruston Industrial Institute set fire to the city of Louvam, and three of the