Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/495

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had been especiaUy erected, declared that the time more, Mt. St. Mary'a and Tullaby, and became a

was near when India would have her own clergy Jesuit in England in 1880 when he was twenty years

under her t)wn Indian bishops. A daily buUetm, of age. Immediately after his course of 1>hilo«)phy

"The Marian Congress Bulletin," giving the events at Stonyhurst, he taught Psychology /rom 1|85 to

of the meeting, was published during the congress. 1891 and subsequently from 1^7 to 1?C». He at-

The 1021 statistics of the diocese show : 44 tempted some nussionary work at Edinburch, but

parishes, 42 churches, 5 missions, 260 stations, nearly was unable to contmue on account of lU-healtn. tie

all having chapels, 2 convents for men and 27 for then wrote for the Stonyhwst Senes his volume

women,^ secular priests and 38 regular (Foreign on "Psychology," which was decUred by the London

Missionaries of Mill Hill, London), 8 lay brothers. Umyersity to be of such sP^^al excellence t^^^

274 Sisters. 20 seminarians, 5 high schools with 60 further t^ waa r«iuired for according lusapplic^^^^

teachers and attendance of 682 boys and 494 girls, for the degree of ,I>?<;V^^o^ ^iteratu^^

2 training schools with 11 teachers and 56 students, of his works was "Tatian « ^l?;^®^^"^^^^^^^®

98 elementary schools with 312 teachers and 6965 contributed several articles to The Catholic En-

students, and 1 industrial school with 2 teachers, ctclopbdia.

Charity is administered through 2 homes for the Malmic, Anthony. See Krk, Diocese or. aged, 2 homes for babies and 4 refuge homes, wnile

2 of the government hospitals and 1 government Maine (cf. C. E., IX-541c) .—Industries.— The

training school and college permit Catholic priests manufacturing census of 1919 shows a decrease in

to minister in them. The Catholic schools are aided the number of manufacturing establishments from

financially by the Government, but none of the 337g jn 1914 to 2996 in 1919. There was, however,

institutioiB. A Sick Fund is organized among an increase in capital ($233,844,000 in 1914. $420.-

the cler©r, and among the laity the Catholic Indian 651,000 in 1919), and in value of products ($200.-

Association and a philanthropic society. The dio- 450,000 in 1914; $461,415,000 in 1919).

cese publishes the "Catholic Leader" (weekly), the Agricultubb. — In 1918 the potato crop of the

"Nalk Ayan" (monthly), and the Catholic Direc- entire State brought nearly $25,000,000. In 1919

tory of India, Burma, and CJeylon yearly. five million barrels of apples were grown. The

agricultural products of the entire State equal

Madrld-AlcaUb, Diocese of (Matritbnsib-Alca- $100,000,000 in an average year, while through its

HEN8I8 or CoMPLUTBNSis; cf. C, E., IX-516a). in varied industries Maine produces $275 to $400 for

Spain, suffragan of Toledo. These united sees are each inhabitant.

filled by Rt. Rev. Prudencio Melo y Alcalde, bom Population. — ^The population of the State was

in Burgos. 1860. ordained in 1883, served as vice- 742,271 in 1910; 768,014 in 1920. The latest census

secretary to the Archbishop of Burgos, professor shows an increase of 25,643. or 2JS per cent from

at the University of Valladolid, Central University, 1910 to 1920, smaller than the increase during the

and the Seminary, ^and chaplain of the Sisters previous decade of 47,905, or 6.9 per cent. The

of the Visitation, vicar general, named a canon Catholic population is 153,225.

lector of the cathedral of Burgos in 1898. then Education. — According to the report of the State

pro-vicar general, appointed titular Bishop of superintendent for the year 1919, the number of

Olympia 19 December. 1907. and auxiliary at school children in the State was 228,489. and the

Toledo, transferred to Vitoria 18 July, 1913 ,and amount expended for school purposes was $5,149,386.

again transferred to Madrid 4 December. 1916. The following favorable opinion on the subject

to succeed Rt. Rev. Jose Maria Salvador y Barrera, of Bible reading in the public school was rendered

promoted to Valencia 4 December. 1916. According by the Supreme Court of Maine : "If the Bible,

to 1920 statistics the diocese comprises a Catholic or any particular version of it, mav be excluded

population of 1,500,600; 251 parishes divided into 18 from the schools because its teachings may be

archpresb3rteries, 1170 priests, 776 churches and opposed to the teachings of the authonties of any

chapels. 120 convents with 536 religious, and 736 church, the same result may ensue as to any other

Sisters. A Catholic university was foimded in the book. If any sect may object, the same right may

diocese in 1908. with the faculties of philosophy and be granted to others. This would give the authon-

social sciences. On 30 May. 1919. the solemn inaug- ties of any sect the right to annul any regulations

uration of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart took of the constituted authorities of the State as to

place, in the presence of the royal family and the course of study and the books to be used. It

many of the Spanish bishops. is placing the legislation of the State, in the matter

of education, at once and forever in subordination

HageUan (or Maoallanes). Vicariate Apostouc to decrees and teachings of any and all the sects. OP (Maoellanensis). in Chili, suffragan of San- when their members conscientiously believe such tia^o. with episcopal residence at Punta Arenas, teachings. It at once surrenders the power of the This vicariate was erected by a Decree of 4 October, State to a government not emanating from the 1916. and cpmprises the territory of the old pre- people nor recognized by the Constitution." fecture of Southern Patagonia. It extends from the The State laws relative to private and parochial 47** latitude on the North to the Malvine Lslancfs. schools are as follows: The basic language of in- belonging to England, which form the South and struction in the common branches of all schools, West boundaries, and on the East as far as the public and private, shall be the English language, boundary line between Chili and Argentina. It is Nothing in this section shall be construed to pro- entrusted to the Salesians, the present vicar being hibit the teaching in elementary schools of any Rt. Rev. Abraham Aguilera, appointed titular language as such; the State superintendent shall Bishop of Issus 22 December. 1916. In 1920 the prescribe or approve courses of study and methods vicariate comprised 2 parishes and a number of of instruction of public and private schools; all mission stations, servea by about 40 missionary professors and instructors and teachers in public priests. and private institutions shall teach humanity.

morality, etc.; American history and civil govem-

Malier, Michael, psychologist, b. at Leighlin- ment are to be taught; for children attending

bridge, Ireland; d.atPetworth. England, on 3 Septem- private schools certificates of attendance must be

ber, 1918. He received his early education at TuUa- filed with the public school officials; all private