Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/539

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— ^This diocese which contains dioceses of both the the AsceDsion, after two terms of ten years, was Latin and Greek Rumanian rites, la/ in the old king- superseded by Mother Marie de Bon Secours dom of Himgary, but since the division of Hungary. (1916), re-elected by the Fifteenth General Chap- subsequent to tie treaty of St. Germain^early halt ter of the Congregation (October 6-16, 1921), as the diocese lies in territory ceded by Hungary to Superior GenenJ. The provincial headquarters, Rumania. Statistics of 1^0 give the aiocese 158.329 located in Portland, Ore., were transferred m 1911,


was A

other reli^ons. College of the Holy Names in Oakland, Cal., char-

LaiinRite, — The Latin diocese with cathedral chap- tered 1918, began work as jimior college 1915, full

ter at Nagy-Varad is a suffragan of Kalocsa (Hun- college 1918. In the Diocese of Valleyfield, Que.,

gary). The bishop ia Count Nicholas Sz^h6n)ri. bom a normal school controlled by the R. C. Board of

at Sopron, Diocese of Gydr, 6 January, 1868, elected Education, Quebec, was confided to the Sisters of

Bishop of Gy6r 1911, to succeed Mer. Szmrecsanyi, the Holy Names in 1911, by Rib. Rev. J. M. Emard;

who died in 1908. Since the installation of Bishop it supplies teachers for rural and other schools.

Sz^h^n3ri many churches and schoob have been Among notable members recently deceased are:

erected at the cost of 10 million crowns. The sick Mother M. Stanislas (Virginia Duhamel), ex-

and wounded soldiers during the war were cared for Superior General, whose connection with the ad-

by the clergy and for many months nine wounded ministration from the outset (1853-1912) helped to

officers were nursed and fed in the episcopal residence, shape the spirit of the Institute, Mother M. Thais

Soldiers on the march were fed ana entertained, and (Thais Lacoste). Mother M. Lawrence (Pamela

thesick nursed, over 25 naillion crowns being advanced Lafontaine), ana Sister Thomas Aquinas (Annie

for this purpose by the bishop, chapter, and diocesan Fagan), all three widely known as educators in

foundations. Canada and the United States during nearly half

The diocese counts (1922) 79 parishes, 87 churches, a century. The Congregation numbers (1921):

4 monasteries for men and 1 for women, 2 convents professed sisters, 1920; novices, 104; postulants,

for men and 10 for women, 137 secular and 45 regular 114 j establishments, 168; pupils (June, 1921),

priests, 159,000 Catholics, 1 seminary with 16 semi- 40,743; colleges, 2; normal schools, 4; residential,

narians, 3 high schools with 24 teachers and 250 stu- select, and parochial schools, 162.

dents, 90 normal schools with 124 teachers and 5,780 ^ _, ^_ , ^ t^ ^

pupils, 2 industrial schools with 6 teachers and 70 ^^?»«^"' Digcbsb of (Namurcensis; cf. C. E. X—

pupils 4 homes for the aged poor, 3 orphanaaes, 1 pa); contains the prpvmca of Namur apd Luxem-

hospitkl, 5 day nurseries and 2 diocesan perioacals. burg m Belgium, and is a suffragan of Mahnes. The

Greek-Rumanian RUe.-The diocese of the Greek- German army adyajnced on Namur 19 August, 1914,

Rumanian Rite is suffragan to Fogaras in Transyl- JJ^^ on 23 August the forts around the city feU mto

vania (Rumania). Thelee is at present vacant, as ^^^ ^"^^^ J^f^l ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^

♦i,« U-* k;cU^« r^*»«««.;,.o w«»y^M K^«* ofT*r.«v.r^i.Q..o occupied by hostile troops. •

Thomas-Louis Heylen, O. PrsBm., bom




maniar^nlite at BukL^tT Etec^mb^l' 1920?^ The ^w^^oP of Namur .^ October 1899. president .. ^^

eoiscoDal seat is at Oradea Mare (Nairy-Varad) permanent committee of the i!<uchanstic L/ongress

There^ (1922) 164,495 Catholics, 199 secula^ ^^H' n^^^^ J"^ 4^^ ^??u ^""^ fi ^^

priests, 179 churches, and 24 convents of men and Count (1910), and officer of the Order of the Ctoto

women , having in all 307 members. ^^ }^^ .,^?80; ^^^^OP heylen defended his people

' ^ and faith fearlesBly m personal and wntten protests

Namaqnaland, Great, Prefecture Apostolic to the German authorities throughout the occupation OP (Magni Namacualand; cf. C. E., X— 268b), in of Namur (August, 1914-November, 1918), he main- South Africa, comprises an area of 119,970 square tained the rishts of patriotism in his churches and miles, formeriy belonging to Germany, and since the applied hhnseif to reheving pain and suffering among World War assigned to Great Britain. The pre- the deported French and the population of the occu- fecture was erected 7 July, 1909, by separation from pied French territories adjacent to his diocese, as the Vicariate Apostolic of Orange River, as Germany weD as his own people. For his many works for God was unwilling to negotiate with Mgr. Simon, Vicar and country, the bishop has been made a Grand Apostolic of Orange River, because he resided at Officer of the Order of Leopold by the King of the Pella on English territory. New limite were as- Belgians (18 July, 1919); cited in the Order of the signed to the prefecture, 2 June, 1913. It is entrusted Army by the French Republic and awarded the croix to the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales of Troves, and ^^J^^ "^^ P^^™ (5 January, 1921); on 17 January, the present prefect apostolic is Rt. Rev. Stanislas 1922, he was made an honorary commander of the Krolikowski, appointed 1910. There are in the Pre- civil division of the Order of the British Empire; fecture Apostouc 5 mission stations with a church and also named honorary canon of Reims in August, 1920, resident priest, four with a Sisters convent as well, by Cardinal Lu^on, and the citisens of Namur Thereare over SOsecondarystations which are visited bestowed on their bishop the title of "Defender of several times every year. There are 8 priests (O. F. the City."

F. SO, 2 clerics, 2 lay brothers (O. S. F. S.), 10 sisters One hundred and sixteen priests and seminarians

(O. S. F. S.), 8 native catechists, 1 seminary, 5 schools were mobiliised, 27 of whom were chaplains and 89

for native children and' 4 orphanages. ambulance men or hospital attendants; 9 died in

battle and 17 were wounded. Among the priests who

Names of Jesns and Mary, Sisters op the remained in the occupied territory 17 were massacred Holy (cf. C.E., X-678c).— Since 1911 38 new esUb- by the German army in August, 1914, and 91 devoted lishments have been founded, 28 in Canada and 10 themselves especially to sustain confidence and pa- in the United States. This expansion has necessi- triotism or took an active part in the service of espion- tated the formation of four further provinces, ajge. Among the distinctions attained were 111 cita- raising the number to eleven. Mother Martin of tions in or&rs of allied armies or the country, 6