Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/540

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chevaliers of the Order of Leopold, 3 with pahns; 8 ohnrohes or chapeb, an upper and lower seminary,

chevaliers of the Order of the Crown. 3 with palms; 756 priests, 3 ecclesiastical colleges, 21 convents,

19 chevaliers of the Order of Leopold II, 8 with palms: 5 of which are mother houses, 18 hospitals. The work

36 Belgian croix de ouerre; 5 military medals of 2a accomplished by the bishops, priests, and nuns of

class; 47 medals of the Yser; 19 croix dviques of the Nancy during the years of the war is described in the

1st class, 8 of the 2d class, 1 of the 3d class; 5 medals "Livre d'Or" (published 1920) . Six societies are

of King Albert; 1 chevalier of the Legion of Honor carried on amon^ the laity, apart from the usual

(French); 2 French croix degverre; 4 medals of la parochial associations, and among the clergy there is

reconriaissance frangaise; 4 British war medals; 1 an association of Prayer for Dec&BLBed Priests. Italian croix de guerre; 1 medal of St. George, 2d

class and 1 of 4th class (Russian); 110 commemorative Nantes, Diocese of (Nanceiensis; cf, C.

medals and 116 Victory medals. E., X — 681c>, comprises the entire Department of

In the diocese there are 583,722 Catholics, in 36 Loire-Inf^rieure, France, and is a suffragan of Tours,

deaneries with 726 parishes and 911 churches, 6 Bishop Rouard, who governed the diocese from

abbeys for men and 7 for women, 37 convents for 1896, died 10 Feb., 1914, and was succeeded by Rt.

men and 63 for women, 1,316 secular and 657 regular Rev. EugSne-Louis-Marie Le Fer de La Motte^ b.

priests, 345 lay brothers, 3,113 religious women (a at St. Servan, Diocese of Rennes, 1867, ordamed

great number of communities of French religious 1891, elected in May^ 1914, and enthroned in August

refugees in Belgium have re-entered their own coun- before his consecration (16 November), because of

try). the war. The diocese has (1922) 262 parishes with

The diocesan seminary at Namur has 103 semina- chiu'ches, 1 abbey for men, 886 secular priests, 7

rians, while at the preparatory seminaries at Bastogne monasteries for women, 3 convents for men, 30 for

and Floreffe are 416 students. The seminary at women, 2 seminarians with 334 seminarians, 4 col-

Floreffe was damaged during the war by the German leges for boys with 86 teachers, and 1074 students, 1

troops who occupied it but the havoc has been repaired training school with 5 teachers and 60 pupils, 379

and the old abbey now sheltere 18 priesta professors elementary schools with 40,366 pupils. Missionary

and 184 students. There are 17 colle^ and estab- work is being carried on by the diocesan Missionaries

lishments for ancient and modern classical studies for of the Immaculate Conception. The population

bovs, among which the best known are the Jesuit was given as 666,748 in 1916. The Apostohc Union

college at Florennes, which has 20 professors and 160 ia organized among the clergy and there is a diocesan

students, the College Notre Dame at Bellevue-Dinant branch of La Jeunesse francaise. The Catholic

and the College St. Joseph at Virton. Other schools periodicals in circulation in the diocese' are "L'Echo

include a secondary school for girls, attached to the de la Loire" (daily), "La Semaine religieuse,"

University of Louvain, with 10 professors and 65 "L'Echo de Primbceuf," "L'Ami de la Verise"

students; 7 middle schools for boys with 1,866 stu- (weekly). Three hundreid and eighty-five priests were

dents. 27 for ^rls with 3,660 students; normal schools, mobilized during the war and 156 seminarians. Of

2 for boys with 30 professors and 250 students, 4 for these 36 priests and 34 seminarians died, 6 were girls witn 68 professors and 440 students; 3 profes- decorated with the Legion of Honor and 98 priests sional and incuistrial schools with 471 students; ^4 and 36 seminarians received the croix de guerre, free primary schools with 27,678 pupils, many of *•-. i«- a /xt * which are subsidized by state or local government. ^ ^^^^^ o^JSP'.^^??^ .i?^ (Neopolitansis; cf .

There are 6 houses for retreats; 2 asylums for the ^r ^., X--686d), m ^uthem Italy , is under the

insane, 4 for the aged and 1 for the deaf and dumb; administration of His Emmence Cardinal (Giuseppe

3 hospitals and 8 refuges. The ministry of priest is ^^co, b. m Naples 8 September, 1836, profesyr of allowed in all State institutions. Eleven religious phi[<^phy at the seminary and chaiicellor of the journals are published and the work of the Bonne archdiocese created cardmal deacon of St. Caesanus Presse is organized in many parishes. There are three ^^ Palatio, 30 November, 1896, passed to the order organizations among the clergy and many and varied jf cardmal-pnests after his appointment as Arch- associations among the laity. bishop of Naples, 24 March, 1898, took the title

of San Sisto, consecrated by Pope Leo XIII, 29 May,

Nancy and TotQ, Diocese of (Nanceiensis 1898, succeeding Mgr. Samelli di Giorani, deceased.

ET Tullenbis; cf. C. £., X — 680b), comprises the Cardmal Prisco was made vicar of the Pope for the

Department of Meurthe-et-MoseUe, France, and is sanctuary of Our Lady of Pompeii at Valle Pompei.

a suffragan of Besangon. Rt. Rev. Charles-Frangois Statistics for 1920 credit the archdiocese with a

Turinaz who came to the see in 1882 d. 19 October, Catholic population of 600,000, 106 parishes, 1875

1918. He was bom at Chamb^ry in 1838, made his secular and 800 re^lar priests, 150 seminarians,

clerical studies at the French seminary, Rome, was 150 Brothers, 2000 Sisters, 1105 churches or chapels,

ordained in 1862, elected Bishop of Tarentaise 1873, On 18 January, 1916, the name of the sanctuary of

transferred 30 March, 1882; in 1913 he was made Our Lady of Sorrows, commonly known as al Fiumir'

titular bishop of Antioch in Pisidia, while retaining ceUo^ was declared pontifical. The church of St.

the title of >^ncy. During his episcopate he brought Anthony the Abbot was restored to the Constantinian

all the activities of his diocese to a magnificent state Order 13 December, 1916.

of devdopment and during the war was knojm -^^^^ Vicariate Apostolic of (Napensis;

the old ton of the frontier 'He wMsucc^ m ^^ ^ ^ XVI-84d), in Ecuador. The vicariate

1918 by Rt.^v. (^rles-Joseph-Eu^ne Ruch b. ^ entrust^ to the J^its, and Very Rev. Andr4

^\^^^y^^^^h^^f^^^^^^^^^ Perez, S.J., is superior of the mission. The ad-

1W7, made coadjutor of Nancy ^ ministrator apostoGc is Rt. Rev. Emile Cecco, a

Gera8aml913. HewMamihtaiyc^^ Josephite, ap^inted in 1921. The vicariate ccJm-

out the war and by a Decree of the Con8«t«ry (1917) ^ ^^^ proV^ces of Archidona and Avila, with a

was named msp^tor m ordinary of mobihzerf pn^te g^^l^^y^ pj^pulation of 9000 divided into 18 centers,

He was transferred to Strasburg m 1919 and succeeded _,;xu q «u!^5u«a '

(5 February, 1920). by the present bishop, Rt. Rev. ^^^^ ^ cnurcnes.

Hippolyte de la Celle, b. at Beaune, diocese of Mou- Nardd, Diocese of (Neritonensis, cf. C. E.,

lins, 1863, ordained 1886, honorary vicar general at X — 703d), in the province of Lecce, Southern Italy,

MouUns in 1910. The statistics of 1920 credit Nancv directly subject to the Holy See. It is governed by

with a population of 503,810 inhabitants, 486 parisn Rt. Rev. Nicola Giannattasio, b. 17 January, 1871,