Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/551

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They also take well to Christian teaching, and give the accession of Archbishop Shaw, among them three

the missionaries promise of turning out good Catho- for colored people and an old mortuary chapel of

lies. Great indeed is the transformation of these Spanish colonial days was remodeled for the use of

hitherto unfortunate pieople. Great also is the work Spanish-speaking Catholics and made a mission of the

of the Benedictine Fathers in leading them out of the St. Louis cathedral.

darkness and shadow of death into the true light of The following religious orders have been admitted

Christian civilisation, at the risk of their own lives, to the diocese 1911: The Oblate Fathers of Mary

The present status of the Mission is as follows: Immaculate, Brothers of Mary, Christian Brothers, parishes 4: abbey 1, abbey nullius of New Norcia, Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, Fathers of the Holy Western Austraua; churches 10, missions 2, New Ghost, Sisters Servants of Mary, Sisters of Mary of Norcia and Drisdale River missions; monasteries 2; the Presentation. During the war, Lovola Univer- coQvents, 5 of nuns, and 1 of men (Marist Brothers); sity suspended many of its courses and the university priests, regular 19; secular 3; monastic students 20; building and grounds were placed at the disposal of lay brothers 26; college of men 1, conducted bv the Umted States Government. The Loyola Hospital Marist Brothers, 10 Brothers teaching; ladies' col- Unit was organized by the medical staff of Loyola leges 2, with 18 nuns teaching; high scnools 3, with University and financed entirely by a non-Catholic 28 teachers, nuns 27. There are one boys' high lady at an outlay of $100,000, and was placed at the school with 160 boarders; 2 girls' hish schools with disposal of the Government for service in the canips of 190 in attendance; 2 orphanages, 1 for native boys Italy. The nursing department was in charge of the and 1 for native giils, conducted by one Benedic- Sisters of Charity. Thirty Sisters of Charity and 100 tine Brothers and 5 Benedictine Nuns respectively, trained nurses under the direction of the heiEui nurse, None of the Mission schools or charitable institutions a Sister of Charity from the province of New Orleans, receive any Government subsidy, except a very paltry sailed for Italy and rendered excellent service in field sum in aia of the native orphanages. All the rest, and camp. Catholic men and women served faith- buildings, food, clothing, and general upkeep, is fully on the Red Cross committees and on every com- entirely aependent on the charity of the Benedictine mittee for the raising of funds by the Government conununity. The Catholic population is 2700; the the Archbishop and clergy were faithful workers, children attending Catholic schools number 400. Among the deceased since 1911 are: Rev. Daniel

Mullane, Provincial of the St. Louis province of

Kew Orleans, Abchdiocese of (Novis Aurbl- the Redemptorists and rector of St. Alphonsus, New LiS; cf. C. E., XI — 5d), in Louisiana. On 4 January, Orleans. Rev. A.Otis, S.J., died at Loyola University 1918, thirteen civil parishes in the southwestern part of which he had been president for six years; he of Louisiana were aetached from the Archdioce^ of erected the church of the Holy Name of Jesus on New Orleans and erected into the diocese of Lafayette the university campus and was recognized as one of (q. v.). In 1915 the old St. Louis cathedral was con- the leading educators and missionaries of the far demned by the civil authorities and closed to public South. Very Rev. Thomas Lorente, O.P., a native worship. Through the generosity of a non-Catholic of Spain and for many years professor at St. Thomas' gentleman who desired to remain unknown, the College, Manila. Dining the administration of Arch- ancient edifice was repured and restored to public bishop Chapelle as Apostolic Delegate Extraordinary worship, the first services within the restored edifice to the Philippine Islands after the Spanish- American being uie installation of the Most Rev. John William War, Father Lorente acted as his auditor and secre- Shaw. He succeeded the Most Rev. James H. Blenk, tary. Returning with Archbishop Chapelle to New who died 20 April, 1917. Archbishop Shaw was b. Orleans in 1904, Father Lorente became his secre- at Mobile, 16 December, 1863, ordained 20 May, tary for a few months until the Dominicans were 1888, elected titular bishop of Castabala 7 February, admitted to the diocese and Father Lorente was made

1910, consecrated 14 April following and made coadju- the pastor of St. Anthony's Church. Later he founded tor bishop of San Antonio, publisned 27 November, the new parish of St. Anthony in New Orleans and

1911, havine already on 11 March, 1911, succeedea the Dominican Seminary for Foreign Missions at the late Bishop John A. Forest. Xavier University Pontchatoula, to which he gave the name of Rosary- for the education of colored youth was opened in 1916, ville. Father Lorente was subsequently appointed and the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament of Comwells, vice-provincial for the Spanish Dominicans m Amer- Pa., were called to the archdiocese to assume char^. ica and died suddenly in August, 1915. Edward The buildings were purchased through the generosity Douglass White (q. v.), chief Justice of the United of Mother Katherine Drexel. The chapel-car, "St. States died in July 1921; also Hon. Frank McGloin Paul," for the use of the metropolitan see was blessed (q. v.), K.S.G., in September of the same year; and at Easter, 1915, and immediately entered upon 4ts his son-in-law Hon. James J. McLoughlin, K.S.G.. missionary labors in the archdiocese and the suffragan who had been prominent in State and city affairs and sees. In 1921 a drive was inaugurated whereby it was active in all church work in New Orleans.

hoped to raise the sum of $1,000,000 for the erection The Catholic population of the archdiocese is es-

of a major seminary for the archdiocese. The drive timated at 440,000 and is cosmopolitan in character,

opened on 8 January and closed on 20 January. It It comprises descendants of the original French

was under the personal direction of the Archbishop and Spanish settlers, descendants of Irish and

and the active chairmanship of the Very Rev. A. J. German immigrants^ negroes (natives and descen-

Bruening, the chancellor of the archdiocese. The dants of San Dommgo refugees, 1793), Italians,

drive closed with its purpose realized. Ground has Belgians, Dutch, Hungarians, Slavs, Syrians and

been purchased in New Orleans for the seminary site late Spanish iminigrants from Mexico and South

and it is hoped to have the seminary building ready America. According to the statistics of 1922 the

for occupancy by October, 1922. In February, 1922, archdiocese contained 119 parishes, 83 missions, 202

a diocesan svnod, the first held since the administra- churches, 2 monasteries for men, 3 for women, 1

tion of Archbishop Janssens (1888-1897), was held by abbey for men, 10 convents for men, 26 for women,

the Most Rev. Archbishop Shaw. The Hotel-Dieu, 122 secular priests, 151 regulars, 56 lay brothers,

an exclusively Catholic hospital in charge of the Sisters 397 nuns. 1091 sisters, 2 seminaries and 99 semina-

of Charity, was enlarged at a cost of $200,000 and a rians. Eaucational institutions in the archdiocese are:

department for incurables established through the gift 1 university, 150 professors, 900 students; 4 colleges

of $50,(X)0 from Mr. J. Burguidres, a Catholic lay- for men, 71 teachers, 1118 students; 1 college lor

man. Many new parishes have been erected since women, 9 teachers, 30 students; 7 high schools for