Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/552

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boys, 68 teacheiB, 1291 students; 11 high schools and the laws of the Father. We, therefore, believe and

academies for boys, 125 teachers, 1615 students; 1 teach that, when: the doctrine of Jesus and the Laws

normal school, 3 teachers, 11 students; 89 elementary of God are studied and followed in daily life, health,

(parochial) schools, 506 teachers, 25,000 pupils; 1 happiness, abundance, and healing of the sick follow

hi^ school for colored students (Xavier University); them that believe.' "

2 mdustrial schools, white and colored (the white Statement of Being, — 'There is One Presence, One school has 8 teachers, 44 students; the colored. 9 Intelligence, One Substance, One Life, the Good teachers, 89 students}; the Catholic Women's Club Omnipotent.

also conducts classes m industrial work. There is a "God is the name of the Everywhere Present

summer school connected with Loyola University Principle, in whom I live, move, and have my being.

with 30 teachers and 700 students. The missionary "In all, and through all, and above all, God

workers of the archdiocese are the St. Vincent de Paul Alm^ty.

Society and St. Margaret's Daughters among the "Iny name is Spirit. I know Thee as the One

Poor. The following charitable institutions have All-Se^ng Mind.

been established in the archdiocese: 5 homes, among "Thou art always with me as indwelling Wisdom

which is 1 for the aged colored poor conducted by the and Love.

Sisters of the Holy Family; 9 asylums (1010 orphans); "Thy law is now the Standard of my life, and I

3 hospitals; 1 refuge; 1 settlement house; 1 day nur- am at peace.

sery; 1 infant asylum (150 infants); 1 institute for deaf "I in Thee, and Thou in me."

mutes (100 inmates). Fifteen of the institutions The Lords Prayer. — In present tense: "Our

admit the ministry of priests. Eight institutions Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed is Thy name,

receive aid from the Citv of New Orleans. The Thy kingdom is come; Thy will is done on earth as

Catholic Women's Club nas been organized since it is in Heaven. Thou givest us each day our daily

1911 and six new circles were added to St. Margaret's bread. Thou forgivest us our debts as we for^ve

Dau^ters. The Catholic periodicals published in our debtors. Tliou leadest us not into temptation;

the Archdiocese are: the "Morning Star" and the but dost deliver us from all evil. For Thine is the

"Vineyard of the East." kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever and ever.

— ^^men."

New Pomerania, Vicariate Apostolic of The' foregoing may be considered as the official

(Novjs Pomeranla; cf . C. E., XI — 17c) in Oceania, tenets of the .Alliance. Their full meaning is made

is entrusted to the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart ot apparent by a study of New Thought books. Thus

Issoudin. Rt. Rev. Louis Coupp6, M.S.H., titular a creed is unpossible for followers of New Thou^t

Bishop of Leros, b. 26 August, 1850, consecrated vicar becatise "the term itself convevs the idea of a growinjg

Apostolic of New Pomerania, 9 October, 1890, still or developing thou^t. Wnen New Thought is

(1922) governs the vicariate. He resides at Heberts- molded and formed into a system it ceases to be

h5he (New Britain). According to 1920 statistics 'New* Thought. Truth is not susceptible of monop-

there are 38 missionary priests, 48 Brothers, 30 Sisters oly or being made into a system. ... It is the divine

of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, 31 principal stations, Wit of each individual to believe what he pleases."

130 substations, 26 churches or chapels. 116 schools This is to all intents and purposes the Modernist

with 4096 pupils, 13 orphanages, a Catnolic popula- doctrine of evolution of dogma, nolding that truth is

tion of 20,419, and 82 catechists. changeable, as opposed to the Catholic doctrine

that dogma is immutable, that truth is unchangeable.

New Tbonghtmay be defined as a philosophico- Yet New Thought does teach various "dogmas."

reUgious, pantheistic, pragmatist svstem of life Pantheism is the fundamental error, for this system

which seeks by deifying man to free him from sick- teaches the "Divinity of Man," ana that "man is a

ness, error, and ail other evils. microcosm of God.' Of our Lord it is said, "He

Doctrine. — Criticism. — New Thought is not an laid down his life for men — an expression that has no organized churoh; it is not, so its l^ers claim, a reference to his death." The Atonement of Christ fixed system of thought, philosophy or religion; it is rejected on the plea that, because God is omnipotent has no fixed creed or dogma ^ There is, however, a there is no need for intermediaries or for a vicarious loosely united central organization of teachers and atonement. Naturally, too, the doctrine of original leaders, which is known as the International New sin is rejected, for according to the New Thousht Thought Alliance^ from the publications of which, thesis of evolution man's "only fall was upwara." in conjunction with various works issued by New Hence also "all forms of orthodoxy implying emphasis Thoughtleaders, a summary of their teachings may be on man's sinfulness, and a future punishment" are gleaned. According to the Constitution and Bv- rejteted. New Thought essentiaUy claims to offer Laws of the Alliance, the purpose is: "To teach the a means of healing both sin and sickness and other Infinitude of the Supreme One; the Divinity of Man evils through a "rediscovery" of the method which and his Infinite Possibilities through the creative Jesus employed, which it daims not to have been power of constructive thinking; and. obedience to the miraculous at aill but within the reach of all "who voice of the Indwelling Presence, which is our source fully realize their oneness with God." This funda- of Inspiration, Power, Health, and Prosperity." mental idea is common to both New Thoufiit and Its motto is "Propaganda and Fellowship." The Christian Science (q. v.), for they are both develop- general character of the teaching is apparent from the ments from the teachings of Phineas Quimby. New following statements issued by the Washington head- Thought, however, unlike Christian Science, pro- quarters for use in Sunday service. "This organiza- claims the will andf faith (assurance, confidence, not tion has for its prime object the teaching of the theological faith) as factors in its healing methods, Christianity of Christ, and not the Christianitv of faith being described as "a spiritual force that has any sect; the doctrine of Jesus of Nazareth, without accomplished wonders. ... To believe that we are well theoloncal dogma. We believe that Jesus meant or that we are going to become so, excites a spiritual just what He said, and that evenrthing that He force within us that goes far towards making us so taught is not only true, but practical and practicable ... In the . . . healer it is a positive mental force, in daily life. Whenever He is said to have healed, in the patient a receptive mental state." Underly- we believe and teach that His cures were effected, not ing this New Thought doctrine of faith there is, of by miracle, or by violation of, or exception to, the course, the psychological truth of the power of sug- laws of his Heavenly Father, but in compliance with gestion. It is in lowering the works of Jesus to