Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/579

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new law permitted a three-quartere juiy verdict in of Merc]^, of the Good Shepherd, Sisters Adorers of civil cases; white slave traffic was made a felony; a the Pl^ecious Blood, Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus, Parole Board, Fish and Game Conmiission, and State Sisters of Mary of the Presentation, Benedictine Banldng Department were created. In the general Sisters, and Sisters of St. Francis. The archdiocese election of November, 1912. suffrage was extended to comprises 1 mitred abbot, 77 diocesan priests, 76 women and every citizen of twentv-one years of age regular priests. 66 churches with resident priests, and over, who shall have resided in the State during the 50 missions witn churches, about 100 mission stations, six montns preceding the election. In the same year, 18 chapels, 1 seminary of religious order with 47 the Supreme Court refuse to declare the initiative, students. 3 colleges and academies for boys with referendum and recall Act of 1910 uncorstitutional, 563 stuaents, 13 academies for girls, 46 parochial simply denied jurisdiction, saying that the question schools, 7300 pupils in Catholic schools, 3 orphan was political, not judicial. The law of 1913, pro- asylums caring for 405 orphans, 8 hospitals, 1 House viding |)ermanent registration of voters was declared of the Good Shepherd, 1 home for the aged, and 1 unconstitutional. A Workmen's Compersation Act Catholic young women's home. The Catholic was passed in 1913. According to the laws of 1915, population of the archdiocese is 60,000. . apphcants for a marriage license must file a physician's ^ _^ ,. t r^ -c* ^y certificate, made under oath ten days before the ^?'«^«' ^.oce.s= op (Aumensis; cf. C. E., XI- ceremony, stating that the male party is fit to marry. 295b), in Spain , is a suffragan of the Arohdiocese of Any physician makirg a false statement on the Cpmpostela. The present mcumbent, Rt. Rev. D. certificate required shall lose his license. Marriage Jlorencio Cwvmo Gonzales, was appointed to the see of a white person with a negro, Chinese, Kanaka, or 7 March, 1921, as successor to Rt. Rev. Eustachio Indian is forbidden . It is a criminal offense to take a Hundam y Esteban, who filled the see from 14 No- girl under sixteen years of age against the will of her member. 1904, until his promotiwi to the Archdiocese parents t)r guardian, for the purpose of marriage, of Seville, 16 December, 1920. By 1920 statistics the In 1916 the manufacture and sale of liquor was pro- Catholic population of the diocese numbers 363,000, hibited, and the importation of intoxicants into practically all the mhabitante of this terntory. In the state forbidden . An amendment went into effect, 1921 there were 682 parishes, 682 churches, 12 monas- removing from the constitution a clause denying the tenes for nien with 86 rehgjous, 12 monastenes for suffrage to negroes, mulattoes, and Chinese. The women with 180 sisters, 882 secular prieste and 147 Sunday closir g laws of the State, which had been on regulars, 20 Brpthera and 1 semmwy. The Catholic the statute books for many years without an effort mstitutions mclude 1 normal school, 6 homes, 4 asy- being made to enforce them, were repealed in 1916. lums, 3 hospitals, 8 rouges, 2 lay charitable centres The Act of Repeal was proposed by initiative petition and 1 day nursery. There are many spcietiw oraan- in July and approved by a majority of votes in the i^ed among both clergy and laity, and two Catholic November election. In 1917 a Poor Man's Court periodicals are published.

was created; provisions were made for the commit- organ, Nellie, better known as Little Nellie

ment and care of the feeble-minded, insane and ^^ h^^y God, b. In Waterford, Ireland, 24 August,

criminally inclined pereons were provided for: pa- jg^g ^ ^y^^^ 2 February, 1908. This saintly child

rental schwls for disciphne and instruction of habitual ^^ ^j^^ daughter of humble Catholic parents whose

truants, absente^, and school offenders, and county ^^ inheritance was a sterling Irish faith. The

tuberculosis sanitanums, and hospitals were estab- y^^gest of four children, Nellie was not four years

lished. In order to stimulate the return of dis- Jj^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ died and she, with her sister,

charged soldiers and sailors to colleges and uni- ^^ ,^^ -^ ^^le Industrial School of the Sisters of

vereities, the Legislature permitted the payment of ^j^^ g^^ Shepherd, at Sunday's Well in 1907. It $26.00 a month dunng eiglit months a yc»r for four ^^^ discovereJi that she was suffering from

years to any veteran of the European IVar More phthisis and curvature of the spine. As her frail

recent laws allow the widow to take an undivided fj^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^ her heart and soul opened

third of land in lieu of a dower. Immoral pictures, ^ ^^e love of God and the illumination of His grace

printed or ^ttennaatter articles or mstrumen^^ in an extraordinary degree. She had a wonderful

!orbidden. The Federal Suffrage Act wwre^^ intuition concerning the Real Presence, and her

12 January, 1919; the Prohibition Act three days progress in religious knowledge and growth in holiness

^*^^T ?^"2f *^® F^^P^^i JX^ ^^f^ ^""^ '".^ were most remarkable. She livecT continuously in

the United States Army 30,116 men (.8 per cent), the presence of "Holy God," and her hunger to receive

The Oregon menabers of the national wrny joined the jjj,^ ^^ jjoly Communion was so great that the

91st Division at Camp Lewis, Washington. The ^^ ^^ ^^^ permitted her to make her First

summary of casualties of the Orep)n members of the ck>mmunion, a pemission more unusual then, before

Amencan E«)editionary Force is as follows: de- ^he promul^tion of the decree of Pope Pius X in

ceased, 29 officers. 483 men; prisoners, 29 officers, j^^^JT ^^ ^ communion, than now. During the

430 men; wounded, 63 officers, 991 men. remaining months of her life her patience in suffering



m _^

from the see of Vancouver 12 Febniary, 1899. Born sh^w^^burieri^ttirpubU^^ J^ph

m Vermont in 1848, Archbishop Christie made his ^ere her grave became a shrine, at which, it was

studies m St. Paul, Mmnesota, and waaordame^ rumored, many found peace and consolation. A

^^^"^^i} ^^^\ ?2oQ ^PJK""^. ^"^^""^ ""^ \^.°" year anci a half after her death her body was trans-

couver, 22 March, 1898. . The religious communities f^^^ ^ ^^e Convent Cemetery at Sunday's Well.

no^ in the archdiocese mchide: men, Benedictmes. ^^ ^^e disinterment her remains were found to be

Capuchms, Dominicans, Franciscans, Fathersand j^^^, ^^e fingers quite flexible, and her clothing

Brothers of the Congregation of the Holy Cross, ^^^^^ ^ j^ ^^ ^.^^he day of her death.

Jesuit Fathers, Paulists, Redemptonste, Servites, -^ Enrrn Donovan.

Society of the Divine Saviour and Brothers of the

Christian Schools; women; Sisters of the Holy Names Orla (or Umtana), Diocese op (Umtan^nms;

of Jesus and Mary, Sisters of Charity of Providence, cf. C. E., XI— 302a), in the province of Lecce,