Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/582

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has 56 parishes, 260 secular priests, 100 seminarians commercial course, collegiate course, arts, including

and 325 churches or chapels. a philosophical course, and a theoloncal course. The

^ ^ ,^ , <r» ^ Government Museum, Dominion Observatory and

xtt^JSTx' Archdiocese of (Ottawiensis; cf. C E., Parliament Library offer the faculty and students

.'i?^^' ^ t^l compnses three counties unusual opportunities for reference work, and occa-

of the Province of Quebec and four of the Provmce gional attendance at the debates of the Dominion

of Ontario. In 1913 the northern portion was erected Parliament enables them to become familiar with

into a new diocese with the see m Mont Launer, political contests. The principal organizations

Quebec, and in 1915 the portion included in the vicar- formed among the students consist of ^glish and

late apostolic of Teniiskammg was erected mto the French debatmg societies, an orchestra, band, and

??i2f,®?®?^^^®y^??,-.?^?^^^*,^^^?^*??5H? athletic association. Numerous scholarships have (1921) show a total Cathohc population of 143,000, been founded. For the year 1921-22, 843 students comprismg 108,000 F^nch, 32 000 English and 3000 ^ere registered in the university under a staff of 62 Itabans and Ruthenians. Archbishop Charles Hugh professors. His Grace, the Archbishop of Ottawa is Gauthier, bom at Alexandria, Ontano , 1843, ordamed Apostolic ChanceUor of the Univereity , and the pres- 1867, was appointed archbishop of Kmgston 29 July, ent rector is Rev. F. X. Marcotte, 6. M. I., D.D. 1898, and transferred to the see of Ottawa 6 Septem- ber, 1910. He died 19 January, 1922, and the see is Qviedo, Diocbbb of (Ovbtensis; cf . C. E., XI- now vacant. - ^ a- a 363c), in Spain, is suffragan of the Arohdiooeae of

This archdiocese lost three promment and mfluen- Compostela. Bishop Baatan y Umiza, who had filled

Ual members through the d^ths of Rev. A. L. this see since 1904, was transferred to the titular see

5*^^ V^""^ iSon I- w^k"^? Jesus and Mary^ ^^ Nilopolis 18 October, 1920. The present incumbent

d..26 February, 1920^^^^^^^ r^. rSv. Juan Bauti'sta P6rez, born in Buriana,

mier of Canada (1896-1911), d. 17 January, 1919; g ^ ^gy. ordained in 1896, served as professor iiJ

and Lady Launer, d. 12 November, 1921. . ^f^ seininanes of Tarragona and Murcia, founder and

Bishop Gauthier was responsible for the mtroduc- ^^^^^ ^^ ^j.^ CathoUc journal "La Verdad/' made

tion of ^e Sisters of Joan of Arc and the founding of ^^ ^^ ^^ 1909, appointed titular Bwhop of

theu-mstitute for yotmgworkmg girls, in 191^ Other Doryl^um and auxiliary at Toledo, 22 Febniry,

rehgious ordera estabbshed m the capital, are: men, ^^^^ ^^ transferred in 1921. In 1918 the twelfth

Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Domimcans, Cap- centenary of the battle of Covadonga was celebrated

uchins. Fathers of the Comiwiny of Mag^, Redemp- ^^ ^j^^ ^^ne of Our Lady was canonicaUy crowned in

tonsts. Fathers of the Holy Ghost and Senate Fath- ^^ presence of the royal famUy, Cardinal GuisasoU

ers; women, Grev Nuns, Sisters of the Precious Blood, Mendndez Archbishop of Toledo and other hiffh

Sisters of the Holy Family. Sisteraof the Saci^ Heart dignitaries of the church: €n 1920 the Catholic po^

of Jmus, Sisters of ^yidence, Dommican Sistersof j^g^^ of this diocese numbered 776,347, and by 1921

^e Congr^tion of Notre Dame Sisters of the Good statistics there are- 969 parishes, 3421 churehes, 28

Shepherd, Sisters of Mercy and Sisters of the Visita- convents of men and 92 of womek, 1323 secular and

tion. - - . - -

The diocese includes:

missions, 4 monasteries ^^^^

secular and 165 regular priests, 101 Brothers, 1315 ii^uJi^rThere IsrUtuJ'b^efirs^l^t^^^

?S!f"' ^ ^"^"^^^'3 seminarians, 1 umversity (see J^ ^^^ ^j ^ ^^^be, of societies among the

"^^^^2^^^^^^^^^^ laity.lndCath^l. periodicals are published."*

mies, and 1 normal school with 15 teachers. The ele- ^. , -^ .^ # ^ « »»

mentary schools have a total attendance of about ^^^ . Diocbsk of (Octeriensis; cf. C. E., II

30,000. Among the charitable institutions are 6;^^^5/' ^ Sardinia, Italv, suffragim of Sas»n.

asylums, 4 hospitals, 2 homes and 1 nursery. The This diocew was formerly knoTO as Bisarehio, but

t^es paid by the Catholics are sufficient to support ^ ^^ episcopal seat at Ozieri; by a decree of 12

the CathoUc elementary schools. St. Joseph's Eccle, S®^^*'^' ^?}^* ^^ ^^^^ w^. ^,^5^?^, *? 2"^"

siastical Fund is established for sick or infon clergy-?*;«^^-A'i'PP?l ^imT' »?P^^*®^ ^ ^ ^ee m

and the CathoUc Association for Young Canadians, J?96, d. 4 March, 1914, and was succeeded by Rt.

various societies of CathoUc workmen, and the St. J^^' parmelo Cesarano^ appointed 8 April, 1915.


' comprises a Catholic population of 50,000, 26 par- Ottawa, UNiVERsnr OP (cf. C. E., 352d)» ishes, 110 churches, 65 secular clergy, 1 seminary conducted by the Oblate Fathers of Mary Immae- and 60 seminarians, 1 home for the aged, 10 asylums, olate, in Ottawa, Canada. Raised to the rank of a 1 hospital and 1 refuge. Societies are ominisea CathoUc University in 1889, this institution offers among the clergy and laity, and various CathoUc paraUel courses in English and French, comprising a papers are circulated in the diocese.