Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/657

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Laja, 30 December, 1911, consecrated 26 May, 1912, Milford Haven, affiliated with the former. The

trajisferred to the Diocese of Riobamba 21 August, fqrmer were a foundation in 1898, directed by

1919, to succeed Bishop Ulpieno Perez y Quinones Aelred Carlyle, under the special sanction of Arch-

(b. 4 August, 1863; d. 27 December, 1918). Statistics bishop Temple, to revive the strict rule of St.

for 1921 give: 37 parishes, 44 chiurches, 1 mission in Benedict. The community began in the Isle of

Maoos, 1 monastery for women, 3 convents for men, Dogs, moved later to Painsthorpe, and finally to

7 convents for women, 10 Christian Brothers, 19 Caldey. The nuns were original^ the Con\munity

Sisters, 11 seminarians at the Seminary of Mayor de of St. Mary and St. Scholastica, founded by Father

Quito, 3 colleges for men with 260 students, 6 for Ignatius in 1868 to observe the strict rule of St.

women with 40 teachers and 700 students, 1 normal Benedict. They separated from his community

school, 80 elementary schools, 2 asylums, 2 hospitals, later, moved in 1893 to Mailing Abbey and in

2 chantable centres. One Catholic periodical is pub- iQn, to St. Bride's Abbey, Milford Haven, after

lished. The fiftieth anniversary of the diocese was having in 1907 become affiliated with the Caldey

celebrated in 1915, and the Basihca of the Immaculate island Benedictines. The founder of the Caldey

Conception of Jesus was consecrated in the same year, community, Dom Aeh-ed Carlyle, 05B., was 10

On 11 November, 1920, the centenary of the mde- Aug., 1914, appointed bv the Holy See the first

pendenoe of Riobamba was celebrated. ablx)tt of the new Catholic community.

RipatraiiBone, Diocese op (Ripanbnbis: cf. ^ I^Pite what Catholics may co^ider Cat^^^

C. E . XIII-^2dh in the Province^f Ascoii-Pi'ceno, tendencies m Anghcamsm there is a decidedly

Centrkl Italy, sdiragan of Fermo. The present .^^??„,^;f,7^°Lv T'ihl'vn^.^^r^u^^

bishop is Rt. kev. Lm^Boschi, b. 1853, appointed S^^^^^^ ^^^^a"^, ^^^a ^?8^*«^ ^^"^"vL. aT

bishops May, 1902, Tminated administrator apoa- The Kikuyu mcident. and its. outcome (see An-

toUc of Montolto 25 July, 1910. There are (19221^ oucanism), and vapous decisions almost mu-

the diocese: 15 parishes, 70 churches, 66 secular and 6 i^"?2L^*'°?J the High Church party, show this,

regular priests, 2 convent* for men, 2 for women,20 ^ 1909, m the case of the Bishop of Oxford v.

Sisters,! seminary with 28 seminarians, 3 colleges for Henly, the reservation of the blessed sacrament

women, 1 normal school, 12 elementary schools, 1 ^^^ ^^ service of benediction were held unlawful,

orphanage for girls, 6 asylums for children, 6 hospitals, ^^ ^^ defendant who did not appear was de-

and a Catholic popukUon of 43,000 souls. The Pop- g"ved. Agam m the Open Letter of the Bishop of

ular Union is organised among the laity. Zanzibar regarding the Kikuyu Conference there

is cited the case of Dr. Langford James, who was Bitualists.— The influence of the Ritualists in inhibited from ministering in the diocese of St. Anglican church life is evident in many ways in Albans (the very diocese to which the editor of recent years. Numerous wayside shrines or "Cal- "Foundations" was attached), because "he had varies," instead of the bronze tablets in the vesti- invoked our Lady and two other saints." Further- bules, are found today in England, to commemorate more tiie bishop announced his refusal both of the fallen soldiers, while occasionally prayers are ordination and jurisdiction to any who practice offered for the dead. In religious communities these invocations." Finally the greatest weight be- particularly are found doctrine and practice dif- hind the movement to revise the Book of Common ficult to di«ti"gin«b from the true Cathohc de- Prayer (q. v.) is probably that of those who wish posit: masses are said for the repose of the souls so to word the Ornaments Rubric and other pa»- of the dead; the saints are invoked and honored sages that in no way can it be held that there is any and relics venerated; the Blessed Virgin is to be official Anglican sanction for such Catholic practices worshipped with hyperdulia and belief is incul- as those mentioned in this article. The conclusion cated in her Assumption and Immaculate Concep- seems inevitable that whatever may be the senti- tion; the Sacrament is reserved in chapel for the ments and private beliefs of many good Anglicans adoration of the religious, and in 1916, 1000 min- in the "Catholic" party today, the almost uniform isters petitioned that reservation for adoration by trend of official decision is against them and on the the people be le^lized. The growth of religious side of the Low Church or "Protestant" party.

Ufe itself is significant: since the Oxford move- BRirrmN. Ntgleeted Atpect of Anolican CorUinuUv in DuUtn

ment about thirty-five Anglican sisterhoods have ?f*«^' ^kr^J^I®J?i;o?*'A?*2.'^* ^f!^,^'^.^^ Anoiieanism,

been founded in Engkmd among wluch axe found ^i^i;^^?9».»l?i2&fcix^?ii (.1?f,.^«Sl«n?S

such titles as the Sisterhood of St. Mary the Cromx, Dtehonaru, of EnolUh Church History, a.w. (London,

Virgin," the "Community of the Blessed Virgin l?i?/ii^*^°,'^ ?*^i <»»«•• •^^k; 5"'^*'^

M^r that of the "Holy Name of Jesus," and in ^'^ ^"*^' "'^ ^^"^ ^^"^^'^^ "^^^L* ^^2^,«f^t^

1907 there was founded at Cowley, Oxford, an G"«^ Shaughnbssy.

«.ut: x^ivwuiu^ijr ux x.xifti«u v.uui«i xjum^^.j. uu^*^ Has 62 panshcs. Ill churchcs with resident prfcsts, 42

were more women m (Aiudican) religious orders ^^j^^ ^^^ churches, 19 chapels, 218 secSlar and 6

in Englimd in 1912 than at Oie tune of th^^ regular priests, 1 theological ^liinary for secular

sion under Henry VIH; ^is work claims 1300 p,?e8ts with 208 seminarians, 1 preparatory sem-

Sisters in 1912 and places the number at the sup- fnary with 107 seminarians, 2 academies, 3 high

pression as 745; Gasquet (Hennr VIII and the schools with 1524 students, 3 orphan asyliims with

English Monasteries p. 360), hsts 1560 nuns at 480 inmates, 1 home for the aged with 169 inmates,

that penod; naturally we must admit a notable 4 hospitals, and a Catholic population of 186,876!

increase of rehgious m the Anghcan Church, but The diocese is under the admimstration of Rt. Rev

in comparmg the present state to that at the time Thomas Francis Hickey, D.D., b. at Rochester, New

of Henry VIII we must not forget the vast dif- York, 4 February, 1861, ordained 26 March, 1884

ference in population at the two periods specified. vicar general and rector of the Cathedral of Rochester!

A significant event in Anglican reli^ous circles appointed titular Bishop of Berenice and coadjutor

was the submission to Rome m a body m February, to the Bishop of Rochester, 18 February, 1905, con-

1913, of the Anglican Benedictine monks of Caldey secrated 24 May following, succeeded to the see 18

Island, and the community of nuns at St. Bride's January, 1909, upon the death of Bishop McQuaid.