Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/659

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Bosean (or Charlottbtown), Diocese of era at Dietenheim. In 1921 the following orders and (RosBNENsis; cf. C. £., XIII — 191b), Island of congregations of women had establishments in the Dominica, British Antilles, is suffragan of Port-of- diocese; Congregation of the Third Order of St. Spain. Rt. Rev. Philip Schelfhaut having died 22 Francis at Bonlanden, 150 Sisters, 2 branch houses; May, 1921, the see is still (1922) vacant. There are Sisters of St. Francis from Heiligenbronn, 228 Sisters, in the diocese 17 parishes, 24 churches, 9 chapels, 3 branch houses; School Sisters of Our Ladv with a 19 priests. 39,600 Catholica, 4 convents for women, mother-house at Ravensburg, 50 Sisten and a house 3 high scnools with 13 teachers and 160 pupils ^ 6 at Wurzach^ 30 Sistera; Sisters of the Third Order elementary schools with 24 teachers and 1200 pupils, of St. Francis from Reute, 1136 Sisters. 182 branches, There are charitable institutionsbut not under Catholic and at Siessen 480 pisters, 34 branch nouses; Sisten 'control. The ministry of priests is admitted in of Mercy of St. Vincent de Paul at Untermarchtal, public institutions. A grant is given to some of the 1680 Sisters of Charity ^ 215 branch houses; Con- parochial schools, but the three convent high schools gregation of the Salesians at Obermarchtal, 16 receive nothing from the Government. The Ek> Sistera: branch-house of the Sistera of the Holv desiastical Bulletin of Roseau (monthly), and the Cross from Strasburg in Donzdorf, 14 sisters: branch "Dominica Chronicle" (twice a week) are published house of the Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of in the diocese. Mgr. P. Sivienne after laboring for Jesus of Vienna in Kirchheim (16 Sistera). branch of forty-nine yeara as secular priest, died in 1912; the Sistera of Charity of the Holy Cross oi Strasburg Gustave S. Delisle, a man remarkable for his devoted- at Donzdorf (14 Sistera); branch of the Servants of the ness to church and religion, died in October, 1918. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus of Vienna at Kirchenheim On 1 April, 1917, the Danish Islands were transferred (3 Sistera).

to the United States. In 1919 the Redemptorist In 1921 the diocese had the following institutions:

Fathera extended their mission work outsiae the 208 day nurseries, 216 needlework schools, 8 cooking

diocese of Roseau to St. Lucia, Guadeloupe, and as schools, 3 asylums, 4 asylums for children, 4 reforma-

far as Haiti. There is great enthusiasm evenrwhere tories, 8 homes for girls, 3 homes for working girls,

for the missions. During the World War 170 Catholic 27 hospitals, 1 home for the aged, 1 institution for

men enlisted for active service, of whom 10 fell on the blind, 2 institutions for the deaf and dumb

the battlefield. The clergy, in co-operation with the 3 for idiots, 3 for the insane, 1 for incurables, 2 for

laitv, endeavored to raise several thousands of epileptics, 4 houses of retreat, 4 sanitoriums. For

dolfare, which amount was sent to the British Red the priests the following associations have been es-

Cross especially, also to the French and Belgian Red tabhshed: Association for the support of sick priests.

Cross. Marian Congregation of Priests, Unio Apostolica,

Unio Cleri pro missionibus, Association for Priestly

Sosenau, Diocese of. See Roznava. Perseverance, Association of the Eucharistic Leajgue.

i>#w». T^,^^ «« ^« /o ^ . e r* T* VTTT The laity have established the following associations:

on^i?'?^^!L^Ite^'^' ^^' ?rpL^"i"^ 95 boys'^and young Mens' Association, 60 Marian

201d)7m Ireland, includes a_part_of _Cork and is n>,„«iaiLfinn/fnr vn,m.r wnmpn 99n Vnntiir Wom^ni.'

«„C17;o oo X:.. "«i^;-f TJ^ J^;**«- 4. i: *^,»'""'" *"" Thml Order of St. Francis with 18,600 membera.

^^^^Vi ^Sr^a^'^.h^^^ ^ ?S?" I>"™g the war 110 priests were employed in caring

Z^bdJ^^vloJ^^^^^ ^ ^P'h Tt® ^«r the S)ldiera m the following capacities; 32 were

df^^ organized m the active at the front, 31 were stitioned at ^b-head-

oiocese. quartera and in field hospitals, 47 were employed in

Bottenbnrg, Diocese of (Rottenburgensis; cf. sanitary service. Several hundred sistera of various

C. E. , XIII— 207) , includes Wurtemburg and is suf- ^"table ordera were also active m sanitary service,

fragan of Frieburg im Breisgau. The diocese is divided 7^^J*^J^^ mcumbent of the diocese of Rottenburg

into 715 parishes, 146 chapEincies, 19 mission stations S *^®j a ^^' ^^^ Y^^^\^J!^<.^^ F^^&h a* **

and 122 vicariates; there are 1158 active and 102 VS?"°°' Swabia, 28 Sept., 1852. ordained, 2 Aup.,

pensioned secular clergy, and 771,811 Catholics. i?75, prof^sor of Exegesis and Scni>ture at Til-

After the abdication of the King in 1918, the bishop ^^9^^ ^^» and of moral theology m 1889, also

demanded the provisional government to re-admit the If>™f (^ . Sf ^^l^^ theology at Freiburg m 1894,

Franciscans at Weggental, to reinstall the Redemp- elected bishop of Rottenburg 11 Nov., 1898, con-

torists m the former house of the Jesuits on the S^"?.*?^ J^^"*' 18^, made a prelate asistant to the

Schonberg, near Ellwangen and the Recollecte in the *^ontifical Throne, 28 Apnl, 1918.

old abbey of Wein^rten. At a meeting of the coun- Bonen, Archdiocese op (Rothomagenbib; cf .

cil of the provisional government, held 23 Dec., C. E., XIII— 208d), includes the Department of

1918, it was unanimously voted to permit the return Seine-Inferieure, France. The arehdiocese is gov-

of the religious ordera of men who had been banished emed by Most Rev. Andre du Bois ^e la Viller5>el,

since the Secularization Act in 1803. There are now who also beara the title of Primate of Normandy, b.

in the diocese the following ordera of men: Benedic- 28 June, 1864, of a very old family of the diocese of

tines at Nercsheim, 16 priests, 16 Brothera, 8 novices; St. Brieuc, ordained in 1887, director of the Semaine

and branches of the following ordera who have houses Religieuse from 1891-1902, vicar-general in 1906,

outside of the diocese: Franciscans at Weggental appointed Bishop of Amiens 1 June, 1915, conse-

Society of the Divme Savior (Salvatorians) at 1921, Mgr. Villerabel took possession of the old

Wurzach, 3 prieste; Oblates of the Immaculate Con- episcopal palace of his predecessora. Statistics fbr

ceptionatAufhofen,4prieste,2Brothera;scholasticate 1920 report: 63 curacies, 599 succursal parishes, 53

of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart at Schrez- vicariates, 30 vicariate chapels, 17 communal chap-

heim,l priest, 2 Brothera; Pallotini Fathera at els, and 2 parish chapels. On 16 October, 1921, took

GmOnd; Capuchins at Laudenbach, Christian Broth- place the celebration of the erection of Notre Dame