Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/670

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suffragan of Bordeaux, but is now directlv dependent was Domr^my, was canonized 13 May, 1920, in St.

on the Holy See . The present bishop is Mar . Georees- Peter's at Rome . The diocese comprises 388 parishes ,

Marie de la Bonni6re de Beaumont, U. S. op., 465 churches, 1 monastery and 5 convents of women,

b. at Idron, diocese of Bi^onne, 12 December, 481 secular priests, 2 seminaries, 152 seminarians, 1

1872, studied at the French Seminary in Rome, or- free college for boys and 7 for f iris, 10 free elementary

dained there 1897, volunteer chaplain^ 65th Division, schools for boys and 30 for girls, 1 mission institute

Infantry, 1914, then chaplain- m-chief, 16th Aimy with 4 secular priests, 3 orphanages^ 8 hospitals.

Corps until August^ ^^^^i ^^^^ titular Bishop Priests are admitted to minister in a prison, a lyoeum

of Paphos and coadjutor oi Saint Denis 22 March, and 4 colleges. Two journals are printed, besides

1917, consecrated at Pau 14 October, and sailed for numerous parish bulletins and "va aemaine rdigeuse,"

Reunion. He succeeded Mgr. Fabre^ 26 December. The CathoUc population numbers about 400,000 of

1919. M^. de Beaumont was cited m the orders oi the 429,800 inhabitants.

the Army m 1916 for "courage and abnegation under ^ _ ^ ^ , «. ..

intense fire" and was awaited the craix de guerre Saint EUiabeth, College op, at Convent Station.

avec ^taile d' argent. His predecessor, Mgr. Jacques- New Jersey, in 1921 had a faculty of 34, classified

Paul Antonin Fabre, was bom in Ntmes (Gard) 16 as follows: diocesan clerey, 1; reliffious, 26: lay, 7.

October, 1837, ordained 1863, chaplain in the war The registration of students was 170, of whom 22

of 1870, named Bishop of St. Denis 1892, arrived were graduated. Sister Mary Paulme Kelligherk,

there June, 1893, left for France May^ 1915, and died LLD., w president of the college.

lih^^^^AJ!^fl?\niJ^ i!ifj Saint-Flour, Diocese of (Sancw Flori, cf . C. E. .

b^'S rd\urr^iL' ^l^S^^^^ ^'n'^^i;°^^of &^

great trouble at Saint Denis in 1919, as many as Sl^?f ^fMo? S^rf^i^in^]^; h^ K^

20,000 mhabitants. All the pnests called to the jg^Q ordiined 1872, elected Bishop of Saint-ftour

i^^ii'^^h^th^^^y^^i^. 13 iuly, 1906, consecrated at R^uen 3 August,

orated with the crow cfe^ufTTe. A very large propor- enthroned 24 August. The diocese contains many

n^^te;i!lL?^"fl*^^^^ "^Th^^Sn^ifS^ «»^^ to which tlSusands of Catholics make pit

c^r^'in'SSI^te^^^^ EXToS^ic^t^knllL'^^^^^^^

mpn «^H \q ?5^^m'.n^?^^^ eJteri^ Visit this sh^e esx^h year. In 1921* the

SSLff 1/L R^twi' ?^^«1^ 1 lilnltr^? ClSroh of Notre Dame des Miracles in Mauriac

L^n^'nin. f WaT^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^d iute a minor basilica. In the diocese

senunju^M, 1 high schc^^^ 14 prof^ors ajid 180 ^^^ ^^ 3^4 parishes; 8 monasteries of women (2

&iS' ^^f^^T^'Lf^?'^' 1^^ mstructors and Carmelites, 2 Visitation, 1 Infant Jesus, 1 Notre

™S^Son'a \^n^ihl\^/^^^^n nX^^i ^ame, 1 St. Joseph, 1 Holy Family), and 48 convente

nJffiS^^H T)fi^^o^.r^^^^^ w JX (nf?r ^^^ a total of 600 Sist^; 486 s^ular priests, 50

?n^in« tJ rX^tr^^^^^ nnm>^L iIi^7q" BrotheK, 1 Upper seminary' with 45 semlnarianiB, 1

S^SSf • I, Cathohc population numbers 171,979, j^^^^ ^-^ 60,Tcolleges for boys with 550 students

au Jj-rencn. ^^ 4 ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^ normal school, 70 elemen-

Salnt-DW. Diocese op (Sancti Deodati; twry schools, 6 asylums, 23 hospitals, 1 refuge, 2

cf, C. E., XIII— 344d), comprises the department of cr^J?^, assocwtion of Catholic youth, 3 papers

the Vosgee, France, and is suffragan ofBesancon. published m Samt-Flour, 4 m Aunllac . and 1 m

The episcopal city was occupied August-September, Mauna^. The population of the diocese is 223,000,

1914, by German troops and part of the diocese was nearly all Catholic.

laid waste and occupied (191^18), by the invaders. ssAnt Francis Xavler, Brothers of. See Xavbr-

The present bishop is Mgr. Alphonse Gabriel Fou- ^j^ Brothers cault, b. at Senoches ^ure-et-Loire), 24 March,

1843, named Bishop of Saint-Di6 3 January, 1893, gaint Gabriel, Brothers of (cf. C. E., VI— 330c).

_ . _ _ religious training

1919, was presented with the silver medal of souvenir enforced retarding of progress are now beginning to fran^ais, celebrated his sacerdotal (fifty years) and prosper. During the World War (1914-18) 200 episcopal jubilee, upon which occasion he received the members of the institute gave proof of their patriot- personal privQege of the pallium. ism on many battlefields, and 25 of them sacrificed During the war 240 of the 525 prieste of the diocese their lives for their country. The government were mobilized, 44 of the 48 seminarians in the upper awarded well-merited decorations to many and of- seminaiy in 1914 and 17 of the 25 there from 1915 to ficially acknowledged that all the religious nad nobly 1918. Of this number 10 prieste were killed on the fulfilled their duty. During this trying period, as battlefield, 5 died in the army, 3 were shot by the well as during the difficulties of the persecution of enemy, 1 was killed by bombardment, 8 seminarians 1903, the institute was wisely governed oy the present were killed and 2 died; 11 were severely wounded; superior general, Rev. Brother Martial, b. at Tauves, 28 were decorated (7 with the Legion of Honor, 8 with Puy de Ddme, 11 June, 1850, entered the con^;iecpa- the nUdaiUe militaire^ 1 with the Order of St. (jeorse tion, 6 Oct., 1864, was successively professor m Sie (En^ish), 1 with the Order of St. George (Russian), boarding-school at the mother-house, master of 1 with the Cross of Rumania, 1 with the croix de novices, assistant general, elected superior at the guerre helge, 6 with the midaille desepuiemies, 2 with chapter of 1898, and since re-elected. His generous the Midaille argent du souvenir fran^ais, more than activity has encouraged the spirit of holiness, feaming, 50 with the croix de guerre. There were 129 citations, and zeal among the Brothers, spread the work of the Thirty-four prieste were taken as hostages. There institute throughout many paian countries, and saved are two minor basilicas in the diocese, that of St. it from destruction during the persecutions of 1903. Peter Fourier at Mattainoourt and that of St. Joan On 19 February, 1910, the constitutions of the order of Arc at Domr^my. St. Joan of Are,whose birthplace were temporarily approved by the Holy See. Having