Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/744

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1917; Sister M. Baptista, died 16 February, 1921; Indian Missions, St. Francis and Holy Rosaiyybotb and Sister M. Joseph, died 7 Apnl, 1921. The in South Dakota, care for 555 children. These present .superior of the community is Mother M. Missions were foutided in 1886 and 1888 respectively. Teresa, elected 1918 and re-elected 1921. The In Nebraska the Sisters have academies m O'Neill community numbers 74 professed Sisters and 21 and Alliance. They have three hospitals in the West: novices the Sacred Heart Hospital in Havre, Mont.; St. LUUeFrancUcan Sisters of Mary, — ^This community, Joseph's Hospital in Minot, North Dakota., and founded at Worcester, Mass., has its mother-house at St. Joseph's Hospital in Alliance, Neb. They have Baie-St.-Paul. Canada. It is i^iated by a diploma parochial schools in Los Anseles, Cal.; Sacramento, dated 7 October, 1904, to the Grand Order of the Cal.: Portland, Ore.; Spokane, Uniontown, ana Seraphic St. Francis of Assisi, and received its decree Cowlitz, Wash.; Denver, Col.; and Havre, Mont, of canonical erection 25 December, 1914, on the In 1921 the Grace Day Nursery was opened in Sacra- twenty-fifth anniversary of its foundation. The mento, Cal. The total nimnber of Sisters working three following foundresses successively governed in the United States (1922), is 446, including 394 the institute: Mother Mary Joseph (1889-93), professed religious^ 31 novices, and 11 postulants. Mother Mary Ann of Jesus (1893-1908), and Mother In their 4 academies, 21 parochial schools, 2 Indian Mary Dommic (190^20). The present superior Missions, 3 hospitals, orfmanage. foundling asylum, general is Mother Mary Clare of Assisi. The pos- day nursery, and 2 homes for working girls, they care tulate for candidates lasts one year, and the novitiate for 12,189 seculars.

lasts also a year; then the novices are admitted to ^ The conQ:egation throughout the world is divided

annual vows which they renew for four years, after into 6 provinces, with a total of 128 convents, more

which they make perpetual vows. To conform than 45,000 souls being confided to the care of the

with the C!anonical Code the constitutions were sub- Sisters, who number 2859 professed religious, 272

jected to slight changes, viz.: facility to extend the novices, and 119 postulants, a total of 3250 members,

term of the postulate, novitiate, and temporary Statistics for each province are (1920) as follows:

vows; also to anticipate the renewal of said vows in Holland, 717 professed, 65 novices, 18 postulants,

cases where it woida be impossible for the missionary 28 convents; (jfermany, 1240 professed. 150 novices,

Sisters to renew them on date of expiration; while on 70 postulants, 41 convents: India. 146 professed, 6

the other hand, the Sisters who are to make their per- novices, 6 convents; Brazil , 350 professed, 24 novices,

petual vows must have a dispensation if it is impos- 17 postulants, 23 convents; North America, 386

sible for them to be at the mother-house for canoni- professed. 27 novices, 14 postulants, 27 convents;

cal examination on or before thirty days previous to Africa, 20 professed, and 3 convents, date of making their vows. The institute has at Franciscan Sisters of the Perpetual Adoration, —

§ resent 17 houses, of which 9 are in the United States. This community, with mother-nouse at St. Rose evenof these are schools at: Marinette. Wis. (1901), Convent. La Crosse, Wisconsin, now numbers 601 190pupil8;Aubum, Me. (1904), 539 pupils; Fort Kent, professea Sisters, 32 novices, and 37 postulants. Me. (1906) , 580 pupils (also a boajdmg school for girls They have at present 14 foundations and are in charge with 55 and one boys' with 49); Menominee, Mich, of 3 hospitals caring for 6412 patients in 1920, 1 (1907), 179 pupils; Marquette, Mich.. (1911), 191 orphanage with 212 orphans, 2 academies, 78 paro- pupils: Eagle Lake, Me. (1916) . 260 pupils; Wallagras, chud schools with 11 ,039 pupils, and 1 Indian scnool. Me. (founded 1898, closed 1913, reopened 1920), Thepresentsuperior general is Mother M. Ludovica. 122 pupils; total number of pupils, 2061. The PoorSistersof St. Francis of the Perpetual AdoraHon, Sistero have a home for the agea and abandoned of — ^These Sisters, with mother-house at Olpe, Germany, both sexes at Worcester, Mass., with 156 inmates, have a provincial house at La Fayette, Indiana, and a hospital at Eagle Lake, Me. (1906), with 27 Ttie present mother general is Sister Verena Schulte, patients, naving cared for 2682 patients since 1912. elected 1916, and the provincial superior is Sister At Auburn, Me., a boarding school was closed last M. Josephs. Recently deceased relinousof note are: year to give more space for class rooms. According Sister M. Leonarda. superioress of ot. Alexius Hoe- to 1914 statistics the institute had treated, cared for, pital, Cleveland. Ohio, died 2 November, 1916; educated and instructed 21,267 persons of both sexes Sister M. Engelberta, superioress of St. Francis as follows: 1255 aged, 1838 patients, 352 insane, 765 Convent, La. Fayette, Indiana, died 1 March, 1918; orphans, 17,057 pupils, up to 1921 the institute Sister Alexia, superior of St. Joseph's Hospital, counts 27 deceased Sisters of whom 2 were foundresses. Memphis, Tenn., died 26 Aug^ust. 1919. New The communitv comprises 252 professed rdigious, founoations have been made as follows: in 1913, 27 novices, and 37 postulants. Sacred Heart School, Gallup, N. Mj St. Anthony's Franciscan Sisters of Penance and Christian Charity, Orphanage^ Albuquerque, N . M .; St. Francis Hospital , — This congregation has its mother-house and novitiate Imiiuiapolis, Ina.; in 1914, St. Anthonv's Scnool, at Stella Niagara, N. Y., where there is also a semi- Columbus, Neb.; in 1915, St. Edward's School, nary for the education of girls, with 116 pupils in Lowell, Ind.; in 1916, St. Mary's Hospital, Gallup, 1921. In the Diocese of Buffalo the Sisters conduct N. M.; Immaculate Conception School, Cuba,

the Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart, St. Anne's N. M.; in 1917, St. John's School, Goshen, Ind.; im's. St. Michael's, Mt. Carmd and St. in 1919, St. Mary's Hospital, Memphis, Tenn.;

St. Joachim

John's (La Salle, N. Y.), parochial schools, having a St. Edward's School, Morrison, Mo.; St. Ann's

total of 2753 pupils under the direction of 136 Sisters. School. La Fayette, Indj in 1920, St. John's School,

St. Vincent's Orphanas^ in Columbus, Ohio, founded Earl rark, Ind.; St.!Francis School, Lumberton,

in 1875, now cares lor 248 orphans. St. Ann's N. M.; St, Stanidaus School, Omaha, Neb.; in 1921,

Foundling Asylum was founded in 1908, and in 1921 St. Mary's School, Huntington, Ind.: school at San

took care of 109 infants. In these two institutions Fidel, N. M. The present number of foundations is

34 Sisters are employed. The Sisters conduct six 76, including 21 hospitals, 50 schools, 3 orphanages,

parochial schools in the Diocese of Columbus^ where 1 home for we aged; and St. Francis Convent. The

1920 children are educated under the supervision of community numbers 830 professed religious, 66

52 Sisters. St. Aloysius Academy in New Lexington, novices^ and 15 postulants.

Ohio, was founded in 1875. There are 147 pupils Missionary Franciscan Sisters of the JmmaeuUiU

in attendance here, with 28 Sisters in charge. In Conception. — ^This congregation has its mother-house

Charleston, W. Va., the Sisters are in charge of the and novitiate in Rome and a branch novitiate at

Sacred Heart School which has 344 pupils. The two Newton, Mass. It was founded ia 1873 by Mother