Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/747

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Her mother was a Catholic; her father an Episcopa- Mass for a month or two years, three months vacation lian. Colonel Fisher fell at the first battle of Manas- each year, etc., the time is to be reckoned from the sas, and his daughter remained loyal to his Confeder- moment to moment if the time is continuous as in ate ideals to the end. Beginning with "Valerie the first example, the months and years are to be Aylmer" in 1870, Christian Keid achieved enviable taken as in the calendar; if the time is not con- success as a writer of elegant fiction. In "The Land tinuous as in the second instance, week, month and of the Sky" she immortalized western North Caro- year mean seven, thirty, and three hundred and lina, and directly led to the development of the sixty-five days respectively. If the time referred mountain coimtry of that State. Her war drama, to consists of several days, or of one or more weeks, "Under the Southern Cross," with its impassioned months, or years, and the term from which the presentation of the views of the South upon the con- period is reckoned is mentioned expressly or im- stitutional right of secession, has enshrined her name plicitlv: (a) months, and years are taken as in the in the hearts of the Southerners. In 1887 she married calendbar: (b) if the term coincides with the beginning James Marquis Tiernan and accompanied him to of the day, e. g., two month's vacation from 15 Mexico where she sojourned till his death in 18d8. August, the computation begins with the first date While there she wrote among other fiction "The Land mentioned, the term ending at the beginning of the of the Sun" (1894), one of her most interesting tales, last day of the same nimiber, t. e., at midnight of Early in life she was received into the Catholic Church 14-15 October; (c) if the term from which a period by Cardinal Gibbons, then only Vicar Apostolic of is reckoned does not coincide with the beginning of North Carolina. She practised her religion zealously a day, e. g., the fourteenth year of age, a year's and to her is mainly due the erection of the Church novitiate, eight days after the death of a bishopj of the Sacred Heart in her native town. In 1909 where, as in the first two examples, the timens begi Christian Reid was honored with the Lsetare Medal at the moment of one's birth, or of one's taking the by the University of Notre Dame. Between 1870 vows respectively; the first day is not counted and and 1915 she wrote more than forty novels, of which the term finishes at the end of the last day of th6 the following, in addition to those mentioned above, same number, t. e., one who entered the no^tiate are the best known: "A Daughter of Bohemia," on 7 September, 1918, completed the two years at "Heart of Steel," "The Picture of Las Cruces," midnight of 7-8 September, 1920; (d) if the month "Weighed in the Balance/' "A Little Maid of Ax- has no corresponding number, e. ^., one month from cady," "The Wargrave Trust," "The Secret Be- 30 January, the term will end with the beginning or quest," "A Question of Honor." the end of the last day of the month^ as the case

may be; (e) where acts of the same kmd are to be

TlexradentFO, Prefecture Apostolic of (de repeated at stated times, e.^., three years to perpetual

TiERRADENTRo), in Colombia, erected by a decree profession after temporary profession, three years to

of 13 May, 1921. The territory comprised in a new election, the time finishes on the same monthly

this prefecture was taken from the diocese of Popayan date as' that on which it began, but the new act

and entrusted to the Lazarists. No prefect has been may be peformed at any time that day.

appointed yet and no statistics are published. O^Donkbll in Iri^ Bed. Record, XI {191S), 50-58; V»«-

MssBBCB-CiusiTBBif, EpU. JUT. can., 04-101; Maroto, InatttU'

lime. Computation of (of. C. E., XIV— 726a).— '*»"• ~»- "^-32-

In reckoning time the following regulations haye been Tlnln, Diocebb or. See Knin

laid down in the Code (can. 31-4). A day consists of o »t j m

twenty-four continuous hours beginning at mid- TlnoB, Abcbdiocbsb of. See Naxob and Tinob

It is to be noted that whUe in canon law a day implies Z^^uS'^^TZ^'l^i.^l^AU^^iiT"^,^' continuity of time, a week does not; hence' any s^ven &^f ' , J^ri„'?.*^i7*„^Ji«5*I: J^P:

one may also foUow the true or mean local tune, or ^ ^ j^ g^ j^ Abraamian who resides at

itwf.fS2iX^*J^'w^'«^'^^r^S?)j^rrij^ ™^- The episco^ residence is at Saratow. By a

!^A f^«^^.^ZrlTuii^ ;.. J«S?fn^^n^^ Consistorial diciw^ 2 August, 1921. the boundaftes

?^n «te?^,T^ „.^ L^.^?^^ f^l^-SSn^ of the diocese were somewhSt ciangei by the separa-

in^ .HhI TL ^J^J^ri^^^H I^pitt.^ tion of five parishes which were added tb the diScese

?Kor;f^ .^n/«^ ^r^M.^^'a^H „«^^^^ of Jassy. the latest statistics available

^fe*^: ;f ?f,^5„„*°„„^r!?„;^lf *fc.^ .°° of wn^hich credit the diocese with 359,82

are those 823 Catholics

r«LvVJi;»-. i^ i-xl«i ♦!„« •rh.ZTZ.^Zl^iZ^^^.^^Al i^atm Kite: oo pansnes. 6 cnapeis ana o4 pnests oi uie

«.<«X J^fhf ^.il^Ufi^T Af w Hrf^J^n^v Armenian Rit4. This is thV only Ruiian diocese

wr^ect'uie^'htSal a^** Mo^ve" Z ^^ ^ «£ y, ^SL^^wiS^Si'bl^^

re/uirements of the lo^al civil law as to the time for ^2^f*1?.e*?i*se^,^ :SSa^"SSS S

i"^^ T^^r^hT^^A^.' r'^^tt Saratowhave 161 students making lower studies and

contrary is expressly agreed to by the contractmg ^ making higher etndies.


If a month or year is expressly or equivocally Tivoli, Diocese of (Tihibtinensis; of. C. £.,

mentioned, e. g., the month of February^ next year, XIV — 747b), in the province of Rome, central Italy,

it is to be taken as in the calendar. If the exact directly dependent on the Holy See. This see is

time at which anything begins is mentioned neither filled by Rt. Rev. Luigi Scarano, born in Trivento

expressly nor implicitly, e, g., suspension from saying 27 October, 1867, served as a canon and vicar general,