Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/749

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institutions. The endowment fund prescribed by Pactum Apostolicum, and the Eucharistic League is

the Japanese Government for the Catholic Univer- well supported, a diocesan Eucharistic Conference

sity was 600,000 yen, about 1300,000. Until this with a public procession being held each year. The

has been collected the university will exist only Knights of Columbus, Knights of St. John, Catholic

on tolerance. The University is now under the Knights of Ohio, Holy Name Society. National

Presidency of the Rev. Herman Hbfman, S J., who Catholic Welfare Council, Ladies' Catholic Benefit

was installed in 1913. Its Japanese address is Association, Catholic Boy Scouts, and several Polish,

Jochi Daigaku, Kojimachi, Tokio, Japan. Hun^^an and Slovak societies are in a flourishing

condition. The Catholic population is about 122,500,

Toledo, Archdiocese of (Toletanenbib; of. comprising Poles, Slovaks, Magyars, Croatians, Ital-

C. £., XIV->-755b.) in Spain. This see is filled by ianS{ French, Germans, Bohemians and Greeks.

His Eminence Cardinal Almarez y Santos, bom in During the war the diocese sent out 3 priests as chap-

Vallids, Spain^ in 1847; he studied in Salamanca, lains and took care of two camps, Perry and Ene,

was made a vicar sometime after his ordination, ana within its borders, in 1874 became canon magistral of the cathedral of

Salamanca. He was later made secretary of the Tong-king, Central, Vicariate Apostouc of

chapter, honorary chamberlain, preacher of the (Tom-kim Centralis), one of the divisions of the

Royal Chamber, and in 1885 was named secretarv to French Colony of the same name, in Asia. It is en-

the Bishop of Madrid and archpriest of that cathedral, trusted to the Dominicans, the present vicar apos-

He later oecame vicar capitular, and a professor in tolic being Rt. Rev. Pierre Munagorri y Obyneta,

the seminary and then dean of the chapter in 1891. appointea titular Bishop of Pit3rus 28 July, 1865.

He was appointed Bishop of Palencia 18 January, The episcopal residence is at Bui-tchu. Out of a total

1893. promoted to the archdiocese of Seville 18 population of 2,000,000 the vicariate has 219,250

April, 1907, and was proposed by the King for the Catholics; these are served by 22 missionary priests,

primatial see of Toledo 12 November, 1920, and 92 native secular priests, 129 seminarians, 615

transferred by the Consistory^ on 16 December. In churches and chapels, 75 stations, 3 orphanages, 2

1908 the King again honored him by namins him a hospitals, 366 native Tertiary Dominican nuns, 33

senator in virtue of personal title, and on 27 Novem- Amiantes de la Croix (native Sisters), and 15 Sisters

ber, 1911j he was created a cardinal priest. The of St. Paul of Chartres.

Cardinal is assisted by Rt. Rev. Matthew Colon y _ -.

Canals, an Augustinian Monk, who was appointed Tong-klng, Eastern, Vicariate Apostolic op

titular bishop of Andrapa and auxiliary at Toledo (Tom-kim orientalis; cf. C. E., VII — 774d), one of

29 July, 1921. The Archbishop of this see, besides ^^ seven vicariates comprised in the French colony

being Primate of Spain, is also Patriarch of the East of this name, in Indo-China. It comprises four

Indies. The Catholic population of the archdiocese provinces, Hal-duong, Kienh-an, Quanh-yen and

numbers 4(X),022; latest statistics credit it with Mon-cay, and includes a total population of 2,500,-

439 parishes divided among 33 archpresbyteries, 000. It is entrusted to the Dommicans of Spain^ with

940 priests, 489 chapels or sanctuaries, 75 convents official residence at Hai-phong. The present vicar is

with 130 religious and 1025 Sisters. B.t. Rev. Francisco Ruiz de Azua who succeeded upon

the resignation of Rt. Rev. Nicaise Arellano, 14

Toledo, Diocese op (Tolbdbnsis; cf. C. E., . April, 1919, after an administration of 13 years.

XIV — 579c), comprises 6969 square miles in the State Bishop Ruiz de Azua joined the Tong-king mission

of Ohio. In May, 1921, Rt. Rev. Joseph Schrembs, in 1893, was made provincial vicar of Eastern Tong-

appointed to this see as its first bishop 11 August, king in 1914, and was named coadjutor to the vicar

1911, was transferred to Cleveland, leaving behind and titular Bishop of Cardica 19 June, 1917. By

him a record of ten years accomplishments only latest statistics (1922) the vicariate has 53 secular

equalled by the work of the pioneer bishops of this priests, 30 clerics, 13 catechists of the first grade, 77

coimtry. Until the appointment of his successor, of the second and 41 of the third grade, and 153

Rt. Rev. John T. O^Connell acted as administrator, mission servants. Various schools and institutions

and on 30 November of the same year Rt. Rev. Sam- include a Latin school with 60 pupils, a theological

uel A. Stritch, chancellor of the Diocese of Nashville, seminary with 29 students, a college for catechists

was named the second bishop. with 53 students, a school under the Brothers of

The diocese (1921) contains 102 parishes, with 123 Christian Doctrine with 6 Brothers teaching 206 churches, 16 chapels, 21 missions and 18 stations, boys, 2 schools under the Sisters of St. Paul of One monastery of men, Redemptorists, at Lima, and Chartres with 13 Sisters teaching 177 girls. 4 houses of one of women, the Visitation nuns, in Toledo, as well Sisters of the Third Order of St. Domimc, with 104 as the Franciscan Minor Conventual Fathers and the Sisters, 9 orphanages caring for 106 orphans, 5 hos- Sisters of Mercy and Sisters of St. Francis (Polish pitals caring for 194 patients, 1 leper hospital with 80 Province) have been established in the diocese patients, 1 house of nursing Sisters of St. Paul of recently. There are now 136 secular and 45 regular Chartres, with 4 Sisters, and 2 homes in which orph- priests, about 700 Sisters of whom 160 are engaged in ans are received, with 33 children. The spiritual hospitals and refuges, 12 contemplatives, and the progress of the vicariate is best shown by the following remainder occupied in school work. A Jesuit univer- statistics for the past year: baptisms of catechumens sity and college, with 24 professors and 365 students, 362, baptisms of children of Christians 3488, bap- three academies, having 923 students, and ten high tisms of dying children of pagan parents 6374, con- schools, with 887 students, provide for higher educa- firmations 3099, ordinations 22, confessions 157,613, tion. Elementary schools number 84, with 457 communions 271,341, extreme unctions 1526, mar- teachers and 16,541 children enrolled. The diocese riages795. Christian communities 340. The native is well provided with charitable institutions, having Christians number, in all. 79,510. and the European 2orpr -^ "• - . - *-*--*


hanages, 2 homes for the aged, 1 House of the Catholics, 2000.

Shepherd, 4 hospitals, 1 working girls' home, a

community house, a settlement house, and a day Tong-ldng, MARrriME, Vicariate Apostolic op

nursery, in some places a commimity cnest provides (Tom-kim maritimus; cf. C. E., VII — 774d), one of

partial public support to institutions, and in a few the seven ecclesiastical divisions of Tong-king, in

strictly Catholic locidities district schools are taught Indo-China. This vicariate, erected in 1901, is still

by Sisters. Almost every priest is a member of the under the administration of its first vicar, Rt. Rev.