Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/759

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work houses arc assisted to some extent by the Govern- pines; to promote universal charity and look after the

ment. The Pia Unio Cleri." the Piopa^tion of the cooperation of Catholics in works of charity such

Faith, the Society of St. Vincent ae Paul and a as oispensaries, protection of infancy, aid to the poor,

temperance society are organised in the diocese. formation of clubs for women, guardianship of workers,

libraries, etc.; to help support Catholic institutions;

Tucson, DiocBSB of (Tucsonbnbib; cf . C. E. , to animate the CathoUc press, instruct the people in

XV— 84d), comprises the State of Amona, U. S. A., the truths of the CathoHc religion, and make manifest

an area of 133,068 square milg. This see is fiUed by the good works which the Chureh is doing in these

^second bishop, Rt. Rev. Henn Grwijon^ bom m idands, by means of reviews and pamphlets, and by

BrM^nais, PVance. m 1863, studied at St. Chamond, the creation of centers of instruction and recreation,

and was ordamed m 1887, appomted bishop 19 April, The opening of an electric plant in Tuguegarao and

1900. The CathoUc popiJation is made up of 8000 Apam, in the province of Cagayan, in 1921, promises

Americans and 43,000 Mexicans. The Franciscan to be of importance in the improvement of this terri-

Fathers, Discalced Carmelites, Marist Brothers and tory. By latest statistics (1922) the diocese co^n-

MissioMpr SoM of the Immaculate Hesxt of Mary, prises 26 parishes, 44 churches, 19 missions. 29

are established here, as well as the Sisters of St. Joseph, secular priests, 1 seminary, 30 seminarians, 1 college

of the Immaculate Heart of May, of Loretto, and for boys with 12 teachers, 1 college for girls with

Sisters of the Precious Blood. By latest statistics 9 teachere, 1 academy with 9 teachers and 260 girls,

the diocMe comprises 20 secular and 41 re^ar cler^, and 2 elementary schools with 16 teachers. A

is or^;anized among leration of women.

2600 pupils in schools and academies, 6 Indian schools,

1 orphanage with 100 inmates, and 4 hospitals. Tnlandngo, Diocese op (db Tttlancingo;

■iHi/.ii«»««i rfc,.x^«,o« ^« ^T>TTr.TT,«AmT.^TCTc. ^ cf. C. E.,XV — 86a .) , In thc stdtc of Hldalgo, Mcxico ,

^"""^r ^^^.^'i^^S^^'^f^lll.^.^J suffragan of the Archdiocese of MexicoT fet. Rev.

??^Mrn^2lK'Sl':^^^^^ P-- ^^^H^^- ^?T^ ^"^^^^ ^- ^^In^'

.r, Rt Riv. C^lo Echenique Alta^^^^^^ fe^edV^^i^STtolh?^^^^^ I^rS',

titular Bishop of Themesis, 10 December, 1914. ™„ r«^;«f~i ^^i,^ V^/^ r^X»r^«Ki, 7 ^

iS^^?gta*£ I^'OC^^^^^^^ m2,'"rd"^rf^lS^26^^^^ TtTe7e:

servea oy 0/ cnapeis. -^^ Tulancingo. The diocese comprises a Catholic

Tndela, Diocese op (Tudelensis; cf. C. E., population of 600,000; 62 parishes, 66 seminarians,

XV— 86c), in the province of Navarre, Sprain, suf- ^ religious congregations of men and 4 of women.

fragan of Saragossa. The "Annuario Pontificio" of _. „ __ ^ ^ ^ vr

1918 lists this diocese as united with Pamplona, but ^™"*' Diocese op (Tdtblensis; cf. C. E., XV—

the "Annuario Eclesiastico" of Barcelona unites it gjc)* comprises the dep^ent of Corrtise, in

with Tarazona, as the Bishop of Tarazona acts as France. Rt. Rev. Joseph M^treau, appomted to this

administrator of the diocese of Tudela. The terri- f© j? 1^3, died 24 April, 1918, and was succeeded

tory comprises 9 parishes, 28 churches, 4 convents \y^^' ™y- i®*^ ,x5?*®*' ^7 ^ ^°*^' France, m

of men and 9 of women, 56 secular and 36 regular 1868, ordained m 1891, served as a professor and

clergy, 20 Brothers, 1 seminafy, 30 seminarians, 1 prefect of the Carmehte school at Pames, pastor

coUege for boys with 5 teachers and 123 pupils, 1 and dean, nwmed vicar general m 1909 and arch-

college for girls with 8 teachers and 210 pupUs, 11 deacon of St. Girons, and appointed bishop 3 August,

elementary schools with 16 teachers and 512 pupils, 1»18- The ^^^^^ comprises 289 parishes, 340

2 asylums and 1 hospital. Six of the elementary secular priests 2 houses of missionanes, 1 com-

schools are assisted by the government. Two societies munity of Brothers conducting an asylum for

are organised among the laity and 3 Catholic peri- foreigners '*La Celette," 66 convents of religious

odicals are published. Schools of higher education women, 1 diocesan congregation of nursing Sisters,

are conducted by the Jesuits, with 198 boardifig and 1 upper seminary with 30 students, 1 lower seminary

22 day students, and by the Christian Brothers with 80 students, 2 secondary schools with 30

with 190 pupils. teachers and 220 pupils, 6 elementary schools for

boys and 42 for girls, 2 schools directed by religious orderSf 2 asylums and 9 hospitals. Two Catholic periodicals are published, "Semaine Religieuse and

01 Manna, ine nrsD oisnop 01 inis see, x\x, itev. Croix de la Corrftze," and 4 important associa-

Maurioe Patrick Foley, appointed 10 September, tions are oreanised among the laity: Catholic

1910. was transferred to Jaro 6 September, 1916, Association of French Youth, association for liberal

and his successor was named m the person of Rt. teaching of Corr^se, an association of the heads

Rev. Santiago Sancho, secretary to the Bishop of of Catholic families, and the Society of St. Vincent

Nuova Cacerss, appointed 5 February, 1917. The de Paul. During the World War 144 priests and 33

same year the Association of Christian Doctnne was aeminarianfl were mobilised from this diocese, and of

organized m the diocese and m 1918 a major and the number 8 priests and 9 seminarians gave up their

mmor seminary was established in the coUege of ijves, 3 were decorated with the ligwn d'hanneur,

San Jacinto, under the direction of the Fathers of 2 with the MidaiUe JIf iiitetre and 67 with the eraix

the Order of Preachers. A new building was added ^ guerre. to the girls' college in the diocese, to be used as a

dormitory. In 1920 an important development Tunja, Diocesb op (Tungensis; cf. C. E.,

in the progress of the diocese occurred with the foun- XV — 90c.) in the State of Boyaca, Colombia,

dation of the Catholic Federation of Women of suffragan of Bogota. Since 24 June, 1906, this see

Tuguegarao. The objects of this society are many: has been filled by Rt. Rev. Antonio-Edwardo Mal-

to procure the union of all Catholics in the Philip- donado y Calvo. Bom in Bogota in 1860 he studied