Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/784

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tions are: Seattle 315,312; Spokane 104,437; Tacoma Sound. Garrisons of the regular army are main-

96,965; Bellingham 25,585; Everett 27,644; The tained at Spokane, Seattle, Vancouver, and three

composition of the population is as follows: whites coast defence points at the entrance to Puget Sound

1,319,777; negroes 6883; Indians 9061: Chinese 2363; and one at Bremerton Navy Yard. Japanese 17,387. There are 1,069,722 native whites. Reugion.— In 1916 there were in the State 97,418

of whom 711,706 were of native parentage; 214,618 or Catholics; 43,293 Methodists; 30,559 Presbyterians;

foreign parentage; 143,398 of mixed parentage. The 18,248 Baptists; 20,435 Lutherans; 17,521 Disciples

foreign-bom whites, numbering 149,686, came of Christ; 16,137 Congregationalists; i0,881 Epis-

chiefly from Sweden (34,793), Norway (30,304), copalians. Details of the condition of the Catholic

Germany (22,315); Canada (42,988). Of the popular Church in the State are given in the articles on the

tion ten years of age and over, 1.7 per cent or 18,526 dioceses of Seattle and Spokane, were illiterate. Education. — ^The laws that govern private and

Economic Conditions. — ^The number of farms in parochial schools are as follows: All schools publicly

1920 was 66,288; an increase of 10,096 since 1910. supported shall be free from sectarian control or

The value of the farm property was $1,057,429,848; influence (IX-4). Private schools must be approved

of the live stock $82,316,130; and of all crops (1920) by coimty superintendents. American history and

$227,212,008. The chief crops were: wheat 41,837,- government must be taught in all high schools. In

090 bushels, $91,206,642; oats 8,073,481 bushels, 1920 there were 373,108 children between the ages

$8,073,481; barley 2,249,856 bushels, $3,374,792; com of five and twenty; of these. 257,332 (69 per cent)

901.905 bushels, $1,623,433; potatoes 5,866,710 attended school. In the public schools formal reli-

bushels, $12,320,093; hay 2,013,913 tons, $47,717,- gious teaching or regular reading from the Bible is

065; hops 1.615,761 pounds, $727,092. not permitted, but moral training is given and moral

The total number of farm animals for the assess- principles are inculcated. Provisions were made in

ment of 1919 was given at 1,787,871 at a total value 1919 n)r the establishment of continuation schools or

of $77,572,066, while the dairy industry shows for part-time classes for all children under eighteen,

the same year the following result: butter 5,899,678 state aid being provided; also for the establishment of

pounds, $3,296,726; cheese 84,868 pounds, $28,006; a division of agriculture at the State College at

total value of dairy products $27,620,231. Washington^ ana a new Normal school at Centralia.

According to the Census of Manufactures in 1919, Education is compulsory for all children between

there were 4,919 establishments, employing 150,482 eight and sixteen years old. In 1920 the 2150 schools

persons earning for their services, $225,757,000, and IumI 7113 teachers and were attended by 247,688

producing goods worth $809^635,000. The capital children, elementary schools and the 281 hu^ schools

mvested was $553,125,000. The assessed valuation had 1795 teachers and 1000 students. The total

of real property in 1919 amounted to 722,761,254; expenditures for the year was $22,414,510. The

of personal property, $179,764,087. The outstand- average monthly salary paid to male teachers in 1918

ingbonded debt was paid off in 1911. was $97.38; to women teachers, $69.33. The annual

The whole fisheries output during normal times expenditure for each child has been conservatively

amounts to between $10,000,000 and $20,000,000 estimated for that year as $67. Beside the State

annually, the wide difference being causea chiefly institutions, there were in 1918, 135 schools under

bv the fluctuation of prices and difference in the sise private and sectarian management. The 12 Catholic

of the salmon run from ^ear to year. In 1917 an academies for girls show an attendance of 933 pupils,

exceptional year for pnces — ^the total value was and the 46 parochial schools with 7773 pupils save

$22,654,688. During the past 30 vears the value of the State an annual expense of $520,000. The

salmon taken from the waters of the State of Wash- Catholic charitable institutions housed ana supported

ington has amounted to between $200,000,000 and 56 orphans and 50 aged and infirm persons. The

$300,000,000. In order to encourage the fishing State university had in 1919, 52professors, 28 aasodat-

industry both the Federal and State governments ed and 60 assistant professors, 55 instructors, 32 as-

maintain hatcheries in the rivers and lakes and plant sistants, 16 graduate assistants, together with a music

millions of fry annually. staff of 12 members, and 2,547 students.

The total land area of the state is 42,775,040 acres. Recent Legislation and Histobt. — In 1911 the Of this approximately 11,983,340 acres are included public service commission was created, and the in the forest reserves and closed to entry and over two nomination and election of judges of courts of record, million acres are untaxed in Indian reservations, and original and appellate, on a non-partisan judiciary over four million are private timber lands. The ticket were provided for. The initiative, referendum, lumber, lath, and shingles manufactured in 1918 and recall amendment to the constitution was leached 4.603,123,000 feet. The coal mines pro- adopted in 1912. In 1913 an industrial welfare duced in 1918 4,082,212 tons of coal. The foreign commission was created wil^ power to fix the mini- trade of the State was as follows: (1918) imports, mum wage for women. In the same year, mothers' $326,981,279; exports, $258,006,441; (1919) imports, pensions were provided for, juvenile courts created, $195,918,797; exports, $292,374,345. a State Humane Bureau established to provide for

The fourteenth census gives the number of farms incompetents, children, and minors, hospitals for

in Washinfl;ton as 66,288 (an increase of 10,096 since tuberciolosis cases provided for, the death penalty for

1910), witn a total area of 13,244 J20 acres, exactly murder was abolisned, teachers' pensions and retire-

31 per cent of the land area in Washington. The ment funds were created, and a department of

area of improved land in these farms was 5,520,308 agriculture established. The Federal Prohibition

and the value of all farm property was $496,439,617. Act was ratified on 13 January. 1920; the suffrage

The area of drained land was 94,924 acres. amendment on 22 March, 1920. Divorce is granted

The railroad mileage of the State is 8046; the total now when the parties are estranged and have lived

mileage of navigable rivers is approximately 1200. separated and apart for eight }rears or more and the

In 1911 Seattle took advantage of the new port- court is satisfiea that the parties can no longer live

districting law and created the port of Seattle as a together, and in case of chronic mania or dementia

separate muncipality. The opening of the Panama of either party, having existed ten years or more. The

Canal resulted m negotiations by six leading Atlantic war with Germany caused a sudden expansion in the

steamship companies for docking facilities at Tacoma state's industrial activities, especially in ship-build-

and Seattle. The Federal Government has laree dry ing. An immense cantonment for the United States

docks and a naval depot at Bremerton, on Puget soldiers was established at Camp Lewis, outside of