Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/793

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33.2% since 1010. Of this number 29.5% was accordance with recognised interpretation of con- urban; 70.5 was rural. The average number of stitutional law , Bible reading in the public schools is inhabitants to the square mile is 2. as asainst 1.5 in not practised. School attendance for children be- 1910. There are 21 counties, 7 ot which have been tween the ages of seven and fourteen is compulsory, organized since 1910. Yellowstone Park is independ- In October , 1920, the 1477 public schools nad 150 ent of any county organization. There is one Indian male and 1800 female teachers, and 43^77 enrolled reservation. The largest cities are: Cheyenne, with pupils (21,376 boys and 21,701 girls). The expendi- a population of 13,829; Casper, 11,447; Sheridan, ture on education in 1919-20 was $4,173,828. In 9175; Bock Springs, 6456; Laramie, 8207. Of the 1918 the district tax revenues were $799,992.71: and whites (190,146), there were 164,891 natives and the eamines and income from practically all the 25,255 foreign-bom. The native whites included school lands was $485,252.06. In 1919 the State 122,884 of native parentage, 25,234 of foreign parent- University had 56 professors and 913 students. In age, 16,255 of mixed parentage. The foreigh-bom ^1917 the State accepted the terms of the Act of came chiefly from England (2505), Germany (2292), *Congress providing for Federal aid in vocational and Switzerland (2042). The population of ten education.

years of age or niore nimibered .150,993, of whom Religion. — The United States Census of Religious

3149 (2.1%) were illiterate. Denominations (1916), gives the following statistics:

Economic Status. — Manufacturing. — ^The latest Catholics 12,801; Latter Day Saints, Church of

census of manufactures (1919) reveals 576 establish- Jesus Christ, 9447; Methodist Episcopal 4293; Prot-

ments in Wyoming, 8095 persons employed , earning estant Episcopal 3890; Presbyterian Cnurch , U . S . A . .

a total of $12,891,267, and turning out products 2514; Congregationalists 1951; Baptists, N. C^ 1841;

worth $81,445,394. The capital invested was $82,- Disciples of Christ 763; Lutheran, Synodical Confei-

287,667 and the cost of the materials $42,250,528. ence, 704; all other denominations 301. For further

Mining. — The coal output for 1918 was 9,438,688 religious and educational statistics see Chetenns,

tons; the iron ore output 543,846 tons. In 1917 Diocese of.

2,027,857 pounds of copper, worth $553,605; 8,978,- Recent Legislation and History. — The initia-

680 barrets of petroleum, worth $11,()47,876; and tive and referendum was adopted in 1911 and the

182 ounces of gold, worth $3,762, were produced. nomination of candidates for public office by means

Agriculture. — ^Livenstock raising is carried on exten- of the direct primary provided for at the same time,

sively in the State, the statistics of 1920 being as In 1913 the marriage of white persons with negroes,

follows: cattle 869,000 head, valuation $32,640,000; mulattoes, Mongolians, .and Malays was forbidden,

sheep 3,200 ,0(X), valuation, $32,640,(X)0; horses The sale of cocame was regulated, an eight-hour dav

225,000; swine 63,000, worth $1.159,0(X): mules and for workmen on public works provided for, railroads

asses 4,000, worth $360,000; total value, $87,884,516. were made liable for injuries to and death of employ-

The wool product for 1919 was 18,411,773 pounds, ees. In 1915 were passed the following: a measure

valued at $8,064,838. In 1920 there were 15,611 placing the husband and wife on equal footing in

farms (an increase of 43.3% since 1910), having a regard to ownership of property, also an ei^t-hour

value of $334,410,590. The crop value in that year law for women, a Workmen's Compensation Bill,

was $30,270,630. The railroad mileage is 1924. and a mothers' Pension law. In 1917 the law

Ther are 172 telephone systems, covering 3(KX) miles authorized cities and towns to purchase land not

of wire. over 80 acres in extent for cemetery purposes. Full

Education. — The general supervision of public power is gifted to improve the land and to sell the

schools is entrusted to the superintendent of public plots to private owners in exactly the same manner

instruction: county educational matters are under as private cemetery companies. Any town estab-

the care of the district board of school trustees: lishmg such a cemetery must be allowed to do so only

district educational matters under the district board by a referendum vote. The Federal Suffrage -Act

of school trustees. The state Board of Education, was ratified on 28 January, 1920, the Prohibition

created in 1917, is composed of seven members, at Acton 16 January, 1919. During the European War

least two of whom are actually enga^d in educational Wyoming's contrioution to the United States Army

work. The state superintendent is a memb^ ex- was 11,393 men (.30%). The Wyoming members

officio, and with the approval of the governor appoints of the national armjr formed a part of the 9l8t Divi-

the other members oi the board for six years. The sion at Camp Lewis, Washington. The summary

State Commissioner of Education is secretary of the of casualties among the Wyoming members of the

board. The law governing private and parochial American Expeditionary Force is as follows: deceased,

schools is: No mone^^ shall ever be appropriated to 2 officers, 231 men; prisoners, 3 men; wounded, H

any sectarian or religious institution or society. In officers, 426 men.