Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/795

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Tap, See Carounb Islands none others, should be allowed to vote or hold office." ^ , __ • "And we hold those churches to be evangelical

Yli-kiaB«, Vicariate Apostolic op (Fuchow or ^hich, maintaining the Holy Scriptures to be the

Eastbrn KiANChsi; of. C. E., VIII-«34d), in China, only infaUible rule of faith and practise, do beUeve in

was formerly erected under the name of Eastern the Lord Jesus Christ (the only begotten Son of the

Kiang-si on 26 April, 1886, it was changed into Father, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, in whom

Fuchow on 25 Apnl, 1920: finally, by a decree of 1 dweUeth the fullness of^the Godhead bodily, and who

June, 1921, at the demand of Mgr. Clerc-Renaud, was made sin for us, though knowing no sin, bearing

Fuchow, which IS a common name m China, was our sins in his own body on the tree), as the only

changed to Yii-kiang. It comprises 4 districts, name under heaven, given among men, whereby we

namely, Fuchowfu, Kienchungfu, Kwamgsinfu and must be saved from everlasting punishment." laochowfu, covering an area of about 21,621 square Outside of America the membership qualification

miles, has a total poi>ulation of 8,000,000 ai^ is varies, the British organization admitflng to full

entrusted to the Lasansts The vicar is Rt. Rev. membership "any person who gives decided evidence

Jean-Louis Clerc-Renaud, Lazarist, titular Bishop of of his conversion to God." while in Holland no

Blis, b. 18 June, 1866, appointed vicar Apostolic of restriction is made. A red triangle is used as the

Kiang-si, 10 August, 1912, consecrated 3 Novem^r, insignia of the Association, the color signifying sac-

dcar Apostolic of Fu-chow m October, 1920 (Yu- rifice, and the three sides, the body, mind, and spirit

Kiang m 1921) . He resides at Yu-kiang. There are to be consecrated to God.

in the vicariate (1920 census): 29,642 Catholics, The Association is a combination of civic units.

2868 catechumens, 15 European and 4 Chinese each independent, which combine to form state and

Lasarist priests, 13 native priests, 393 Christian national organizations. Salaried officers (usually a

settlements where a mission is preached every year, general secretary and an executive secretary, and

24 residences. 24 churches, 117 public chapels, 12 other minor officials), conduct the affairs of each unit

oratories, 141 schools of prayer with 2509 pupils, luider the supervision of the Board of Directors, who

3 primary schools with 72 pupils, 30 catechists with are elected by the active members. There are also

1702 students. The Sisters of Charity have a house committees of members, composed of volunteers, to

with 262 teachers. whom is assigned supervision over various activities.

VAfiviff iur««if. ra,«4.M«« a.««« a« ;«f^*_ There are in the Umted States three training schools

TonZIg Men's OnXiStian ASSOClatlOlL — ^An mter^ r « »»p-pf«-iAft nnA at nhirium on« at PlnnniTfipIrl

national, interdenominational, Protestant, lay organi- m-T ^^^nHt Na^^' ^d four^^Sme^

sation, founded for a predominantly religious purpose, ^^V t^ihT^meim^^

but aiming now at the spiritual, intellectual, physical of dSeaatL from Se SX^ hdd eve?v K ve^re

and sociaf improvement (a) o/ its members; 0)) of no unT^t ote^rvL^S^^

young men in general, and (c) of boys, the young men ^^JS^li^^^t^a^^?^^^ ^yt^A

""gene^- Description: Government, Char- fflf^io'S^^'&^SlS t

Acn^R--IJie to tiiee^^^^^ ^he^In^S^^^^

of Its foundation Its members were at fostl^t^t^^ ^^ organizations meeting annually or biennially,

^L^^^J'^V^^Jf^l simile inform to the natic-' ^-^" '^- -^-^ -

pg to any Protestant ^£ ^^^^ ^^^ general ores

ucuvuAiuauuu, <w wcai 00 lucujbers of those Protestant i:-v_«-,x .r _ * ^wn «n5*j

denominations (e. g. Unitarians) not at first included. ^"^®^^ oi new avic uni« 

Accordingly two classes of members were thereafter ^^^^^J^.^l^^ntlf

recognised: active and associate. Only active mem- ^ilTtL Pfh^ ^nLf^

bers^ave the right to vote and to hold office in the ^®^ ^^^ ^*?® oreamzation and venr often roommff

AsKKjiation. To be eligible to active membership *<^^^^^?, ^°' ^^^^^ ^umber of mdividua]

one must be a member in regular standing of ai members While each civic unit naturally does not

"eva^icjd^' cSirch Any ^ng man of good participatemalltheactmtia, theworkof theorgan-

moiSrSiaracter is eligible for issocilte memberSiip. Jf^t^^?„S,5„^^tei^^^^^^ tt^^rX^?;

While the "evangelicfl test" for active membership S?i' J°^iSj"fi' f,^^^^ Vn7\*JPwTv

has varied accor&ig to country and time the "Port- Men s, ,?f;i^^^»]' ^^^^

land test- of the iTnited States organization is the ^l^^^^^'^RfP^^lt^ ""^^^IZ

clearest definition of what is meant by "evangeUcal" ^, P*"* ^^ °^°y <»°J®" *^ immigrants. In the

(^^tianTthe title being practicau/synom^usly educational department are mcluded j^ncraKusually

ised). This test, so-calll(f because^^/at the ^8^*) ^"^S?^vj;°Sjl??fl^,L'£^^ *^i?%

Portland convention in 1869, states: '^ThTt, as these ^^^^ oo-ordmated with it are the Bible classes which

orranisations bear the name of Christian and profess "e a feature of nearly every unit, bemg conducted

tol)e engaged directly in the Savior's service, so it is ^^"^P ^.^^3^ by laymen. The^roens«» of the

clearly the& duty to maintain the control and manage- organizations are met by the membership dues and

ment of all their affairs in the hands of those who p^ by contnbutwns from the pubhc . the latter amountmg

fess to love and publicly avow their faith in J^us, Jf^y to about 26% of the whole, a custom mten-

the Redeemer, as divine, and who te^tify their faith tionaUy adopted as a means of sustammg mterest m

by becoming and remaining members of churches the Association and ite work, held to be evangelical; and that such persons, and History .—The Y. M. C. A. received its name and