Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/82

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Mgr. Augouard's unfailing charity endeared him to spiritually by the priests of the respective place

the simple natives, for in spite of his manynsided and also by some of the priests who were prisoners,

activities as engineer, aclministrator, professor, The troops as well as the prisoners and the wounded

physician, geograpner, he was above all bishop and were provided with good literature. The collec-

apostle. • tions for charities during the war amounted to

- - -^ ^ . „ 3,000,000 marks. The Catholic Press Association of

Augsburg, rhoa»B OP (Augustan Vindbli<^xjm; Bavaria alone published, from 1915-1918, 24,272

cf. C. E, II-73b), in Bavana, Germany, suffragan books. The pastors of Augsburg weekly distributed

of the Archdiocese of Mumch-Freising. The diocese 2,400 copies of the "Katholische Kirchenzeitung" of

w divided into 60 deaneries and has 871 parishes, Augsburg, and the Aurische Presse at Donauworth

35 parochial curacies, 263 benefices, 235 chaplaincies, likewise distributed fortnightly 3,000 copies of its

and 14 mission stations. There are about 1,300 gpiendid periodical "Raphael." churches, 21 monasteries, 1 archabbey and 2 abbeys jhe present bishop of Augsburg is the Rt. Rev.

rrr \ H 1 \T lu 1 • — ;•' J 1..T ^L • I Disnop OX AugsDurg 15 Aiarcn, iwk, consecraiea

(/foc/wc;iute) has a theological an^ 20 July following. He was made a prelate, assistant

faculty with 19 prof essore and 178 students. There ^^ the pontific3^ throne, 28 March. 1908. are also m the diocese 23 Hohere Schvlen (9 and 6 '^ '

years classical course), which are state and non- Angnstinians of the Assnmption (cf. C. E., sectarian institutions, with 587 teachers and 6^60 I-I04a).— This congregation, founded in 1845, at the students, 21 for girls, of which 1 is a government CoUege of the Assumption at Nimes, has increaaed school, the others are conducted by Sisters and are its work during recent years in spite of the religious denominational for resident students; 6 asricultural persecution rigorously pursued in France since 1900, winter schools, 1 industrial continuation school. The and the general destruction accompanying the elementary schools are state and denominational World War. In addition to the four apostolic and number 900, with 2,500 teachers and about schoolcf, called alumniates, established in Belgium, 95,000 students. one was founded in Holland during the war for the

The following societies exist among the clergy: education of Dutch children, another in London for Association of Priests, 1,220 members; Marian Con- English subjects, and two in Chile. The war having gregation of Priests, 500 members; Unio Apostolica, facilitated the return of religious to France, the 180 members; association of lecturers or catechists, congregation has re-established itself there as far as 30 members; association for the support of sick possible, having three apostolic schools, welfare cen- priests, 1,050; fire insurance association, about 200. ters, and eight houses of residence. Since 1910 Prominent among the numerous religious, political, three foundations have been made in the Argentine, and social organizations of the laity are : 107 Cath- at Buenos Aires, where in addition to preaching, olic workingmen's associations (6,956 members); 15 religious have the care of welfare centers, an 36 Catholic workixi^omen's associations (3,576 association for Catholic youth, an association of members) ; 5 Catholic merchants' associations (800 young girls called "Noelistes," and social fratemi-

. . _ . during

19 associations for women servants (1,200 members); war. Expelled by the Turks, after some of their 10 associations for men servants (2,180 mem- number had been imprisoned for two months, and bers) ; 442 Catholic mothers' associations (28,0(X) re-entering France after a variegated journey across members); 115 press associations (139 corporation Russia, Sweden, and England, crossing the North members, 6,200 individual members) ; 1 academ- Sea and the English Channel in spite of the danger ical association (105 members) ; 3 mission associa- of submarines, 150 religious returned to tiie Orient tions, 9 altar societies, 150 Marian congregations as soon as the war was over, to re-establish their (5,000 members) ; 21 Csecilian societies (600 mem- works there and the houses more or less impaired bers); 620 farmers' associations (17,000 members); by the war. Twenty houses, colleges, and schools Caritas Association (310 branches) ; People's League have been reopened. The College of Philippopoli, (248 branches, 15,320 members). Eight periodicals in Bulgaria, in its new buildings in the center of are published in the diocese. the city, recognized and endowed by the IVench

The following important events have taken place Government and patronized by the Bulgarian Cov- in the diocese since 1907 : Creation of an auxiliary emment, is more prosperous than ever. The bache- bishop in 1907; an addition was built to the semi- lor's degree conferred there is recognized by both nary m 1912, and a theological course of four y;ea» the French and Bulgarian Governments, IVench was introduced, 1912-1914; a home for poor priests and Bulgarian bein^ the two official languages of was opened at Fiissen; a diocesan S3mod was held the college. Bulgarian ministers and officers have in 1919 and Catholic Congresses (Katholikentage) graduated there. The schools at Vame and Adri- were held in 1910 and 1921. anople have been erected into colleges since the

Throughout the war the clergy did all in their war. power to give spiritual aid and comfort to the Fr. A. Vanhove, formerly superior of Notre Dame soldiers and imselfishly ^ave their services in be- de France at Jerusalem, was named superior of half of their countiy. Eight priests were wounded the missions in the Orient in 1918, and died in on the field of battle, 19 served as chaplains in January, 1919, a victim of the catastrophe of the field hospitals, and 39 as nurses. In 1918, 161 of Chaouia," which foundered in the Strait of Messina the seminarians were in the army; of these 41 were on a floating mine. Fr. Michael d'Hondt and three killed, 3 were missing, and 4 were taken prisoners. Oblates of the Assumption died in the same disaster. One hundred and nine army hospitals and some Fr. Gervais Quenard succeeded Fr. Vanhove as maintained by private organizations were estab- provincial. At Kadikoi the school of higher Byzan- lidied in the diocese, which were regularly attended tine studies, the office of the review, "Echoa to by the clergy. The prisoners were cared for d'Orient," hajs gained new vigor under the directioa