Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 9.djvu/770

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tents are known through an inventory of the latter half of the twelfth century. It was extremely rich in ancient nutnuscripts, and must have been scattered in the latter half of the sixteenth century, probably be- tween 1579 and 1591; M. Morhreuil coniectures that when Giuliano de' Medici was abbot (1570-88) he scattered the library to please Catherine de' Medici; it is very likely that all or many of the books became the property of the king. Mazarin was Abbot of St. Victor in 1656. Thomas le Foumier (1676-1745) monk of St. Victor, left numerous manuscripts which greatly aided the Maurists in their publications. The secularisation of the Abbey of St. Victor was decreed by Clement XII, 17 December, 1739.

Councils were held at Marseilles in 533 (when six- teen bishops of Provence, under the presidency of St. Csesarius of Aries, passed sentence on Contimieliosus. Bishop of Riez), also in 1040 and in 1103. Several saints belong; in a particular wav to Marseilles: the soldier St. Victor, martyr imder Maximian; the soldier St. Defendens and his companions, mart3nrs at the same time; the martyrs St. Adrian, St. Clemens, and their twenty-^ight companions (end of the third century) ; St. (>prian. Bishop of Toulon (fifth-sixth centunes) ; St. Eutropius, Bishop of Orange, native of Marseilles, celebrated for his conflict wim Arianism and Semipelagianism (fifth century) ; St. Bonet (Boni- tus), prefect of Marseilles in the seventh century, brother of Avitus, Bishop of Clermont, and a short while Bishop of Clermont; St. Eusebia, abbess of the monastery of nuns founded by Cassian, and massacred by the Saracens with thirty-nine of her companions, (perhaps in 838) ; St. Tsam, Abbot of St. Victor, d. in 1048, at whose instigation Raymond B^ranger, (Dount of Barcelona, compelled the Moors to free the monks of L^rins; St. Louis, Bishop of Toulouse (1274-97), of the family of the counts of Provence and buried with the Friars Minor of Marseilles; St. Elziar de Sabran (1286-1323) a student of St. Victor's, and husband of St. Delphine of Sabran^ Blessed Bertrand de Garrigue, (1230), one of the first disciples of St. Dominic, founder of the convent of Friars Preachers at Marseilles; Blessed Hugues de Digne, a Franciscan writer of the thirteenth century, buried at MarseiUes (with Ms sister St. Douceline, foundress of the B^ guines) after having foimded near the city, about 1250, the Order of Friars of Penance of Jesus Christ. Hughes de Baux, Viscount of Marseilles induced St. John of Matha to found in Marseilles, in 1202, a house of Trinitarians for the redemption of captives; in this house the Trinitarians from Southern France, Spain, ana Italy held annually their (general Chapter. Near by was founded in 1306 a brotherhood of penitents who collected money in the city for the redemption of captives.

St. Vincent de Paul's first visit to Marseilles, in 1605, on a business matter ended with the saint's captivity in Tunis; his second visit in 1622, as chap- lain general was marked bv the pious and heroic fraud which led him to take the place of a galley slave. In 1643 he sent Lazarists to attend the hospital for convicts foimded by Philippe Emmanuel de Gondi, ChevaUer de la Costa, and Bishop Gault. The Jesuit College of St. R^gis was founded in 1724, at C!amp Major, for missionaries on their way to the East who studied there the various languages spoken in the commercial towns along the M^iterranean coast. The Jesuits also conducted the Royal Marine Obser- vatory and a school of hydrography. The hospital of Marseilles, founded in 1188, is one of the oldest in France. Anne Magdaleine de Remusat (1696-1730), daughter of a rich merchant of Marseilles, who had entered the convent of the Visitation of St. Mary, 2 October, 1711, sent word to Mgr Belzunce that on 17 October, 1713, the twenty-third anniversary of the death of Margaret Mary Alacoque, she had received certain revelations from Christ; in consequence a

confratemi^ of the Sacred Heart was foimded, and enriched with indulgences by Clement XI (1717): Anne Magdaleine published in 1718 a small manual of devotion to the Sacred Heart. The Marseilles mer- chants carried this devotion to Constantinople and Cairo and the society soon comprised 30,000 mem- bers. At the time of the plague m Marseilles (39.152 victims out of 80,000 inhabitants), Belzunce, follow- ing new revelations received by Anne Magdaleine, in- stituted in the diocese the feast of the Sacred Heart (22 October, 1720); later, on 4 June, 1722 at his in- stigation the magistrates consecrated the city to the Sacred Heart, as the first act of consecration formu- lated to the Sacred Heart by a corporate body.

Marseilles plays also an important part in the his- tory of the devotion to St. Joseph. As early as 1839 Bishop Mazenod decreed that Marseilles was to vener- ate St. Joseph as the patron of the diocese, and that wherever the churches admitted of three altars one should be dedicated to this saint. The church of Cabot near Marseilles was the first in the Christian world to be consecmted to St. Joseph as patron of the Univer- sal Church. The pilgrimage of Notre-Dame-de-la- Garde dates from 1214. In 1544 a large church was built on the hill overlooking Marseilles; in 1837 a statue of the Madonna was blessed there, and in 1864 was inaugurated a new sanctuary yisited daily by numerous pilgrims. In the church of St. Victor is the statue of Notre-Dame-des-Confessions or Notr&- Dame-des-Martyrs, said to have been venerated at Marseilles since the end of the second century. The pilgrimage of Notre-Dame-du-Sacr^-Cceur, at Ch4- teau-Gonbert, gave rise to a confraternity which now has almost one million members.

Before the law of 1901 on associations the Diocese of Marseilles counted Benedictines, Capuchins, Jesuits, Dominicans, Franciscans, Lazarists, African Mission- aries, White Fathers, Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Redemptorists^ Sales- ians, Brothers oi Christian Doctrine of St. GabneL Lit- tle Brothers of Mary, Brothers of the Sacred Iieart, Hospitaller Brothers of St. John of God, Clerks of St. Viateur, Fathers of the Sacred Heart of the Child Jesus. A number of religious congregations for women originated in the diocese; the Capuchins, and Nuns of the Visitation of Saint Mary, contemplative orders founded at Marseilles in 1623; Franciscan Sis- ters of the Holy Family, founded in 1851 imder the name of Soeurs de I'lnt^neur de J4sus et Marie; Sisters of Mary Immaculate, who take care of the dumb and the blind; Sisters of Our Lady of Compassion^ a teach- ing order; Sisters of St. Joseph of the Appantion^ de- voted to nursing and teachmg; Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, teachers (mother-houses of all the foregoing are in Marseilles) ; Sisters of the Holy Name of Jesus, a teaching order founded in 1832 (mother-house at La Ciotat), discalced Trinitarian Sisters, founded in 1845 by Abb^ Margalhan-Ferrat. who attend to the sick at home, to hospitals, and until recently to schools (mother-house at Sainte-Marthe). At the beginning of the twentieth century the religious congregations had under their care 5 cr^hes, 38 day nurseries, 1 asylum for the blind, 3 boys' orphanages, 21 girls' orphanages, 7 industrial work rooms, 4 socie- ties for the prevention of crime, 1 protectory, 1 dis- pensary, 1 general pharmacy for societies of mutual assistance, 4 houses of retreat and sanitariums, 4 houses for the care of the sick in their own homes, 1 in- sane asylum, 4 hospitals. In 1 905 the Diocese of Mar- seilles (last year of the Concordat) counted 545,445 inhabitants, 11 parishes, 82 succursal parishes, 9 vicariates paid by the State.

ChtUia ChriiHana I (nova, 1715), 1.627.078; tiMfncm.. 105- 118; ALBANts AND Chetalzkr, Cfoma Chritiiana novinima; MotmUU (Valoice. 1890): AlbanI^b. Armorial et aiffUlographU de* ivfque^ de ManeOU (Maneilles, 1884); Beuxtnck, L'anf»- mnU de CMiee d» MaraeuU tt la auceeeaion det ivifuea (ibid.* 1747-51); BtscARD. Lee iviquee de MareeilU deifw* SK^^