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Chriſt the Saviour of the world.

them he ſhall be ſaved: Mark xvi. 15. 16, 'Go ye unto all the world and preach the goſpel to every creature. He that believeth ſhall be ſaved; but he that believeth not, ſhall be damned.' Moreover, if it were not ſo, the unbelief of hearers of the goſpel, not elected, their not coming to Chriſt for ſalvation, could not be their ſin: For it can never be one's ſin not to do a thing he has no warrant for; nor to employ one to ſave him, whom God never appointed to be his Saviour. So it is not the ſin of fallen angels, that they believe not in Chriſt for ſalvation, becauſe they are not within the Saviour's commiſſion; nor of thoſe who never heard of Chriſt, becauſe his commiſſion never intimated to them. But not believing in Chriſt the Saviour is the ſin that ruins the hearers of the goſpel who do at all periſh, John iii. 16. , And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkneſs rather than light, becauſe their deeds were evil.' Finally, if it were not for the elect themſelves could not believe in Chriſt till, in the firſt place, their election were revealed to them: which is contrary to the ſtated method of grace: For they can never believe in Chriſt for their ſalvation, till they ſee him to be a Saviour for them.

There are two things farther to be remarked on this head.

I. The ground upon which Chriſt might